Chapter 18

Glory days and ways

Chapter 18

Areum POV


My eyes shoot open and the dark lighted room greats me. I’m sweaty, my hair is sticking to my face and tears are rolling down uncontrollably. I had another nightmare.

I sob silently and put myself into a resting position, using the back of my hands to wipe my face. It may seem babyish to cry over something like this, but once in a while I get extreme nightmares that put me in a very uncomfortable state.

Tonight, is one of them.

After furiously wiping my face, I press the home button on my phone. It’s only 11:23pm. There is no way that I can go back to sleep like this. My room just seems to unwelcoming right now. Being alone was the last thing I wanted.

What should I do?

My finger lingers over Chin-Hwa’s contact name. It’s late and I don’t want to bother him. But I also really needed to talk with someone. Before I could second guess myself again, I press his name.




I gasp. He answered so quickly!


“Hey Areum are you okay?!”

“I know this is *sniffle* going to sound pathetic *sob* but I just had a terrible night so far *sniffle* and I had a bad nightmare *sob* and I just wanted to talk. It’s okay *sob* if you want to sleep *sniffle* because I am probably disturbing you bu-



“You’re not disturbing me. Do you want to meet up?”

“Meet up? *sniffle* w-where?”

“Well my parents have that big summer house, we could go there for the night because I know the code to get in.”

“A-are you sure?”

“Anything for you babe.”

“I’m really sorry for being like this and annoying you.”

“Areum, your not annoying me. Lets just go there for the night and we can get our mind off of things. My parents check up on there once every month so there should be blankets and food.”

“Thanks so much Chin-Hwa.”

“Your welcome, how about I pick you up in like 20 minutes?”

“Okay, I will be ready.”

“ Stay strong Areum, everything will be okay.”


Beep Beep.

The line cuts off.

I very quietly get up from my bed and open my closet to change. I’m still in my pajamas and I wasn’t going to wear that out. I wasn’t going to get completely dressed eiether. I just want some nice comfortable clothes. I pick out a pair of black joggers and grey cropped hoodie. My hair was a wreck but the best I could do at this moment was a simple low bun. I grab my phone, put on a pair of runners and wait for a text from Chin-Hwa.

My phone vibrates, and I look at the message.

C: I’m here.

A: Okay, I’m coming.

I shove my phone into my pocket and start to make my way out of the house. I move with such delicate silent steps that even I’m proud of myself. I decided to exit through the backyard door because it makes the least noise since it’s a slide open door. Carefully, I open the door and close it. I heave a sigh of relief once I finally get out. From the backyard, I walk all the way to the front of the house and see Chin-Hwa’s car on my drive way. Upon seeing his car, I increase my pace and quickly get in.

“Hey Chin-Hwa thanks fo-“

I am stopped by his lips softly meeting mine. He pulls away and starts putting hair behind my ear.

“Areum, I was worried, how are you feeling?”

I melt at his kind gestures.

“I’m okay I guess, still pretty distressed.”

“Hey, were matching.”

I look down at his outfit and see that he is wearing grey joggers and a black hoodie. I giggle.

“Well, aren’t we cute.”

“Oh, I’m not cute.” He comments.

“Yes, you are!” I reply happily.

Without even realizing it I was already starting to feel better just within five minutes of his presence. I watch as his finger turns the keys and the car starts up again.

“Okay well we have to get going so we can get there soon.”

“Woah Areum! You’re not wearing a jacket!”

I put my head down and realize I did forget to put one on. Not to mention I am getting kind of cold.

“I brought a blanket for you, it’s in the back.”

“Thank you, Chin-Hwa!”

I see him smirk at my over excitement. I reach into the back seats and grab the fluffy brown blanket and snuggle into it. I let myself finally relax and put the worries from before behind me.


“We’re here.”

Chin-Hwa parks the car and we get out. Walking to the front door, I see Chin-Hwa slightly ahead of me pushing buttons.

“What are you doing?” I ask out of pure curiosity.

“I don’t have the key for the door, but my parents also have this code that we punch in and it opens the back door.”

Once he finishes his sentence, we hear a click signalling the back door is unlocked. I start to walk towards the direction when I feel Chin-Hwa’s hand slip into mine. I respond with a smile.

Actions speak louder then words.

I step inside and take a good look around. I always knew that Chin-Hwa’s parents had this place, but I haven’t been since I was a small child, so I don’t remember anything.

Warm brown and beige tones fill the house with elegant furniture and long couches.

Suddenly Chin-Hwa picks me up from behind.

“Ya Chin-Hwa! Put me down!”

He runs a bit and we can’t help but laugh. He then makes a sharp turn and throws both of us on a couch.

“What are you doing?” I say between giggles.

“To be honest, I don’t know.” He replies with a laugh as well. “Are you hungry?”

“Chin-Hwa, do you really have to have such intense eye contact?” I blush and turn away.

“Hmm, it makes you blush I see.” He says with another smirk.

“I’m going to slap that stupid smirk off your face.”

“Oh, I would like to see you try.” He challenges back.

When I think his guard is lowered I playfully lunge towards him, nearly right away he has gripped my wrist and puts our faces near each other.

Lips almost touching.

His voice speaks at a low whisper. “Your attempt was cute.”

Just as I thought he was about to seal the space between us he jumps off the coach and is heading for the pantry.

“Ya C-chin-Hwa!”

He sends a sly wink before he disappears into god knows where. I pull out my phone and check the time. It’s 12:47. I unlock my phone and start playing this random game. Frustrated that I keep losing, I keep restarting.

“I don’t think I have seen someone so into a phone game before.”

I turn my head and see Chin-Hwa with a bowl of chips in his hands. Ignoring the fact that he just made fun of me, I grab a big chip and plop it into my mouth.

Crunch, crunch, crunch.

“See I know you would be hungry.”

“I’m not necessarily hungry I just can’t resist a bowl of salty chips right in front of me.”

There was a moment of silence before Chin-Hwa speaks up again.

“Areum, do you want to explain what made you so upset?”

Immediately the bad memories and nightmares once again take control and flow into my mind. I shiver out of fear and wrap my arms around myself for comfort.

“A-areum, I’m sorry, you don’t have to answer, that was really stupid of me to ask.”

I feel his arms wrap around me and his hands start to subtly play with my hair.

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine Chin-Hwa.” I reply in a small whisper.

I find comfort and move into a more comfortable position against his chest. The soft couch and warm blanket against Chin-Hwa was irresistible. His soft hands lightly triwl my hair and I can’t help but slowly fall asleep.


My eyes flutter open. The natural sunlight that flows through the window indicates that morning has come.

I gasp.

I hadn’t even realised that I fell asleep against Chin-Hwa on the couch. Memories from the night before flow in and I can’t help but smile.

“What are you smiling about?”

I turn and see Chin-Hwa with messy bed head starring right at me.

Oh god.


“What time is it?” He asks while getting himself into a sitting position.

I grab my phone that was resting on the side table and see that it reads 7:52am.

“Its 7:52.”

“Hmm bright and early for a Saturday Morning.”

I wipe my eyes and nicely fold the blanket I used last night.

“There are two bathrooms upstairs, so we go freshen up in there.”

“Yes please!”

He gets up and I follow him up the stairs. We walk down a long hallway and then he points to a wooden door.

“This is the first bathroom that you can use. I’m going to use the one on the other side of the hall.”

“Okay thanks!”

I lock the door behind me and go straight to doing my business. Once I finish I wash my hands and face. I run my hands through my hair and redo my low bun. Once I’m finished freshening up, I exit the washroom.

I see Chin-Hwa get out around the same time as me. I smirk once I think of an interesting plan. He comes near me and I gasp.

“Chin-Hwa, what’s on your face?”

He looks confused and moves towards the bathroom once again to use the mirror. I follow him. He turns the light on too check his reflection.

“Areum, there is no-“

I grab the soap bar and smear a long streak down his face. He is shocked. But turns to a towel to wipe himself off.

“Areum, your so in for it.”

He quickly recovers and starts running after me. I scream and laugh and run down the stair case at a rate too fast. I didn’t even know where I was going. Before I know it Chin-Hwa grabs my hand before I can turn the corner into the kitchen and pins me against the wall for a kiss.

Immediately I respond into the kiss and we stay like that for a couple of moments.


Surprised by the unknown voice I push Chin-Hwa off of me so hard his head bangs against the wall behind.


I turn to the side and my jaw drops and I see My parents and Chin-Hwa’s parent sitting near the kitchen table in front of us.

“Good morning kids. I’m sure you didn’t expect us this morning, did you?”

I’m speechless at the scene. My eyes were bulge wide and I just couldn’t believe what was happening right now.

“M-mom, d-dad?” Chin-Hwa manages to stutter out.

I turn and snarl at him. “Didn’t you say your parents never come here during this time of year.”

“They don’t!”

Chin-Hwa’s mom clears and speaks up again. “I’m sure you two are wondering why we’re here.”

None of us answer.

“Why don’t I explain over breakfast hmm? I brought take out!”


We are sitting at the table all together and I haven’t even tried looking at my parents yet. I’m just feeling mad, stupid, and incredibly angry.

Chin-Hwa’s mom put some coffee and a bagel in front of both of us. There is silence before Chin-Hwa speaks up.

“How did you know we were here?” He grumbles at her.

“Chin-Hwa the alarm system on this place is connected to our phone, so whenever someone enters, or a door is unlocked we get a notification.

I glance at Chin-Hwa and see him shake his head, disappointed at the fact that he could miss such a small but vital detail like that.

“We looked around the house and noticed you weren’t here so me knew it was you who was here. We texted all the parents asking to check on their kids too see if anyone else was gone and It was only you and Areum.”

Oh no. I know what there thinking.

I turn to the parents and give a heartfelt statement.

“Aunty, uncle, mom, dad, please don’t misread the situation. We know coming here was wrong but we were just hanging out.”

I look at my mom and see her raise her eyebrows.

“Just hanging out huh?’ He questions, challenging me.

“Yes.” I nearly hiss back.

“So, then what was that scene that just happened a couple of minutes ago?”



Chin-Hwa cuts me off.

“We’re dating.”

I stare wide eyes at him for revealing it so suddenly. I really didn’t want our parents to find out now, especially not like this.

Out of nervousness, I bite my lip and wait for something to happen.

Then comes a squeal.

Chin-Hwa’s mom and my mom are fangirling with each other, saying random words and smiling. I take a glance at my dad. I can tell he is trying to be serious but the small tug on the corner of his lips shows how much he wants to smile. Everyone looks happy.

I hate it.

I was embarrassed, and everything just worked out in a way that I did not want it too at all. I tried to keep this on the down low for a while longer until me and Chin-Hwa were together for a longer time. Even though I should feel relieved that our parents know, I feel nothing but anger and embarrassment.

I’ve had enough of the shy giggles coming from our moms. I stand abruptly, and my chair makes a sudden loud squeaky noise. The anger was nearly radiating off my face when I spoke.

“Can we leave?”

My parents look shocked at my sudden question and try to calm me down. I ignore their action and proceed to leave. Seeing my distressed look, Chin-Hwa’s mom begins to worry and apoligize.

“Areum I’m sorry did we upset you?”

Instead of being nice and denying that she did anything wrong, my inner sassiness comes out and I can’t help but snarl my next comment at my parents.

“We need to leave now.”


Chin-Hwa calls after me but I ignore it, putting on my shoes I walk to the car and wait for my parents to unlock the door.

I step in and my parents come in shortly after. I see them exchange worried glances to each other, but I could care less at the moment. My mom clears and tries to speak to me.

“Areum, we are s-“

I cut her off. “I don’t want to talk.”

I know she’s pissed from my rude response, but I honestly can’t talk to anyone right now.

So that’s what I did for the whole ride.

I just tuned them all out.







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