The Royals


The king is being the king as always, I'm back and with a new chapter. I'm so thankful to you guys for your support of the previous chapter. Now this is a main chapter so I hope you guys like it. I'm updating right now because I'll soon end up going to my finals so I might update next week or the week after that.

Love you guys. Now please continue towards the story.

Minseok rode through the forest at a leisurely pace on his chestnut brown horse –Tan- since there was no one to race and the more exciting animals that he would prefer to hunt were all entering hibernation which meant that winter would be close. He rode slowly towards the royal castle as he thought about the recent days; his father’s health had been slowly deteriorating -which was expected for a man of his age- and he had been attending more lessons on how to rule the nation along with certain activities that he had to realize and the thing that Minseok hated the most: having to choose a bride. He knew his duty as the crown prince was to marry and he didn’t mind that, he just didn’t appreciate all the clans sending their daughters to his chambers in hopes that he would at least bed her and thus assuring a marriage to the king. Yet sadly for them, Minseok was a prude through and through and would send them away with a note to the head of her household explicitly explaining that if it were to be repeated once more then he would make sure that his father had them stripped of their power. Yup, a total prude as how Jongdae would call him. Minseok didn’t believe in unnecessary ual encounters if they were not with his spouse so he didn’t need to be lectured by him.

He sat up straight as he heard two a- no scratch that- 3 annoying voices all yelling the exact same thing: Minnie-Hyung! He simply sighed knowing that his siblings were quite special but he knew that he had to love them because if he didn’t then who would, sure their respective mothers’ but still.

“What do you lot want?” Minseok asked out loud as he got close enough to them to see them all charging towards them. “Yerim, you know you’re not supposed to be outside. You’re still recovering from your cold. And why in the world did you two let her go outside? Do you know what could have happened to her?”

“But Oraboni, I feel all better now besides Nini and Dae were mocking me and you know that my pride mustn’t be wounded by these two twats.” Yerim admitted as she skipped towards Minseok and petted Tan while looking at Minseok with her two puppy dog eyes to convince him that she was the one to be considered right. “Besides it’s not like anyone’s crazy enough to try to infiltrate their way into the castle just to they could try to kill us.”

Minseok simply sighed and shook his head at his youngest sibling’s words, he extended his hand towards Yerim who caught the message and grabbed it, being pulled up onto Tan. “Fine I’ll believe you for today but get on. Those two will walk back to the castle for being bad princes.”

“AH WAE!” Jongdae yelled as Jongin and he ran after Minseok who had told Tan to start jogging while Yerim looked back at them and stuck her tongue out at them. “WHY DO YOU ALWAYS BELIEVE HER?! I’M ALMOST SURE THAT IN THE FUTURE WE’RE GOING TO GET IN AN UNNECESSARY WAR BECAUSE OF YERIM! SINCE SHE’S A LIAR!”

“NO WE’RE NOT GOING TO GET INTO A WAR BECAUE OF ME! I’M AN INNOCENT SNOWFLAKE, ORABONI!” Yerim yelled back with a laugh making Minseok laugh as well, Jongin fell back onto the rich green grass of the castle grounds –not out of exhaustion but because he was sleepy and decided that it wasn’t worth it to follow his hyung and sister, they were on a horse he would never catch up- while Jongdae kept running behind them while cackling at what Yerim had said. “I NEVER LIE!”

“YOU’RE AS MUCH AS AN INNOCENT SNOWFLAKE AS I AM A !” Jongdae yelled as they reached the stables, not startling the horses since even the horses were used to Jongdae’s loud behavior. Minseok unmounted the horse then proceeded to get Yerim off of the horse and to lead Tan to drink a bit of water and then give his reigns to the stable boy who bowed down at him and Yerim.

“Dae, I don’t need information on your ual endeavors. Nor does Yerim, at this pace people are going to think the wrong idea about us.” Minseok looked at Jongdae with a face that clearly demonstrated that he was not amused by Jongdae.

“You’re such a prude, hyung. I feel bad for the future queen, having to be married to such a prude.” Jongdae teased Minseok which caused Yerim to giggle and Minseok to try and hit Jongdae with his riding crop but was stopped when he noticed his father’s squire –Seungjun- run towards them.

“Your Highnesses.” Seungjun bowed as soon as he got close to them.

“Is there anything you need?” Jongdae asked trying to refrain himself from laughing.

“Yes, the king demands your presence at the courtyard.” Seungjun replied as he delivered the message from his king. The 3 siblings walked with a rushed pace towards the courtyard, they saw their father, their respective mothers and Jongin who was being coddled by Queen Boa.

“Your Majesty, Your Highness’.” The 3 of them chimed in unison before a scolding voice popped out.

“Yerim, how dare you go out of your room with clearance from the royal doctor and without a maid to boot? I leave you alone with the maids for 5 minutes and you disappear.” Queen Boa started scolding Yerim who looked at her father for help but he simply turned away as his second wife scolded his only daughter but still looking with worry for his daughter. The king coddled his only princess more than anything.

Minseok noticed the look on his mother’s face as she looked at Yerim, he knew his mother yearned for a daughter more than anything yet she was never able have her. He knew that she loved Jongdae and him more than anything but he could tell that whenever she saw Yerim, her heart always broke. Because Queen Boa could still have more children and she couldn’t, the doctors would always give her this remedy that would stop her from conceiving any children. Queen Sohee rarely left her chambers or the library and if she did then it was for a ball –something that demanded her presence-.

“Why are we here Father? Not that I intend to be rude, I’m simply curious.” Minseok asked.

“You’ll see.” King Yunho said calmly. A few minutes later, Minseok heard the tell-tale sounds of the royal army’s horses charging towards the castle and thus the courtyard, he could see the figure of his younger brother Junmyeon charging the army towards the courtyard while being flanked by his father’s two most trusted commanders; Royal Commanders Oh and Choi.

“Your Majesty, the royal army has arrived and fulfilled your orders.” Junmyeon proclaimed with a loud voice as he got off his horse and kneeled in front of his father in reverence while the rest of the soldiers got off their horses and bowed down in respect for their king.

“Rise my son. You have all succeeded in your mission, you are all dismissed until further notice.” The king’s strong voice proclaimed and the soldiers rose to their feet before bowing down one more time and leaving in order and complete silence.

Junmyeon was given a hug by his father once the soldiers were out of sight –so he wouldn’t be embarrassed by his soldiers- before being suffocated by Queen Boa and Yerim who both equally squeezed him and coddled him while Jongin simply shook his hand –embarrassed at the prospect of hugging his brother in public- but was soon pulled into a hug by his elder brother and was even a victim of his hyung’s amusing affection. When Junmyeon was free from their grasp -Jongin was wiping his face with a look of disgust along with his blushing cheeks from being embarrassed by Junmyeon- he hugged Minseok and Jongdae who weren’t surprised.

“Oraboni, did you bring me what I asked you for?” Yerim tugged at Junmyeon’s arm who simply laughed at her before nodding which made her smile with the light of a thousand stars. Junmyeon loved Yerim more than anything, he coddled her almost as much as their father did and he supported Yerim in everything she did unless it were something stupid in which he would scold her.

Junmyeon ruffled her hair with a sweet smile. “It’s in my luggage, I’ll give it to you once we finish our dinner.”

“Thank you Oraboni!” Yerim squealed with a higher pitch and trying to crush Junmyeon with her hug who simply laughed out loud before embracing his younger sister and even lifted her off her feet and twirled her around.

“You’re welcome, now go back to your chambers. You’re ill and your intended won’t want to come see an ill princess.” Junmyeon replied as he flicked Yerim’s forehead, Boa mouthing out a thank you to Junmyeon who simple smiled.

“Fine, I’m going to my chambers simply because I desire to be healthy, it is not because of that other reason that you mentioned that isn’t that necessary for me.” Yerim claimed out loud with her nose pointed upwards, she left with the maids and a guard to make sure that Yerim wouldn’t try to run away.

“You’re the only person that she’ll listen too.” Yunho sighed as he shook his head while Boa simply coddled her firstborn. “Not even when I use the king voice will she listen to me.”

“Father, she knows that you’re too soft on her that’s why she refuses to listen to you.” Junmyeon laughed at his father before looking at Sohee who looked quite sad along with being very pale. “My Queen, I have brought some medicinal flowers that Doctor Kim said that would be good for your current health state.”

“Ah, thank you Prince Junmyeon, that’s too kind of you. If you could then please have them sent to my chambers, I must go and rest.” Sohee smiled at him before bowing slightly towards Boa and kissing Yunho on the lips softly before walking away along with her court maids.

“Junmyeon and Minseok come with me. We must discuss the news that your brother has brought.” Yunho said as he started walking towards the castle so he can make his way into the throne room. “Jongdae, you better not think about going to eavesdrop on the conversation. The same goes to you Jongin.”

“Yes father.” Both princes answered dejectedly as they walked along with Queen Boa who wanted to have them practice their swordsmanship.

The two eldest princes followed the king on their way to the throne room, the king’s most trusted royal commanders –Royal Commanders Choi and Oh- were standing in the throne room waiting for their king and his sons along with General Oh –who was Royal Commander Oh’s only son; Sehun- once the royals entered the room, the three of them bowed down to show their respect.

“Royal Commander Oh while you were away, General Oh has been a great support to the royal guard. He is truly your son.” Yunho praised his friend’s son as he sat down on his throne.

“I would expect nothing better from my son.” Royal Commander Oh said with a smile before looking over at his son who knelt down to the king after receiving the praise.

“Thank you Your Majesty.” Sehun said. “It is my pleasure to serve my king and his family.”

“That is great news to hear from you, General Oh.” Yunho said. “Now Junmyeon, I would like to hear from you the report of the information that you have learnt.”

“Yes father. We discovered that Emperor Hangeng of the Empire of Yiwen is currently dying due his poor health and that his second son will ascend to take his place on the throne.” Junmyeon informed with a stern tone.

“Why his second son?” Minseok asked before thinking, recovering as he noticed the look on the faces of the men who were in the room with him. "Yiwen follows the same rules as we do, eldest born male from the royal marriage is the one to ascend to the throne.”

“Well, his firstborn son is a bastard born from the Emperor’s favorite royal concubine that was legitimized a few years ago but only has ruling dictations after his younger brother.” Royal Commander Choi explained as he looked at the crown prince.

“And that the possible new Emperor doesn’t take too lightly to us and will most likely want to kill and invade us.” Junmyeon continued. “I’ve heard from our spies in Yiwen that he does not think that there should be any peace between us due to the fact that there is no royal blood lineage between the two kingdoms, not a single wedding between Yiwen and us. Thus Emperor Hangeng is considering war.”

“We have nothing to offer as a peace treaty for them, Yerim is betrothed to the prince from the Western Isles and if we end that engagement then we’ll have another problem on our hands, since the Western Isles are one of our biggest economic partners.” Yunho claimed. “And Yerim seems quite taken to him and I will not ruin her happiness just for that.”

“Could we not offer an economic trade to them?” Junmyeon asked.

“No my Prince, we don’t have anything that they don’t have.” Royal Commander Oh answered respectfully.

“How about a marriage offer?” Minseok asked after a few minutes of silence.

“Did you not hear father say that Yerim is not available for the marriage?” Junmyeon asked sarcastically.

“Not Yerim, what about me?” Minseok answered back with a stern expression. “The Emperor will clearly accept a marriage between his eldest son and me, a Crown Prince. If he went through such lengths to make sure that his bastard son were to become a prince then that means that the Emperor will only want the best for his son. Most of the men from the Yiwen have the capacity of being able to bear a child also if we were to enter a conflict with them then we would have a hostage.”

“That’s a good idea Your Highness.” General Oh exclaimed with surprise.

“Then if you are willing Minseok, I shall write to the emperor of Yiwen to propose the engagement.” Yunho said.

“I will do what I must do for our kingdom Father.” Minseok answered and Yunho nodded.

“You are all dismissed.”

Junmyeon entered his room and the first thing that greeted his sight were his belongings in the room and he called a maid to take to Queen Sohee the medicinal flowers and to give Yerim his gift as he was tired but was waiting for someone. So he began to read one of his old lesson books regarding the history of the nation.

Soon it was midnight and he heard someone knock on the door, he got up from his chair and paced towards the door opening it slightly and tried to look like he was irritated with his visitor. “I’ve been waiting for quite a while for you to get here, General Oh.”

“Your Highness, don’t call me that.” Sehun whined before entering the room and pushed Junmyeon to the wall next to the door and leaned down to whisper into Junmyeon’s ear. “I want to hear you call me by my birth name as you beg me for more. And I want to call you by your name.”

“Then why aren’t you making me beg to you, Sehun.” Junmyeon breathed out softly before Sehun captured his lips in an intense kiss in which the objective was for both of them to be without any air and they were soon making their way towards the bed where they would lay for quite a while as both of them would be consumed with pleasure soon enough.

I had to do it. Seho is a strong couple that no one acknowledges. Well, that is until Kris or Lay come in.

So what did you guy think about the chapter? What do you think of Minseok? Please give your opinion in the comments.

Yeri is my baby and I just remembered Kai's reaction last year when Suho told him that she had an accident because she wasn't performing with RV at MMA and he looked so sad and shocked. So I had to make them siblings beside Yeri is my baby, i don't care what y'all say. Beside RV and SNSD were robbed in MAMA.

So please suscribe, upvote and comment/review. If there are any questions or constructive criticism then please make them. See ya next chapter and always support EXO and the 3 members who left.

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bora_xiuhan #1
Chapter 13: I need un update soon TT It is beautiful
SuhoSandi #2
Chapter 13: oh my authornim, I can't even express my happiness when I found your update...thanks so much! eeek finally their wedding!!!
flowergirl #3
Chapter 13: Aww Yifan is captivated with Junmyeon’s looks but I hope they develop a deeper, more emotional relationship if they’re going to be happy together! Thank you for the update!
Chapter 13: I am so happy seeing the new update. Thank you so much. :)
2438 streak #5
Chapter 13: Jun's wedding outfit is fireeeee! all the reds, golds and yellows!!! the jewels and the decorative pieces! im sure it's beautiful!!! the phoenix even!!! and I'm also certain Jun looked so beautiful in it! and seeing how smitten Yifan was when he saw Jun, I'm even more certain that i am right! HAHAHA

may they have a blessed marriage indeed!
thank you for the update authornim! good luck on your studies!
2438 streak #6
Chapter 12: well, if Jun had Sehun... ofc Yifan had someone too!
everybody in Yifan's land has been smitten by Jun already! i like that, it's just a matter of them two actually falling for each other or not... but Jun just seems so lovable and nice, and he's determined to maintain the good relationship of his homeland with the land he's in now, so i doubt he'd act ruthless or anything... let's see :)

thank you for the update authornim! it's really been a while! :)
fiqahaina #7
Chapter 12: Not surprise when yifan has his side biss..but yeah im rooting for junmyeon to be a lovable person for his country. Hwaiting authornim!!
flowergirl #8
Chapter 12: TT if Yifan hurts Junmyeon I’m going to kidnap Sehun and we will go kidnap Junmyeon together TT
Why my heart starts to ache for Junmyeon? *sigh*
Thanks for the update :)