Tell Me the Words You Long to Hear

Break the Cycle
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In a hidden office, tucked away in the midst of the bustling city, the atmosphere crackled with tension. The feeble light struggled to reveal the figures, their identities cloaked in the shadows. The man's voice, a mix of authority and secrecy, cut through the silence.


"Everything's falling into place, just like you predicted."


The woman, equally enigmatic, replied calmly, "Their strength is also their weakness. The bonds they share will be their downfall."


The man, still veiled in obscurity, leaned in slightly, an elusive figure in the dimness. "It's the perfect time. Stick to the plan. We can't afford any surprises."


With a subtle nod, the woman confirmed the orders, her determination unwavering. The chess pieces were in motion, and the game was approaching a critical move. The team, oblivious to the looming threat, teetered on the edge of an unexpected challenge.



In the dead of night, the city's chaotic energy was silenced, cloaked in shadows and secrecy. Captain Park Jihyo, a woman of unwavering determination and stoic resolve, moved with calculated precision as she escorted the man and woman towards a nondescript van. The street lamps cast feeble pools of light, allowing her to guide the couple through the labyrinth of uncertainty.


Jihyo had waited days, her senses honed and her instincts finely tuned, to ensure that the coast was clear. She had watched, patiently, for any signs of danger that might threaten the couple under her protection. Now, her efforts had yielded the assurance she sought.


The man and woman, Mr. Minatozaki's trusted partners in the clandestine business, moved with a mixture of gratitude and anxiety. They had placed their trust in Captain Jihyo, knowing that she was their only hope for a safe return to their home country.


As the van's doors slid open with a barely audible hiss, Jihyo maintained her vigilance, her eyes scanning the deserted street for any signs of danger. The couple, silent in their gratitude, boarded the vehicle, their expressions a blend of relief and trepidation.


Jihyo, her duty etched into her unwavering gaze, stepped back from the van and closed the doors. In the dim glow of the dashboard lights, she gave a nod to the driver, a trusted member of her team, who accelerated smoothly into the night, carrying the partners to safety.


As the van smoothly navigated through the quiet streets, Captain Park Jihyo cast a cautious glance at the man seated behind her. The dim glow from the dashboard lights revealed the lines of tension etched across her face, her focus unwavering on the road ahead. She knew this drive was the final leg of their journey to safety.


"Make sure those curtains are tightly closed," Jihyo instructed, her voice hushed but commanding. "We can't afford any unwanted attention."


The man, his features concealed in the dimness of the van, shuffled slightly before obliging. He carefully adjusted the curtains, ensuring that no prying eyes could catch a glimpse of the occupants within. It was a gesture of mutual understanding, a shared commitment to the clandestine operation.


Finally, he spoke, his voice bearing the weight of gratitude and a hint of unease. "Captain Jihyo, we owe you our lives. We didn't think we'd make it out of there."


Jihyo's grip on the steering wheel remained firm as she responded, her tone resolute. "We're not out of the woods yet. We won't be safe until we reach the boat. The Forces will be searching for us, and we can't underestimate their reach."


The man nodded, his fingers gripping the edge of his seat as the van continued its journey. "We understand that, Captain. We're prepared for whatever comes our way."


Jihyo appreciated the determination in his voice, but she couldn't help but feel the weight of her own secret. She had gone rogue from the Forces, and the decision to do so hadn't come lightly. It had been born out of a deep-seated distrust for those within her organization, a distrust that had grown with each revelation of corruption and betrayal.


She had chosen to keep her defection hidden from Tzuyu and Dahyun, fearing that their loyalty might be compromised by her actions. It was a heavy burden to bear, and one that she couldn't share, even with those she considered family.


With a determined edge to her voice, Jihyo continued, "Once we reach the boat, we'll be in the hands of a trusted contact. But the journey ahead will test our resolve. We must stay vigilant."


The man's gratitude remained palpable, but he understood the gravity of their situation. "We trust you, Captain. We'll do whatever it takes to ensure our safety."


As the van cut through the stillness of the night, the two occupants remained focused on their mission. The road ahead was uncertain, and the forces that sought to extinguish the truth and justice loomed in the shadows. Captain Jihyo's choices had set a new course, and they were determined to navigate it together, driven by a shared commitment to protect the legacy of Mr. Minatozaki and ensure the safety of those they held dear.


Jihyo guided the couple onto the boat with practiced ease, her movements deliberate and efficient. She exchanged quiet words with her contact, ensuring that every detail of their escape was coordinated flawlessly. As the couple was escorted into the lower cabins to rest, Jihyo remained on the upper deck, her eyes scanning the surroundings with unwavering vigilance.


Exhaustion clung to her like a second skin, evident in the shadows beneath her eyes and the slight sag of her shoulders. The weight of her decisions and the responsibility she bore were etched into every line on her face.


As the boat quietly left the pier, Jihyo turned her gaze to the night sky, the stars casting their gentle glow upon the waters around her. The rhythmic sound of the waves provided a soothing backdrop to her thoughts, a moment of respite amidst the chaos that had consumed their lives.


Her phone, tucked inside her jacket pocket, vibrated, and she swiftly retrieved it. Tzuyu's name illuminated the screen, and a wave of relief washed over her as she answered the call.


"Tzuyu," Jihyo greeted, her voice carrying a warmth she hoped would conceal the turmoil beneath the surface. "It's good to hear your voice. How's everything on your end?"


She listened intently, the familiar cadence of Tzuyu's voice providing a sense of comfort. The urge to confide in her, to share the weight of her choices, was strong, but Jihyo held back. She couldn't risk compromising Tzuyu's loyalty or putting her in a difficult position.


Instead, she focused on maintaining a cheerful tone, masking the exhaustion that threatened to seep through. "We've had a few unexpected detours, but everything's under control. I'll fill you in on all the details once we're back. How's the team?"


The conversation flowed, a mixture of updates and casual banter, and Jihyo found solace in the connection. She cherished these moments of normalcy, even as they navigated the treacherous waters of their current situation.


As Tzuyu's voice poured through the phone, Jihyo's initial relief gave way to a heart-wrenching tension that twisted her insides. She listened as her teammate opened up about her newfound feelings, about the realization that her heart belonged to someone who had been by her side as a best friend and teammate for so long. Jihyo's heart ached with the weight of the unspoken truth, for she had known of Tzuyu's affections all along.


In the depths of her own heart, Jihyo had recognized the subtle shifts in their interactions over the years, the playful flirting and teasing that seemed innocent on the surface but carried a deeper undercurrent. She had seen the longing in Tzuyu's eyes, felt the warmth of her gaze when it lingered a second too long, and understood that the feelings ran far deeper than friendship.


Yet, she had also understood that Tzuyu's heart had already chosen another, and she had never found it in her to contradict those feelings. Her own heart had silently ached for the friend she cherished, knowing that her affections were unreciprocated.


As Tzuyu confided in her, Jihyo's voice remained steady, her composure unshaken. She couldn't allow her own emotions to interfere with the trust they had built over the years. Instead, she chose to be the pillar of support that Tzuyu needed at this moment.


"Actually, no. I’ve been waiting for quite some time for either of you to realize these things…" Jihyo admitted, her voice carrying a mixture of understanding and gentle encouragement. "You two have been best friends for the longest time. More often than not, you’re both on the same channel with all your life goals. It’s almost like, one cannot exist without the other."


She couldn't deny the pang of pain that accompanied these words, but she masked it with a reassuring tone. "Oh, you mean us? I told you, I already knew. I thought of it as me teaching you how to actually flirt when the time comes, you know?"


Jihyo understood that their connection was deeper than mere friendship, and she wanted Tzuyu to find happiness, even if it meant loving someone else. Her heart ached, but she was determined to be the unwavering friend and support that Tzuyu needed at this moment.


The conversation continued, a delicate dance of emotions and confessions. Jihyo held her own feelings in check, focusing on being the anchor for Tzuyu. As the call drew to a close, Jihyo couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness and longing that would remain unspoken. She had chosen to stand by her friend, to support her in the pursuit of her feelings, even if it meant silently carrying her own unrequited love.


The night enveloped her, and she gazed at the star-studded sky with a heavy heart, the weight of their shared secrets and unspoken affections lingering in the darkness. Jihyo was the captain, the protector, and the friend, but she was also a woman who carried her own silent desires.


Jihyo, aware of the heartache still lingering in the depths of her chest, took a deep breath, the cool night air filling her lungs. It was time to steady herself, to redirect her focus to the task at hand. Her gaze shifted to the vast, dark expanse of the ocean on the horizon.


As she stared into the inky blackness, the man she had undertaken to protect quietly took a seat beside her. Though his presence was a comforting reminder of her responsibilities, the weight of the unspoken emotions still clung to her like a shroud in the night.



The early morning sun cast a warm, golden glow across the quiet neighborhood as Dahyun laced up her running shoes. With each tight knot, she prepared herself for a refreshing morning run. As she stepped out of the house and onto the sidewalk, her thoughts quickly turned to the mission and the unsettling details that had unfolded in recent days.


Her breaths came steadily as her feet carried her along the familiar path. The rhythmic pounding of her sneakers on the pavement seemed to synchronize with her racing thoughts.


Eunha's presence weighed heavily on her mind. Sana's ex-girlfriend had returned to Sana's academy under mysterious circumstances. Dahyun couldn't help but suspect that there was more to Eunha's sudden reappearance than met the eye. Finding Eunha standing over Sana's unconscious body at a house party had raised a multitude of questions, leaving Dahyun with a gnawing sense of unease.


The unknown assailant who had targeted their team had also added to the mystery. Blowing up their car during the football game had been a brazen and dangerous move, but the motive remained elusive. Their enemy had shown a willingness to resort to violence, and that made the mission all the more perilous.


Dahyun's thoughts then drifted to the ransacking of the Minatozaki estate, a place she knew held vital clues to their mission. The chaos and destruction in the once-elegant house had left her frustrated and disheartened. It was evident that there were secrets hidden within those walls, secrets that could provide answers to their questions.


She quickened her pace, pushing herself harder, as if the physical exertion could help clear the fog of confusion in her mind. The crisp morning air filled her lungs, providing a moment of clarity amidst the chaos of her thoughts.


As she continued her run, the weight of these unresolved mysteries pressed upon her, and the frustration within her grew. Dahyun knew that finding the missing pieces of the puzzle was essential for the safety of Sana and the success of their mission. The urgency of the situation left no room for hesitation or error.


Dahyun's thoughts, consumed by the mysteries of the mission, were momentarily derailed as a vibrant pink streak dashed past her. Her running buddy, Momo, zipped by with effortless grace, her energy infectious.


Momo's voice, playful and light, called out as she raced ahead, "On your left!"


It was a familiar phrase between them, a signal that Momo was about to overtake her. They had established their own rhythm and unspoken understanding during their morning jogs, and Dahyun couldn't help but smile as she watched Momo's boundless enthusiasm.


Ever since Dahyun got here, these morning runs had become a cherished routine. It was a time for her to set aside the weight of her responsibilities and simply enjoy each other's company. In the midst of their shared missions and uncertainties, the simple act of running together provided a sense of normalcy and connection that Dahyun cherished.


Dahyun accepted the unspoken challenge, pushing herself to run faster, her feet pounding the pavement. With every step, she closed the distance between her and Momo, the competitive spirit between friends fueling their sprint. It didn't take long for Dahyun to catch up with the pink blur ahead.


As they reached a small, serene pond, they both slowed down, catching their breath. The early morning sun cast a golden glow on the water's surface, and the tranquility of the scene was a stark contrast to the chaos of her recent missions.


They found an empty bench beside the pond and took a seat, each of them relishing the soothing stillness that surrounded them. For a while, they simply sat in silence, appreciating the shared camaraderie that their morning runs offered.


Dahyun finally broke the quietude with a gentle smile. "You're still the fastest, Momo."


Momo grinned in response, her breath slowly returning to a normal pace. "Well, it's the least I can do to keep up with a captain like you."


Dahyun's eyes rested on Momo, a warm and fond look in her gaze. She hadn't expected her life to intersect with Sana and Momo's in such a profound way. The two young heiresses were far from the world of privilege and luxury, now immersed in a dangerous game where their safety hung by a thread. Despite the serious circumstances, Dahyun had formed a deep bond with them, and the weight of their responsibilities weighed heavily on her heart.


Dahyun's voice held a gentle sincerity as she spoke, breaking the silence. "I know this situation has been difficult for both of you, Momo. It's not easy to be on the run, to live in constant fear. But I want you to k

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momoringmylove #1
bakeland #2
Chapter 21: I spent about 4-5hours to read it.God damn!It’s sooooo gorgeous!! I mean I seldom enjoy stories between Dahyun and SANA but in this I really have a sense of well-being.It’s all because of love!! I have to have a important exam this year which cause me anxiety.However,this story really relives me a lot! I gained great confidence and power. I believe that I can make it through as I have TWICE!Wish everyone a happy future!
Chapter 21: Thanks for this wonderful story 😊😊
SaiDa Bonus chapter pleasee 💜🤍
Um_what #5
Chapter 21: I’ve been following this story for years. Would always be so excited when there was an update. It’s been an amazing journey. Thank you so much for writing this I look forward to your future works!
Saida13 #6
Chapter 21: Thank you so much Authornim for this Beautiful story. Maybe a bonus chapter for Saida moments. God bless you.Can't wait for your another wonderful story
Jamess #7
Chapter 21: wow the final was beyond amazing 😁👍👍
reveluv316 805 streak #8
thanks for the update
Jamess #9
Chapter 19: aww man….i knew that was dahyun and her team that came up😁😝…anyway i can’t wait for the final 🥹
Chapter 18: Did Mina betray them? To friends and parents? Oh no, I can't believe it, I'm in denial 😭
Where is Chaeyoung anyway? She wasn't even mentioned in the chapter...
Now I remembered a scene of Mina in the bathroom saying something like 'why did it have to be you Sana?', at the time I thought she had a crush on the co-captain, but it was actually a clue?? I'm so confused lol
Oh, and did I really think we were going to have the trisal saidahmo here? But in the racing scene between Dahyun and Momo it seemed that she gave up for Sana, oh how sad ;-;
I'm waiting for the next chapter to see how this ends 👀