Thanks To

So no one told you life was gonna be this way

I would first like to give thanks to the star who is now watching over us. I hope that you have found the peace you were looking for. Thank you for bringing us smiles and laughter while you were with us.

I’m not sure if any of you remember but this fic was posted around a particularly dark time in our world. While I don’t know how many of you guys here were affected by it but for those who were, I do hope that this fic was able to help you smile, even just a little. This was my escape and I am truly honoured if it was one of yours as well.

I want to thank all of you for all the love and support that was given, especially those of you who left such wonderful comments throughout the entire thing. To see it come to life and receive so much love and support from the community here, it felt surreal. Actually, it still feels surreal, like I still can’t believe people are actually reading all of this. Thank you for spending time and for giving this little fic a chance.

For those who are curious, yes, this fic was loosely based on my old job as a consultant (auditor, actually) and some events, like the behemoth fieldwork and the broken chair, really did happen (not my finest moments, my senpais at work still tease me about it till this day whenever somebody brings it up). It was a lot of fun telling the story of how our lives were, I don’t think people actually know how is it like, behind that glamourous title of “auditor”. There were a lot of laughs and tears in that job. Like Seulgi, I had a team of playful seniors who teased us relentlessly and we were always snacking and/or eating. So that’s probably why there were so many mentions of food throughout the fic.

I’ve posted this to ao3 so if any of you would like to get the pdf of this, feel free to head on over there. It’ll be without this long note at the end lol

Before I end this, I would like to give special thanks the most important person who has helped me with this from the get go. I cannot thank you enough for your help (allow me to be dramatic for a moment please). Without you, this fic literally would never be what it is today. Thank you so much for putting up with my random questions and worries, for being my Beta, for derailing this from the start and enabling the story to be spun to what it is now (you know how short it was supposed to be LMFAO), for plotline ideas. Thank you for the constant support and encouragement. Thank you for pushing my lazy bum out of retirement. Thank you...for everything.

So now in its entirety, I dedicate this fic to you - the one who helped made it possible.

Thank you.

Lots of love,

Kazu2606 a.k.a Panda (Kazu2606 @ twitter)

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Chapter 17: 🤍
zjkdlin0121 #2
Rereading my comfort story♡
2178 streak #3
Chapter 17: Adorable pair, thanks 🧡💜
424 streak #5
Chapter 17: Just finished this, super adorable lol. Love these dumb dumbs
Taitai84 1226 streak #6
Chapter 17: Directed here from a recommended list, loved it so much!
Oct_13_wen_03 #7
Chapter 17: I really love this story 😭🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
KaiserKawaii #8
Chapter 17: I remember I've already read this before... re-reading it now is still enjoyable. It's such a feel good story. Not much drama. :)
zjkdlin0121 #9
finally i found thisss huhu i've been looking for this story
Oct_13_wen_03 #10
Chapter 12: ❤❤❤❤❤