The Beginning

Forbidden Love

Current Day: You think how life has brought you to this point in your life. It’s crazy to look back at your memories and the struggles you have faced….

What is the first memory you remember as a child? Perhaps it is playing with your friends, having fun, not having a care in the world. Well things were different for you. Much different. 


20 years ago

Is it normal for your first memory as a 4-year-old to be a personal slave? When I say that I mean cleaning and cooking for your adopted family. You see, when (Y/N) was born, your family didn’t want you, and you got adopted into a famous family in the Star Village. It was a pretty large village that was tucked away in a certain part of the world that seemed to not be connected with the rest of the world. The family that adopted you was the Sterlings. They were rich figures within this village and had a lot of power. Everyone respected them and they could do no wrong. Why was it different for you then? They had 3 children at the time. Their oldest son named Alex, age 10, and 2 twin sister named Elise and Nancy, age 5. As a 4 year old, you experienced a childhood unlike anyone else. Your mother, Victoria (you did not see her as your mother), would make you get up at 4 am to clean their whole house and prepare breakfast for the family. You had no choice in the matter, it had to be done. As months went on your life was cleaning and cooking. You had no friends. You had no one to share in your hardships. Victoria got pregnant with her 4th child and when she gave birth, she gave the baby to you to take care of. You cleaned after your little sister Lucy, fed her, and practically raised her. You even had to tell Victoria when to feed her own child. You didn’t understand why they adopted you when all of them hated you. 

At age 5, you began going to school. School was no different then home. With the Sterlings influence on the community, no one wanted to be your friend. Everyone was told horrible rumors about you and it was said that you got adopted because Victoria and Victor pitied you and wanted to give you a better life….How things are aren’t like they seem. Every day after school, you would go to a corner of the village, it had a breathtaking view of the village, and it let you get away from everything that was going on. Everything was the same as always, until one day, there was a little boy sitting where you always sit. You approached him and he looked at you. You had a sudden fear, is he going to bully you like everyone else? He doesn’t seem to be a bad person, but you never know….

The little boy got up and introduced himself. He said his name was Jimin. He seemed very kind and loving. I asked him why was he speaking to me when no one else was.

Jimin: “Are you kidding? I don’t care about them. No one will make me judge someone before I got to know them myself.” 

You teared up at that. The first person to show you love. You wanted to cry your eyes out. After that day, life didn’t seem to be so hard anymore. Jimin and you talked so much and grew a strong friendship. He was going through a lot, as were you, so you found comfort in each other. It was amazing have a friend. This was just the beginning of your friendship with Jimin…

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Hey guys! I'm just starting this story out but I have an amazing story line for this. I'm going back to re edit the first chapter but I hope you guys continue on this journey with me. Something that I have been thinking about recently, an amazing love story with Jimin from BTS.