
number 17
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june. —  

“do you have a life?” heechul says when hyukjae walks into the changeroom. “what are you doing here every day?” hyukjae shrugs and drops onto the bench, unfazed by heechul’s comment.

“volleyball is my life,” he says. heechul raises an eyebrow, not even looking as he tosses his shirt at siwon’s face. hyukjae snorts as siwon sputters and tosses the shirt back.

“that’s very depressing,” heechul says. hyukjae smirks.

“well we’re all the same, aren’t we?” he says. heechul rolls his eyes.

“touché,” he mutters. hyukjae chuckles as he follows heechul out into the gym, where several of his team members are already warming up.

“hyukjae!” kyuhyun calls. hyukjae looks up in time to catch the ball that comes sailing at his face.

“the , kyu?” he growls. “do you want to kill me?” kyuhyun gives him a guilty smile that confirms that he had intentionally shot the ball at him. hyukjae scowls and tosses the ball up and sends it flying back at kyuhyun. kyuhyun’s arm comes shooting up so the back smacks loudly against his forearm.

hyukjae takes a erse pleasure in the wince of pain that flashes across the man’s face.

“jerk,” kyuhyun shouts.

“,” hyukjae calls back. everyone else rolls their eyes.

hyukjae suppresses the urge to stick his tongue out at his team and makes his way to the bleachers, dropping off his shoulder bag. he picks up the ball that had rolled and gotten called in the grating before sitting down. he twirls the ball idly in his hands as he scans the action in the gym.

he allows himself to relax a little. everything is going beyond his initial plans. he is also planning on asking donghae out on a date -- they have been dancing around one another far too long after their initial kiss.

“yifan!” hyukjae calls after watching the other man execute his attack. yifan whirls around.

“yes, sir?” he says.

“you’re broadcasting your attack,” he says, gesturing vaguely at the court. “anyone watching you can immediately tell where you’re aiming. try to keep that in mind when you attack. try again.” yifan nods and jogs back to the attack line.

hyukjae settles back on his seat to watch. just as yifan is about to approach, hyukjae hears his phone ring. he dives for his back, digging through the front pocket for his cell phone, letting out a sigh when he gets to it in time before the caller hangs up.

the caller id is unknown. hyukjae frowns, but slides to accept the call.

“hello?” he says.

“uh - hello sir,” an unknown voice says from the other side. hyukjae’s frown deepens.

“who is this?”

“um…” the voice stalls. “i - i uh… i’m calling because donghae collapsed in class today. we took him to the hospital, and he told me to call this number.” hyukjae goes lax in shock.

“what? hospital? where?” he says as he grabs his bag, bolting for the door. the person on the other end of the line rattle off an address and hyukjae nods, bundling into his car. “yeah, yeah, i’ll be there as soon as possible.”

hyukjae probably breaks far too many traffic laws during his drive to the hospital. he speeds into the parking lot, leaves his car, and bolts into the emergency room. he makes a beeline to the reception.

“is there a lee donghae here?” the lady at the reception looks up at him.

“are you related to him?”

“he’s my brother,” hyukjae lies before he can even think about it. the lady nods and and scans her computer.

“you’ll find him down that hall, in the third room.” hyukjae nods in thanks and half jogs, half runs down the hall. he throws back the curtains of the room that the receptionist had directed him towards.

he finds donghae sitting on the hospital bed, his legs swinging back and forth off the side of the bed.

“donghae,” hyukjae breathes. donghae looks up at him and blinks slowly.

“hey, hyung,” he says, smiling softly. hyukjae stumbles forward, the relief of seeing donghae threatening to overwhelm him. he pulls donghae into his arms, careful not to jar the intravenous line feeding into donghae’s left arm.

“you scared me,” hyukjae whispers.

“sorry, hyung,” he says. hyukjae pulls back and takes a look at the other man — observing the man’s dark circles and sallow complexion. hyukjae gently places a hand on donghae’s forehead, wincing at the heat that radiates off the man’s skin.

“where's your friend?”

“he had to go back to school. i told him i had someone to pick me up.” hyukjae nods.

“what happened?” hyukjae asks softly. donghae ducks his head.

“nothing, hyung,” donghae says. “i just — i was really tired and suddenly i was really dizzy and i fell.”

“you mean you collapsed,” hyukjae corrects. donghae flushes.

“well,” he says. “maybe. it’s all a little fuzzy.” hyukjae sighs.

“donghae,” he says. “i know you have a lot of work, and i really should have known better.”

“but hyung —” donghae protests.

“your health is more important than training and winning a competition,” hyukjae interrupts gently, wrapping his hands around donghae’s. donghae looks up at him with exhausted, half-lidded eyes. “you’re coming home with me.” donghae startles, suddenly looking much more alert.

“w-what, no, you can just drop me off at my dorm,” he says. hyukjae shakes his head.

“you’re sick,” he says. “i’m going to make sure that you don’t make anything any worse.” donghae sighs, his shoulders drooping in exhaustion. hyukjae lets donghae rest his head on his shoulder, just as the doctor walks into the room.

donghae doesn’t bother picking up his head, so hyukjae runs a hand through the man’s hair as he listens to the doctor’s instructions.

twenty minutes later, he and donghae are leaving the hospital with a prescription and a list of warnings. hyukjae shuffles donghae into the passenger seat and starts the car. as he drives back to his house, hyukjae glances over at donghae, who has fallen asleep against the car window.

a pang of guilt shoots through his chest.

hyukjae shakes his head. there’s no use mulling over past wrongs.

he arrives at his apartment and gently shakes donghae awake.

“donghae, come on,” he says softly. donghae stirs slightly and lifts his head, looking blearily at hyukjae. hyukjae pulls open the door and pulls donghae out of the car. he also picks up donghae’s backpack, slinging it over his shoulder.

with donghae half resting against him, hyukjae makes his way into the house. he gently lowers donghae onto the couch. donghae immediately curls into a ball, his eyes sliding shut and his breath slowing as he falls asleep again. hyukjae can’t stop the fond smile that spreads across his face.

he runs a hand through donghae’s short brown hair and trails down donghae’s cheek before pulling his hand back. he shakes off his emotions and goes to his closet, pulling out

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sweetylailai #1
Chapter 10: Read again!💙💙
Chapter 10: C'était une superbe fic, tu écris tellement bien, j'étais immergée dans l'histoire c'était palpitant. Merci merco💙⭐
This is one of the very few sports au I have read in AFF and I absolutely adore this 😭 thank you for sharing this story with us 💕
Chapter 10: I'M SUCH A ER FOR ANY SPORTS AU AND FOR EUNHAE TO HAVE ONE... UGH I'M INLOVE T__T I love how you wrote this, it made me feel I'm also playing with them!! I love details of the games! You did a good job there and the small eunhae soft moments uwu. Too bad it's only a short chaptered fic. I would love to read more cause, well i love long chaptered fics too hehe. Hoping you could write another sportsau. Lookinv forward to it! Kudos for your work!
faeris #5
Chapter 10: this is so so wonderful, thank you for this. ❤️
ehkm137 #6
Chapter 10: Thats so good. Such a great ff. Thank you for sharing!
Chapter 10: I just read it in one go and omg it's soo amazing. I love how Hyukjae was believing in Hae even tho he had his doubts at first. Great story judt had to finish it in one go. Thank you for writing it^^
Hi! I tried to join your crowdfund but it didn't register me for your tier :(
970 streak #10
Chapter 10: I love the way you described the volleyball games. I can see the game in my mind.