A new life

Always, Only Yours
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A/N: Thanks so much everyone who reviewed and upvoted the previous chapter. I know there’s a lot going on, and I’m glad to see some of you focusing on more of the story too and not just one part of it. Thanks and enjoying


Seungwan moved about in the kitchen from one end to the other. She was baking bread, making omelets, and slicing fruits to go on the side with the breakfast she was preparing for her and Sooyoung. Last night had been particularly rough for her wife, and she knew it was more than just about Seulgi being married. It’s no secret that their father has always preferred Seulgi to her. Hardly anyone knew he had another daughter for years, until it was revealed and acknowledged. The blonde omega knows how hard it’s been for Sooyoung over the years. She has a lot of things she won’t discuss not with her mother and also not with her either, and as her wife it worries her when Sooyoung shuts down.


Like last night, the dark-haired alpha refused to talk. She didn’t even want the comfort Seungwan tried to offer. In fact, Sooyoung didn’t even come to bed last night which was another rejection to the blonde. She sighs as she remembers when they arrived home.




The drive was silent and tense. Seungwan knew from the aggression in her aura and scent that she should not talk to her wife now. At the same time she hoped for them to talk at home. Only when they did arrive home all the taller woman did was head for her home office. It’s no secret she spends a lot of time in there on her own. Seungwan has always wondered what it is exactly that she does when she’s in there. Sometimes, it’s days before she sees her wife, and even when she does see her come out. It’s not long before she’s back in that room again.


“Soo?” The omega gently calls out to her. The dark-haired woman pauses and looks at her from where she’s standing on the staircase. She has a faraway look in her eyes, but she is acknowledging her.


“Please don’t go to bed angry. I know you’re hurt and upset because of your dad, just let it out okay? You don’t need to hold so much in.” The blonde walks up to her and reaches for her hand. Sooyoung doesn’t shrug away from her touch. It makes her feel hopeful that she is getting through.


“You should go to bed, Wan. It was a long party and night, get some sleep, alright?”


“Well, you should sleep too, honey. I just want you to talk to me, or someone if you can’t talk to me now. Your mom, and Seulgi is back now. She’s always on your side too.”


The way the alpha is currently looking at her sends shivers down Seungwan’s spine. It’s not the good kind of shivers that she sent through her body earlier. If she were being honest it’s the kind of look that shows nothing, emptiness, and cold. She doesn’t often see this look from her mate. The shorter woman knows where she has seen this before though, and it feels like Chanyeol is staring down at her at this moment. She backs up from her unintentionally and Sooyoung notices.


“Why did you back away?”


“What?” The omega blinks.


“Why did you suddenly back away?”


“Oh, no reason.” Seungwan hopes she doesn’t have to explain why she moved so suddenly. It wasn’t intended. She just saw the look in those eyes and it made her react. Sooyoung is again giving her an unreadable expression.


“Goodnight, Seungnwan.”


“Wait, where are you going? Soo, come on, we can go to bed together.”


They usually go to bed together for the most part. They rarely sleep apart, save for the times Sooyoung is in her home office. Seungwan tries to reach for her hand, but Sooyoung is already heading up the stairs.


“Goodnight, okay, Seungwan.”


“Sweetie…” the omega trails off sadly. She just wishes there was more to be done to help her. At the same time she knows when her wife doesn’t want any help, and now would be one of those times when Sooyoung doesn’t want any help.




The omega sighs to herself as she finishes up everything. She sets two plates on the table and pours two glasses of orange juice. Now, all she needed to do was get her wife, wherever she has found herself. Their house is huge with a lot of rooms, it’s nowhere near as elaborate as Chanyeol’s estate, but Seungwan knows if she didn’t personally live here she would also get lost. She first goes to the home office as it’s more likely she’s there. What surprises Seungwan is that she’s not. The lights are off and it doesn’t appear she’s been here at all.


“Soo?” The blonde calls out as she walks towards some of the upstairs guest rooms. She does find her fast asleep in a guest room. She looks so at peace while she sleeps and Seungwan hates to wake her. At the same time she does want for her to eat breakfast.


“Soo, can you wake up?” She gently runs her fingers through her hair. It takes a few minutes but she does wake up, and slowly bright brown eyes open. Sooyoung sits up and yawns before focusing her attention to her mate.




“Yes, hey. I made breakfast. Do you want to come down and eat?”


“Alright,” she nods and follows her down to the dining area. She thanks her for the food and does start to eat. There’s some silence for awhile until the alpha speaks again.


“I’m sorry about yesterday.”


“We’re all worried about you. I know Seul being married was only part of the issue.”


“He shouldn’t have forced her to get married in that way. He could have waited until another time. She doesn’t even know her wife at all.”


Seungwan gives a soft nod. She knows Sooyoung is partly upset for her sister and the change her life has taken. Seulgi and Sooyoung have always been very close. They have never used the term half sister to one another. They’ve always been sisters and even best friends too. That’s why the omega knows a lot of that anger is certainly directed at their dad for how he’s handled the situation. At the same time she also knows it’s deeper than that.


“Honey, I know you’re also just angry with your dad too.”


“We don’t need to talk about what we already know, Wan. I’ve never been someone he cared about. We don’t need to keep bringing it up. I know already where I fit in his life.”


“Soo,” she tries to touch her, but the dark-haired woman focuses on her food. It’s the end of the discussion and they both know that. After breakfast she offers to wash the dishes. Seungwan thanks her and says she will be leaving soon to go to her bakery. She has a business she’s created from the ground up, and it’s grown very successful, so much that there are other locations around Korea. The one her wife is referring to is the first location here in Seoul.


“You’re going to work?” Sooyoung wonders.


“Yes, there’s some inventory and shipments coming I need to supervise. You know, I was thinking we could stop by to Seul’s soon, and see how they’re both doing. It can’t be easy on her or Joohyun being married this way.”


“Oh, yeah sure. I’ll call my sister and find out when it would be a good time. Hell, if I were her I’d try to get laid as soon as possible.”


The blonde rolls her eyes. Well, if nothing else Sooyoung sounds back to her normal self.


“Yeah, you’re back,” Seungwan nods and leans up to kiss her. Sooyoung responds by grabbing her and laughs.


“Now I’m back! Anyway, have a good day at work babe.”


“I will, I’ll see you later. I love you,” She kisses her again to which the alpha does return the kiss


“I love you too, Wan.”


Joohyun wakes up and remembers she is in her new home now. The good thing is she’s no longer at the estate. The new issue is now she needs to get used to her brand new life again. Now that it’s daytime she can really look around at the room, and house as well. The guest room she’s staying in is even bigger than she first thought. The walls are painted a soft cream color, and the carpet below is reminiscent in color but darker. The king sized bed she’s sleeping in is huge and way too big for one person. At the same time she has had the best night sleep she’s ever had in awhile.


The raven also notices there’s a balcony too and once she has a robe on. She walks outside to have a look. The view from this bedroom is spectacular, and she can see down below stairs that are leading down to the outside pool. She can also spot a garden from the distance. What she noticed too was the lack of servants. No one seems to live here other than Seulgi, and now herself she supposes. In general she could see Seulgi was a less flashy person than her dad for sure.


Joohyun takes a few breaths before leaving the room. She doesn’t know how she and the brunette will interact with one another now. She turns left and goes towards the same staircase Seulgi first led her to. The closer she makes her way toward the kitchen is when she hears talking.


“Yes, I’ll be in the office today.” Seulgi speaks into her business cell. Joohyun can see from the distance the alpha is dressed in a sharp, expensive navy business suit, Gucci shoes, and her hair is up in a ponytail. Joohyun is not blind by any means. Seulgi is very attractive, and the way she is on the phone and making tea at the same time. It’s quite distracting, Joohyun just finds herself quietly watching.


“I know I just really made it home from Japan.” Seulgi nods into the phone and goes into the refrigerator to get some lemon to slice.


“How did you find out about yesterday?”


There’s a pause and then Seulgi sighs. “Yes, of course he did. Okay, then what’s going to happen is I will get in touch with my publicist and we’ll issue an official statement. I’ll see you at the office later, Yeri.”


The alpha ends the call and turns when she sees Joohyun standing just outside of the kitchen. She looks nervous and the taller woman understands why. Seulgi had actually noticed her earlier because of the lavender scent. She remembers being young and in the gardens at home. The lavender flowers were always something she never forgot because of how calming it is. Seulgi gives her a polite smile.


“Good morning, Joohyun. I hope you slept well.”


“I did, thank you.”


“That’s good. Listen, I will be leaving in a bit to go to the office, but we can talk about a few things before I go.” She gestures to the dining table and they sit. Joohyun chooses to sit at the opposite side of the table, creating some distance. It’s true Seulgi is polite and so far showing her kindness. That doesn’t mean she’s all comfortable suddenly either. They’re still very much strangers.


“I know this isn’t an ideal situation and I’m sorry for the way my father has chosen to handle everything. I just want you to know I won’t do anything to make this harder for you.”


Joohyun nods and thanks her. There is a sincerity in her voice that she does find comforting. The alpha pauses to drink some of her tea before talking again.


“Also, I’m not home a lot, but that doesn’t mean you have to stay here all day. If you drive there are cars in my garage you could borrow and go wherever it is you want.”


Joohyun hears how freeing that sounds. When she stayed with Chanyeol there was very little she felt she could do, and especially not if it meant going out anywhere. He would usually make sure she was trailed with guards if she did go outside the estate. The only problem is that she doesn’t know how to drive. She would really like to see Jennie.


“I don’t know how actually.”


“Oh, well that’s okay. I have a driver, Jongin he’s nice, don’t worry. I’ll leave his number with you and he will take you where you want to go. Maybe if you want I can teach you how to drive one day.”


“Thank you, Seulgi.” She isn’t opposed to one day learning how. She’s just never had the need to know, but she’s not against knowing for her own sake.


“I do have a housekeeper though, and she shows up every so often to see to things here for me when I’m away. Don’t be alarmed if you’re here and she stops by. Ah, I’m sorry I didn’t think I asked but do you have a cellphone?”


Joohyun frowns then. All she hears in that moment is a dig at her family’s financial status, although Seulgi hadn’t asked it in any sort of malicious tone.


“Just because your family is richer than mine doesn’t mean I don’t have a phone.”


Seulgi looks suddenly taken aback by her harsh tone. She didn’t mean anything by it. The brunette was just curious.


“I apologize I didn’t mean to offend you. It’s just I don’t know very much about you, basic information included. I wasn’t trying to suggest anything about financial status. It’s just that my family’s company has acquired a cellphone corporation and I could have just gotten you one of your choosing.”


“Oh…” the omega pauses. Now she really feels badly. She needs to stop judging Seulgi so strongly based on how she’s seen her dad. It’s true that they’re nothing alike.


“Anyway, that will be up to you. I need to get going, but you can look around and get familiar with the house.”


Seulgi is about to say goodbye when Joohyun calls out to her. She feels badly that she even took such a tone. Honestly, things could be so much worse. She could be married to Chanyeol, or Seulgi could have been an exact clone of him. Joohyun knows at this point she’s lucky it’s not worse.


“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude. This situation itself is difficult.”


“I know,” the brunette nods in understanding. She is trying to be more understanding because of how Joohyun was basically ripped from her home, and life and shoved into hers. There’s a lot that comes with the Kang family name, some of which the raven will experience first hand. It’s why Seulgi wishes to make the transition as easy as she can.


“Did you have time to eat breakfast? I would like to make you something to eat, um a peace offering?”


Seulgi nods in understanding. Joohyun is probably offering as a form of an apology. It’s not entirely necessary.


“Thank you, Joohyun. I am actually running late for work, but you should eat and the kitchen and anything you need should be there. I’ll see you later.”


“Okay,” the omega nods. She watches as Seulgi goes to collect her bag for work and heads out the door. The raven supposes she might as well make herself some breakfast. The kitchen is huge though, and there are so many equipments and tools.


“Well, let’s hope there’s a pan somewhere.”


Sooyoung doesn’t stay home long. She decides to just drive around for a while. That’s hard when you have no true goal or anything in particular to be doing. She ends up at one of her favorite cafes with a mug of tea and a pastry. The alpha is on her MacBook and Skyping with her good friend Yerin who’s currently in Europe with her mate Eunbi. Yerin had also gotten married pretty young, and around the same time as she had gotten married to Seungwan. Yerin is an omega but outside of that she is one of her only true friends, not including Seulgi. Her relationship with her sister is different though, and it’s good to have other friends outside of her family unit.


“Hey Yenni! When are you coming back here I’ve missed you, love.” She teases and blows elaborate kisses at the screen. The blonde omega laughs and tells her to be quiet.


“Stop it, Soo! You know Bi hates when you flirt with me.”


Sooyoung sighs dramatically. “You should have just married me. I would have given you the world, Yenni, and I mean literally the world.”


“You’re silly. Anyway, how’s everything? How’s your sister, and Seungwan?”


“Wan’s good, and Seul well, she’s gone and gotten married. It wasn’t her choice though.”


Yerin looks suddenly interested and is looking at her with eyes that scream for her to spill. Sooyoung spends nearly a full hour telling her friend about the cur

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Andeulea_rv25 #1
Rereading for the nth timeee. Hoping to have a new upd soon :))
64 streak #2
Chapter 13: Damn!!!
64 streak #3
simply-bae #4
Chapter 28: This chapter was definitely loaded, but necessary! I’m looking forward to reading the next chapter :)
Chapter 5: Rereading for the nth time ❤️
Rereading 😁
64 streak #7
Chapter 23: aww the i love you's are so cute😣😔😣😔😣😔😣
64 streak #8
Chapter 17: ridiculous child ijbol
64 streak #9
Hello?? We miss this story.