She, The Spotlight.

Her eyes move from Irene’s face to the ceiling, Wendy was in a state of daze. She couldn’t believe it. In fact, she started to think that Irene could be a vampire; there wasn’t other explanation of such beauty that accompanied the actress, especially when she knew that neither of them had slept. It wasn’t fair but then again, she was honored to be in the presence of the girl in her natural. With no make-up on, the real Irene. The simple Irene.

“Do I have something on my face?” Wendy hurriedly declines moving her hands exaggeratedly. Irene only chuckled.

“You must hear this a lot, but you look really pretty while me I think I look…”


The actress told it as nothing without thinking much, she panicked for a sec but didn’t take it back and why would she, it was the true. The chef was the most beautiful girls she has ever seen. 

“I guess I’m ok.” Wendy said chuckling a bit. She looks around trying to find a topic to discuss but suddenly her eyelids started to feel heavy, and a deep yawn came along too while Irene couldn’t help but smile seeing her all sleepy. She got up and offer her hand to the chef.  

“Let’s go to sleep.” Wendy looked at her before looking to her hand and didn’t know why she felt her heart beating a little bit faster than usual but still took it, holding tight and smooth. Nodding after realizing what Irene said they both got up and went straight to the bedroom.



The next morning was surreal, she thought for a moment it was all a dream that she would hate to wake, she was afraid of open her eyes and realized that what happened last night wasn’t real but then after taking mental breaths she braved herself just to smile.

She was there.

And couldn’t help to feel a bit of ¿happiness? seeing her face so relaxed Irene couldn’t believe her luck, again waking up beside her, sharing the same bed, the same sheets, even now sharing some clothes from her, it was beyond her imagination.

But of course, a bite of reality shows off and suddenly a sense of sadness came like a cold wave in the dawn, it was just a fantasy, she knew that and just because of that thought the idea of waking up beside her, even though she loved the view, it was like a rose, a beautiful rose whose thorns hurt with a touch.

“What time is it?”

She could lie and say it was still early, the sun hasn’t show up, she could lie and still pretend this wasn’t any fantasy and for just a second it was her reality but then again it wasn’t fair for anyone.

“It’s late.”

Wendy nodded without any sign of getting up, she turns around giving her back to the actress and mumble something incomprehensible. She leaned back again, looking carefully at the little locks that fell to the chef's back. From her point of view, she was small, the sheets molded her figure very well. so much that she wanted to hug her a lot, spoon her even.

The actress didn’t wait for Wendy to wake up fully, making an excuse that she had a meeting she didn’t recall. So, she left the apartment, leaving a sleepy Wendy in bed.



When you told me that you invited me over for breakfast, I didn’t realize it was me doing it while you lay all over the couch. – Jaehyun said as he mixed two eggs in the pan. He waits for a respond from her friend.

“Sorry darling, you can use the pool as an apology. - He mimicked her recalling what the actress just said. he sighed giving up. The sound of the toaster distracter him and only then Irene gets up, grabbed the toast, poured some coffee and wait for Jaehyun to sit.

You can always use my pool. – She said which he nodded and serves his scrambled eggs.

I call you last night, you didn’t answer the phone, why? – Irene hummed without sparing him a second.

Where were you last night? -  his voice a little bit louder this time. 

I stayed here the night. - Finally, the girl spoke to him, only to hear a laugh.

Yeah, right, I wasn’t born this morning, you are dressed the same as last night. Remember you send me pictures. – The actress looked down her ropes, she didn’t change.


Where were you last night? – They both drank their coffee. Irene was the first to break the silence.

I was with Wendy. –

Oh. –

That’s all? Oh. – He shrugged taking another sip.

If you don’t want to tell me, where were you last night it’s fine but don’t lie to me. –

I’m not, I’m telling you the true. –

Hu-uh, I don’t believe you, it that was remotely the true you would be all happy and goofy, and sorry honey but you aren’t those right now. –

I am happy but – I call interrupted them; it was her manager. “Sorry let me get this.” Jaehyun didn’t replied. He finished his breakfast and lift the plates, even the unfinished plate of the actress. Did the dishes clean up a bit and went straight to the actress room, he heard the shower running.

What is the occasion. – Casually he asked as to open the wardrobe.

Just a meeting, maybe a new movie. –

I will put some option on your bed and please text me when you get home. – He says his goodbyes and leave the house.

The young actress came out of the bathroom with wet hair and a towel around her body. Text his best friend a thank you note before changing and leaving for work.

She would meet her manager in a nice coffee shop. It was small but cozy, they would talk about the option they have ahead. But one of them caught her the most.

A Tv show? They want me on a Tv show? –

Yes, one of the producers knows you, Sunmi I think is her name, anyway she told the others that you would be perfectly for the script. And honestly, I think so too.

Did you read it? –

Yes and I know it’s your day off and I wouldn’t bother you if I didn’t know it was good. –

But still, a show? I do movies, not series. –

Just read it, you have until Monday to give an answer. –

I will. Something else? –

Yes, you have an interview tomorrow, don’t forget. –

I thought I have two weeks for myself. –

That’s right but you are a famous actress. – With that the “famous actress” rolled her eyes. He laughed fatherly.

All right, anything else? – The manager shook his head and took out his phone, texting something she couldn’t care.  

That settle then. –

Irene stayed inside the coffee shop for a while, asked for a refill of her coffee and a donut, she saw the script, handled it smoothly by her manager. There wasn’t any title yet but the first 5 episode were ready; it was unusual for a tv show but still there it was.

Wendy, Wendy, Wendy.

Another sigh from the actress. How could she concentrate with news project when her brain was occupied by the chef.

She blames her parents, her conservative education and even more, she blames herself for not stood up and do whatever she wanted when she was a teenager. Maybe then she wouldn’t have these emotions and hormones with her. Maybe then she wouldn’t be behaving like a teenage girl in love.

In love? I must be crazy. -  she felt dumb to that comment. She feels even more when she smiled looking at the new text on her phone.

Crazy and stupid. –




Wendy thought something bad happened last night. Perhaps in between her sleepiness she said things that weren't supposed to be said. But she knows wasn’t the case. It was strange, a strange morning, Wendy knew that Irene was looking at her, she could feel Irene's gaze when she pretended to be asleep and for some unknown reason, she kept pretending to be asleep just to keep the actress entertained because the moment her eyes were wide open it would end, then again, she couldn’t recall a reason of why she thought of that.

Are you still mad at me? – Seulgi said looking guilty, Wendy didn’t reply she took the new menu and went through it again, there were some dishes she wasn’t sure it was the right option.

Come on Wen, I didn’t know there were going to be beautiful people there besides I thought you would pick something too. - at that, she stopped what she was doing and looked at her in the most threatening way possible, only to see her friend smile.

You just left me there. I didn’t want to go, and you just left me there. –

I know, I know, my bad but seriously I feel bad enough. I promise I won’t do that again; can you forgive me? –

Wendy knew she couldn’t stand mad at her for too long and so she gave to her friend the menu.

You will be responsible for presenting our new menu to new customers. And I'm talking about a formal presentation. – Seulgi grumbled; she hated being all formal but take the menu either way. The chef smiled victoriously at being able to get out of such a situation.

Time passed and once she was able to be in her office she checked her cell phone once more, just to see there was no message from the actress. Now she was worried. Maybe she did something to upset the girl.

Unable to resist anymore, she picked up her cell phone again and opened a new message.

I know it's unexpected, but would you mind coming to my restaurant.












Hi everyone,

It's been a long time, hasn't it? I apologize for not updating and taking a long time. The truth is that I am not sure if I will be able to continue writing that often, after the pandemic many things happened and as you know it is difficult to recover. I must say that I feel fine, despite being face to face during this pandemic, the situation affected me mentally, I fell into depression and I'm still recovering, I stopped writing and recently went back to it, but as I said it's not something I do day by day. However, I keep this story in mind, I have always wanted to read something like this and when I couldn't find it I decided to write it. I have been changing some things, correcting, little by little I will change some chapters, in case at some point (bearing in mind that there are people who still read it) they see something different in the previous chapters. I hope you are ok, if you need someone to talk please dont doubt it, my dm will be there. I send you guys a big hug and please comment if you like it or if you have any suggestion, I will check them. 
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ReVeLuvyyy #1
Chapter 11: Welcome back! I reread your story again and in love with it so upvote. 😁
WluvsBaetokki #2
Chapter 11: Welcome back. We'll I am a new reader. Don't worry about if someone still reads your story cz someone will always come back to it. You take care of yourself first. Hwaiting author-nim!
-WenRene15- #3
Chapter 11: Welcome back. I'm so happy to see this update
Zegref #4
Ready to subs
Natsu_byakuran11 #5
Welcome back po😭❤️
Chapter 11: 😍😍😍
wenjoyscalp #7
Chapter 10: stay safe! Thanks for your hardwork!
Chapter 10: Stay safe author :) it's okay we will definitely wait for you !
Chapter 10: It's ok! You better take your time to rest more, after all your health is no 1. And you are still in needed at your workplace to help everyone. So yeah, I understand. ^^
Stay safe as well! Thank you for a your hard work! ^^
-WenRene15- #10
Chapter 10: Stay safe as well and thank you for all your hard work =)