Thirty Four

Blood Haven
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Changkyun shook Somi awake. It was a slow tired shake that showed it was an effort for him. Somi still cracked her eyes open and looked at Changkyun, she blinked the sleep out of her eyes and with tired arms Changkyun helped her to sit up. They looked around at the shelters they had set up and Hyunwoo crawled out from his shelter, looking around as the others stood up. 

"Is Jooheon with any of you?" He questioned and Somi looked around their small shelter, seeiong no signs of Jooheon.

"He's not with us" Changkyun spoke for the both of them.

"Or with us" Minhyuk spoke as Kihyun shook his head.

"Where has he gone then?" Hoseok scratched his head and ruffled his hair, it fell back into place and he looked from left to right, trying to see Jooheon through all the trees.

"I can't smell him" Changkyun worried as he pulled Somi to stand up with him and they crawled out from their shelter.

"I can't hear him anywhere" Hyungwon spoke as he stretched and everyone grew worried.

"We need to get moving. We need to find Jooheon"

"Let's split up" Hoseok suggested and Hyunwoo quickly nodded in agreement.

"You go together and we'll take Minhyuk with us" Hyunwoo grabbed Minhyuk by the arm and Hoseok shook his head.

"Let's go by pairs and a three, we need to cover more ground we can't just split in two different directions" He argued and he pulled Minhyuk through the trees.

"Just hurry up" He ordered them and Kihyun grabbed Somi as Hyunwoo nodded at Chankyun and Hyungwon.

"See you" Changkyun saluted and Kihyun nodded as Somi waved.

"Kihyun which way are we going?" Kihyun grabbed Somi by the hand, looking back one last time as Hoseok took off with Hyungwon and Changkyun.

"I guess we're going this way" He shrugged and Somi followed him, keeping up with his pace as he pulled her out of their area of shelter and over tree roots and clumps of moss on the ground.

"Keep your eyes and ears open, we might hear him screaming"

"Right" Somi nodded and she looked from left to right and tried to fix her ears on the sounds around her. It was a lot of splashing water and their feet with the squishing of dirt and mud with dry leaves and their boots colliding on the roots of trees. Somi was filled with feelings of anxiety. No matter how much she tried to concentrate on what was around her, she couldn't hear or see Jooheon anywhere. It was clearly causing Kihyun distress as well. Somi could see it written on his face.

"Kihyun" Somi breathed out and Kihyun came to a stop next to her, swinging his arms in defeat as he continued to look around.

"Where is he?" Kihyun hissed, his hand dragged down his face and Somi looked around.

"Look, let's just continue to stick together and not make to much noise to avoid attracting attention" Kihyun advised and Somi gulped, reaching out for Kihyun's hand to draw his attention to her.

"I think it's too late to stay low now Kihyun" She choked out as clamped up. Kihyun snapped his head to look at her. Somi had grown pale and her eyes shook, looking in one direction nervously. Kihyun followed her line of sight and he to found himself gulping a lump down his throat.

"Stay close" He spoke in a low voice. Black eyes bored into the two and they could both hear the popping and cracking that came from the bones of the students prowling towards them.

"It's more skinwalkers" Somi's grip on Kihyun's hand tightened. Kihyun grit his teeth and turned to face the skinwalkers with Somi. He knew covering her body with his own body would do no good, not with Somi. Kihyun narrowed his eyes and took his hand out of Somi's grip. He stepped forward and Somi's breath trembled as she watched him take that step forward.

"Watch my back" He spoke and Somi nodded, slowly moving her foot to follow him. On comand one of the skinwalkers galloped towards them, their twisted and elongated body beyond regonition now. Kihyun ducked to meet him head on. He pulled the needle point knife out of its seath and wrapped his fingers tightly around the handle. He grabbed the skinwalker by his arm and turned. With the motion of the skinwalkers leap, he was able to slam him down to the ground and Somi leapt over Kihyun to cover him. She was met with a face covered in thinning skin that was struggling to cling to the bone behind the thin layer of flesh left. It brought the smell of death into the air and into Somi's face as she gave the twisted body a hard shove. It swept the skinwalkers feet off the ground and knocked him into another one of his team members. Somi followed them. She ducked under the swing of an arm and turned kicking the skinwalker from behind. A hand shot over her shoulder and Somi grabbed the arm that came with it. She ripped it forward and bent her body forward. A young girl was flung over her shoulder and collapsed onto the ground with a grunt. Somi grit her teeth. She stood up straight and jumped over her to run back to Kihyun's side.

She was yanked back and Somi set her eyes on the thing that was holding her back. She took a deep breath in and held it. Somi swung her head back and then slammed it forward to smash it against the rotting skull hovering before her. The boy grunted and kicked her in the knee. It forced Somi down and she tensed when her knee hit the ground and pain shot up the limb. Somi let out a yelled, lifting her head up to watch the boy shoot into the air and up into the thick branches of a tree. She grit her teeth and snapped her head to look at Kihyun over her shoulder. A second skinwalker was approaching him from behind and she needed to move quickly to stop him. Her hand pressed into the ground and she spun her body round so that she could shoot back up onto her feet. She swept the same hand off the ground and it swept the skinwalker away from Kihyun. She shot a line of fire across the ground and it latched onto a skinwalker girl the ran to attack him. She screamed out and Somi stood back on her feet. She swung her fist out and it connected with the throat of a skinwalker that cut off her path.

Kihyun stood to his full height once again. His knife was red with blood and sweat was starting to form at his hairline. He looked back at Somi and his eyes widened. He threw his knife and it lodged itself into the back of the boy jumping at Somi to attack her again. Somi whipped her head in that direction her eyes went wide. Kihyun ran to collect his knife from the fallen body and Somi took a step back, narrowly missing the hand that shot for .

A hand clenched down on Kihyun's shoulder and forced him to spin around. Kihyun looked up and grit his teeth as he raised his knife again. The skinwalker slapped Kihyun's arm away and Kihyun kicked him in return. The skinwalker grabbed Kihyun by the leather sleeve he wore and used it to pull him across the ground with him. Their feet scraped over the flooring of the forest and Kihyun winced as he raised his arm with the knife again. He used it as a distraction to pull his other knife out and puncture the arm holding him captive with it. The boy screamed and his body cracked and popped again, making his visuals change before Kihyun's eyes. It made Kihyun scrunch his face up in disgust and he stepped back as he put his knives back in their seaths as quickly as he could. He shifted forms and jumped at the distorting figure of the skinwalker. It pushed them through the trees and over large rocks that had both the males grunting and groaning. Kihyun forced his eyes open as his chest rose and fell in heavy pants just in time to see the boy leaping at him with his mouth wide open.

The young girl that launched herself at Somi was easy to take down. She forced her into the air and slammed her back down into the ground as if she weighed a thousand pounds suddenly. She spun around to kick away another oncoming attack and then things went quiet. All her oponents were down on the ground with no sign of being able to get back up. Somi looked over her shoulder and slowly her body followed. She looked around for Kihyun but she couldn't see him anywhere in sight.

"Kihyun?" She called out, trying not to be too loud.

"Kihyun?" She tried again, moving in the direction of where she had last seen him. She passed several trees, looking around to try and find Kihyun. But she couldn't see him, she couldn't smell his scent everywhere and she grew anxious quickly.

"Crap where is he?" She hissed under her breath. She turned and went back the way she had come, hoping Kihyun would magically be among the fallen competitors. But he wasn't and Somi had no clue which way she was meant to go in order to be able to find him again. She looked around, a few of the skinwalkers were and letting out grunts, she knew she had to keep moving before they had to ability to jump at her again.

"You've got to be kidding me" Somi muttered to herself, quick feet moving to jump over bodies and her eyes scanned her surroundings.

"Where could he have gone so quickly?" Somi continued in the direction the two of them were walking in before they were interrupted. She looked left and right and over her shoulder to many times to count, hoping for Kihyun to appear as her senses tingled with the anxiety of her growing danger. It was just what she wasn't hoping for, she was all alone, Jooheon was somewhere alone and now Kihyun was on his own too. They were all easier targets now and Somi could only hope no one had used that advantage on Jooheon and Kihyun. And hopefully, no one would attack her too.


A bird travelled through the air, flying from tree to tree as it hopped along branch to branch. Its eyes roamed the ground below it and out into the distance, looking for any sign of the people it knew. The slim body of a cat followed behind the bird, its body crouching low to the ground and its eyes were wide with alert. Its ears moved as they followed any sound they could hear and it hid behind bushes and slinked around trees to go unseen. They moved on fast feet, drifting by any person that couldn't see them and hiding out sight of those that caught a glimpse of them. The cat cursed itself, why did they have to come in this direction where all those that wanted to attack them seemed to be? It was making their treck difficult, especially when there were no signs of Jooheon within those groups. 

The bird flew over the heads of the group of six and the cat shot past their feet in the moment of distraction. It hid within the bushes and the on edge teens looked around with hunched shoulders and narrow-eyed stares. The cat held its breath, its body pressed to the dirt beneath it as it watched them through the bush, waiting for them to look away so it could continue on its path. When they did it shot away, leaping over the ground and sprinting over rocks and tree routes. The bird followed the cat and they disappeared from sight, successfully escaping another attack.


Somi hid with her back to the tree, she pressed against it and held her breath as she looked up, debating gravitating herself straight up into a better spot or staying on the ground. The leaves behind her crunched again, signalling the person was still moving. Somi's nose poked out and she stopped herself at the last second, cringing and shaking her head. But the footsteps continued and Som

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The last chapter of Blood Haven is now going to be posted tomorrow morning instead of tonight. I've changed it up a bit to make it longer and I'm not finished with it yet so keep an eye out tomorrow for it!


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Re-reading. :)
Chapter 22: Awww this is the cutest chapter so far
Chapter 11: The way theyre making friends is so cute???
2026 streak #4
Chapter 57: Oh no! It has ended? I couldn't believe it and I thought they were going to do something about the great race along with Bora. Anyway, I enjoyed reading this story and the way it ended was good ^^
2026 streak #5
Chapter 56: Well, I think I did expect this reaction from them for the great race. I mean, if they reacted otherwise, that would make them look bad. So I was sure you wouldn't portray them like that. Lol... Anyway, I still couldn't believe it just a step away from it's ends. I'm not yet ready to part with it. But still can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^
2026 streak #6
Chapter 55: Hahaha that was kind of a chaos out there. Poor Jooheon! Anyway, I enjoyed reading this chapter and kinda sad that the story is coming to an end. Nonetheless, will be back later to read the rest ^^
2026 streak #7
Chapter 54: I'm not sure about others but honestly, I was surprised to see Teen Top make an appearance and receive an award for the great race. I've no idea how I missed them. Were they the coyote pack? Or something else? I'd like to know that if you didn't mind. Anyway, I can't believe the story is near its end. Will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #8
Chapter 53: I couldn't believe that Changsub is still picking fights with her. I thought he was the nicest among the spellcasters. And I can't wait for the awards ceremony. Lol... But will be back later to read more ^^