The Curiosity of Minatozaki.

Time To Love
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“I think I need new glasses.” Nayeon suddenly whines amidst their lunch with the usual gang.


Jeongyeon is always quick to react when it comes to the oldest. “Four-eyed.”


“Can still score more dates than you.” Nayeon gives an obviously pretentious smile, throwing a small piece of broccoli at the younger.


Glasses… Sana suddenly thinks back to a certain guy she had met just a month ago. She finds it a little odd how she has not seen Dahyun at all when the campus surely is not big enough to miss a familiar body. A part of her wants to assume that the lack of encounter is happening on purpose, but there is absolutely no reason for the younger to avoid her.


She is not aware of the exact reason as to why she is looking for him anyway. It is not like they are close acquaintances in the first place.


Sana could just ask Jihyo for his number, but she does not want to. The Japanese girl knows that the latter is still not a hundred percent convinced that their last interaction in Dahyun’s room was nothing but friendly. She is not going out of her way to ask for a stranger’s phone number; not when there is reputation to keep and pride to keep intact.


However, If there is one thing to realize, it is that Dahyun has a pair of non-dismissible eyes. Sana cannot seem to forget the sharp monolid feature even if her life depended on it.


Dahyun is an average joe, but the impression he leaves is everything but adequate.


“–ey, Sana?” The said Japanese finally wakes to reality, with all eyes on her. “Are you okay? You’ve been zoning out a lot lately; even more than Momo.” Nayeon throws a question with a look of pure worry.


“Sorry, just lack of sleep.” She lies, and knowledgeable of the fact that her friends are not dumb enough to believe her either.


But they chose to dismiss the topic, much to Sana’s relief.


“Anyway, what were we talking about?” The second of the Japanese girls ask.


Jeongyeon takes a quick glimpse at the oldest, subconsciously smiling at the adorable sight of Nayeon in spectacles. “How nerdy Nayeon looks with glasses.” She says with a fond smile.


Sana takes a look at the girl adjacent to her. “I think she looks cute. Much better than contacts, in my opinion.”


Nayeon dramatically wraps both arms around the younger’s waist, feigning a cry. “As expected, I only have you Sana.”


Jeongyeon doesn’t fail to murmur a bitter “Drama queen.”


“Did you just hear yourself? It has the word ‘queen’ in it. So thank you, Jeongyeon. I knew you’ve always seen me as royalty.” She flips her long, silky hair in arrogance.


The second oldest of the group pretends to throw up – an act meant to stomp on the obnoxious confidence.


“Just date already; you’re more of a couple than Mo and I.” Mina intervenes with a quiet, sassy tone. She then moves on to feeding her girlfriend.


“Yeah… I don’t think that’s the case.” Jeongyeon shudders at the cringey act of romance displaying before her eyes.


“We can’t leave Sana to fifth wheel; that’s just cruel.” Nayeon pitches in.


The foreigner of single status furiously nods at the statement. Being left with two couples is the last thing she wants. It is already bad enough to be the isolated one of the Japanese trio, she does not need Jeongyeon and Nayeon joining the cruel game as well.


Although they already do – unofficially.


“Get a new pair, Nayeonnie.” Sana returns to the original topic, eyeing the thin metal rod that hooks itself around the older girl’s ear. “They’re attractive.”


Her thoughts begin to wander off to a certain stranger in a big, white hoodie and thick spectacle frames.


“Glasses are actually quite cute.” Sana cannot help but comment.




Two foreign beauties are currently sitting in the cafeteria – catching occasional attention from the bystander – waiting for each of their upcoming lecture. Mina’s class is starting in a short while, but Sana’s history discussion is not for another hour and a half.


“That’s a cute hoodie.” Mina comments, smiling at Sana’s black clothing. It is exactly her type, and she guesses that her girlfriend would probably think the same thing.


It is Dahyun’s, to be exact. It has been another week without the sight of the freshman, so Sana figures that the item of clothing is now hers to keep and it would be a waste to leave the sweater rotting in her closet.


So here she is, clad in the oversized hoodie – that still smells faintly of the familiar expensive cologne – and tattered skinny jeans.


“Thanks.” Sana returns the smile, looking at her top with a proud smile. She had just snagged a hoodie of high quality, for free. For a second, she wonders if the exact emotion is how girls feel whenever they manage to finesse a type of clothing from their lover’s closet without a sprinkle of intention in ever returning it.


She takes a look at Mina’s outfit and it is almost too easy for her to flash a smile. The younger Japanese is wearing Momo’s dance hoodie, and it is so cute how the blue cloth is almost swallowing her whole.


Mina has an adorable quirk of raiding her girlfriend’s closet – often parading around in a full outfit that belongs to certain Japanese girl.


Sana feels a bit envious.


“Where did you get it?”


Sana wants to joke around and respond with a smart- answer like usual but this is Mina she is talking to – a girl with a painfully dry sense of humour. So instead, she settles for a normal response.


“It was given to me.” The older says, honestly.


The reply seems to pique Mina’s interest because her pupils visibly dilate; eyes shimmering in fascination. Sana had witnessed enough of the younger watching Momo’s performance in order to recognize such expression.


“Really? By who?”


“Just, someone…” She leaves a vague answer.


“Someone?” Mina gasps, and Sana could practically hear the gears in the younger’s brain running in full speed. “Sana are you–”


The long haired girl is quick to cut her off, completely halting any coming assumptions. “Whatever you’re thinking, the answer is no.”




“Mina, I swear on my heart. Whichever ideas are floating in your mind right now, they’re wrong.” Sana explains, making sure that she is looking into Mina’s eyes; completely conveying her sincerity. “Don’t you have a class to attend?”


The younger takes a quick look at her wristwatch, then her once serene face transitions into a panicked expression. “Oh God, I’m going to be late!”


She is fast to grab her duffel bag containing her ballet necessities, running out as she did so. “See you later, Hammy!” Mina turns around, sprinting backwards as she waves at Sana – calling the older girl by the shorter’s favourite nickname for the clumsy Japanese.


Sana gives a lazy wave in return, a content smile displaying on her lips.


Feeling a little self-conscious being in a cafeteria alone, Sana has no choice but to go for a walk.


She strolls around for a while, with casual greetings along the way; some from her friends, others from admirers and Sana is kind enough to treat everyone all the same.


Starting to get bored, the Japanese girl looks at her surroundings for any source of entertainment.


And that is when she spots the man she hasn’t seen in a little over a month: Dahyun in the flesh wearing a black sweater and dark grey joggers – never forgetting his thick glasses to complete the nerdy ensemble.


With nothing better to do and no witnesses to hide from, Sana begins to head towards the isolated wooden bench where he is currently lounging.


“Hey, you.” She greets in a mixture of casualty and agitation, making herself comfortable on the empty spot beside the younger.


“S-Sana?” The surprise on his face is like an elephant in the room – obvious as the blue sky. He then lifts from his previous position of laying.


“It’s been a while, huh?” If a truth spell were casted at the moment, Sana would be talking about how she is actually shaking internally – heart ramming in anxiousness. “I have yet to thank you for saving me, so I’m here to show my gratitude.”


It is awkward; everything is uncomfortable and unsettling.


Sana has no idea what she is doing.


“What are you talking about?” Dahyun questions with a left brow raised higher than the other.


Finally cracking, Sana lets out a defeated sigh, allowing her figure to collapse against the back support. “I don’t know? Just roll with it. I was bored and alone, with my friends all gone to class; I needed an excuse to hang out with someone.” She pouts like a rotten child, thirsty for attention.


Dahyun nods at the explanation, finally plastering his default smile – one that shines of kindness and purity. “Alright, I’m all caught up.” His voice is a little quieter than Sana remembers, but it has also been a while since they had spoken so her judgment is to be taken lightly. “Try again.” He urges.


“H-Hey, you.” Sana restarts but clearly more bashful than previous, suddenly aware of her own silliness.


“It’s been a while, Sana.” His eyes thin into a smile, warm and welcoming; still sharp as she remembers. “How have you been?”


Sana blinks at the question. “Are you seriously asking, or are you just being polite?”


“I’m polite by nature.” He is still beaming and it makes Sana wonder if there is ever a moment when he is not. “Though you can say that I’m a tad curious with this one, so speak away.” He gestures a mannered hand, giving a sign of encouragement.


The former clasps her lips together in ponder before doing as told. “Same old, for the most part. I hang out with my friends, but they are pretty much coupled up so you can say that I’m left in shambles.”


Dahyun laughs at that, hearty and free. Sana doesn’t think that what she had said was all that funny, and neither did she intend for it to be, but it feels nice to hear someone laugh over an unintentional joke. The Japanese girl is not much of a comedian, according to her favourite bunch.


It is her first time hearing Dahyun’s voice in a slightly higher volume. Thank God that his laughter is not one of those annoying sounding ones. Those of which Sana despises a lot. It is an assault to the ears, and she hates it the most.


Actually, she can say that Dahyun has a pleasant laugh: Light and soft as a cotton.


“Sounds quite rough. I guess I should be thankful that I have minimal friends; three to be exact, since everyone loves numbers.” He humours after a session of laughter.


“Add me on the list and make that four.” Sana says without much thought.


Once her own words start to register in her brain, quaking pupils and trembling feet are her first reactions.


She is about to take it back when he had beaten her into speaking.


“I am not an easy guy, Sana.” The latter could see the chuckles bubble in his throat, with Dahyun’s face contorting in an attempt to suppress a laugh. “You never know what tricks I have up my sleeves.”


The Japanese girl recalls their last encounter when she had said something along the lines of the statement. With a mocking snort, she playfully rolls her eyes.


“You’re awfully picky for someone who only has four friends.”


“And yet here you are, chatting with me amongst the hundreds of students wandering about at the moment.” Dahyun looks around at the relatively spacious place.


Sana bites her inner cheek, unable to come up with a response.


She could swear that she is usually more quick-witted than now.


Empty of a good clapback reply, she settles for a command instead.


“Hold out your arms.”


“What?” Dahyun questions but does as he is told. He stretches both arms, seemingly waiting for the next act.


Without a word, Sana pushes on the two sleeves, coming into a halt as they roll up to both elbows – revealing the pale, toned flesh.


“There’s nothing.” Sana monotones, “Looks like you’re just an average guy who tries to keep a high GPA, Dahyun.”


The freshman blinks thrice with an empty look until he eventually explodes into another laughing fit, finding extreme amusement in the way Sana had monotonously imitated his line.


“Just for that,” He mentions in between giggles. “You’ve earned yourself an official spot in my exclusive friendship club.”


“Calling it an ‘exclusive club’ is a bit of a stretch, Dahyun.” Sana shakes a head of disapproval but a tender smile continues to linger on her tinted lips.


“Hey, you have your lame excuses, and I

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i didn't realize i updated on the anniversary of this story omg!! happy 4 years anniversary my loves <3333 thank you for being with me for years ily all :* muah


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0 points #1
Chapter 12: Coming late to read this story! It is so cute... Thank you for writing it. I hope these years are being a bit kinder to you. As long you wanna keep writing, Ill be waiting for a update on this. Have a nice day!
CalyxVargas #2
Hi author-nim, when will you come back😭😭😭??
gwenlim24 #3
Sheeettt pang ilang balik ko na to dito, the best of the best pa din tong au na to ng saida walang tatalo 😭
dh_kim07 #4
Chapter 12: hi, miss u author-nim
Kimmy001011 #5
Chapter 12: god!it's a real good story, i want to see more😭😭😭
I miss u.
Chapter 12: Just rereading this lovely story again until the next update 😅
Kimdubs #8
Chapter 12: God! This story is my favorite, I hope you update this story
gwenlim24 #9
2024 and I'm still waiting. Finished all your saida stories and yes I therefore conclude that you are the my most favorite author
doobla #10
Chapter 12: I like to come back a few times a year because I truly enjoy the story