Secret Crush


Lee Seokmin has a crush on Mo ChaHae.
Mo ChaHae has a crush on Lee Seokmin.
Both of them are too scared to tell each other about it.

But, Seokmin decides to confess his love to ChaHae today, but it doesn't work out like he was planning it to be.



      Lee Seokmin           |      Kwon Soonyoung    

   Yoon Jeonghan      |            Choi Hansol                   

Mo ChaHae

All characters are 17 years old.                           


Hello everyone!  This is Charlotte!  I'm here to bring you a one shot that you'll probably hate!  I might have rushed it too much, but hayyy!  I had fun writing it!  Sorry for any and all grammar and spelling mistakes!

I wrote this for: Open Writing Club

Please do enjoy the story!  Thank you~

Poster edited and Background made by Me~



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27 streak #1
Chapter 1: Ahhh! It’s sweet. But it got me confused in the middle there. I thought she likes Jeonghan, not Seokmin. But hey, Seokmin still got the girl in the end.
Good work authornim.
Chapter 1: You had a lot of really unique plot points. Nothing in this story was expected, which is a total plus. However, as others have mentioned, some of this uniqueness was confusing. Why did she kiss Jeonghan? Why did Seokmin get fake angry and slap the box away? I think there could have been an interesting development if Seokmin had seen Chahae kiss his friend, and that was honestly where I thought you were going with that. The other members of Seventeen while I love them seemed slightly unnecessary, other than being awesome cheerleaders and hypemen for Seokmin. We ended up learning more about them in the beginning than we did about Seokmin, which I felt like should have been more of a focus. I also think it's interesting that Seokmin's feelings for Chahae are based only off of physicality. That's totally fine but maybe if there was a backstory to when he first saw or realized he liked her there could have been believability to the ending romance.
11 streak #3
Chapter 1: Cute idea ,can a kiss be pass to another person like that .

It's really sweet and short. Nice one .
Chapter 1: The idea for this fanfic is really creative, so kudos! (^.^)

But, there are a few parts that bothered me — Chahae kissing Jeonghan on the cheek, Chaehae pushing Seokmin away and Seokmin being angry at her.
The thing that bothered me about the kissing part is the fact Chahae asked JEONGHAN to give SEOKMIN the kiss. Wouldn’t Seokmin be confused if Jeonghan actually gave him that kiss? And, if Seokmin found out that Chahae kissed Jeonghan, wouldn't he be jealous? But, I’ll just go with the idea that it’s for the plot.
The second one, I think it’s a bit exaggerating? I mean, usually, when people are flustered, they would just step back and apologise before rushing off. But, I guess it’s also for the plot too (to get Seokmin into the infirmary where the confession takes place), that’s why it’s written like that.
But the last part, Seokmin being angry at Chaehae, was it really necessary? Even though he was just faking it, but slapping a gift from the hands of a girl is a guaranteed one-way ticket to making the girl scared of a guy (and making her heartbroken).

Other than that, the story is okay and, like I said before, creative. These are just the few parts that bothered me. I’m sorry if I sounded mean- I tried not to, but if I did anyway, I’m really sorry.
Chapter 1: I really liked the ending because you did a good job of conveying her nervousness. There were a few things I had a problem with though. For example, I don't get why Chahae kissed Jeonghan's cheek and expected him to give that to Seokmin. I just don't understand why she (or anyone) would do that. Also, I didn't like how he slapped the box out of her hand... Maybe the action verb you used was too harsh but either way, I don't think he should have done that especially since he likes her. There are also grammar errors that can be easily fixed such as spelling so beware of those. Your sentences don't really flow into each other. I'm not very good at this either, but to cope with that I read my chapters out loud and try to fix it. Some sentences can also mesh together while giving more detail.


Original: Seokmin sees Chahae enter the classroom. He looked down at his desk. He's too afraid to look at her, especially if she was spying on him earlier.

My quick edit: He watched Chahae enter the classroom, remembering Joenghan's previous comment. Immediately, his heart beated faster and to avoid being caught staring, he averted his gaze.

My edit still sounds a little iffy to me, but it's just an example of what could be done. Also, instead of adding Seokmin's name I used a pronoun because his name was already mentioned in the paragraph. I get why you used his name, but it still felt a little redundant.

These are just things I noticed and I hope I don't sound too harsh or anything!! I used to edit stories and papers so if I sounded too critical, I apologize! Fluff is really hard for me to write, so I'm really impressed you could write this within the time that you did! Good luck with your future stories~
Chapter 1: Such a cute fic. Although the ending was a bit too abrupt, the generalization for this is that it was cute and fluffy
Chapter 1: Aww, I remember being young and awkward with a crash like this lol very cute!!! (^ヮ^)b

I saw that the person who commented before me mentioned making your dialogue more natural and I thought I'd give you a few tips on how to do that...

One of the big things is listening to how people talk to each other. Something I do to help myself with this is watch a movie or tv show that I like and really pay attending to what they say to each other. A few times I've even written down some of the dialogue and then added action and speaking tags to it to match what the actors were doing (this helped me a lot).

Another thing you can do is pay attention to dialogue in stories you've read. A lot of times after I finish a book I'll look back through it, paying attention to the dialogu, how it was tagged, and the punctuation (I even bought a few used books to highlight and leave notes in ^^;).

The last thing is to be careful to not over tag dialogue. Over tagging can make good dialogue awkward. I'm going to use a bit from your fic to show you...

Soonyoung puffed out his cheeks and smiled. "Don't worry! We already have a plan!" Soonyoung shouted.

I found this awkward for a few reasons. 1. The "Soonyoung shouted" felt weird because you already had his name in the action tag before the dialogue, and 2. the "shouted" wasn't really needed because you used exclamation points.

It would flow better if you did...

Soonyoung puffed out his cheeks and smiled. "Don't worry! We already have a plan!"

Or if you wanted to keep the speaking tag, just move it like this...

Soonyoung puffed out his cheeks and smiled, then shouted, "Don't worry! We already have a plan!"

I hope this helps! ♡-(・ヮ・)-♡
Chapter 1: Cute <3
Your dialogue could be a bit more natural...but the content was good ^^