Spring Drizzle

It Has To Be You And Me

There was a far-off memory at the very back of his mind. It was so far-off, to the point that it felt like it didn’t belong to him.

In that piece of memory, he was starving. He was struggling. He was cold. He was devastated. He was furious. He was—

“Let go of that child.”

He saw god.

Although the people around them called out ‘Young Master’, ‘Young Master’; for him the one he saw was indeed god.

God had finally descended and took his hand, saving him from the cold and cruel world. God gave him shelter, food, and warm clothes to wear.

And so, he decided to devote his whole life to god.

“You are an interesting child. What’s your name?”

“My name is Wonshik, o mighty god.”

“Ahaha, silly child. I told you that I’m no god. I’m Taekwoon from the Jung clan. I hope we can get along well, Wonshik.”

Although Taekwoon denied it, Wonshik still considered him as god.

But as the time went, Wonshik realized that maybe, maybe Taekwoon was right. Maybe Taekwoon really wasn’t a god. Maybe Taekwoon was just a human, just like Wonshik himself, and just like Wonshik’s sickly sister who had passed away many winters ago.

The reason being, a god wasn’t supposed to get sick. A god wasn’t supposed to faint from exhaustion. A god wasn’t supposed to break out cold sweats all night long. A god wasn’t supposed to cough his lungs out all day long.

But despite all that, Wonshik served him loyally anyway. Because although Taekwoon was a human, he was still the god who saved Wonshik’s life. It’s only natural for Wonshik to stake his life to protect the god who had protected him first.

So when Taekwoon was poisoned to death by the greedy rival clan while Wonshik was away, he was enraged.

Wonshik was enraged enough to break into the house of those heathens, breaking every bones of those who dared to stand on his way, and completely crushed the person who caused it all until his body was unrecognizable.

The fists and the strength he swore to be used to protect his beloved god, had turned into a bloody judgement hammer that blew others to smithereens.

As Wonshik wandered aimlessly, covered in blood of his enemy, he came face to face with an unworldly being.

“I came all the way here because I heard there was a Demon in this area although I don’t remember sending one here… How disappointing it is, that what I found was a mere human.”

The one standing in front of Wonshik was no god, but a demon—a real Demon.

And that night, he too became a Demon.

But it was an old story.

It was a memory that should have been completely forgotten.

It was a memory that Upper Moon Six, Ravi, didn’t need.

What Ravi needed was to get stronger.

Get stronger so that he could crush his enemies.

Get stronger so that he could trample on their lives.

Get stronger—

“Wonshik, my dearest, that is enough.”

So that he could protect what’s important for him.

So that he would never forget what’s precious to him.

So that he wouldn’t lose his way, ever again.


The Lord’s yelling in his head was cut off cleanly by a young swordsman from the Demon Slayer Corps.

That young swordsman looked a whole lot like his beloved god, Taekwoon. If he didn’t mishear him before, that young swordsman was also from the Jung clan. As far as his memories went, Taekwoon should’ve been the only heir to the clan, but they probably produced another heir after the first one passed away. Taekwoon was replaceable for them. He was the only one who felt that Taekwoon was irreplaceable.

“Young Master Taekwoon, am I allowed to rest? Am I allowed… to be forgiven?”

The feeling of that young swordsman’s blade was like a light drizzle in spring.

“Silly child… Of course you’re allowed to, my beloved Wonshik.”

Wonshik’s first and last meeting with his god was under the warm spring drizzle.

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Notice: I'm removing both chapters of 'Canvas' to be republished in a new story. Sorry for the inconvenience.


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Mewchan11 #1
Chapter 24: I loved these stories!
Chapter 10: Why I didn't read it earlier?! I love both of your angst and fluff fics♡Although I prefer fluff<3
Chapter 16: Ahh...again delicious angst /_\
w0nt4ekLR #4
Chapter 15: Awwwww~~~~ wish there’s a continue
Chapter 13: Why so sad...
siezzy #6
Chapter 13: What is this I just read? I thought wonshik is a ghost, but it turns out he actually the ex boyfriend that soon to be married. Why this is more sad than wonshik being a ghost
I demand a return for my wontaek fluffy heart
Nupim_starlight #7
Chapter 11: I’m crying This’s short but emotionally...
wi2nqs #8
Chapter 1: For me neo is life.......
But my wontaek heart is there...
Chapter 1: THIS IS SO GOOD. in such little words you made my heart feel that many emotions. i love this.
siezzy #10
Chapter 9: angsty wontaek is angsty..

This is so sad, I need some fluffy wontaek