Why not the ladder?

Why not the ladder?

Katrina usually never sees anything wrong with her height But as she stands in front of the tall bookshelf looking at a book she needs for her history class she curses her height.

Maybe she should have taken taehyung's offer to accompany her.

No then she would have never gotten any work done and she really needs to ace this test. Her grades for history have been decreasing.

She gulps and looks around, maybe someone will be willing to help. She peaks around the end of the bookshelf and scans the students that are in the library. But she doesn't recognize anyone. She can feel her social anxiety start to kick in.

She tooks a deep breath in and holds it in for a moment before slowly letting it out. She can do this. All she has to do is find someone and ask. Not that hard.



She feels weight being lifted off her shoulders when she spots namjoon, one of taehyung's many friends he's forced her to meet. She by no means is close to namjoon but his nice and she's met him a good six times and he respects her liking for not talking very much. But the weight is quickly back on her shoulders when he waves three people over. All if which she's never met.

She sighs quietly to herself and thinks maybe she should come tomorrow with taehyung. But she really needs to finish it today. She glances around again and her breath gets caught in .

There sits jeon jungkook.

Looking ing hot.

Katrina may have a little crush on him.

She quickly looks away before he can feel her gaze so that he doesn't look up at her. She can feel her heart pounding harshly in her chest and her palms start to sweat.


She starts taking deep breaths in trying to calm down.

Everythings fine.

He didn't see her.

So it's all good.


She feels like she's about to hyperventilate.

She quickly leaves the library.

Unsurprisingly she fells the test.

But thanks to her history teacher liking her so much she gets another chance.

Taehyung can't come to the library because he promised to help jimin with something but he says hoseok will be there because he told taehyung that he couldn't come to his house later because he was going to be at the library late.

Hoseok's not ing there.

Katrina's half pissed and half glad about it.

She really needs this goddamn book but hoseok is just as annoying as taehyung and he no doubt will bother her and ask her why she never talks to him and proceed to make a screen about it. She doesn't need nor want that.

She sighs and is ready to just accept the F when she spots jungkook again.

She bites her lower lip and squeezes her eyes shut.

She'll do it.

She'll ask him.

in a deep breath katrina slowly makes her way to him.

It'll be fine.

It's not like he'll scream at her for being short.

It's not like he'll grab someones coffee and throw it at her.

It's not like every single person in here will suddenly sit at the table or stand near it.

It's fine.

She's right behind him now.

As she lifts her hand to tap his shoulder she realizes her hands shaking.

Before she can chicken out and run away her hands already met his shoulder. Jungkook turns around and looks up at her.


Holy .

That's one deep voice.

It's not as deep as taehyung's but it's pretty damn close.

It's also soft.

"Hmm yes...i uh can't reach a book and uh I was wondering if you could help?"

Katrina's not even looking at him anymore. His gaze having become to much for her to hold.

"Yeah sure."

Jungkook closes his book and stands up.

Katrina gasps.

Her head doesn't even make it close to his collar bone.

When she looks up at jungkook's face he has an eyebrow lifted and she swears his mouth is tugging upward.

She feels her face heat up and she quickly looks away.

"Uh the books over here."

Katrina mumbles pointing to the direction of were it's at before walking towards it.

"It's that white one up there."

Katrina says pointing towards it.

"This one?"

Jungkook asks not even having to stretch to grab it.

"Yeah that one."

Jungkook grabs it with ease. He hands it to her and katrina stares at it in shock slowly taking it from him and gasping when in it's in her hands.

Why the is it so big and heavy?!?!

Katrina struggles with it but once she's wrapped it in her arms and has it pressed against her chest she's good. She looks up at jungkook and gives him a small smile.

"Thank you very much."

"Yeah no problem."

Jungkook gives her a smile before walking away and katrina's left frozen in place.

That was a cute smile. It reminded her of a bunny. It also looked...fond. like the fond smile seokjin gives her when she's finished cooking a new recipe and it turns out good.


Katrina knows for a fact the library is now the place she hates the most.

Seriously do they even consider that there are short people? Or do they think that because the people who work here are tall that everyone else it to.

Stupid ing library.

She glances around to helpfully find someone she knows but is out of luck.


There is jungkook.

You'd think that since she's already asked him that asking again would be easy right?


If anything she's even more nervous to ask him.

Yes it has to do with what his wearing.

That tight V neck is way to distracted.

Katrina's never payed attention to muscle.

But oh boy she's paying attention now.

How can arms even by that thick?

Katrina gasps and shakes her head.

It's fine.

Everythings fine.

She takes slow steps towards jungkook. And when she's right behind him she realizes her hands shaking again. She gently taps jungkook's shoulder and gives him a small apologetic smile.

"Hm there's another book I can't reach if you could help again..."

"Oh yeah sure."

She waits until his out of his seat to go to the bookshelf the books on.

"It's that green one."

"This one?"


Again jungkook gets it with ease. Jungkook pauses before giving it to her.

"You take cooking classes?"

"Oh no I don't have cooking classes...per say. I have a...in a way private teacher that helps me. I like cooking and seokjin is the only person that I know that can cook really will so he offered to give me lesseons."

"Seokjin hyung?!"

Jungkook sounds shocked.

"You know him?"

"His my cousin."

This time katrina's shocked.

"W-what? Really?!"

Jungkook chuckles.


"Oh...oh hm that's all I needed thank you very much again for the help."

"It's nothing. You have a nice day."

"You too."


"Is it good?"

Katrina asks as seokjin takes a bite of the Jjigae. Seokjin gives her a thumbs up.

"Very good!"

Katrina's smiles proudly.

"Thank you."

"No no thank you. I don't have to cook lunch now."

Seokjin laughs taking another bite.

"Well I have to go now history starts in 20."

Seokjin humms and nods.

"Okay. Oh! Wait! You met jungkook?"

Katrina pauses before nodding.

"Yeah I did. I needed help with getting down a history book and the cooking book."

Katrina said nodding towards the food.

"Oh that was nice of him."

"Yeah...he told you?"

"...uh yeah."

Katrina glanced at seokjin. What's with the weird tone?

"Anyway I really have to go see ya."



Can you sue a library for putting books on way to high shelves? Probably not.

Katrina wishes she could though.

Seriously why her? Why is it every single ing book she needs is so high up?! Katrina sighs and immediately looks at jungkook. Would he get annoyed if she asked him to get another book? Would he think she was being a ? No he seems really nice. Katrina sighs again.

This time her hand doesn't shake when she taps jungkook's shoulder.

And this time jungkook doesn't wait for her to ask him.

As he stands up katrina makes her way to the bookshelf.

"It's the black one."

But jungkook doesn't make a move to grab it. Katrina looks at him confused.

"What's wrong?"

"Why didn't you just use the ladder?"

Katrina's now even more confused.

"What ladder?"

Jungkook points over her shoulder.

Looking behind her katrina spots the small ladder.

She gasps and whips around to look at jungkook.

"I-i-i-i swear I didn't see that!!!!"

Jungkook raises an eyebrow, a little smirk playing on his lips.

"Oh really?"

But instead of waiting for a response jungkook walks past katrina and towards the ladder. Grabbing it jungkook makes his way back towards katrina.

He puts it down and grabs katrina, and lifts her up on to the ladder. Katrina squeals and gasps.

"Now you know."

Jungkook whispers inching his face closer to hers.

"Why not the ladder?"


"Why didn't you use the ladder?"

"I told you...i didn't know it was there."


Katrina opened to say it was true she truly didn't know it was there but jungkook pushed his lips against hers.

After a few minutes jungkook slowly pulled away.

"It's fine though...if you knew about it then you wouldn't have talked to me. So I'm not angry."

Jungkook suddenly placed a small piece of paper in her hands.

"See you on monday."


"We're going on a date."


It wasn't until their 7 anniversary had katrina found out that jungkook had actually moved the ladder there.

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yukinaruse #1
Chapter 1: Awwww so cute