Chapter 20

Are we ready for the world?
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Seulgi woke up to the gorgeous scent of coffee and slowly opened her eyes.

“Ah,” said the voice that Seulgi knew so well. “You’re alive." She glanced around the room in confusion as she realized she was in Joohyun’s bedroom.

She was going to go back to her own apartment but she must have fallen asleep while waiting for Joohyun to sleep. And now the older woman was standing over her, smiling which made her heart skip a beat, holding a cup of coffee.

“Thanks.” Seulgi scrambled to sit up and reached for the cup. How long had she had an audience, anyway? 

"I hope you still like it." 

Joohyun didn't care for coffee, but the girl could make store-bought coffee taste better than most cafes. Seulgi smiled at the expectant look on the latter as she reminisced. And this was what Seulgi used to have when they hung out years ago.

Seulgi took a sip of her coffee and savored the flavour. "Still love this actually, it's been a while since I've had milk in my coffee," she said.

Since she started working, she usually opted for coffees with less nonsense like an espresso or Americano, just to keep herself awake and alert throughout the day; bitter tastes that remind her of how hard life can be. 

Joohyun teased Seulgi at her sleeping habits," You still sleep like a log. You haven't outgrown it yet?"

"The sleeping part I never will," she joked back as she continued to sip her delicious coffee.

"So how do you deal with the mornings after the deed?" asked Joohyun, breaking her coffee trance.

Seulgi didn't know if she was genuinely curious or trying to be evil. "Must I answer that on the first day we decided to date?" She replied hesitantly. Joohyun chuckled and nodded.

Seulgi relented and sighed, explaining why she sometimes resorted to flings and one night stands: "I slept around because I couldn't sleep well." 

The truth hung in the air like a ghost-she longed for the simple comfort of another human being, someone who wouldn't leave like Joohyun did all those years ago at the shed. But even so, she couldn't bring herself to divulge the further truth- Seulgi liked feeling wanted by someone for at least one night -and just one was never enough because they weren't her. 

And more for the morning after, affirming her worth. 

Even her own family saw her as second best - a back-up when their sons weren't good enough,no matter how hard she tried or how well she did. So she welcomed feeling wanted by the people she met; it gave her a confidence boost with every encounter. 

"I see," Joohyun uttered, glancing up at Seulgi with an expression of guilt across her face.

Seulgi broke the uncomfortable atmosphere by teasing, "But I didn't do the deed last night." They both laughed at the blush that crept onto Joohyun's cheeks. 

Just then, her phone began to ring. She answered, “Hello.” Her expression immediately darkened. “No. I sent the draft as you requested: twelve spreads with a cover. Jennie said she wanted an even-numbered look book."

"Who in their right mind would ever publish an odd-numbered feature for the special issue release of the magazine, Oppa?""

Joohyun looked at her apologetically and went outside to continue the conversation. 

Seulgi laid back down to the bed, still in disbelief over what had transpired for the past 24 hours. 

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in, trying to calm her heart. She couldn't believe that it still happened. And it was the most incredible feeling in the world. 

As she laid there, still lost in her thoughts,she heard a knock on the door. Joohyun was standing there, looking apologetic. 

"I'm so sorry but I have to get to the office.", sighing heavily, "I think our Korean editor had a misunderstanding with the printouts."

"Hey, it's okay." Seulgi smiled as she stood up from the bed and approached the latter."I also have to head back to my apartment. I forgot to text Wendy."

"Tell her I said thanks."

"For what?"

"She's the one who told me where you were last night."

Seulgi chuckled, "Of course, she did."

Joohyun nodded, "Yeah, and she also told me that she will tell your parents you're asleep if they called."

Seulgi felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment. 

"Well, I'm just glad you found me," Seulgi said, trying to change the subject. "I had a great time last night."

Joohyun smiled, "Me too. We should do it again sometime."

Seulgi nodded in agreement, "Definitely."

Joohyun looked at Seulgi for a moment before leaning in to give her a kiss on the cheek. Seulgi felt her heart skip a beat but remained outwardly composed. 

"I'll see you later," Joohyun said before turning and walking to the bathroom to get ready for work.

Seulgi watched her go, feeling overwhelmed by emotion. First, she also had to get back to her place. 


Seulgi had no idea how she managed to make it back to her apartment. Her thoughts were a jumbled mess and no one idea seemed to jump out at her. Then, Seulgi glanced at her phone and saw Joohyun's text message: Dinner at 7 on Friday? 

She usually spent her nights drinking in bars followed by clubbing, but this felt like a promising change. 

Dinner sounds great. Seulgi typed back. 

Seulgi sighed contentedly as warmth spread through her body but the sound of her cousin's muffled laughter caught her off guard. She looked up to see Wendy watching her amusedly from the doorway.

"Had a great night, I assume?"

Seulgi had been so caught up in the moment that she almost forgot about her nosy cousin.

"You look like you had a *fabulous* evening," her cousin teased with a smirk. Seulgi blushed and walked past her cousin to step into the apartment. embarrassment quickly dissipated when she remembered that she wasn't alone; Wendy's nosy presence was inescapable.

As they walked down the hallway, Seulgi could almost feel Wendy's playful gaze boring into her back.

"I ain't telling no more,Son Seungwan."

"Oh, come on, your face is giving it all away," Wendy retorted cheekily before Seulgi could even defend herself. She knew there was no point in arguing with her cousin's relentless curiosity - plus, deep down she was glad for Wendy's support. Rolling her eyes, Seulgi finally gave in and said, "Fine, I had a great night."

"That's great news," Wendy said sincerely before adding suspiciously, "Wait- did she seriously just-". Seulgi stopped her before she got carried away,  "No!", she exclaimed firmly, "Nothing happened, we just slept with our clothes on." 

Wendy let out a chuckle as she watched her cousin's cheeks flush, her eyes twinkling as she asked, “So how did that all happen? Last time I checked you were headed to meet with Jackson. Did she literally stalk you all the way to the club?"

"Hey now," Seulgi protested, "you're the one who told her where to find me."

"I didn't expect her to actually show up though. She seemed pretty determined when she got here. Are you two good now?"

"Let's just say we talked it out and then...made up." Seulgi had the grace to look embarrassed as Wendy snorted with laughter. 

"You mean 'shove your tongue down ' Make up? Man, you don't waste any time."

"What can I say? At least I've got someone to kiss," Seulgi replied with a smirk. Wendy gave her cousin a sharp look. "It never ends for you does it? Is this another girl of many?"

"Hey!" Seulgi tossed a pillow in the direction of her cousin, who dodged it with a snicker.

"Well, I'm happy for you."Wendy gave her a pleased grin. Seulgi couldn't help but feel that it wasn't entirely genuine pleasure. 

"What's wrong?" she asked. "I know that face." 

"What face?"

"Wendy Son."

"Is she okay with it?"

"Okay with what?"

Wendy hesitated before finally asking, "You're not going to introduce her publicly, are you?" 

Seulgi felt her heart sink at the question. Five years ago, she would have answered without hesitation, but now things were different. "I told her that we need to get to know each other first," Seulgi replied, avoiding her friend's gaze.

"So what now?" Wendy asked. Seulgi sighed heavily and leaned back against the couch. 

"What do you mean?"

"You can't make it official yet, right? You know that."

"Yes, I know that."Seulgi exhaled deeply and leaned back on the sofa. She knew the truth too well; until she could prove herself within her family, she would be vulnerable to any weakness. 

"I don't know what we'll do," Seulgi admitted honestly.Wendy shrugged in response.  "Just keep it between you two until then. And enjoy being in love."At the thought of being in love with Joohyun, Seulgi smiled—she had never imagined feeling such joy after everything that has happened.

But Wendy wasn't done yet: "Just promise me one thing," Wendy said seriously.

"What's that?" Seulgi asked curiously.

" Promise me that you'll grow fast and become strong enough to protect both of you.” Seulgi smiled, though inside she felt an ache at the thought of how much still needed to be done before she could even think of introducing Joohyun as hers to the world."

But despite her fears, she managed a smile and softly replied, "I will try."


It had become a regular occurrence. Twice a week, Seulgi found herself in Joohyun's room, having a sleepover. Unbelievable, Seulgi thought to herself as she watched the older girl remove her makeup in front of the dressing mirror. Joohnyun was staying late at work almost every day after her morning classes, and she had asked Seulgi to have dinner with her.

Then she asked if Seulgi could sleep with her for the night instead of going back to her apartment. Who was Seulgi to say no when Bae Joohyun asked? 

Entranced, Seulgi watched as Joohyun tied her hair up into a bun, some stray strands falling around her face, and ing her office blouse that revealed her collarbone.  As Joohyun caught Seulgi's gaze in the mirror, Seulgi quickly looked away to the ceiling and lay down on Joohyun's bed. She couldn't help but blush.

"What are you thinking about?" Joohyun asked.

"Nothing," Seulgi replied, while focusing her gaze on the stars that were pinned up on the ceiling. She didn't want to get caught up in Joohyun's beauty. Suddenly, Joohyun's face appeared in her view and Seulgi smiled.

"Tell me," Joohyun insisted, voice gentle yet insistent. She always wanted to know everything.

Ever since they had decided to date unofficially, Joohyun started a new habit of wanting to know about her daily routines, thoughts, favorite food—everything. Even after Seulgi answered, the older girl wouldn't stop asking for more information. 

"You," Seulgi said with a laugh as she watched the older girl's already-pink cheeks deepen in hue. 

"I'm always thinking about you."

"I'm serious!" Joohyun said, and Seulgi replied softly, "I am too. I'm so happy."



Seulgi's eyelids grew heavy after two movies of Netflix. She was drifting off when Joohyun's voice roused her.

"Don't fall asleep yet," she said. "It's still early. Let's watch something."

Seulgi stifled a yawn,Sunday's the next day so they could sleep in. "Okay, but nothing too long. I'm tired."

Joohyun grinned impishly. "Who said we had to actually watch it?"

Before Seulgi could respond, Joohyun grabbed the remote and flipped through the channels, finally settling on some forgettable romcom. She curled up again beside Seulgi, resting her head on her chest.

Seulgi laughed at her antics as she knew why Joohyun continued to stream Netflix when they weren't watching. She could hear shuffling footsteps by the door and whispers from a certain nosy couple. 

Joohyun snorted at the obvious noises from the door as she relaxed in Seulgi's embrace.Seulgi idly Joohyun's hair as the movie played on low volume, more background noise than entertainment. Neither was really watching, both content to simply be together. 

As the night deepened, Joohyun's breaths grew slow and even. Seulgi thought she had drifted off until she spoke again, voice hazy with sleep.

"Seulgi, will you stay over tonight?"

Seulgi smiled softly. "Of course."

Joohyun snuggled impossibly closer. "Good," she murmured. 

Within moments, she was asleep. Seulgi laid awake a while longer, listening to her steady breaths, before finally surrendering to sleep alon

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I hope you guys enjoyed the update today. This chapter is important to what will important in the future so I hope you guys can read it ^^ Please remember to steam the hell out of Red Velvet Irene & Seulgi's Monster MV guys!!!


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Kindulie #1
Chapter 20: I re-read this whole story in one sitting author-nim. I hope you continue this awesome fic
533 streak #2
Chapter 20: Just started reading when i saw the update and man i wanna smack both of them for being dumb 😂 communication is important!!
I hope whatever seulgis planning to get out of her parent's control works out sooner than later
Oct_13_wen_03 #3
Chapter 20: Thank u so much for coming back author nim 😭🩷
oofiee 1182 streak #4
Chapter 19: omg FINALLY
AnneTokki #5
Chapter 20: Gosh, I finished reading already in less than a day. Hoping for new updates soon🥹💓🤍🩷💛
oofiee 1182 streak #6
Chapter 16: theyre so good at hurting themselves ???? 😩
1129 streak #7
Chapter 20: Welcome backk author! 🤧
ireadsrfics #8
Chapter 20: Just read everything in one go. This has been a rollercoaster 😭Hoping for better days for them 🥹
oofiee 1182 streak #9
Chapter 6: BRUHHH
1129 streak #10
Chapter 19: please continue this fic authornim! waiting with respect🤧