The storm afterwards

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~~~10~~~ {Flashback} The king began his inspiring doubt on Sooyeon's infidelity when she doesn't let him touch her anymore, it went on until she introduced Taeyeon to him, he noticed his queen was irregularly happier after she met Taeyeon, and his suspicion grew large with the queen's actions when he finally decided to make Taeyeon his consort. Taeyeon's constant sneaking out in the middle of the night didn't escape him, in addition to Sooyeon's fainting when she saw them making love, and Taeyeon's continuous lies to be sick, when ever he wanted her afterwards, all these made him realized there was something undeniably fishy going on between them. When ever they are together, he'd never failed to notice the way his queen would look at his consort, it was immensely different from the way she looked at other people, even him, her gaze was not laced with rage or hatred, it was so soft, so gentle, full of love and longing. In other words! There was always an undeniable spark in the eyes of the queen, when ever she looked at Taeyeon. He finally realized his queen was jealous because of him, not because of Taeyeon, he realized he was the problem. And when he still couldn't point out why, and doesn't want to be judgemental; he asked one of his trusted men to investigate further to be sure of his suspicion, the king mattress was gradually informed of their secret meeting place and had them stalked for quite a period of time, the previous night he pretended to be sleeping, and Taeyeon had no idea that she was being followed. The king at first was not able to believe the fact that his wife was truly cheating on him with another woman on top of that! The worst part is that it wasn't even any other woman, It was Taeyeon. Of course it was his consort. Perhaps, if it were to be another man instead then perhaps he could have felt better knowing the queen's feelings towards him had always been distant. And Taeyeon? He thought they have something beautiful between them, but was that even real? though deep down in his heart, he believed the queen had to take responsibility for the misconduct alone, he loves Taeyeon too much to truly blame her. As he saw them being engaged in their act, he wanted to turn back and pretend he didn't see anything, but he couldn't, thus! he sent his escorts away and went in to let them know all was over now. {End of flashback} ~~ When the door bursted opened, Taeyeon felt her life soul slowly drifting away from her. She'd closed her eyes and thought 'Whoever had caught them is blessed with the greatest weapon of blackmail in his or her hand'. Well of course! knowledge is power, especially when it’s given to someone who knows what a dangerous card it is and will seek to use their newfound authority however they wish. However, when she heard the king's voice; she was practically dead and her blood probably doesn't run in her veins anymore as it seemed to have frozen with fear, she'd probably aged and grew grey hair from the fright. The king gazed around the room with sheepish motionless expression on his face, his gaze lingering from his beautiful consort on the bed to his queen who stared right back at him, not in fear, but rather staring at him like someone who was stopped from getting what they'd wanted at the moment. "Well...well” the king's said amusedly. ”I see! what I've been told was the actual truth after all, I can't believe I just caught my most lovable women in flagrante delicto.” The king shot Taeyeon a creepy smile from where he stood. Filled suddenly with every ounce of rage she always tamed, Sooyeon worked up up the courage to face her husband. "So, what are you going to do about it?" She shot back, hatred, shaking in her voice. ”I'd murder you if you were a man, Sooyeon!" The king's voice was deep with gruff anger as he spoke. Sooyeon embraced herself with her arms. "Why don't you go ahead with it already?" she managed to show some bravely despite how scared she is. No! don't get Sooyeon wrong she was scared for her lover, not because he's caught them, that has been what she had wished for secretly anyways. Yuri took a step close to her, and then closer again till he was an inch away from her, his firm and rough palm connected with her flawless face hard, he slapped her so hard till she fell on the floor. He smirked in satisfaction as he heard a sickening and painful groan sound throughout the room, Taeyeon flinched and quickly stood on her feet to help her lover who appeared blind and deaf for a relatively brief period of time due to the strong influence of the slap she'd received. ”Taeyeon, stay out of this, that's what she deserve for seducing someone else's woman.” He roared, his angry voice shook across the room.
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Fire_trek 350 streak #1
Chapter 29: This was a wild ride! Thank you author nim for this great piece of literature. I loved the ending and with some unexpected moments it all came together beautifully. Thank you again
Fire_trek 350 streak #2
Chapter 28: Wow Taeyeon was pregnant and she had two beautiful babies.. too bad the worst part happened. It makes me sad that this had to happen. They were so much in love and had so many plans to live out their lives together.. it’s heartbreaking
Fire_trek 350 streak #3
Chapter 27: Still I don’t hate Yuri, idk why.. but Sooyeon is smarter and stronger than him. This could only end up in a bad way for Yuri though. I’d move along if I were him.
Fire_trek 350 streak #4
Chapter 26: The love for Taeyeon will possibly be Sooyeon’s downfall. Will the king really call for an assassin? It’s true that they love each other(Taeyeon and Sooyeon) but could Yuri’s love be that strong that he would actually do in the Queen? Wow, this is tough because I don’t hate Yuri but I see the love between Taeyeon and Sooyeon…
Fire_trek 350 streak #5
Chapter 25: Haha today’s my birthday and what a great gift this was! The hysterics, the drama! I loved it all. I know for sure Sooyeon isn’t going to let the king take her to the cold palace. This is just the beginning of a bitter and heated rivalry
Fire_trek 350 streak #6
Chapter 24: Aw man, Sooyeon is too bold! If I were Taeyeon I would high tail it out of there!! The king not only isn’t upset but he’s smiling creepily? Nope, I’d rather die than to see what Yuri has in store.
Fire_trek 350 streak #7
Chapter 23: Nah, Sooyeon is going crazy, she threatens her own life because of Taeyeon and then proposes to run away together? Leaving everything behind? Love is one hell of a drug
Fire_trek 350 streak #8
Chapter 22: No, I’m not disappointed this is a damn good story! I can tell Yuri is in love and so is Sooyeon. They’d go to the ends of the earth to be together with Taeyeon at this point, I gather. Too bad I see this ending horribly for one of them :(
Fire_trek 350 streak #9
Chapter 21: Damn both Yuri and Sooyeon aren’t playing fair, poor Taeyeon. But what a way to go out if she has to lol
Fire_trek 350 streak #10
Chapter 20: This story is the bees knees! I love Sooyeon’s jealousy and Yuri’s determination to keep Taeyeon, however I feel like this is just the beginning. The Queen will not be able to stay away from her and neither will the king. So many possibilities..