On the edge/ amnesia

Kaisoo Oneshot collection
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Kyungsoo woke up knowing nothing but his name and his father. A man called Jongin wanted to take him away, saying he was in danger!

~Drama/angst/mystery/Sci-fi kind of/ amnesia ~

A short teaser for the story 🖤


~on the Edge~






     Kyungsoo opened his eyes slowly, the white lights in the ceiling were too bright, it gave him a headache, he placed his palm on his eyes to block the light. His throat was dry, he felt nauseated. He groaned as he tried to raise his body. “D-dad.” His voice was low and weak. He could see the far white door, but his vision was blurry. “Dad.” His voice was louder. 

A man opened the door, his hair was gray, he was wearing a white lab coat, he pushed his glasses up his nose with his index finger and approached Kyungsoo. “Son.” He said with a faint smile. “How do you feel?”

“I—“ Kyungsoo tried to raise his body again, “I feel sick.”

The man smiled. “I know, I’ll give you a medicine to make you sleep again.”

“How long have I been asleep?” Kyungsoo asked.

“16 hours.” The father said.

“I don’t want to sleep.” Kyungsoo said.

“Okay.” His father smiled.

Kyungsoo cleared his throat. “I want water.”

“I’ll bring a bottle for you.” He went out of the room, then he came back holding a bottle of water, he opened it, and gave it to his son. “Drink slowly.”

Kyungsoo drank a little bit, he wiped his dry lips. “Where am I at?”

“Where do you think you are?” His father asked.

“In a hospital!”

“No, you are at home, this is my operating room.” 

Kyungsoo looked around. “Oh.”

“I am a Doctor,” he asked carefully, “do you remember that?”

Kyungsoo looked down. “I— I think so.”

“I am a Doctor, and you are my son.”

“Yes, I remember that, but— I don’t remember why I am here and what happened?”

“You had a car accident, you are fine now.”

“My memory is— hazy, I don’t remember that!” Kyungsoo gulped.

“I know, you lost your memory.” His father stated.

Kyungsoo asked. “How?”

“I told you, you were in a car accident, you hit your head, I treated you, I am a surgeon.” His father tapped on Kyungsoo’s thigh.

“Did I hurt anyone? I mean— in the accident?”

“No, nobody died.” The father smiled.

Kyungsoo swallowed hard, he was confused. “When?”

“Four days ago, you were in a coma, I’m glad you woke up.”

Kyungsoo’s face went pale. “Coma!!”

“Yes,” his father stood up, “come on, let’s get you out of here.” He held Kyungsoo’s arm, and helped him to leave the bed, the hospital white gown was thin, he was cold, he stepped slowly with his father out of the room, they walked through the dark corridor. His father opened the lonely door, and they entered the living room. “That’s your room.” His father pointed at one of the doors. 

Kyungsoo was feeling lost.

“Let me help you to dress up.” His father led him to the bedroom.

Kyungsoo didn’t recognize the room, his eyes scanned it, he asked. “Why don’t I remember anything but you— and my name?”

“I don’t know,” his father opened the closet, and took a shirt and pants, “here, wear this, I’ll make dinner.” He took his lab coat off, and left the room.

Kyungsoo watched his father leaving the room, he looked at the mirror, he stared at his reflection for a minute, he touched his face, his head was shaved, he caressed the hospital gown, feeling uncomfortable. He changed his clothes, and left the bedroom. His father was in the open kitchen. “I’m making your favorite dish.”

“What is it?”


Kyungsoo looked down. “I don’t remember that.”

“It’s okay.” His father smiled. 

Kyungsoo sat around the table, he closed his hands, and just stared at his father cooking. “It’s a healthy meal, your stomach won’t hurt.” He said as he laid the plates on the table.

Kyungsoo nodded, he ate slowly, then he asked. “How old am I?”

“You are 27 years old.”

“And you?”

“I’m 68,” his father smiled, “I’m old.”

Kyungsoo swallowed hard. “What about my mother?”

“Do you remember her?” His father asked.


“Of course, she left you when you were 6 years old after we had divorced.”

“Is she alive?” Kyungsoo asked.

“Yes, she is married to another man.” His father answered.

Kyungsoo looked around, he asked. “Where are we?”

“In Elbon district, in Seoul.” His father smiled.

“How come I only remember my name and you?”

“I really don’t know.” His father ate the noodles.

Kyungsoo looked down at his plate. “I’m confused.”

“It’s alright.”

“Will I regain my memory back?” Kyungsoo asked.

“I hope that.” His father said, staring at Kyungsoo.

“Do I have a job?” Kyungsoo asked.

“Yes, you are an engineer, you work at LK company, they know about the accident, they gave you some time to heal.”

“But— I don’t remember my job or—“

“Let’s not talk about this now, let’s eat,” his father smiled, “then go to sleep.” His father said.

Kyungsoo nodded, many unanswered questions landed on his head, he went to his bedroom, everything was unfamiliar. He lay in bed, and stared at the ceiling. His father came. “Take this pill, it will help you to sleep.”

Kyungsoo took the glass of water, and swallowed the yellow pill.

“Now, goodnight.”

Kyungsoo lay again in bed, his father turned the lights off, then closed the door. Kyungsoo’s mind was totally empty, he tried to remember something, anything, but he couldn’t recall any memory. Shortly after, he felt sleepy and fell into a deep sleep.

When he woke up, he was feeling dizzy, he stood up and balanced himself by leaning against the wall, he walked toward the window, and peeked through it. The sight was beautiful, there was a green garden and many flowers. He left his bedroom, his father wasn’t there, Kyungsoo opened the door of the house, and exited the house. He closed one eye as the bright sunlight touched his face. The garden was large, he walked on the stepping stones, and it led him to the gate, he opened it, and got out of the house. It was a nice street with many other houses. “Are we rich?” He wondered. He stared at the two men; who crossed the street, he wondered if they were their neighbors, he looked at his right, there was a black fancy car standing there. “Is this my dad’s car? Or mine?” He tilted his head.

“KYUNGSOO.” His father appeared, he rushed to him, and grabbed his arm roughly. “What are you doing?”

“I— I just—“

“Don’t you ever leave the house again!!”


“Because you— you don’t remember anything yet! You may get lost!”

Kyungsoo frowned. “I won’t walk around! I just wanted to see—“

“It doesn’t matter! Just don’t leave the house again.” His father looked around anxiously, then he dragged Kyungsoo in, and closed the gate. 

Kyungsoo went back to the house with his father; who prepared breakfast, then he ate it with Kyungsoo silently. Kyungsoo and his father went to the operating room, he lay on the bed, his father did a EEG test, he put an electrode cap full of red wires on Kyungsoo’s head, and stared at the screen, he took notes. 

“What are you doing? What is this for?” Kyungsoo asked.

“It’s to analyze the function of your brain.” His father said, staring at the screen as the results appeared. 

“Is it good?” Kyungsoo asked.

“You are doing well.” His father pushed his glasses up his nose. 

Later, he took the electrode cap off Kyungsoo’s head, and smiled. “Now, let’s give you your medicine.” He went with Kyungsoo to the living room, and gave Kyungsoo a yellow pill.

“What is this?” Kyungsoo wondered.

“You have to eat it everyday, it will make your mental health stable and make you regain your memory soon, hopefully.” His father said.

Kyungsoo hesitated. “Is it necessary?”

“Very necessary.”

Kyungsoo gulped, he took a glass of water, and swallowed the pill.

Just like that, a week had passed, Kyungsoo hadn’t left the house. He felt suffocated, his father didn’t allow him to get out until another week, Kyungsoo was upset when his father came to his bedroom.

“Leave me alone.” He rolled over in his bed.

“What’s wrong?” His father asked.

“Nothing, I just want to be alone.”

“Well, I came to tell you that we will go to the cinema.” His father stated.

Kyungsoo’s eyes widened. “What!”

“It’s been two weeks, I think you can leave the house now, but only with me.”

Kyungsoo’s eyes sparkled. “Okay! When will we leave?”

“Tonight.” His father smiled.

Kyungsoo asked. “Is it a good movie? I mean— I don’t know what I prefer, but I guess an action movie will be good.”

“We will rewatch your favorite movie together.” 

“My favorite movie!!”

“Yes,” his father smiled, “come on, let’s get ready.”

Kyungsoo was over the moon when he left the house, he started through the window of the car with a wide smile. “The city is so beautiful!!”

“It is.”

“Can we go to  a restaurant after the movie?” Kyungsoo asked.

“Of course.”

Kyungsoo’s face brightened.











It had been two months, Kyungsoo was happy since his father kept taking him out to take a walk, go to restaurants and some malls. His hair grew, he gained some weight and his mental health got better.

“Have I ever been in love?” Kyungsoo asked while they were eating dinner.

“No, you were too busy to be in a relationship.”

“Oh,” Kyungsoo swallowed, “how about my friends? Why no one visited me?”

“You have only one friend, he recently moved to Busan, he is busy, but he called me several times to check on you.” His father said.

“What’s his name?”

“Sehun.” His father answered.

Kyungsoo tilted his head. “Can you call him? I really want to see him.”

“I will do, he will be happy, he knew about your condition and he wants to give you some space.” His father said.

“I’m totally fine now.” Kyungsoo was excited.

“I know, I’ll call him.” His father continued to eat.

Kyungsoo couldn’t wait to meet his friend, he spent his days walking around the house, watching movies and going to his father’s lab, where there were some white lab rats, he used to just watch them. He wasn’t allowed to leave the house unless his father was with him, and his father was always in his lab. Kyungsoo kept taking the medicine, he didn’t escape a day, he was feeling good, but he still couldn’t remember anything. 

“Your friend Sehun will be here tonight.” His father stated while they were eating lunch.

Kyungsoo smiled. “Really!! I can’t wait!!”

“He must be excited too.” His father smiled.

Kyungsoo went to his bedroom, he changed his clothes, and waited impatiently for the time to pass. He rushed to the door and opened when Sehun rang the bell. Kyungsoo stared at him happily. “Hello.” Kyungsoo thought he would remember him, he had a little ray of hope, but he had no idea who was he; but what his father had told him.

“How are you?” Sehun asked as he stepped into the house.

“I’m good.” Kyungsoo sat on the couch in front of Sehun.

“I’m sorry for what happened to you, um, he told me your memory is foggy.” Sehun looked at Kyungsoo’s father.

“Yes.” Kyungsoo smiled sadly.

“I’m glad you are fine,” Sehun smiled, “I miss you.”

Kyungsoo blushed. “Um, I wish if I could say the same.”

Sehun said softly. “It’s okay.”

Kyungsoo’s father brought tea, he poured some for Sehun.

“Um, can you tell me anything about us?” Kyungsoo said.

“Well,” Sehun sipped his tea, “we are friends since four years, we met in a bar, Ben bar, your favorite place.”

Kyungsoo smiled. “Oh! So, we are good friends?”

“Yes,” Sehun looked at the father, then he swallowed, “perhaps a little more.”

Kyungsoo cocked his head. “More!”

“Yes!” Sehun asked, “you really don’t remember anything?”

“No.” Kyungsoo shook his head.

“Well, but you remember that you are gay!”

Kyungsoo’s eyes widened. “What!”

“Ahem, stop confusing him.” Kyungsoo’s father said.

Sehun smiled. “Then, you don’t remember him?”

“Who?” Kyungsoo’s heartbeat fastened.

“Enough!!” Kyungsoo’s father frowned.

Sehun swallowed hard. “Maybe it’s a good thing to forget some memories.”

Kyungsoo asked impatiently. “Am I really gay? Who? Who were you talking about? Do I have a special person in my life?”

“Yes, you are; and no, you don’t have someone special. Not anymore, I guess.” Sehun shrugged, and drank his tea.

Kyungsoo gulped. “Tell me, who were you talking about.”

Sehun looked at Kyungsoo’s father; who sulked at him, and shook his head.

“I really don’t know your love life, I mean— I was busy.” Sehun said.

Kyungsoo looked down. 

“But I’m sure you are single, so there is no need to mention anyone.”

Kyungsoo stared at Sehun with sad eyes. “It hurts, you know me better than I know myself.”

“You will be fine! I’m sure you will remember everything soon.” Sehun said.

Kyungsoo sighed tiredly.

“So, you took a break from work!”


“I like your new hairstyle.” Sehun smiled, “it’s shorter than before.”

“My father said he had to shove my head for the surgery.”

“What! He did the surgery??”


“But he—“

“You better leave,” Kyungsoo’s father stood up, “it’s Kyungsoo’s time to sleep.”

Sehun smirked. “He is not a baby.”

“He needs to sleep, it helps him to recover faster.” Kyungsoo’s father said.

Kyungsoo lowered his head. “Okay,” he looked at Sehun, “can you come again?”

“I will,” Sehun stood up, “do you have a cigarette? I don’t want to stop to buy one.”

“No!” Kyungsoo said.

“Really? You are a heavy smoker.” Sehun stated; surprised.

Kyungsoo swallowed hard. “Was I?”

“He can’t smoke, not in time like this.” Kyungsoo’s father said.

Sehun smiled. “Well, I’ll leave, goodnight.”

Kyungsoo’s eyes followed Sehun as he left the house. He admitted to his father. “He made me confused.”

“I knew it wasn’t a good idea, but I thought meeting someone else than me may make you happy.” His father breathed out.

Kyungsoo smiled sadly. “It’s okay.”

“Now, take your medicine, and go to sleep.”

“Fine.” Kyungsoo swallowed his pill, and went to his bedroom.

He lay in bed, his heart throbbed quickly; Was I in love with someone? If I am gay, then, was it a man? Who is he? Did we leave each other!? Sehun said I’m single now! What happened to me? Kyungsoo rolled in bed with a heavy heart, and closed his eyes.

When he woke up, he was feeling blue, he asked his father while they were eating breakfast. “When will I regain my memory back?”

“I don’t know, don’t rush things out.”

“But I hate this! I’m confused and I feel like— like I’m— a stray man, homeless and just— lost.”

His father sighed. “The medicines will help you, I’ll give you another pill, okay! It will stimulate your memory.”

Kyungsoo was about to cry. “I can’t take it anymore, it’s been two months.”

“You will get better, I promise.” Kyungsoo’s father put his palm on Kyungsoo’s hand.

Kyungsoo bit his lower lip, he wiped the lonely tear that escaped his eye, and nodded.

“Trust me.” His father whispered.

Kyungsoo felt helpless, he knew the medicine wasn’t helping him, and sometimes it would give him a headache and make him feel nauseous, and it made him sleepy. Thus, that night, he decided to not take it, but he didn’t tell his father, he pretended that he swallowed it, hiding it under his tongue, he drank water, and went to his bedroom, he immediately spat it out, and went to sleep, he had done that for three nights, he was depressed and just sad. On the fourth night, he had seen something in his sleep, he couldn’t tell if it was a memory or a dream. He saw someone walking away, Kyungsoo didn’t see his face, only his back, he stepped away, Kyungsoo was crying bitterly. “Don’t go! Don’t leave me!! Please!!” He ran after that man, but he vanished into the darkness. Kyungsoo opened his eyes, they were wide open, they were watery, his heart was beating fast. Kyungsoo rubbed his teary eyes, and raised his body, there was a profound pain in his heart, he was full of sorrow, he went to the window, he felt like smoking, and he was surprised by the sudden need for a cigarette. He sneaked out of the house after he had taken his father’s wallet; while he was asleep. He walked in the empty neighborhood, everyone was sleeping but him, he checked his watch, it was 2 am. He found an open mini market, he pushed the door open, and stood in front of the cashier. He was nervous, it was his first time leaving the house alone. “I want— pack of cigarettes.”

“Which one?” She asked.

“Um, I’m fine with anything.” He stuttered, “I want a lighter too.”

She handed him what he wanted, and he gave her money. Somehow, Kyungsoo was proud of himself as he walked towards the nearby park. He sat on a wooden bench, and smoked, he blew the smoke, and closed his eyes. He stayed there for 15 minutes smoking, then he went back home, he slowly went to his bedroom, and changed his clothes, so his father wouldn’t smell the cigarette smoke scent in his clothes. 

The following day, Kyungsoo had seen another dream or memory. He was with a man, he was old, his hair was white, he saw his face clearly, and he smiled at Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo was reading a book next to him, he was happy and comfortable. 

Kyungsoo said while eating breakfast. “Father, I dreamt about something.”


“A man, he was walking away from me.” Kyungsoo said.

“It’s just a dream.”

“I saw another vision, I saw a man with white hair, he was sitting next to me! He was nice— and I was happy with him.”


“I think it’s a memory.” Kyungsoo stated.

“It’s not your memory.”

“What then? Someone’s else memory?” Kyungsoo smiled in wonder.

“Perhaps.” His father continued eating his meal.

As usual, Kyungsoo’s father went to his lab, working. Kyungsoo watched a movie, then he went to his father’s library, it was all medical books, his fingers ran over them, then they stopped on one of the books caught his attention. He took it, it had a red hard cover. He opened it, and skimmed it, it was about the philosophy of the relationship between the soul and the body. Kyungsoo sat on the couch, and read some pages, it was about reincarnation; its definition was; a dead person's soul returns to back life but in another body. Kyungsoo got interested, and he began to read about it. He remembered his father’s words; What if I was reborn in this body? What if it’s my previous life memories? That idea scared him.











Kyungsoo left the house while his father was asleep, he was wide awake since he hadn’t been eating his medicine for a week. He went to the park smoking, then he remembered Sehun’s words. “We are friends since four years, we met in a bar, your favorite place.” Kyungsoo closed his eyes, trying to remember the name of the bar, then it hit his mind. “Ben, Ben!!” Kyungsoo swallowed hard. “Would I remember something if I went there?” He wondered. It was 1 am when he went home, wore a black shirt and tight jeans, he left the house again, and took a taxi car. “B— Ben bar.” Kyungsoo wasn’t sure.

The taxi driver nodded, he drove the car for 18 minutes, then he stopped the car, Kyungsoo gave him money, then he got out of the car. He was nervous as he stood in front of the bar, looking up at the red neon sign of the bar. He swallowed hard, and gathered his courage, he entered it, his heart beating quickly, there were many men around, he crossed them, and sat in front of the bartender, he gulped. “I want some— some—“ he didn’t know what to drink.

“Whiskey.” The bartender smiled.

“No, beer.” Kyungsoo didn’t want to get drunk, he had to go home before 3 am. 

“Why? You like whiskey,” the bartender smiled, “long time no see!”

Kyungsoo’s eyes widened. “Do you— know me?”

“Ah! Yes!! I’m your night friend as you used to say!!” The bartender said.

Kyungsoo swallowed hard. “I— I’m sorry, I don’t remember you.”

“What! Did you hit your head?” The bartender smiled.

“Yes, I’ve been in a car accident and I— lost my memory.”

“You—- lost your memory? Then, how did you come here?”

“Because my friend had told me it’s my favorite bar.” Kyungsoo gulped.

“Wait, are you serious?”


“I’m sorry for that!!” The bartender said, then he gave Kyungsoo a bottle of beer, “here, it’s on me.”

Kyungsoo smiled nervously. “Thank you.”

“No need,” he smiled, “I’m Minseok by the way.”

Kyungsoo shook hands with him.

“Then, why aren’t you with your friends? Or your boyfriend?”

Kyungsoo swallowed hard. “I don’t know,” he asked, his heart throbbed, “do I have a boyfriend?”

“Ah, I guess, but I see him almost daily, and he comes alone or with Baekhyun and Chanyeol.”

“What’s his name? Where can I see him??” Kyungsoo asked impatiently.

“He is there,” Minseok pointed at one of the tables, “the man with white shirt.”

Kyungsoo’s eyes widened, he looked over his shoulder at that man, he was handsome, very handsome, he had a light tan skin, his shoulders were wide, and his eyes were attractive and soft. Kyungsoo didn’t recognize him, but maybe his heart did, because it was pounding, shaking in a painful way. “That’s him?”

“Yes!” Minseok said, “but I haven’t seen you with him for months, last times you were coming here alone.”

Kyungsoo’s eyes were wide open, he couldn’t move, he couldn’t speak, he just headed to that table, he stood in front of that handsome man, and the two men who were with him.

They all looked at him, they didn’t even blink.

“H—hello.” Kyungsoo’s throat went dry.

The handsome man sulked, he stood up, he was about to leave when one of the men held his hand. “Jongin! Stay.”

The man’s name rang in Kyungsoo’s ear.

“What do you want?” Jongin asked with a deep frown.

“I— I—“ Kyungsoo didn’t expect that kind of greeting.

“Jongin, stay.” The man repeated.

Kyungsoo didn’t know why he was about to cry. “Um, do you know me?”

Jongin narrowed his eyes. “What!”

“Do you know me??” Kyungsoo’s voice quivered.

“Are you crazy?” Jongin asked with a dark expression.

“I— I had a car accident, and I have amnesia.” Kyungsoo said.

One of the men; who was sitting with Jongin couldn’t suppress his laughter, he laughed. “What kind of bull is this, Kyungsoo??”

Kyungsoo frowned at the man. “I’m serious!!”

“Then, why are you here?” The other man asked.

“Because— Sehun told me it’s my favorite bar.” Kyungsoo answered.

“Ya! Don’t— mention him!!” Said one of the men.

Jongin raised his hands up. “I’m out of here.” And he left the table, then the bar.

Kyungsoo’s face went pale, he asked. “Does he hate me??”

“Sit down.” Said one of the men.

Kyungsoo sat around the table, his head down.

“What brought you here? You know Jongin had cut everything with you.” Said one of the men.

“I don’t remember anything! I’m serious! I had a car accident! And I don’t remember anything! Or any one of you!!” Kyungsoo’s eyes became watery.

The two men looked at each other, confused.

“You don’t remember me?” Asked one of the men.

“No.” Kyungsoo shook his head.

“Well,” they looked at each other, “you look scared! Kyungsoo the one I know doesn’t get scared! He is a tough man.”

Kyungsoo begged. “Please, believe me.”

One of them cleared his throat. “I’m Beakhyun, and this is my boyfriend Chanyeol.”

Kyungsoo hated that he didn’t remember them.

Baekhyun said. “When did it happen? The car accident?”

“Two months ago or so.”

“I’m sorry, but— it’s kind of hard to believe that! But it happens.” Chanyeol said.

Kyungsoo swallowed his tears. “I hate my current situation, and I need someone to help me, I need to remember, and it seems like my dad’s medicines don’t work on me.”

“What!!” Baekhyun’s eyes widened.

Kyungsoo sighed, his head down. “Please, tell me what happened?”

Suddenly, Jongin came back, he appeared in front of them, he brushed his hair with his fingers nervously. “Why are you doing this to me? Ha?”

“I’m—“ Kyungsoo stammered.

“Why are you trying to hurt me again??” Jongin yelled, “WHY?” 

Kyungsoo jerked. “I— I don’t know what you are talking about!!” His eyes full of tears.

Jongin held Kyungsoo’s wrist, and dragged him forcefully out of the bar. He pushed Kyungsoo towards the wall of the bar. “Tell me, why are you doing this to me?”

Kyungsoo’s tears escaped his wide open eyes. “I don’t remember what I did! I’m sorry if I hurt you.”

Jongin squinted his eyes. “Don’t play this game! Don’t—“ he breathed out furiously, “don’t let me see you again.” He was about to leave, but Kyungsoo clutched Jongin’s arm. He begged. “Don’t leave!! Just tell me what did I do? Are we boyfriends? Tell me anything! Anything!!”

“Ask Sehun, perhaps he can tell you.” Jongin’s eyes were cold.

“He didn’t tell me anything! Even my dad, they don’t tell me anything!! I’m lost and— sad.” Kyungsoo’s tears kept falling down.

Jongin pulled his arm. “Another lie! Don’t you get tired of lying??”

“I’m not! I’m telling the truth, believe me, please!!”

Jongin glared at Kyungsoo, rage burning in his eyes. “Where are you staying now?”

“In my father’s house.”

Jongin screamed. “STOP LYING!!!”

“I’M NOT LYING!!” Kyungsoo cried.

Jongin grabbed Kyungsoo’s arm roughly. “Show me, show me where do you live, do you live with Sehun?” 


Jongin dragged him by his arm, and raised his hand up for a taxi. 

“I—-“ Kyungsoo’s eyes widened as he remembered, “I don’t know how to go back!! All what I know is that it’s on Elbon street! Near Hin market.” 

“We can go there.” Jongin frowned. 

A taxi car stopped, Jongin pushed Kyungsoo into the car roughly.

Kyungsoo tried to not cry as he sat there, Jongin sat next to him. “Elbon street, Hin market.”

The taxi driver drove the car, Jongin crossed his arms, and just stared through the window silently until they arrived, Kyungsoo’s tears kept falling down, flowing out his sad eyes. When they left the taxi car, Kyungsoo said. “From here, I know how to go home.”

Jongin said between his teeth. “Let’s go.”

Kyungsoo walked with his head down towards the house, Jongin didn’t say a word until they stopped in front of the house, Jongin looked at Kyungsoo, he said with a deep frown. “You live here?”


“With whom?”

“My dad.” Kyungsoo said with a sad voice.

Jongin shook his head. “I don’t believe you.”

“Why? Why???” Kyungsoo was about to burst into tears, “what should I do to make you believe me??”

“How long have you been living here?” He asked Kyungsoo.

“Two months.” Kyungsoo wiped his tears.

“So, you said you had a car accident?” Jongin asked.


“You are the best driver I have ever seen, it’s impossible that you were in a car accident.” Jongin stared with sharp eyes.

“It happened, that’s all what I know.” Kyungsoo lowered his head.

“Well, if you really live here,” Jongin’s eyes were sharp, “then, you are in danger.”

“Why?” Kyungsoo’s heart throbbed quickly.

Jongin took in a deep breath. “I don’t believe you, but— I’m worried.”

Kyungsoo’s heart throbbed madly. “You are worried about me?”

Jongin put his hands into his pockets. “We were together for years, and I think I should take care of you if you are telling the truth, it’s not safe here.”

Kyungsoo swallowed hard. “Why?”

“Come with me.” Jongin held Kyungsoo’s arm.


“To my place.”

“No, I have to tell dad first.” Kyungsoo stammered.

“STOP IT!!” Jongin said ferociously, “your father is dead, so stop saying bull.”

Kyungsoo’s eyes widened. “Yo—You are lying.” 

Jongin wanted to scream.“You are the one who is lying!!”

“Why should I come with you!! You clearly hate me!! I just— want to know— anything about who I am and my past, I just want you to help me to regain my memory since my dad’s medicines don’t work on me.”


“Yes, he is taking good care of me as I said,” Kyungsoo’s voice was shaking, “so don’t try to telling lies and confuse me!!”

Jongin held Kyungsoo’s wrist forcefully. “Come with me.”

“No!!” Kyungsoo pulled his hand, and stepped back, “I don’t trust you.”

Jongin sulked. “And you trust him??”

“Yes! I trust dad.” Kyungsoo’s body shivered in fear.

 Jongin shook his head. “He is lying, he isn’t your dad.”

“Why should I believe you?”

“Listen, I don’t need you, I don’t love you anymore, you can come with me if you want, I’m not going to take you by force,” Jongin swallowed hard, “I should not care about you, but— he is a dangerous man.” Jongin stated.

Kyungsoo rushed to the gate, he opened it, then looked over his shoulder at Jongin. “It was a mistake, I shouldn’t have met you.”

Jongin frowned.

“You can leave now.” Kyungsoo closed the gate.












Kyungsoo woke up with a tired heart, he didn’t know how he slept last night, he was anxious and scared. He wanted to ask his father about that man; Jongin, but he couldn’t expose himself. He ate breakfast silently. His father asked. “What’s wrong? Your face is pale.”

Kyungsoo hesitated before asking. “Are you— my real father? Or you adopted me?”

The old man’s eyes widened. “What kind of question is this!!”

Kyungsoo looked down. “I’m sorry, it’s a stupid question.”

Kyungsoo’s father asked angrily. “Are you taking your medicine??”

“Yes!” Kyungsoo’s hands shivered under the table.

The father pushed his glasses up his nose nervously. “I should increase the dose of your medicine.”

Kyungsoo begged. “No! Don’t do this! I hate your medicine!! It makes me feel soulless! It made me feel sick and—“ he covered his face with his hands, and sobbed bitterly.

His father sighed, he put his hand on Kyungsoo’s shoulder. “Don’t cry, you are thinking too much, that’s why you are tired.”

“I feel helpless.” Kyungsoo cried.

“Let me do a test for your brain function.” His father said.

Kyungsoo wiped his tears, and nodded. “Okay.”

Seemingly, his father wasn’t satisfied when he looked at the result of the test on the screen. “This is not good.”

Kyungsoo asked. “What?”

“Nothing.” His father took his glasses off, and rubbed his eyes with his fingertips.

Kyungsoo felt like crying. “I want to die, I can’t take this anymore.”

“You will be fine, I will make you feel better, I promise.” He sighed and looked again at the screen.

“I have to check something.” His father said.

Kyungsoo asked. “What?”

His father stood up, and ordered him. “Lay on your stomach.”

Kyungsoo swallowed hard. “Why?”

His father opened one of the drawers, he wore gloves, and pulled a chair, and said to Kyungsoo. “I will just check your skull.”

“Are you going to shove my head again?”

“No.” His father opened one of the drawers, and took a needle out of it, Kyungsoo swallowed hard. “Give me your arm.” His father said.

Kyungsoo surrendered, he didn’t care about what would happen to him, he didn’t care if he would die or live. He stretched his arm, his father put the needle into Kyungsoo’s flesh, and that was the last thing Kyungsoo remembered.

When he woke up, he found himself laying on his stomach, he couldn’t move, he couldn’t feel his neck and shoulders, he stayed there for a day, he didn’t speak much with his father, he was feeling down and he was empty inside. Kyungsoo left the operating room, he hated it, it was always cold, so white and kind of scary, he went to his bedroom, and lay on bed. He wanted to see Jongin again, he didn’t know why he felt like crying whenever he thought about him. The back of Kyungsoo’s neck was itchy, he kept rubbing it with his fingers. He couldn’t see the wound on the back of his neck, but he was sure that there was a scar, he could feel the ‏structure of his skin there. 

For the first time, Kyungsoo’s father had visitors. He let them in, and took them to his lab, they were wearing black suits, they stared at Kyungsoo in a strange way, Kyungsoo got scared and went to his bedroom. He scratched the back of his neck, and sat on the edge of the bed, thinking; Should I meet Sehun again? He knows Jongin for sure! Should I ask him if I can trust Jongin or not!! But how

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Chapter 86: Magnificent 💕
kaisoolengzkie141214 #2
Chapter 86: you continuously amaze me💚💛❤️I really loved your works…
Chapter 86: I feel like I watched a movie😍Wow!!
Chapter 86: Another wonderful story ❤️
Chapter 85: Yay, I finally finished reading this story.
I kept stopping & starting & repeat.
I am happy I was able to wrap it up this morning.

I hate the fact Jongin was a total jerk to Kyungsoo to spite his father, because Jongin actually needed counseling and not to be mistreated further by his father, esp since he was still grieving his mother's death.

Kyungsoo didn't deserve to suffer from Jongin's misdirected anger at all, and truth be told, Jongin didn't deserve him either.

Okay, I didn’t care much for Jongin's father because of how he treated Jongin unfairly & terribly.
He kinda ruined the story for me.

Even at the end with Jongin's father improved behavior & acceptance of Kyungsoo & Jongin's union, it still wasn't enough for me to forgive Jongin's father.

I am glad Jongin's father finally came to his senses, though.

Thank goodness for the special individuals that supported Kyungsoo & Jongin throughout the story, because they needed a strong support system, esp when they were facing such issues.

Congratulations to the lovebirds [KaiSoo] who were able to resolve their issues, find a common ground, express their true feelings, & maintain a strong bond throughout their hardships.
I wish them a long healthy & happy life together.

❤️Author Sun-Gee, thank you for continuing to write various stories for your diverse readers, and I feel there's a story for everyone.

🙏🏼Have a great rest of the day & weekend.

P.S. Please don't ever delete my favorite stories, because I enjoy rereading them in between stories.
Chapter 86: I somehow thought that Kyungsoo is half Tyloon, half human with his eagerness to go to their land. But dear, after each time i read your wonderful stories, i always come up with a question. How does your mind work? Its incredible! The story, the plotline, characters, settings, the twists.. you are magnificently amazing dear. Thank you for sharing your talent with us. Love you dear!
Chapter 86: Just wanna say you are my favorite author 💕
Chapter 86: Such a plot twist with Soo being not only half Tyloon but also the leader's son!!! That's one of the reasons I love your creations so much, my dear friend, each & every story is so wonderfully crafted to keep you very engaged & with so many surprises in store for the reader!!! Thank you for another wonderful story!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jinu86 #9
Chapter 86: Power of love kaisoo❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Always amazing story dese, thank you dear ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Chapter 86: This is so satisfying to read!!! The power of love can conquer ALL differences!!! I love the stories!!!