Chapter 1

Only One Girl

Open your eyes and you'll see more.

Dahyun, did not want to open her eyes. She did not answer to her alarm. She didn't even want to go to school. She hated school. No, not that she HATED school. She just hated her school situation.

Moving to a different high school in senior year. It's not ideal for anyone.

She was also going to have no friends.

She had friends, she likes to think she still has them. Momo, Sana and Dahyun. The perfect friends.

Though they weren't popular. Until the MOST popular guy in school started dating her.

She thought Lee Ilsung stole her heart. But as of late, Dahyun only wants him to borrow it for a little longer.

She turned off her phone and got ready. Her uniform, to her surprise, wasn't unflattering.

She heard a knock and then her door opened. It was Myungsoo

"Ready Dahyun?" Her brother asked.

"Yeah." She got up off her bed and walked out after her brother. 

He swung around his keys, making that jingling noise. They walked down to their kitchen.

"Do you wanna eat?" Myungsoo asked.

"No, then i'll be late."

"OK, let's go."

It was an unnecessary tension. She could feel it.

Dahyun lead this time to Myunsoo's car. She didn't think it was fair, he got the car and he graduated first. That was another contributor to her no friends. Though Sana and Momo always teased that you can't be "friends" with your sibling at school. But atleast she had had them.

He went 2 under the speed limit almost the whole ride there. She didn't mind though. She got to close her eyes and she felt the air conditioner on her face. Her phone rang. She opened her eyes. Ilsung was ringing her.

"Ilsung?" Myungsoo asked. She nodded. "If your going to break up with him do it now."

"I can't," he rolled his eyes "He's probably calling to ask if I'm excited for school." She slid the green button. "Hi, Ilsung." She said flatly.

"Hey Dahyun." He also said flatly.

"You good?" Dahyun asked.

"Listen Dahyun," She excitedly put it on speaker. "I know that you moving to a different school is going to be hard."

"Uh huh. Continue."

"I just think-"

"That it won't work out?" She asked masking her smile.

"Yeah, I'm so, so-"


"Yeah," He said.

"Okay, bye," She hung up.

"That was easier than expected," Myungsoo laughed. They bothed laughed.

"Are you sure I can't come to the airport with you?" She asked while they were approaching the school.

"Weren't you the one who didn't want to be late?" They both laughed again.

They pulled into the parking lot and Myungsoo turned off the car.

"I'll miss you," She told him.

"Me too," He said. They hugged.

She opened the car door and stepped out. She waved and he waved.

"Yee yee," She said.

"Yee yee right back to you sis." She turned around and heard the car turn back on.

"Yee ing yee." 

She felt very cold.


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ALKimC #1
Chapter 5: Soooooo, i'm guessing she's getting paired with everyone until a sudden event happens which blows everything up. The story is quite interesting but there isn't much cohesiveness between chapters. It makes each chapter feel abrupt and separate from the last one
Chapter 5: I’m so confused with the coupling XD
Chapter 5: update soon
Chapter 5: I have more juices here
Chapter 4: Dahyun harem will always be my favorite
Interesting hmm
Mihyun101 #7
11 streak #8
Chapter 3: That was an emotional bit cute ending with datzu’s legs tangled and nabongs rubbing her thigh
Chapter 2: First is Jihyo. Who's next?
laskolechu #10
Its not completed sry