Heart Felt.

Twisted Fate.
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  This chapter is kind of emotional if you put your heart in it. Enjoy reading.     


Kai didn't know how it happened because it happened so fast, one second he was crouching on the road wallowing in his worries and the next he was being pushed aside, then another Sehun was being hit by a car. His blood ran cold as he watched the scene unfolding in front of him. Sehun laying there all covered in blood and the car that ran him over was stumbling at the other side of the road until it came to a stop. Kai's whole body began to shake, fear for his friend running in every part of his body, from blood to the core of his bones. His body was now on auto pilot as he ran toward his friend,"No no no..." Kai broke down in tears, hands pressed against his face as if it would make things less horrible, less real."No... Please..." He pulled Sehun up a little before engulfing him in his arms."Sehun! No no please– open your eyes baby please!" He cried tightening his hold around Sehun's motionless body "Please" he whimpered, choking on the lump in his throat as he swallowed down his own tears and the desire to scream "NOOOO!" This time he let it out, he screamed and that was when he noticed people gathering around them and someone was quick to call an ambulance. Kai would thank the person later. He held Sehun closer and he could feel the dampness on his pants, probably from Sehun's blood. "You silly boy!" He cried harder when realization dawned on him – Sehun tried– no he saved him and got caught up in the process. "You could have just let me get hit, I can't live with myself if something happens to you" sobs raked his body again. "Please. Please open your eyes! Stay with me baby please be okay." He pleaded.  "Hang in there Sehun. The ambulance is on it's way" he said after a few minutes of waiting and wailing. Kai wasn't sure how long it took but after a while the ambulance arrived and Sehun was being carried into it, and he didn't waste another second as he joined in. The car driver( the one that caused the accident) was pulled out and placed into the ambulance as well. But Kai didn't bother to spare him a glance to even notice how critical his condition was, all that he cared about was his Sehun. Sehun's suit jacket was pulled off him as the premedics lay him down, and they instantly started tending to him.  The entire journey to the hospital was spent in tears. Kai burying his head into the side as his face as his body shook with the force of his weeps. They’re powerful and overcame him strongly, making him tremble and he felt frigid, not in control of his own limbs. Kai knew he was receiving stares from the premedics. But he couldn't bring himself to care, he didn't even bother to look up and acknowledge the glances. He couldn't focus on that fact right now except Sehun who was laying lifeless as he held his hand like his life depended on it. When the ambulance stopped and Sehun was being pushed into the hospital, he got off as well, ascending into the building and Kai felt his frenzy only beginning to escalate. The hospital was crowded as Sehun was being pushed on the stretcher, instructions were given, doctor's shouting and nurses running to do what was asked of them. They instantly took Sehun into the operation room, Kai was about to push through when a nurse stopped him by placing a hand on his chest. "Stay in the waiting room Mr, Please let's us do our job" Kai reluctantly nodded. He glanced into the operation room and saw Sehun's clothes being cut out of his body, he averted his gaze from the bloodied sight. Releasing a sigh, he glanced at Sehun one more time before walking to the waiting room.  Kai wasn't sure how long he waited. It was even harder to do so alone with no company surrounding him as he sat in the dull hospital waiting room and awaited further news. It was more torturous this way, counting down every minute and still, receiving no news. His phone kept going off but Kai didn't bother to give it a glance. He kept his phone switched on but adamant on not using it, unable to provide attention toward the people he attempted to communicate with. When Shixun started calling him, probably wondering where he was, Kai switched his phone to silent mode and buried it deep into his pocket. Then finally the doctor walked into the waiting room and Kai quickly stood up and moved toward the doctor."How is he?" Kai asked. "He had a brain hemorrhage but we've managed to stop the bleeding and alleviate most of the swelling, though it’s still present but we hope he'll recover remarkably well. There are several cuts and broken bones in his body but it has been treated and taken care of. The broken bones are specifically on his leg and ribs that’s been snapped in different places, but it’s all been taken care of effectively." "Brain hemorrhage?" Kai gasped, that was what terrified him the most . "Yes and there is something I want to tell you" the doctor hesitated for a second. "He went into coma" "What? Coma?" Kai's head was pounding and spinning at same time, his blood running cold, his heart twisting painfully. "I am sorry. it is the result of the bleed in his brain.   we tried our hardest, but he’s made no progress since he slipped into a coma" That wasn't the news Kai wanted to hear. He squeezed his eyes shut, taking a deep breath to placate himself from screaming out loud. "How long until he wakes up, and is he going to be okay?" The doctor waited for a minute, sympathy pouring into his features as he said."We can’t be sure just yet. Even if he wakes up, we can’t be sure of the extent of the damage, whether or not it affected him at all because there’s possible complications that can occur. We’re trying our hardest,"  Kai nodded and as much as he didn't want to believe any of the words he had been told, he knew there was no other reality right now "We have to monitor him for a while to see if there's any progress" “Can I see him, please?” He whispered, afraid of raising his voice because being rejected of seeing Sehun might break his heart permanently. “Yeah. You can. He’s still in a coma so he’s potentially not aware of his surroundings but, sure.” Kai felt relief flood into him. He had been suffering for the entire time he had been sitting alone, awaiting news and now that he hast, he didn't think he could just go on without seeing Sehun. Though there hadn’t been a confirmation that he would survive or, make a full recovery, Kai just needed to be around his presence right now. He needed to see Sehun for himself, with his own two eyes. “Okay, thank you, doctor.” The doctor led Kai down the hallway, into a separate, room. The curtains were drawn and he knew behind them lay the man that had Kai's heart in the palm of his hands. The doctor granted Kai privacy as he nodded, leaving him alone. Kai took a deep breath before he called Sehun's parents to inform them about the condition their son was in.They panicked and Kai tried his best to calm them down. After a moment, he succeeded in doing so. They told him they would be on their way to the hospital. ASAP. After ending the call he shoved his phone back into his pockets and raised his head to look ahead. Kai was dreading seeing Sehun. He knew the condition the man would be in and he knew seeing Sehun in such state would scar him. The minutes passed and he finally gained the courage, gathering himself and stepping forward,  As expected, Sehun lay there, he was in a state that was hard to look at. Kai's knees almost failed him, he had to place a hand on the nearest wall for leverage. "Oh my God!" He began to sob again at the state his friend was in. Sehun had tubes coming out of every inch of his body, plugged into machines to help him function properly since he was unconscious. There was a thick bandage around his forehead, concealing him. Stitches holding some of the deeper cuts together while others were simply covered with band-aids. He lay lifeless on the bed, . Sehun looked so vulnerable like this. He looked completely defenceless. His chest barely heaving with his light breathing. There were cuts all over his hand and shoulder, a seemingly deeper one on the other side of his his neck that had been stitched together, holding in place with the thread. He gathered himself again before taking wobbly steps toward the cot Sehun was laying on. Kai grabbed the chair off the wall, aligning it next to Sehun where his head had rolled back on the pillow in obvious discomfort. Kai wondered if he was still in pain even while he was in a coma and the thought agonised him. His thumb gently brushed across Sehun's knuckles in a soothing manner, knowing these actions weren't registering to Sehun at all but he wanted to do it, he wanted to soothe Sehun even though the other was not aware. He tried to keep his emotions at bay but upon the sight of Sehun looking so weak and vulnerable, he couldn't stop the tears from falling once again. He didn't try to hold them back, either. He was alone in the hospital room with an unconscious Sehun who was not sensing anything that was happening, who didn't understand how truly sorry Kai was for putting his friend's life at risk. It's his fault. if Sehun hadn't tried to save him he wouldn't be in this position. Kai was supposed to be the one laying helplessly not Sehun. Sehun didn't deserve this. He held Sehun's hand and sobbed into him. He lifted the hand to his l
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ReadRealize #1
I can’t believe I haven’t read this yet and haehyuk as their parents this is so exciting
Wait leaving the story cuz I didn’t start reading it yet but.. the authors name is soooo familiar.. omg this can’t be u.. 😳
22 streak #3
Chapter 34: I really love how consistent your stories are. It’s very comforting. Names won’t blow up your head.
Chapter 26: hOLy wHO woUld tHAt bE
Chapter 18: d-dAMN
Chapter 10: u BROKE ME INDEED

Chapter 5: GRR GRRR IM MAD!!!!