The Night Before Homecoming

All Jumbled Up
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"Homecoming!" Joy squealed and grabbed onto to Wendy's arm before shaking the poor girl senseless. Irene couldn't help but giggle as an aggravated Wendy's head bobbed violently forward before jerking back with the same momentum.

"Ow!" Wendy cried out in pain as her head connected with Yeri's.

"Watch it, shortie," Yeri said sullenly, rubbing the collision spot. "You too, string bean." 

Joy wrinkled her nose, denied Yeri a proper reply, and kept talking. "Homecoming is tonight! How come you guys don't look as excited?"

"I'm... excited." Wendy glanced sideways at Irene as she spoke. Irene opened to comment on the fact before deciding against it.

"Oh, you guys are no fun," Joy complained. "How come you didn't get a proper date, Wendy? None of Seulgi's fangirls take a liking to the sidekick?"

Wendy flinched every so slightly and replied coolly, arms crossed, "None of them were to my liking." Irene could practically feel the cold radiating off of Wendy's icy demeanor. Irene patted Wendy on the back, a gesture unnoticed by the table's other occupants. Wendy stiffened at Irene's touch before relaxing enough to let Irene know it was fine.

"Well, we can go together," Yeri cut in, raising an eyebrow at Joy. "Nothing wrong with going dateless."

"Didn't say anything was wrong," Joy said defensively.

"You didn't need to," muttered Yeri under her breath. She pulled out her phone and began to scroll slowly through whatever social media app had piqued her interest.

"We're all going to the Homecoming game, right?" Irene decided it was time to intervene. The increasingly dampened mood was not the move before the biggest football game of the season. She needed to go support Bo Gum, and she wanted her friends to go with her. Ideally, Seulgi would be part of said friends, but Irene's hopes were not high. Seulgi was probably going with YooA.

"Yup," chirped Joy, whose enthusiastic smile made Irene smile in return. "I wouldn't miss it for the world." Wendy and Yeri nodded in agreement, putting Irene at ease. She wouldn't have to go alone. Going alone was always awkward, especially when people came up to her and tried to make conversation. It's not that Irene didn't like talking, but sometimes it was just uncomfortable, Sometimes it just felt fake. But if they weren't doing anything too weird, Irene guessed it was out of her control, and she just had to deal. She was Class President, after all. Have to set a good example for the students.

"Sungjae coming with?" Yeri suddenly asked, turning to Joy who was already shaking her head.

"He's on the football team, remember?" Joy laughed and pushed a finger into Yeri's forehead. A small smile stole its way on Yeri's face as the maknae good-naturedly pushed Joy back. 

The previously uncomfortable milieu had disappeared. Irene breathed a sigh of relief. Things with Seulgi were already threatening to fall apart.

"Is Seulgi coming with us?" Yeri asked hopefully. Irene's heart sank as she took it upon herself to tell Yeri Seulgi would most likely be going with YooA. Yeri shrugged it off, but Irene knew the lack of Seulgi's presence had been particularly hard on Yeri now that Joy was constantly obsessing over Sungjae.

When the four friends decided to part ways until later, Irene hugged her bag close and leaned her forehead against the car steering wheel. She sighed and turned her key in the ignition. She needed to get ready for tonight, and she wanted to look her best. Just because. Her phone's music connected to the Bluetooth speakers of the car, and Irene leaned back into the seat. She felt too stressed for Homecoming, which was only one day away. One day. Her dress had been bought, and plans had been made. Seulgi, of course, was going with YooA, freaking YooA, but Irene hoped to still see Seulgi there. Maybe she'd steal a dance away from dang YooA and show her what it's felt like to watch from the sidelines. Yes. Irene would look over Seulgi's shoulder -- Irene knew she was shorter than Seulgi, but the situation was theoretical, so -- then she'd make YooA watch as she stood on her tiptoes and gave Seulgi a --

Irene's face warmed as she realized where the train of thought had been going. While that seemed like the ultimate " you" to YooA, a great idea in Irene's mind besides the whole having-to-pretty-much-violate-Seulgi part, Irene knew she would never go through with such a plan. Doing something like that would undoubtedly drive Seulgi away forever, and further into the arms of her super round-faced girlfriend, who Irene reluctantly admitted was pretty cute. Seulgi was cuter, but, whatever. YooA was cute.


"Are you cold?" Seulgi asked worriedly, wrapping her letterman jacket around YooA, who giggled at Seulgi's unwarranted concern.

"It's 70 degrees out, Seul," YooA reminded lightly. "But I'll still wear this because it's yours, and I want everyone," YooA kissed Seulgi's cheek, "everyone, to know I'm yours."

Seulgi grinned from ear-to-ear as she took hold of YooA's hand and led her into the stadium. The two sat down in the bleachers among the sea of eager fans that wore the school's maroon and gold colors. Seulgi spotted the knight mascot ing a sword that lacked structural integrity, the blade flopping around like a limp piece of lettuce. The knight threw his costumed arms up and jumped, calling the crowd to join him. Cheerleaders swarmed around the knight and flipped about the field, setting the stage for the marching band.

The marching band came out trumpets first. The sound of the brass instruments carried, and before long, saxophones began their part. The band marched about in mesmerizing formations. Seulgi was always impressed by how the band geeks managed to march and play an instrument at the same time. One wrong move and the audience would notice. 

Once the band finished their routine, ending with a formation in the shape of a honeycomb, and a bee flying toward it, the drum line began pounding away. The football team, led by that Bo Gum, yelled furiously as they bumped chests before slapping each other on the backs and smacking helmets. Seulgi smiled at the sight. To be honest, they looked kind of stupid prancing about, but it was all in good spirit. Seulgi had her fingers crossed that the school would win for a glorious segue into the Homecoming dance the following night.

"They're starting," whispered YooA excitedly. She clutched onto Seulgi's arm, eyes attentively watching as Oh Sehun sprinted down the field. Bo Gum had just snapped him the ball, and two opposing players crashed into each other after failing to anticipate Sehun's brilliant spin move. "Wow! He's so good."

"He really is. I hope we win."

"I think we will." YooA's beaming expression made Seulgi press a chaste kiss to her lips, causing a light blush to spread across YooA's cheeks. "You-!"

"Touchdown," Seulgi interrupted, smiling at YooA. "You're so cute. I couldn't help myself." Seulgi cupped YooA's face in her hands. "I mean, just look at your little face!"

"My face? Just look at yours! Your baby cheeks are what I live for." To prove her point, YooA pinched Seulgi's cheek, hard, and smiled in satisfaction when a taken aback Seulgi suddenly raised a hand to the reddening area. 

"Ow," Seulgi complained, rubbing her face. "That hurt."

"Oh, baby," YooA cooed and bopped Seulgi's nose, causing Seulgi to bob back and then forth like one of those weird inflatables that sit outside car dealerships. The ones with the arms that fly everywhere and have spiky hair. Speaking of spiky hair, a few of Seulgi's hair stood up on end. YooA flattened some against Seulgi's scalp, but several still stubbornly went against the grain. Seulgi rubbed her cheek again, still red from YooA's strong pinching.

"Kiss it better?" Seulgi asked innocently. Before she even finished the question, a wet mark appeared on her face and felt cool against the night air. "You're the best."

"No, you are."

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Hi, all! This chapter is a little all over the place in terms of plot, but I hope it was still worth the wait! As always, thank you for your continued support and patience. Maybe you picked up on some hints for the future while reading...


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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
please update 😭
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
I hope u doing great author nim
917 streak #3
Chapter 19: Rereading this until authornim remember this au 🙏
Chapter 19: I’m really curious about what Seulgi will do!!!!
ReneSeul_9194 #5
Chapter 16: the only seulrene fanfic where bogum is nice and not being an
Nikegrrl #6
Chapter 19: Another update, HOORAY! I love the direction we’re going in. Thank you!
KaiserKawaii #7
Chapter 19: Hwaiting
Chapter 19: Thanks for the update!! 🫶🏻
Chapter 19: Thanks for the update again authornim 🤗
reveluv316 805 streak #10
Chapter 19: I hope Seulgi does breakup with Yooa soon. Why prolong their suffering any longer.