You and Me, Plus Him


Title: You and Me, Plus Him
Author: Jhengchie
Character/ Pairing: Johnny, Ten and Kun (JohnKunTen)
Genre: Polyamory, slight angst and a fluffy ending
Summary: Kun had felt out of place with all the couples that surrounded him until one of them invited him to join them, permanently.

A/N: because someone needed to hype up our dear Kun.Β 


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1489 streak #1
Chapter 1: goodness gracious me, this is sooo so adorably cute and sweet
Chapter 1: I'm only here for KunTen but I found myself genuinely surprised with Johnny. Now I understand where the ship coming from πŸ˜‚ I like this authornim
Chapter 1: This tooth rotting sweetness is worth going to the dentist (yes I am there right now)! So cute and fluffy!
Chapter 1: I already love this!!!