


To let it fade…or to run away from it…which choice would be more unbearable?


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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 2: Nooooo it cannot be left like this......!!!!!!!!
390 streak #2
Chapter 2: .......... what? I thought it's gonna be a fluffy, soft, happy ending T^T
Chapter 2: Oh my God perfect I love it!! My grandma always say "the good people leave this world early" this is why Yesung passed away... I would like to know more about how ye passed away it seems like he was sick and hide it?
I would like to know how kyu would continue the battle and rise hae just to be a good person like his father..

I will imagine it anyway! Thank you for this perfection!
Chapter 2: You could have stoppd in the first chapter. You could have stopped after they got Donghae. You could have stopped after Ye said I love you.

But no, you have to break pur hearts.. Our kyusung hearts.. Huhuhu
KcuLL22 #5
Chapter 2: noooo please noooooo this is mean! I mean they're just turn out to be a happy family but x(
please continue pleaseeee
lahdeedah000 #6
asdgasdfe Noooooooooooooooooo!! Don't die!! I refuse to let you die! D:<
Gahhh after I read "Now That You're Gone" I can't help but go through and read all your fics...hope you update this soon, you've definitely left us hanging! ;(
I have always wondered what Super Juniors would fit something like this...and now I know KYUSUNG!!!!! AHHHHHHHH! *flails around like the idiot she is* THANK YOU FOR THIS STORY!!!!
yeah.. when I read the first chapter.. my conscience stuck me.. this like fruit basket.. but in super junior version~~

I hoped Yesung wont die like Tohru's father.. make a big turned.
lovinkyu #9
Nooo...! Yesung died? I cried with Kyu and Hae. This is soo saad...
I never read the manga so I don't know more..please