Attack at the Mansion

Agma (악마)

On the way to the mafia’s place, Jongwoon swear, he can feel that he life spend got shorter with Donghae’s driving skills. Thought he really want to shot the duo dead, he can’t risk his safety after that, after all he didn’t know where he is and he would possibly dead once Leeteuk can get to him. He sighing caught Ryeowook attention who were just by his side.

“Are you sighing?” ask Ryeowook making Jongwoon surprised. ‘Wait! Does mute people sigh can be heard? Does it use voice? Damn I didn’t know!’ thought him, quickly he look to Ryeowook and shaking his head. “It’s okay, this guy are out of the hand, can’t do much. I don’t know you heard at the meeting or not but I’m Ryeowook, this guy who driving like a maniac is Donghae and his boyfriend, Hyukjae or you can call him Eunhyuk”

“Hey! We are older than you Wookie! And I’m not his boyfriend! Just partner in crime!” said Eunhyuk with quite a blush on his face. “How old are you Agma? If you don’t mind in telling us of course. Sorry for the act just now. I didn’t mean to startle you.” said Eunhyuk with a gummy smile.

Jongwoon take out his phone to use the text as an answer. ‘Just an age doesn’t kill right?’ thought him while tapping on his phone and show it to Eunhyuk. “Ah,24. You hyung then! Me and this guy is 22 and that small bean is 20.” said Eunhyuk happily.

Jongwoon just nodded, not that he has something to say given that he’s a ‘mute’ now. The ride took only half an hour, once they stop, they entering what Jongwoon would call as dracula castle. Humongous old mansion that belong to the mafia’s family, just by looking at the front door giving Jongwoon a shudder.

After taking all his stuff by himself, not letting anyone to touch his, he followed what he think as a butler to his temporary room. Felt relief that he will get his own room since he wasn’t used to other people presence. “Now make yourself at home, in an hour we will called you for dinner” said the butler(Heechul’s underling). 

Realizing he would have to expose his face if he were to join them for dinner, he quickly type in his phone and ask the butler to bring his dinner to his room. Understand the order, the guys excuse himself from his room.

‘This is hard. I have to use phone to communicate. Teuki-hyung please finish this faster.’ he pray from his deepest heart. Feeling cooped with his surrounding, he pull of his hat and mask to take much needed shower. He was preparing for his cloth when all of sudden his door open up with loud noise. 

“Agma!” shout the intruder, shocked by sudden guest, he quickly cover his mouth with everything he reach, his shirt. “Ah! I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to barge just like this but Changmin said you didn’t want to eat with us” said Eunhyuk sounded more like whining. Jongwoon tilting his head. ‘Changmin? Ah the guy just now.’ then he nod as a yes and getting a sad face from Eunhyuk.

“Why? I thought we will work the case for a long time so we have to get closed, don’t we?” said Eunhyuk, sounded possibly innocent and naive enough for Jongwoon. He sighed at the younger word and turn around to search for his mask and phone. Once he wear his mask, he typed in the answer to the younger question. 

‘I can’t risk of exposing my face for my own protection. Beside this case won’t take long, my boss is the skill-est informant .I bet I’ll only be here for a while.’. if the text can talk, Jongwoon probably sound so ice cold but he really trying his best to not get close to this group. Moreover, he’s boss from the cafe is in the other group, he sure he’ll will got exposed with that.

“Okay. But if you want someone to talk too, just call me. I’m sure my name is in the folder Siwon give it to at the meeting just now. I’ll go now but have fun while you in here, we mafia didn’t bite!” said Eunhyuk while closing his door. Jongwoon quickly make his way to the door to make sure no one can disturb him again until dinner time.

At the dinner table, all member where already waiting for the dinner. Heechul didn’t see the supposed guest for tonight. “Ryeowook, where’s the assassin? I’m sure we had long meeting today. Is he not hungry?” few members quite shocked by the leader. “What? He still gonna help us so we need to take care of him.” said Heechul with the hint of annoyed. 

“Agma said he will eat it in his room. He thought it was too risky if he exposing his face to us. It’s not like we gonna blackmail him right? But he’s quite mystery thou. I really want to be his friend.” said Eunhyuk while playing with his food. 

“Hemm. It’s okay then. It’s his privacy, let him be.” said Heechul casually. Shindong was half into the dinner when he remembered what his leader talk in the meeting. “Hyung, can ask something?” said him, waiting for approval.

With Heechul nod, he continue his question. “You never mention about your baby brother to us. Since the assassin is not here, would you tell us his characteristic? Who knows we can help more in finding him.” the members were there agreed with Shindong suggestion. 

Feeling that nothing can go wrong, Heechul speak out. “Well I’m sure he’s alive out there. As you guys know, Agustus generation use a symbol that burned into our body part. Thought starting 3o years ago they change it to tattoo as it was less hurt and permanent so he had to have one exactly on his back. We put it earlier to him before he sickness become worst. As for the age,He already turn 24 this year. Much to my embarrassment, I didn’t remember how he looks like since he always copped in his own room since he was born due to his sickness. All I know that he has small figure than kids his age. If he’s sickness were cured, he might grown into normal adult.” said heechul as he stop to take a sip of his wine. 

“Oh! He’s the same age as Agma! I bet if your brother were with us, he can be friend with Agma!” Eunhyuk chirping happily, Donghae only shaking his head at his naive partner.

‘Same age huh? Nah, too coincidence.’ thought Heechul. “So once we located the person who stole the map, we will go right into searching him. But only me who can look for the tattoo, no one can touch him!” said Heechul, for the members, Heechul sounds like an over-protective hyung with bother complex. Of course no one dare to make any snarky comment towards the diva, thought if Kyuhyun were there, he might make one.     


It's a new day, Jongwoon already up early. Truth to him, he didn’t really felt comfortable enough to sleep soundly. He was about to wear his shirt after a nice shower when once again his room were rudely barged in. 

“Agma! I brou---” Ryeowook words were cut out when he saw Jongwoon’s half body, he frowned at the large scar that were decorated on the assassin’s back. Without turning around, Jongwoon quickly finish wearing his cloth including his mask and turn to see the intruder with one annoyed face.

“Sorry, I brought your breakfast….. Does it hurt?” ask Ryeowook softly. Jongwoon knew the younger saw his hideous scar and shaking his head. Quickly he pulled his phone and type. ‘I don’t feel anything since I got It when I was a kid in an accident. Thanks for the breakfast.’ 

Ryeowook read it and then smile knowing he over reacting a little bit. He put the breakfast on a table and excuse himself. On his way to the living room, he were shocked by a loud sounds coming from outside of the mansion. People were running to gear up, Ryeowook manage to pull one of the butler and question him. “ We got attack.” 

With that, Ryeowook run to his room and pull out his shotgun, even thought with the small physique, He was known as the sharpest shooter in the spy world. Remembering that they were having a sniper shooter on their side, he went to the assassin’s room. As he was about to turn his way, the assassin already beat him and went to the highest window in the mansion. 

On the ground level, Heechul already fighting back alongside with his followers when he realize the exposed intruder defeated one by one. He look on the upper building and saw from the window that the assassin already helping them. ‘Not bad’ thought him. 

Once they defeating almost all the intruder, Shindong manage to catch one of the man to interrogate him. Bunch of Heechul’s man went outside to clean their property and burn the rest. 

All member were crowding in the interrogation room to witness the man. “Now talk, who send you?” said Eunhyuk while sadistically dragging a knife along the man’s arm, leaving trace of blood. 

Jongwoon who joining the members were baffled by the sudden change of who he thought the most naive boy he ever met. ‘Does he had a switch somewhere. His boyfriend look happy with that.’ thought him while looking at Donghae’s smile towards Eunhyuk.

“Arggh! Stop!” shout the man from the sudden pain. The shouts didn’t stopping Eunhyuk from keep torturing the man. “Speak and it will be less painful.” said Euhyuk with a stoic face. 

“i’ll speak! I’ll speak! Please stop!” shout the man again. Eunhyuk stopping his hand and pull out the knife while looking at his masterpiece. “Than speak or I’ll have more fun if you didn’t.”

“erghh.. we were hired by the cops to stop you guys from looking for the treasure! They said we only had to kill the heir! Now please let me go!” the man whimpering in his binding from the pain.

Eunhyuk were about to shot the guy down when Heechul stop him. He walks towards the man and slap him across his face. “ why would a police care about our family matters. And you guys even dare trying to kill me? Take 100 years lesson than they should come back.” said Heechul snickering at the man red checks. 

“You the heir? But we didn’t saw your face at our discussion! It was other guy!” shout the man furiously. “other guy? Kangin-hyung?” said Ryeowook. “What does the guy look likes?” ask him to the guy.

“Please let me go if I tell you!” beg the guy. Donghae smiles and walk near to the guy’s face. “I’ll let you go, don’t worry so tell them.” Donghae whispered to the guy’s ear. Few people there only keeping themselves from laughing out loud when they saw how angry Eunhyuk become. ‘Jealous much’ thought Shindong. 

“The heir had a short jet black hair, slim figure, not taller than you (while glancing at Heechul) and had deep sharp eye. I was sure he look young too! Please let me go!” shouts the man for hundredth time already. 

"Do you have his picture?” ask Heechul curiously. None of the characteristic were him or Kangin. He sure enough know who the man talking about. ‘But why they look for him here? And why the cop were involve?’

“i… I don’t have it. Only our higher up got the photo….” said the man quivering. 

“Well then you are no longer needed.” said Eunhyuk, finishing the guy right away. “Aww Hyukkie, I promise him.” said Donghae sarcastically. Eunhyuk become annoyed with him an went out of the room furiously followed by Donghae.

“That sadist couple. Hyung, if from what this guy said, that might be your younger brother. But the thing is why they search him here. And we need to search for the cops who send them here.” said Shindong already on his phone to search for any trace.

Ryeowook felt a tap on his shoulder and scared to his death when he saw Jongwoon tapping his shoulder using his sniper. “what hyung?” ask him and he saw Jongwoon showing his phone. 

‘Is there anything else I can do more?’

“Emm, wait. Heechul-hyung. Is there any other else for Agma?” Ryeowook ask while looking back at Jongwoon. Heechul look at Jongwoon deeply, manage to give him a shudder from those death glare.

Heechul straighten himself. “Nope. You can rest, you doing great job just now. You can walk around the house if you want too.” said him while walking out from the room. 

Jongwoon went into his room after watching the mafia duo bickering at the living room. He fish out his phone and send text to his hyung. ‘Someones from the police send people to kill a heir just now. Can I call you tonight.?’ Then he closed his phone and start cleaning his sniper rifle. 

At the Spy mansion. 

“Cho Kyuhyun!!!” 

A scream can be heard from the kitchen direction. Soon, bunch of people start gather in front of kitchen and laughed at the scenes. Siwon can be seen clad with white stuff and looking like he can kill anyone there. “where’s the brat!” shouts him, making the people there scattered around looking for the mischievous mafia. 

Kangin who heard the commotion only shaking his head, not bothered by the fact that his house kitchen were destroyed with white goo everywhere. The door to his office were open and revealing his right man, Hangkyung with a phone.

“Kangin-ah, Heechul-ssi calling. Seems like something had happen at their place.”. he handed the phone to Kangin and sit at the couch near Kangin’s desk. 

“Hello hyung. What is it?”

“Kangin. There’s an attack at our mansion. Their aim is to kill the heir to our family.”

“And you still alive. What’s the problem?”

“And their target is not us. It’s my brother. They said the cop send them to eliminate one of the heir to avoid us from founding the treasure.”

“Are you sure they are targeting your brother and not you? Heechul-hyung, your brother might be dead already.”

“He still alive. One of the guy we captured told us how the heir targeted look and it’s sounds nothing like you and of course he denied me too once he saw me. I guess their next target is your mansion so be prepared.”

“Hyu--” Kangin look at the phone and realize Heechul already ended the call.

“How was it?”. asked Hangkyung.

“Heechul-hyung said the attacker are looking for the other heir who is his younger brother. I guess that guy does still alive. He asked us to be careful just in case if they attacking here too. It’s seems like the cop know something about our treasure, hyung, search for this.” said Kangin

“Yes sir. Oh and your dad ask you to be at his place tonight.”

‘what’s that old man want…’.


A laughter can be heard in the living room. Siwon furiously aim his gun at the young mafia head, still angry with the massive prank carried by Kyuhyun. “I swear to god, by the end this case, I’ll put a bullet in your brain!”

“Chilled hyung, it’s just a prank.” said Kyuhyun while chuckling at the furious older. Henry who been watching them only sighing at the childish bickering that have been routine for the two since the exchange members happened.

Henry saw Kangin who walk pass the three of them and stopping before opening the front door. “Guys, I’ll be gone for tonight till tomorrow morning. There’s an attack at the mafia’s mansion so you guys defend this place carefully. Hangkyung in charge while I was gone.”. with that Kangin went to his car with few bodyguard. 

“What’s happen hyung?” Ask Henry once Hankyung came to them. “The boss called for him. You guys, I have mission.” said Hankyung and gestured them to follow him to the meeting room.




A/N: i swear this story will have so many chapters lol. I had too much fun in creating plot and now suffering to write the story. Give you thought on this chapter okay~~~

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Chapter 21: Re-reading this again and still loving it the story
400 streak #3
Chapter 21: And~ I'm done reading this. It's really really really nice~ Love it so much~ Thank you for sharing this story beib~
400 streak #4
Chapter 8: Cliffhangeeeeeeeeeeeer!!!

Wait, it's completed! So yeah! Horay for me XDDDD
400 streak #5
Chapter 5: I smell yemin here XDDD~
400 streak #6
Chapter 1: It sounds promising~ And I laughed so hard when I read about Heechul's antic here hahaha
400 streak #7
I don't remember reading this, so yeah, I'll start to read it now~ BTW, you're one of my favorite author here <3333
Chapter 21: An Happy ending 6.6 it's really goooood story! >>..<< uwu
ismi_L #9
Chapter 20: So sad the story has ended. But what a lovely and great story. Great writing authornim. Really love the story. When kyuhyun make a prank on yesung, I also feel like noooo. Haha. Heechul is very sweet towards his baby brother but always act diva with others especially leeteuk. Haha. So funny. Their brotherly feeling towards yesung. So cute. Would really love to read your new story. Congratulations authornim. Thanks a lot for making my day.
ismi_L #10
Chapter 19: Really waiting for the update. Thank you so much authornim. Loved it. Yesung has recovered his memory back. The moment he remember about chullie is so sweet. Kinda sad that the story is reaching it's ending.