The First: Waltz For A Night

a waltz out of my thoughts


Joohyun and Seulgi first met back in their first year in high school.


Joohyun was always popular ever since, so even during their first year in high school, she was already part of the student council.


It was already an hour past the dismissal time and it was time to close the campus gates. Joohyun was walking around and doing her daily routine of checking if there were still students roaming around that needed to be reprimanded and reported to the principal.


It was very quiet, since the school should obviously be empty already. But once she neared the location of music room, she heard a faint sound of the piano and a beautiful voice singing along with it.

Let me sing you a waltz

Out of nowhere, out of my thoughts

Let me sing you a waltz

About this one night stand


She didn’t know why she was being careful not to interrupt the girl singing her heart out instead of reprimanding her for breaking the rules, but she was just so drawn to that beautiful voice.


I don't care what they say

I know what you meant for me that day

I just wanted another try

I just wanted another night

Even if it doesn't seem quite right

You meant for me much more

Than anyone I've met before


As she walked closer to the music room and her heartbeat continued to increase in an almost alarming way, she heard more and more of the song and recognized it as the song that had been playing in her mind for days.


Could she be my soulmate? Joohyun thought as she clutched onto her chest.


Let me sing you a waltz

Out of nowhere, out of my blues

Let me sing you a waltz

About this lovely one night stand


The song ended and Joohyun found herself staring at the monolidded girl, whose face is adorned with such beautiful and strong features, who still had her eyes closed.


Slowly, Seulgi fluttered her eyes open after she just finished the performance of her life. She then saw a figure standing by the door and recognized it to be one of the members of the student council. Specifically, the member of the student council that she had been crushing on.


“I’m sorry! I was just practicing and I didn’t notice the time!” Seulgi immediately stood up and bowed to Joohyun.


“That was beautiful.” Joohyun said to Seulgi as she approached the piano, still lost in reverie.


“Uhh, thank you.” Seulgi said sheepishly as she rubbed a hand over her nape. “A-Are you going to report me to the principal?”


Curious about this girl and the possibility of her being her soulmate, Joohyun decided to try and get closer to this girl.


“Well, I’m supposed to do that but since you performed my current favorite song so beautifully.. I’m going to let you off the hook this time. But just this once. Got it?” Joohyun said with a hint of strictness, not forgetting her duty despite being entranced by the girl in front of her.


“Got it! Thank you so much!” Seulgi bowed once again. “I’m Kang Seulgi, by the way.”


“Bae Joohyun.” Joohyun introduced as she reached for the hand that Seulgi had extended.


“I know. You’re like, extremely popular. I think everyone in this school knows you, Joohyun. Even the school’s therapy dog knows you!” Seulgi joked.


“Hey! I don’t think I’m that popular.” Joohyun said as she playfully slapped Seulgi’s arm.


“Oh, . What are we going to do about the guard? He’s gonna find out that I stayed late!” Seulgi panicked.


“Don’t worry. I got you. I’ll just tell him that you were assigned to help me out with some student council stuff today.” Joohyun winked at Seulgi.


“Wow, it surely is nice being friends with a student council member. Looks like I’m gonna have to stick around you from now on.” Seulgi smiled mischievously at Joohyun.


“Hey! So you’re saying that you’re just gonna use me for my student council privileges? Nuh-uh, Kang Seulgi. I think I’m gonna have to rethink this friendship.” Joohyun crossed her arms in front of her chest.


“Hey, I was just playing around!” Seulgi exclaimed. “The truth is, I’ve been wanting to approach you since the first day of school.. But I’m too shy to do that.” Seulgi admitted.


Joohyun was silenced by the sudden admission and Seulgi immediately panicked at the thought that she might have accidentally exposed herself to her crush.


“Not that I’m a stalker! It’s just that I noticed that you also walk in the same direction as mine on your way home.” Seulgi spoke, but soon realized that what she said might have worsened the situation.


What. The. . Kang. Seulgi internally facepalmed.


“Now that I think of it, that sounds kinda like stalker behavior, doesn’t it?” Seulgi sighed.


Joohyun burst out laughing at this and Seulgi gave her a puzzled look.


“Why are you laughing so much?”


“N-nothing.” Joohyun said as she wiped the tears forming in her eyes. “You’re just so funny. Do I look like I bite? Just relax. It’s just me.”


It’s exactly because it’s you that I’m nervous. Seulgi thought to herself.


“Anyway, let’s just go.” Joohyun motioned toward the exit. “Walk me home, Kang Seulgi. You need to repay me for saving you.” She demanded.


“No problem, Miss Bae.” Seulgi said as she took Joohyun’s bag and walked ahead to hold the door open for Joohyun.


“Good.” Joohyun smiled in satisfaction.


“By the way, that was Waltz For A Night, right? How’d you hear about that song?” Joohyun inquired, wanting to confirm if the girl was indeed her soulmate.


“Oh, I recently watched this movie Before Sunset and I heard it from there. I fell in love with it right away. It’s beautiful isn’t it?” Seulgi said with a happy look on her face that Joohyun finds so beautiful.


I just met this girl today but I want to keep seeing more of that smile. And I want to protect her from those who want to take that smile away from her. Joohyun thought.


“Oh, yeah. It’s really beautiful. I’ve been listening to it a lot these days.” Joohyun said carefully, not wanting to jump right away to the soulmate thing and scare the girl away.


While Joohyun was thinking of ways to bring up that thing and asking the girl her opinion about the matter, Seulgi suddenly spoke.


What Seulgi said next effectively shot down Joohyun’s theory of Seulgi being her soulmate.


“A lot of my friends have been listening to it a lot these days as well! The movie’s really popular recently and it’s all that everybody’s been talking about. I can see why it’s so popular though. It was so beautiful and romantic!” Seulgi raved.


“Oh, so it’s from a movie. I didn’t realize it was that popular.” Joohyun said, feeling defeated.


“You haven’t seen the movie? Have you been living under a rock?” Seulgi said in shock.


“You gotta watch it, Joohyun! You’re gonna love it!” Seulgi urged Joohyun as she tugged at the girl’s arms.


Seulgi continued talking about the movie on their way home while Joohyun listened half-heartedly.


Stupid movie. Joohyun thought bitterly to herself.




Later that night though, curiosity got the best of her and she marathoned the movies.


By the end of the last one, she was already crying, touched by the beauty of their romance.


"Stupid, stupid movie." Joohyun said to herself as she sniffed and took another tissue box.

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424 streak #1
Chapter 7: These 2 dorks are so cute 😂
1052 streak #2
Chapter 6: 😂😂
Chapter 7: it took 5 years to realize each other. thanks chungha & wendy for the idea to bring these two idiot friends together 😂
Chapter 7: Ahhhhhh i think this is one of my favorite soulmate aus already!!!! I'm laughing so hard at Yeri's self composed song and Seulgi's y music. Kskskjss they're all so cute. But Chungha and her plan is really the unsung hero here. Lol. Thank you for this!
Chapter 7: They were so cute omg.
Chapter 6: Lol at the this whole chapter.
Chapter 5: Slowpokes! Woman up and confess smh.
Chapter 4: I think Joohyun should follow Joy and Yeri’s way. If it can work with them, for sure it can work with her and Seulgi too.
Chapter 3: I wonder if Seulgi has any feelings towards Joohyun.
Chapter 2: Cute first meeting.