Love's Formula- Jimin BTS

K-POP Imagines

Ok c’mon, just a few more questions left, I told myself as I flipped to the last page of the outline that rested on my desk. The afternoon sunlight was filtering into the windows of the library, turning my surroundings a bright yellow and pink mix, the beginnings of autumn slowly causing the nights come earlier than usual. Biting my mechanical pencil’s eraser, I scanned the next problem, sighing when I saw yet another complicated deferential equation. Why the hell had I chosen physics as a major?

 I had two more semesters to go and then possibly graduate school if I could get in somewhere decent. I had bent over the proverbial desk of academia and asked it to kick me in the , repeatedly. Being good at science had made me want to study it for the rest of my life, and I had picked one of the hardest disciplines. Clearly I was stupider than I thought and as the numbers and letters blurred together I tried my best to solve the last bits on the page, confident that this outline would help me out on the coming midterms.

I’d made it to the last equation before I got stumped. Somehow this one problem was much more complicated than all the rest of the questions put together and even with the formulas I tried to use, the answer just didn’t seem right.

, , !

I pulled out my math textbook from my bag and tore through the pages, trying my best to find a problem that was similar to my own, hoping that would help me work it out. Ten minutes later I was still searching and thoroughly frustrated. Oh my God this was it. If I couldn’t solve this problem how would I ever make it to graduate school, how would I be the first person to use a particle accelerator to bring the commonsense notions of space, time, matter, and energy to brand new heights?! If I was defeated this quickly by an intro course to quantum mechanics, I could kiss my dreams of working in a lab goodbye!

Crap, my mom had always said I couldn’t amount to anything beyond being a hair stylist. It seemed as though she was right. I dug my fingers into my thick curls, the wavy strands trapping my digits as I clutched my head and tried to massage my scalp, hoping that it would make something click.


Despair was quickly taking over and panic set in; I regretted downing those two Monster energy drinks earlier, they always dropped me lower than dirt when the high left. Feeling as though my thoughts weren’t angsty enough, I threw my head down onto the table in front of me as dramatically as possible and covered my head with my arms. Ah, this was the best way to lament my fate!


“Hey you’re Mikah right?” A smooth timbred voice rumbled behind me and I shook my head.

“No, this is the failure that was once called Mikah. Right now I’m just her pitiful ghost; she died of shame.” I mumbled into the table, not bothering to see who was talking.

The person, whom ever he was, sat down across from me and pulled out the chair opposite loudly, the screeching of the chair legs breaking the quiet of the library.


“Trying to figure out that outline McGibbons gave us huh?” He asked with chuckle.

“That man is a sadist,” I cried out, removing my arms to lift my head when the boy began to try and reach the papers that I was laying on top of.

“Every other course allows use of the study guides; the fact that we can only use this one to prepare for midterms is just cruel,” I whined and heard another laugh break out from the guy.


Looking at him directly, I narrowed my gaze as I watched him erase my scribbled notes and begin to fill out an answer leisurely.

What the hell? Jimin Park was coming to my rescue?


I stared at the Asian boy in front of me, watching as his brown hair fell across his forehead each time he turned his head, my pencil moving speedily in his hands. I frowned as I watched him, not really understanding what was happening.

Ok so I knew who he was, or at least I had seen him around. It was impossible not to when our schools physics department was as small as it was. Add on to the fact that I was one of just five females taking the core classes with the bonus that I was the only brown girl in residence, I wasn’t surprised he knew who I was too. But why would one of our most popular students bother to help me?


Nervous still, I didn’t speak as he finished up with the problem and then only glanced at him when he slid the papers over to me. Damn, he solved it and he even left notes in the margins to explain! This was too formidable; why the heck was he only in the intro classes?

“Thanks for helping me out, I would’ve been stuck forever. I didn’t even think of using the Peano existence theorem to solve it.” I grumbled as I looked over his work, feeling deflated.

“It was a multilayered question, you were getting most of it from what I saw of your work, I just finished it up for you.” His tone was friendly and his voice itself wasn’t very deep but somehow it was attractive and sweet sounding.


As he smiled at me, I couldn’t help but run my eyes over his features; suddenly I felt like I was seeing him for the first time. Along with the brown hair that he wore long in the front and shirt in the back, his eyes were slanted upwards cutely, emphasizing his cheekbones. His lips were full and tinted a natural pink, his teeth straight and white as he smiled. His ears held several piercings but I saw empty holes where even more used to be. A bad boy type that liked math and science, could there be such a thing?


He was silent as I looked him over and I felt heat suffuse my face. Thanking God my embarrassment wasn’t visible, I cleared my throat and placed the papers back into my textbook.

“I’m guessing your outline was finished for a while now, huh?”

Oh great Mikah, talk to the hot guy about school. No wonder you’ve never had a boyfriend in twenty-one years. I thought while internally face-palming.


“It didn’t take too long but I think you’re the only one in the class who worked alone. Everyone else was at the study group.”

“, we have a study group?!” I yelled, fully regretting all my life decisions. Jimin’s smile creased his eyes again and I felt my heartbeat pick up its pace. Damn, who’d made him so handsome?


“We’ve been meeting since the class started, yeah. Everyone wondered where you were but I guess we know now,” he laughed, hiding his grin slightly by biting his lip.


Of course, this is just perfect. I’ve been working my off for months when I could’ve been being tutored by one of the hottest guys in our department. So ing typical.


“I’ll definitely be at the next one,” I promised him and Jimin’s smile widened.

“I don’t know, I think I like this atmosphere with the two of us much better, he responded, with one of his eyebrows quirked upwards, daring me to question his preference.


I held back my gasp, swallowing the sound as our eyes connect and my heart started beating a mile a minute; I wonder if he can see the thumping through my oversized hoodie. Jimin stand ups and drags his messenger bag over his shoulder.


I can see him fully now, his flawless milky skin with a hint of a tan that stands out against the plain white T-shirt and black oversized cardigan that he wears. The black jeans he has on are fitted and hug every contour of his lower body, the rips at the knees showing off peeks of more skin. His outfit ended in black sneakers that were thick at the bottoms, giving him an extra inch or so. He was model perfect and I regretted wearing my own light pink hoodie and plain blue jeans, feeling less than pretty.


“I’m hungry, want to come with me?” He asked and I woke from my daze, gathering up my things quickly in response. Hell yeah I wanted to go.

“I think the main cafeteria should still be open, I said checking my phone for the time. “If we hurry, we should be able to get something before it closes.”

I stepped out to pass him and I found myself being held back.

“Mikah,” he said while loosely holding my wrist, “I didn’t say I was hungry for food.”

I looked up at him, feeling my insides squirm in delight. Oh !




A/N: I won't lie to you guys, I expected these one shots to stay on Wattpad for my readers there; as you all know your girl isn't the kind to write short snippets like this. But three months later and I feel like no one's seen them so I really wanted to stop posting there and come back to you lovelies full time. I truly feel as though you all are audience I want to reach out to, so I hoped you enjoyed this and the chapters coming soon. I have a few written in advance so another chapter will be out in a few days! Leave your own requests in the comments below and let me know how you enjoyed! Remember to COMMENT, UPVOTE and SUBSCRIBE for more updates. Much Love, <3

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My newest book is currently free on Amazon starting tmrw, just search Keys to Happiness or make your way to my blog for the link!


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Chapter 5: WOW
Chapter 8: There is no stopping JB. Really good read. <3
Chapter 7: I squealed over the kiss scene too. So we'll done!!
2034 streak #4
Chapter 4: Hi there ^^ I just read the Monsta X Story. So both Part 1 and 2 are of the same gangster au, aren't they? And it's not the end right? Like Xael and Shownu have just met. I'd love to read more. It's pretty interesting so far.
AkMu00 #5
Chapter 4: More pls
Chapter 2: Well, that was easy. Dongwoo gets a legit AMBW story that is sweet. Next whole story must have CNU in a sweet or naughty love affair. Good update Authornim.