Vacation Intruders




It was the time of the year, where the college students having mid semester holiday and vacation were planned few days in advance.

The Kims were having their vacation at water themed resorts, few hour before they went on to their journey, they were disturbed by sudden intruders. 

"I heard you guys trying to have fun without us." said Sungmin, crossing his arm with annoyed face. 


"Don't click your tongue Heenim! I thought you love me!" shouts Donghae dramatically. 

"Well now you here, would you like to join us?" said Yesung.

"Well, even if you didn't even invite us,we still gonna force you guys to bring us. You expect me to live without Wookie?  What a monster!" Sungmin said as he threw a glare to the annoyed diva.

"But our ride can't hold this much of people..."  said Yesung, there's at least nine of them for now.

"Don't worry, i got that cover." said Ryeowook, earning a curious look from all of them.

Few minutes later, amini bus come to their view. After upon a closer look, they realize it was Siwon who driving it.

"Siwonie?" Yesung went around to the driver sit and wait for Siwon to come out.

"Yesungie! How come you didn't tell me you going on a vacation?  Without me?"

Yesung felt guilty. He had promise Heechul to join them for their family bonding time so he never thought of inviting his boyfriend to their vacation.

“I’m sorry. It was supposed to be family only… Heebongie said he want to have family bonding time without telling anyone… sorry Wonnie..” the guilty eat him up though he wasn’t sure whether it was for his hyung or his boyfriend.

Siwon smiling, watching how his small boyfriend contemplated between him or the diva. Though it was him who felt guilty for intruding the family vacation.

He ruffles Yesung’s hair, smiling softly as he muttered ‘Sorry’ to the smaller.

Heechul who watching the scene only snorted and rolled his eyes. ‘ now I left with nothing… huh’ he sigh remembering how his boyfriend had to refuse his invitation for being too busy with his work.

“Don’t be sad,hyung. We still gonna be with you.” said Ryeowook, smiling cutely to ease the annoyed hyung.

No one can refuse the smile, let alone the diva who adores this little brother of his. “Thanks Wookie. Now let’s go.”

The journey actually become much more better. With the noisy Lee couple who won’t stop singing and playing around, the mood lighten up right away. Yesung who refuse to left Siwon’s side sit beside the driver seat while singing slowly.

Sungmin who stole a glance towards Heechul smirking while still focusing on his phone which earned a confused look from Ryeowook.

“What are you doing, Minnie hyung?” Ryeowook ask when his bunny boyfriend won’t stop smiling for the past 5 minutes.

“Shh.. I have surprise for Heechul hyung. Don’t tell him, okay?” Ryeowook nod. Sungmin decide to drag the younger with his plan for the surprise and had to shut Ryeowook when the younger squeal after he heard the whole plan.


“We arrive!!!” shouts Donghae, excitedly drag Eunhyuk out once he saw the entrance.

“Hey, we need to check in to the hotel first!” shouts Heechul after the duo almost ran towards the water theme park.

After they all went to the receptionist, Heechul won’t let any of them choose their own room. Few minutes later, Heechul appear again in front of them with a grin.

“There’s six key in my hand. I’ll decide the room for you guys.” the grin never left his beautiful face, earning a scowl from the others.

“Kangin with Ryeowook, Si---” he was cut off by a groan from the smaller.

“Not fair!!! why I’m with Kangin hyung? What about Leeteuk hyung?” said him.

“Leeteuk won’t come. He’s busy.” said Kangin with a pout.

“No one disagree with me. Kangin, stop pouting, you making me sick. Now. Siwon with Sungmin.” again, gasped can be heard but from the taller man.

“Nooo!!! Yesungie!!!” shout Siwon, devastated by the room partner. Sungmin was shockingly acceptance with all of it.

“You okay with this?” said Yesung ask the bunny, he never really care which room he was placed.

Sungmin creepily smiles at Yesung while walking away to whisper Ryeowook which silencing the younger right away. Soon, Ryeowook was smiling just the same as Sungmin.

“The Lee’s , I can’t stop you guys so here’s your key.” said Heechul while giggling.

“We are not related!” shouts Eunhyuk, snatching the key furiously.

“ Yesungie, you with me. Kibum, you won’t mind alone right? Or if you want me to accompany you, just call me okay? Now we rest first, at 12 we will gather here again to have lunch.” said Heechul, walking away with his stuff.

Siwon who was still fussing about the room walk while staggering towards Yesung who giggling watching his boyfriend over dramatic acts.

“Yesungie… I want to be with you….” said him with a pout which only earn a gagged reaction from the others that start to leave them.

“It’s okay. We still can be together at the theme park later. Right?” Yesung ruffle the younger hair who decide to cling on him all the way to the elevator.


“Water!!!!!” shouts Donghae and Eunhyuk excitedly, running towards a pool holing each other hand.

The others only smile watching how happy the couple looks while trying to went after them. As Siwon trying to pull Yesung together with him, the older only pull his hand back, stiffing in his spot.

“What’s wrong, baby?”

Yesung shaking his head, trying to hide his frown after he saw the how deep the pool were. His eyes keep trying to avoid the scene of people swimming around without worries, irking his hatred for the idea of getting into the pool without much of a problem.

“He hates the water.” said Heechul, coming from Yesung’s back and pat the younger softly.

“What? I didn’t know that. Yesungie, we can just walk around the park if you want…” said Siwon, feeling bad for the older.

“You can try the shallow one first, Yesung ah. Come.” said Heechul, dragging the younger as Siwon follow suit.

“Aish Hyung, I didn’t want to…” he tried his hard to pry off from his hyung who already went inside the pool. One more pull and he was half soaked in the water.

“See it’s not that bad. Don’t give in to the phobia.” whisper Heechul to him softly. He did as his hyung told him, trying not to remember the memory of him drowning when he was a child. Few minute in the water, he felt a hand dragging him more into the middle of the pool.

“It’s okay. It just me. Heechul hyung need to look after the others.” said Siwon, chuckling at the shivering older.

Few more step, he felt his feet no longer touching the bottom of the pool, he quickly grab the younger forearm in panic.

“Yah! Bring me back to the pool side!!!” he wailing in the younger arm, trying to swim away but with his short leg, he can only float as he  hangs to the younger arm.

“Hyung. Why you so scared of water?” Siwon ask out of his curiosity.

“I’m… nothing..” he avoid the stare from the younger, embarrassed by his own memory.

“If you tell me,I’ll bring you back to the surface. If not, we’ll stay here then.” Yesung swore if he didn’t need to hang onto the younger with both of his hand, he would punch the smug smile out of the younger face.

He contemplated whether or not to tell the younger or might as well swim by himself but he know the second one wasn’t the best of a choice.

“Fine! Promise me you won’t laugh!” Siwon just chuckling while nodding to the older. He swear if they weren’t in the public, he would have tackle down the older, smoulder the older with kisses on the blushing face.

“When I was 5, we went to the beach as a family trip. We went on a boat in the middle of the sea to see a group of fishes. That time, they didn’t have a life jacket of my size so I was left with sitting inside the boat. But I was so stubborn so I went by myself and stand on something higher so I can see the fishes. Once I saw a sea turtle, I got excited and… I fell into the water… glad the life guard saw me and quickly pull me out from the water…”

He was surprised when the younger didn’t say anything and almost thanking him for not laughing but the shaking from the younger hand broke his expectation so soon.

“You promise you won’t laugh!!!” shouts him angrily. He pry off his hand from the younger grasp but soon panicking when he felt his body slowly drifted away into the deeper part of the pool.



Ryeowook and Sungmin was having fun from big slide when the Yewon couple walk towards them after they arrive at the bottom of the slider pool.

“Siwon? What’s with the red cheeks?” said Sungmin curiously.

‘and not just any redness… a hand print. Judging from the small finger…. Yesung hyung…’ thought Ryeowook, giggling at the Siwon’s defeated expression.

“Nothing… should we go there hyung? It’s the family ride.” said Siwon, averting their topic from his newly slapped face.

“That’s nice too! We’ll go get the others!” Sungmin went away with a bight smile.

Ryeowook approach Siwon with a grin as he saw how his hyung pouting behind the taller.

“What did you do Siwon hyung? That’s must hurt like hell.”

“Don’t drag hell in this. I accidentally laugh when he told me about his drowning accident…” Siwon sighing, rubbing his cheeks.

“You promise me not to laugh!” yell Yesung angrily.

“I said I’m sorry. I didn’t laugh at you drowning. I was laughing because you and turtle can’t be separated and you sounded so cute! I can’t help it when you look this cute!”

Yesung was taken aback from how serious Siwon sounded and pouting more as he felt the younger were getting angry at him. 

“Now he’s sulking because you got mad at him.” said Ryeowook, trying hard not to laugh at the idiot coupe in front of him.

“What? Baby I’m sorry! I didn’t mean too!” Siwon frantically coaxing the older but soon was dragged away by Kangin.

“Let’s go! We need to queue up for the family ride!” said Kangin, pulling Siwon away from yesung who apparently been dragged along while shouting “No! It’s too high!”.

The group were having fun in torturing the two poor soul. They were making everything hard for Siwon who keep trying to get close to Yesung for the ride. Yesung who was having a panic attack from the height of the ride only clinging onto Heechul who actually were having fun from the younger attention.


That night, they were readying themselves to sleep when Kangin called Yesung from his shared room. Complying to the younger, he went out after Heechul let him so.

“What is it Youngwoon?” he said after arriving at the younger room. He look around and found Sungmin inside the room with Ryeowook. “Why Sungmin here?”

“I’ll be sleeping with Kibum. He might get lonely so I let Sungmin here.” he said, earning a confused from the older.

“ Then why you call me here?”

“Hangkyung hyung is here!” said Kangin. Few seconds later, Hangkyung came out from the bathroom and surprise him.

“Hangkyung hyung!!!” Yesung squeal once he saw the long missed hyung.

“Wait if you here… you will be with hyung… where do I sleep?” said him, tilting his head, earning a coo from the chinese hyung.

“You’ll sleep with Siwon. I didn’t tell him yet so go surprise him.” said Sungmin.

“How did you get here,hyung? I thought you were busy?” Yesung asked.

“Thanks to Sungmin. He told me that you guys had a vacation without telling the boyfriends and Sungmin was furious because he wasn’t invited. So he told me in advance so I can finish some work faster. How’s Heechul hyung?” he asked after remembering the diva who might get angry for his sudden appearance.

“He miss you so much!!! he won’t stop nagging about you just now…” Yesung sighing. The older were babbling nonstop once they arrived to the hotel that morning.

“Haha, that’s my Heechul. So now go pack your stuff. But don’t tell him I’m here yet.”

Yesung obeyed him and went to his shared room. He carefully tiptoeing but after seeing the older still on his phone, he casually walk over to his stuff while thinking some excuses.


Heechul only humming as an answer.

“youngwoon said he’ll be sleeping with Kibum so I need to sleep with Ryeowook or Sungmin gonna be there. You don’t mind if you sleep alone right?” he look at the older who took a minute to believe him and then nod as an agreement.

He almost jumping in excitement but stop himself before he ruin everything. One he finish his stuff up, he went to Ryeowook’s room to tell Hangkyung about it.


Heechul begin to feel frustrated when his boyfriend won’t even reply to his message. He decide to call the chinese man. Few second into the ringing, he heard the familiar ringtone from outside of his room. 

“aish… I must be delusional…”

He tried to call the said man again but the same ringtone blaring again from outside of his room. Upon his curiosity, he went up from his bed and open the door.


His phone was throwing away once he saw he man he been missing for a month now, with open hands, he tackle down the younger while sobbing.

“aish, the great milky Heenim crying?” mock Hangkyung while caressing the older hair softly.

“Shut up! You stupid Beijing rice!” Heechul hide his face in Hangkyung chest, embarrassed from his crying face.

“That’s racist. And we still in the corridor.” he said as he pulled the older up and drag him inside the room. 

Heechul was smiling while muttering ‘I miss you’ to himself though it was still heard by the boyfriend, genuinely smiling as he hug the world of his longing one.


Siwon was trying his hard to sleep but knowing that his boyfriend only few room away from him only keep him awake.

“Aish!!! I can’t! I need him!” he shouts as he went up. Walking to the door only to surprised by the doorbell.

“Who is it---” said him as he open the door wide, so as his mouth. 

In front of him, there’s the man who make him all awake, unable to think straight.

“Hehe… Wonnie. You look like a fish!” the smaller giggles was enough to make him wake up from his reverie.

“What… how… Heechul hyung?” said him, wiping his drool away.

“Stuff happen. So you gonna invite me in or not? My bag heavy…”

Siwon didn’t take a minute to help the older with his bag while literally pulling him in.





A/N: and I'll stop at there. It's up to your imagination what happen for all those couples lol!!! Sorry for the hiatus.  I'm more focused on my main story which is Dunkler Fluch.  The drabbles and the pasta one have to wait till everything was done with the main story so,sorry for those who only follow this story. 

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A reminder for readers to not wait for this drabble. I'll be uploading this one rarely to focus on the main story. Thank you for reading this, i appreciate it so much!


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Chapter 4: It'll be perfect if Shindong, Henry, Zhoumi and Kyu are added
Chapter 3: Hey authornim! I love this chapter very much... I wish I have brothers like them who loves me so much
390 streak #4
Chapter 5: Eh? Why you didn't write about this fic anymore? It's really entertaining~ Really~
♥️ Remember you are loved, please always be happy♥️
Chapter 5: I'm so happy you include kibum in this story, eventhough his part is little (just like his part in suju song xD )

Can't wait for kyubum moment ^_^
charismavi #7
Chapter 5: Yesung gets lost at the hotel just LOL The Brothers need to watch his every movement hahaha...Siwon and Kyuhyun fight over Yesung's attention is the best XD
ismi_L #8
Chapter 5: Thanks a lot for the update authornim. Kyuhyun character is up. Haha, siwon felt threatened. ?
Btw, always look forward towards all of your writing. Loved it.
Chapter 5: Kyubum or kihyun is rare otp... i need time to think bout this bcause i think their interactions barely shown on cam at the past hehehe... but it's seems like kyubum more promising ^^