[League of Legends] PROJECT: OVERDRIVE

Welcome To The Virtual Realm

Summary: Seulgi woke up without any memory of her past life. The only thing she could remember was a young girl being forcefully taken from her. 

Info: League of Legends has several alternate universes and one of them is PROJECT. It is set in a dystopian world where the world is controlled by mega cooperations. 

G/NETIC is a resistance group that wanted to bring PROJECT down and free humanity from their shackles. 


Seulgi as a G/NETIC resistance group member.

Irene as a G/NETIC squad captain

Wendy as a G/NETIC medic

Joy as a G/NETIC advisor

Yeri as the second commanding officer of the PROJECT Counter-Terrorist unit



"Where the heck am I?", she asked herself and looked around. Everything was destroyed and moonlight flooded the room from the cracks in the ceiling. The room itself was empty besides the bed she was lying on and the desk situated at the center of the room. 

She slowly pushed herself up and 

A lone weapon loosely hung on a broken part of the wall. It was a rifle.

"Unknown user detected. Initializing Biometric Scanning. Scanning. Access Granted", a female, robotic voice announced when Seulgi got hold of the weapon. The gun made a few noises and after a few seconds, the violet light turned orange.

Seulgi starred at the weapon. Unlike the location, the weapon was like new. No scratches and not a single trace of time being found on it. Whenever it was left here, it must have been recently. But who could be that person in the first place.

"Now I have to get out of here", Seulgi whispered and walked to the door. She typed in an access code into a keypad but a red light began to flicker. It was followed by a negative message. Seulgi sighed. What did she expect from an aged code.

"Maybe, let's try something different", she whispered and took her gun. She carefully aimed at the locking mechanism located inside the wall. She gently pulled the trigger and several bolts of orange energy melted themselves into the steel wall. 

A few seconds later, the door made a sound and it opened revealing an equally destroyed hallway behind it. From the scorch marks, Seulgi deduced that the fire must have been ages ago.

"What happened here?", she asked herself and slowly moved forward one step at a time. A noise suddenly echoed through the hallway and she quickly turned around to see a dark silhouette standing at the window of the room.

"Who are you?", Seulgi asked and raised her weapon. But she received no answer, so she fired a short burst, purposely missing, to illuminate the dark space. 

"I wanted to ask you the same question as well. Because you asked first...", the woman said and suddenly several cyborgs crashed through the ceiling and blocked Seulgi's way out. 

"I am Katarina, leader of the Counter Terrorist Unit and in the name of PROJECT you are to put under immediate quarantine."

Seulgi took a slight step back. From the corner of her vision, she saw the cyborgs moving on her.

"Don't even think about it", Katarina warned noticing the slight combat stance the woman was assuming.

"Dare me", Seulgi responded.

"Go, take her!"

Seulgi spun around and caught the cyborg's blade with her open palm. She forcefully tore the energy sword away and turned its blade against its former holder. With a quick horizontal slash, Seulgi cleanly cut her opponent in half. More cyborgs decided to follow and Seulgi turned her body leftward to evade the first strike and parried another 

"You're good", the PROJECT captain said and pulled out her daggers, "now entertain me."

With lighting speed, she crossed the entire room. Seulgi had barely a moment to prepare when Katarina appeared up close. Seulgi moved her blade horizontally to block Katarina's left dagger while her other hand got hold off the wrist. The blades clashed with a high-pitched sound. The smaller woman attempted to catch the PROJECT commander off-guard by swiping her off her feets. Katarina noticed her slight shift in weight and pushed her away putting some distance with a backflip. While mid-air she threw a cone of smaller daggers but Seulgi managed to reflect all the daggers in several directions. On the offensive, Seulgi fired several bursts from her rifle. Katarina dodged them perfectly using her enhancement to anticipate the shots. Moving through the flurry of energy, Katarina propelled herself forward and they once again clashed blades. 

"You're fighting well. PROJECT needs people like you", Kata remarked with a grin. 

"Thank you but I politely decline. I have other stuff to sort out", Seulgi answered without any hesitation with earned a huff from her opponent. 

"I guess it can't be help then", the captain said slightly disapponted, "There's no choice but to kill you then."

"Bring it on."

With a slight push, they made a step backwards but crossed blades again mere seconds later. What followed was a series of attacks and parries which were to quick that their blades began to change their colors. Both didn't relent one bit as Seulgi switched between blade and point-blank shots while Kata was just dotting the hallway with daggers. Some of them hit their intended targets but Seulgi pushed through and continued her sword fight despite the pain slowly getting the better of her. The two combatants once again found themselves in a lock. Katarina deliberately let herself get cut so she could get a clear shot and threw a high-kick at Seulgi.

Seulgi noticed something was off and allowed the kick to connect on her causing her to be forcefully thrown at the wall almost knocking her out. Mere seconds later, a second person appeared from behind. Her entirely missed its intended target which ended up hitting Katarina instead. Although the captain managed the blade from piercing her the newcomer still crashed into her. This gave Seulgi an opportunity to escape which she used and escaped through one of the holes the cyborgs came from earlier on.

The two persons looked on as the hunted escaped.

"Sorry for screwing this up chief", the smaller girl mumbled.

"Don't sweat it. I didn't expect that she's taking the kick to dodge the attack", Katarina replied and wondered what gave the surprise attack away, "let's go Yeri. Let's look a little into this Kang Seulgi."



Seulgi stumbled through the valleys of Ionia. She might have not showed any weakness during her fight with the leader of the PROJECT Counter-Terrorist Unit but during her fight she ended up with several injuries. Katarina was known for her abilities with her throwing knives.

"Damn it", Seulgi mumbled and leaned against the next-best wall. She pulled out the last dagger from under her coat. She deeply breathed in and sat down. Her mind slowly slippin away.

Suddenly, she noticed a silhouette approaching her. Two more soon followed. She slightly adjusted her body to get a clearer view.

"Who are you?", Seulgi weakly asked.

"I'm Ashe. Leader of G/NETIC", the unknown figure introduced herself. 

"Ashe, huh...", she replied before her vision faded entirely into black.



Hello everyone, Stary here :D

Thanks to the forced quarantine I finally found some time to continue writing my stories. RIP my paid practica though. 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and everyone stay safe! Stay healthy everyone. I wish you all a good morning/day/evening/night. Stary, signing out.

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Chapter 2: This is really cute and funny and it kinda reminds me of that movie The edge of tomorrow, but if you would like some suggestions you coul try and research some levels of co-op games like Mortal Kombat Shaoling Monks, Samurai Warriors or othet classics like Resident Evil and Mario Bros and I bet there's millions more haha but I really like how you make it really funny it's like a more realistic VR since they are trapped in a game but it still a game and they of course change the dificulty and respawn and all of that
Chapter 7: this is cute! but at the same time I want to to read the melancholic and rather depressing theme of the game lol i like to see them killing each other haha lol but that's sad wel haha
ilyerm #3
uwu i cant wait, seriously the world needs more yermseul SKKSKSKSK, looking forward to the first chapter !!
wow, this is nice and interesting yermseul :D...im excited for the first chapter :)... btw, do you know the videogame 'Battle
Realms' and Guilty Gear?(lol, i just wanna suggest them)