Chapter 6: Rain, Rain, Come Again

Walking On Sunshine

Byul was cursing herself. It was late Thursday night and she was all alone at work. This was usually the time that YongSun would come into the store but the girl was nowhere to be seen. Why did she tell her not to come, why? She only meant she didn’t want YongSun eating bad food anymore, she was thin enough and eating food with no nutrition was just going to make it worse. She sighed to herself, there was no helping her boredom. The only thing she had to look forward to was seeing YongSun in class tomorrow, and hopefully getting to sit next to her. Byul thought about confessing to YongSun outside of her house yesterday when she dropped her off, but it was still too soon, which is what make her say that stupid sentence. Dam, did she wish she could take that back. She would have to find a way to set things straight tomorrow when she saw her, with raising suspicion, just in case she didn’t take it the way Byul thought she did. Byul put her head in her hands, elbows resting on the counter, she looked out to the empty store, wishing tomorrow was coming faster. 

“So how did it go?” YongSun had her phone up to her ear as she scrambled around her bedroom to get ready for her Friday class. “It went really well I think. She is cute and sweet and funny, but I am not totally sure she is into me like that.” She held up another shirt over herself in the mirror. WheeIn made a noise on the other end of the link. “And what makes you think that?” WheeIn had been trying to get this information out of her since Wednesday night but YongSun had been too busy to reply to her text, until she finally called her. 
YongSun thought back to Wednesday night and had to try very hard not to smile, but the bit at the end of the night it what threw her off. “She told me she didn’t want to see me at the store eating ramen anytime soon.” YongSun could see herself making a face in the mirror. 
“Unnie,” WheeIn practically yelled at her over the phone. “Did you take that the wrong way?” She had. “She just wanted you to eat healthy, it means she cares about you, is that why you didn’t go by the store yesterday?” 
YongSun had admitted to WheeIn over text that she didn’t go see the girl. “No…” It wasn’t the only reason she didn’t go to the store last night, but it was definitely the reason she didn’t make an excuse to go. 
“Unnie! How many times do I have to tell you, do I have to spell it out? If that girl didn’t like you she wouldn’t have done something as lame as yelling off a bridge.” 
“Hey!” YongSun protested. 
“I’m sorry Unnie but I would have never done that, not unless HyeJin asked me and I was trying to impress her, like that time I went camping in high school but I hate bugs, I did it all to impress that one boy.”  
YongSun mulled it over a bit, she still wasn’t sure, then again she probably would not be a hundred percent sure until she heard the words from Byul’s mouth. “WheeIn-Ah, I have to go to class now but we will talk later okay?” 
“Yeah okay, but try not to think about it too much.” Yeah like that was going to happen. The girls hung up and YongSun left for school, of course still thinking about it. 

There was no sign of Byul when YongSun got to class, then again she was always one of the first people in the classroom. She scoped out a good seat so Byul was most likely to see her when she walked in, that was if she still wanted to sit with her. YongSun hated her brain, one second it was running over all the things Byul did that made her think she liked her, the next she was reminding herself of all the reason she was probably wrong. YongSun started pulling all of she stuff out of her bag, she was going to start writing the lecture notes the teacher put online, anything to get her mind off of Byul. In a rush she did manage to finish her punishment paper she was supposed to write for falling asleep last week, she had already submitted it electronically that morning when she woke up. 
YongSun barely noticed as the class started filling up, just like all the other weeks of this class, she just kept her head down and concentrated on her notes, blocking out the noise. 
“Is this seat taken?” Byul was standing next to her, wearing a smile. 
YongSun felt a smile grow on her own face as Byul pulled out the chair next to her. “I was saving it for my imaginary friend but I guess you can sit there today.” She tried to joke, when Byul laughed at it she felt proud. 
Byul sat down and started pulling out her notebook. Most kids in the class took notes on their laptops but YongSun prefered the old fashion way, it seemed Byul did as well. “Were you busy yesterday?” Byul asked out of the blue, making YongSun look over at her. 
She could feel her cheeks heat. “I had a lot of homework, and I waited too long to finish my paper, I didn’t have much time for anything.” She felt like she needed an excuse as to why she didn’t come and see her at the store, that is what it seemed like Byul was asking her without asking. 
Byul nodded as she wrote the topic of the day on her page. “Yeah I figured since I didn’t see you yesterday you must have been, or maybe not, it is not like you need to stop by, I just didn’t want you to think I didn’t want you to come around.” She said it all in such a rush that it took YongSun a minute to catch everything that she had said. 
YongSun shook her head and waved her hands in front of her at the same time. “No, I would never think that.” But it was what she had thought. “It took all of my effort not to find a distraction from my work.” 
Byul nodded. “Good.” She turned around to get something out of her bag but stopped and turned back fast. “What are you doing tonight?” She said it in a way that made YongSun think some sort of favor was coming. 
“Nothing… yet. Why?” 
Byul grabbed both of her hands and held them in between hers, YongSun could feel her blush deepen. “Oh Unnie, please, please do me a favor.” There it was. “I need to take a picture of a student for an assignment, I asked HyeJin but she is busy and I don’t many other friends.” 
She stared at YongSun while she thought. “What class is it for?” Was all she could think of. 
“One of my design classes, nobody but me and the teacher will see it. I have to do an ad for the school and it cannot be a student from our class but has to go to the school.” That seemed like a lot of criteria to follow. 
“What would you need me to do.” 
At this point Byul had thankfully released her hands, she wasn’t sure how much more her face could heat. “Just be yourself, doing homework or reading or something, nothing extravagant.” 
YongSun nodded slowly. “I don’t see why not, I am done class at four today.” She looked down at herself. “I don’t have anything else to wear.” She wasn’t sure if it would be suitable. 
“You’re perfect, no need to change.” Apparently YongSun’s face could get hotter, but she agreed. “We can meet in the courtyard after your last class.” She threw her arms around YongSun’s shoulder briefly. “Thank you Unnie!” 
Thankfully for YongSun the teacher walked in and Byul pulled back, nose crinkly smile on her face. YongSun tried not to make much more eye contact with her throughout the lecture. 
They managed to chat a bit more throughout the rest of class but not enough incase the teacher caught them, YongSun didn’t need to write another paper. Byul pulled out some grapes and make YongSun take some, making sure they both ate something for breakfast. It was kind of cute the way she seemed to take care of her, though YongSun was the older one, maybe it was because she had younger sisters, she didn’t want to make that comparison. Unfortunately for YongSun their classes were in opposite directions so they had to part immediately after class. But Byul quickly reminded her about the photo session after school, which YongSun was both regretting and looking forward to, only because she got to see Byul again. Getting to hang out with her outside of school and her work was starting to become more exciting. 

Byul was super excited. Not only did she clear up that misunderstanding with YongSun but now she was going to spend the afternoon with her again. She wasn’t lying when she said she needed a model for her assignment but she would have waited for HyeJin to be free if she needed to. 
She was waiting in the courtyard. She had to borrow a camera from the school so she had to be extra careful with it, her weather app had told her that it was supposed to rain later this afternoon she will have to get it all shot within an hour or two or risk getting the camera wet. She did bring a waterproof bag for the camera and her laptop if it did start to rain but she was hoping to not have to use it. 
She had not been waiting long before she saw YongSun coming across the school courtyard. It shocked Byul how even when she looked simple, she looked beautiful. She was smiling at her as she waved at Byul. Byul got off of the wall she was leaning on and walked over to meet her half way. 
Byul turned when she met up with YongSun so they were walking in the same direction, she laid her hand on YongSun’s shoulder, guiding her as they walked. “How was class?” She asked casually as she steered her toward the spot she scoped out to take the pictures. 
YongSun shrugged. “Not bad, it was hard not to fall asleep but I made it through.” 
Byul pumped her fist out in front of her. “Way to go Unnie.” She could see YongSun’s chubby cheeks start to colour, that made Byul more happy than it should have. 
YongSun kept her head straight and did not look at her. “So what do you have in mind for this? I am not much of a model.” 
“That is okay you don’t have to be.” Byul shifted her camera bag as they walked. “I figured you could just sit down and write in a notebook or something.” Byul moved her hand to the small of YongSun’s back. “Come on, you’ll love it.” She pushed her a little faster.

She settled YongSun under a large tree and made her fake take notes. YongSun was stiff at first but Byul tried to engage her in conversation so she forgot about the camera and started to loosen up. It wasn’t long before they moved locations. They moved on the the library where she had YongSun read a few books, type somethings on her laptop, just getting different shots and different expressions in general so she had more to work with. When they finally finished that, the girls started making their way back to the main area of the campus so YongSun could pick up some books from her locker, then Byul was going to walk home with her (something she could get use to). Byul couldn’t wait to go home and look at her pictures, something told her she may keep some of the photos outside of class, but she wasn’t going to tell YongSun that. 
They were nearing the neighbourhood and the sun had set on the way. The picture taking took a bit longer than she thought and it was now past dinner time. Byul thought hard about inviting YongSun out for dinner again but she didn’t want to take up anymore of YongSun’s time, she was sure the girl was busy. Byul was in the middle of thinking of some way she could casually work in a time to see YongSun again into their conversation when a fat rain drop hit her in the face. Byul wiped it off and looked up. “I think it is starting to rain.” She said aloud. 
YongSun stopped walking and put a hand up, a few drops hitting her hand. “I didn’t know it was going to rain.”  
No sooner than it leave , the sky opened up and it started to pour hard. Both girls screamed and threw their hands over their heads. Byul snapped out of it quickly and grabbed on to YongSun’s hand, pulling her along behind her as she ran for cover under a nearby awning. Safely underneath Byul started moving wet hair from her face. 
She looked over to YongSun who seemed to be doing the same. “What are we going to do?” She asked as she tried to run her fingers through her tangled hair. Byul tried not to laugh at the sight, brain searching for something serious. “I don’t like to far from here, why don’t we run there and you can call a cab when we get there?” She suggested, heart beatin a little harder at the thought of YongSun being in her tiny house. 
YongSun gave up on her hair and nodded. “Sounds like a plan. But what about our school stuff, I have my laptop with me.” And Byul had a camera. 
“Oh that’s right.” She said pulling the bag she brought from her backpack. “This should fit both our laptops and my camera, I can’t do much about our school books but if we run with them in front of us they should be shielded enough from the rain.” 
YongSun looked at her blank faced. “Wow, you really are smart.” Byul couldn’t help but smile as she pulled her stuff from her bag, YongSun following her. 
They secured their things and adjusted their backpacks on their fronts. “Ready?” She asked holding her hand out for YongSun, trying not to feel to bold. 
YongSun nodded. “Ready.” She said and she grasped Byul’s hand, fingers lacing with hers. Byul gave her a large smile and they took off, running into the pouring rain.

Byul lived in a rooftop house, like the ones YongSun saw in the dramas. By the time they got to the top level on the building they were soaked through. Luckily Byul was right about their bags and having them on their front protected them from most of the rain so they were thankfully mostly dry. When they got in Byul started moving some of her belongings around the small place, trying to tidy up YongSun guessed. Byul grabbed two towels off a shelf and tossed one at YongSun. “Dry off so you don’t catch a cold.” She said as she already was drying off her own hair. 
“It isn’t going to help much if all of my clothes are soaked through.” She said but she obeyed by following Byul’s lead. 
Byul stopped and wrapped the towel around her neck. “I guess you are right about that.” She moved toward her closet. “I’d offer you something to wear but it would be pointless if you are just going back out in the rain again.” 
“I could always stay over.” Even as she said it she felt her face heat, there was no way she was going to stay here with Byul all night, just the two of them. 
Byul looked over at her shocked that she even mentioned it. “I mean, I don’t work till the afternoon tomorrow so if you really wanted to stay you could.” 
There was a moment where both girls were just looking at each other, words just hanging in the air above them. Then YongSun started to nod slowly. “I don’t mind staying.” YongSun could feel the tension break between them. 
“I’ll get you a change of clothes. You can change in the bathroom and hang your wet clothes up in there, I’ll heat us up something warm to eat.” 
YongSun took the clothes Byul offered her and marched off to the very tiny bathroom to change. YongSun would be lying if she said she didn’t spend more time in there then she needed to. Very slowly and deliberately hanging her clothes neatly, taking the time to calm down her nerves and remind herself that this was indeed happening. She finally emerged wearing a pair of red plaid flannel pajamas and a black t-shirt. She had put the towel around her shoulders and exited the bathroom. Byul was standing at her stove heating something in a pot, kettle beside it boiling, and Byul wearing almost exactly what YongSun was but her pants were green. 
Byul had already set up her tiny table and it was cover in a small group of side dishes. “It is almost ready, you can sit down.” 
YongSun obeyed and continued trying to dry her hair as she waited for Byul, who soon sat a bowl of stew in front of her and a cup of tea. “Did you make this?” She asked as she laddeled a bit of it. 
Byul sat down opposite of her and smiled. “No the ajumma on the first floor gives me food sometimes, she says I work too much.” 
“You do work too much.” YongSun said as she took a bite. 
Byul just shrugged. “Thank you for helping me today, I am sorry you ended up here.” 
YongSun waved her hand in front of her. “No, no don’t say that. This is nothing.” She was actually more glad then her should have been to be staying the night a Byul’s. “I am glad we are getting this time together.” She said shyly looking at her bowl. 
“Me too.” Byul agreed. They managed some more small talk over dinner, learning more things about each other. Favourite colours, places they wanted to visit, all the subject they loved and hated. 
After dinner YongSun helped Byul doing the few dishes they had made, and helped her start setting up for bed, considering it was now going on ten at night. Byul only had one bed, there was no avoiding that, there was enough room for both of them to sleep on it without touching. Byul pulled out extra blankets so YongSun didn’t feel like they had to share. 
They got into bed together and continued their conversation from before. Trying to learn as much as they could about each other. YongSun had so many questions that she wanted answered, but Byul yawned very loudly and even YongSun was trying hard to keep her eyes open. 
They decided to call it a night. YongSun laid in the dark, listening to the slow breaths coming from Byul as she settled into her sleep. Perhaps she was feeling bold, perhaps she was hoping Byul was already sleeping, but she couldn’t stop the next question that escaped her. “Byul-Ah,” She whispered, seeing Byul’s outline so close to her she could touch her. “Do you like girls?” 
When nothing happened for a moment, YongSun figured she actually she was asleep. But then Byul rolled over, so she was facing YongSun, dark eyes wide open against the darkness. “Emmm.” She said in a confirming tone. She shifted a bit closer. “YongSun-Ah, do you like boys?” That ending caught her by surprise. YongSun cleared . “Only some.” 
YongSun could see Byul’s sleepy smile. “Good.” She said, her eyes slowly fluttering closed again, she was fighting to stay awake. 
“Good.” YongSun echoed as she let her own eyes fall closed. YongSun thinks she could start to like the rain.

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svela2233 #1
Chapter 16: Naaaawwwwwww 🥲🥲🥲
sadandlonely #2
sadandlonely #3
Chapter 16: I just saw this fic now. It was such a treasure to have come across this story, thank you for writing this ❤️
Chapter 16: Wahhh thank you for this amazing story💖
La_Joke26 #6
Chapter 13: This story is so adorable. I know I haven’t finished reading yet, but I just want to comment now. Their interactions are cute and what Yong did for Byul is just so sweet. Keep up the great work author! 😊
Chapter 16: wow! it is really a heart-warming love story <3
RubiaAO #8
Chapter 16: É uma história incrível, obrigada!!!

Fique bem!
Chapter 16: I really love this story ♥️ thx author-nim
I cannot stress how much I loved the way in which you told the story of Byul and Yong‘s love ❤️ Thank you for writing such a heartwarming story