Chapter 2

Memories engraved in the season's
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JongIn was driving his BMW back home from the airport when he finds lots of commotion going on his way. He doesn’t pay any attention to the incident until he catches a glimpse of a familiar-looking car, so damn familiar among the group of people. He stops his car on the sideway and gets down, walking towards the accident. He pushes through the stubborn bunch of people and finally reaches the front, only to see the most horrifying scene in his entire life. There was his best friend, in an upside-down car, covered in blood, still strapped to the seat, unconscious. JongIn springs forward, pushing everyone out of his way, and holds his best friend's hand which was out of the broken window. JongIn feels his whole world shaky as he shouts at the people to call for an ambulance. He cries, holding onto his friend's hand as he gets shifted into an ambulance, driving to the nearby hospital.

They wheel Chanyeol into the emergency as doctors gather up around him; doing everything they can to revive the guy. Once Chanyeol gets wheeled into the Operation Theater, JongIn collapses down in front of the now-closed doors, holding his head, waiting for someone to come out and tell him about his best friend's condition. After what seemed like a century, a doctor finally walks out and JongIn jumps onto his feet, holding the familiar guy by his shoulders.

“Jungkook-ah, how is he, how is Chanyeol??”

“JongIn, Breath, you are shaking.” And that’s when JongIn realizes he is having a panic attack. He breaths in and out as Jungkook helps him to calm down, offering him a glass of water.

“Jungkook, tell me how he is.”

“I need you to calm down first and listen to me carefully. The accident that happened… was big. The impact was so hard that it’s really hard for anyone to survive. Chanyeol is in critical condition now. The senior doctors are doing their best and once done he will be shifted to the ICU. He will come into consciousness very soon. You should be by his side.” Jungkook pats on his shoulder as he slowly helps JongIn into Chanyeol’s room. When they finally wheel in Chanyeol, all the tears he was holding come back as he sees his friend getting shifted to the hospital bed with lots of tubes and machines getting connected to him. He slowly sits down beside him as he holds his hand, closing his eyes and letting his tears fall. Jungkook stands beside him trying to control all his emotions. He didn’t tell JongIn the whole thing, Chanyeol is in critical condition, much more than what he actually told. Alphas have better recovering power than anyone but despite that, Jungkook doesn’t know if Chanyeol can make it. His heart is beating for now, and he doesn’t know till when it’s going to beat. Chanyeol slowly regains his consciousness as he sees a blurry image of Jungkook and JongIn. Chanyeol was baffled at the situation at first but when his eyes caught Jungkook with a contemptible expression, who catches his eyes and stares deep into them while slightly shaking his head, everything gets clear for him. Every single fiber in his body is screaming in pain and he knows what exactly it means. He slowly moves his hand and JongIn finally notices him.

“Chanyeol, Oh god, Chanyeol, you opened your eyes, thank god, oh my, Chanyeol, I was so scared man, what were you thinking ending up in this hospital bed like this man. Do you know how devastated I was when I bought you here?? Look at my shirt, stained with your blood? I am going to kill you now for making me so worried.”

Chanyeol tries to speak but the oxygen mask muffles his words. When Jungkook removes it slightly, JongIn bends down, bringing his ear close to his lips.

“Breath, you..are having a panic attack.” He whispers. Chanyeol knows how weak JongIn gets when something happens to his near and dear ones. him.

“The hell I care about my panic attack, it’s you who is more important now.”

Chanyeol tries to smile, but every tiny movement was so damn painful for him. He whispers out Kyungsoo and JongIn walks out assuring him that he will give him a call. When JongIn is finally out of his sight, he shifts his eyes to Jungkook as he whispers

“Minseok, Call Minseok.”


JongIn walks out of the room to call Kyungsoo but the latter doesn’t pick up. The omega was busy arranging everything in their home to celebrate their first wedding anniversary as his phone was silent, neglected in a corner. JongIn tries again and again, but he still doesn’t pick up. He finally sends him a message and was about to walks back into the room when Jungkook comes out, telling him to go grab something to eat and he doesn’t want another patient to handle. JongIn comes back after almost half an hour to find people running in and out of Chanyeol’s room. He runs in and holds Chanyeol’s hand, who tries to speak with his oxygen mask.

“Jong...In-ah, Can promise me something??” he breaths out once the mask is moved away from his mouth.

“What is it??”

“I wish...I wish... I could be there for my Kyungsoo but..”

“Of course you are going to be with him, where do you think you are going?? I will not let you go anywhere.”

“Stop ..stop interrupting me, bastard.”


“I wish I could be with him but If I couldn’t, will you take care of him?”


“Shhh, let me finish. I want you to prom..promise me that you will be there for him JongIn -ah. Haa….don’t let him be alone.”

“Chanyeol you are speaking rubbish. Why should I promise you all this when you are going to be there for him??”

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195 streak #1
Chapter 10: Enjoying this story...but really love the author's notes!
Chapter 38: Thank you for sharing this story ❤
This really beautiful... love it
Nicole121314 #3
Chapter 38: One of the best. Thanks for sharing this beautiful story ..🥰
chanlily2109 #4
Chapter 38: WinnMin I wants to express my gratification to finish the story even life have not been easy. Please take care of yourself and looking forward to another master piece of yourself. 💐💐💐
Shinee2020 #5
I had started your story a while ago and then was waiting for the ending to read it all in one shot, restarting from the beginning (but couldn't help but take a sneak peak at the ending. :P) Will be reading this during the holidays with a nice warm cup of hot cocoa. Will let you know my impressions once I get to restart it at the beginning again ! :)
Beau1996 1380 streak #6
Chapter 38: I admit I got a little teary eyed when Chan made an appearance in the delivery room 😥 thanks for an amazing story &I'm sure your spark will return!! Take care author-nim 💕
Nicole121314 #7
Chapter 38: Its part of life...
Nicole121314 #8
Chapter 37: Ohmy this is so cute... and they twins ohmyohmyohmy. I cant wait to see them in this fic hehe. And thanks for the update dear...
chanlily2109 #9
Chapter 37: Hihi thanks for the update even though life is not going good take care
Pshintani #10
Chapter 37: I love this! It's so cute seeing the odd cravings and how jongin reacts to them..then... thank you for the update