Summer Wave: Mommy Surprise!

The Return of Superman: Kim Twins(Ha Yeon & Hyo Hee)

South Korea is one of the countries that can experience 4 seasons; winter, spring, summer and fall.Today’s weather is really good when you’re just doin your laundry but bad for many when they just stayed at home or outside doing excessive activities, its summer by the way.Where the mood of people could sometimes will parallel to the weather today, so dont be surprise if someone yell or slap you out of nowhere they just also want to get out from the excessive heat wave they are feeling right now.


Meanwhile at the Kim’s Resident, Heechul were left again with the kids, Hani been out of the house for almost 8hours she have a fan signing event to attend together with EXID members unfortunately in this hot weather. Heechul was facing alone a major problem right now the air conditioner in the living room don’t function the kids are crying because of the heat they feel, Heechul already turn on two fans but still Ha Yeon and Hyo Hee cant take it, Hani told him that in case of emergency while she was away Heechul should dial her, He guess it can be considered emergency.


“Hani yah?” Heechul said while he was calling Hani.


“See its an emergency, Iam sorry to disturb you at the middle hon but the kids are crying” Heechul said worriedly to the otherline as his sweat non stop falling from his forehead down to his neck.


“I did open the windows but still the two fans wont work on them” Heechul said keeping the phone on his ears while rocking Ha Yeon on his arm crying and Hyo Hee near his feet keep pulling the pants of his father while crying, Heechul felt he’ll die from exhaustion.


“Arraso arraso, Keep Hydrated okay? Love you” Heechul end the call as his wife also was busy working plus the place where Hani is probably more hotter than their house but Hani need to work for her family, he decided not to bother her wife instead he let another call.


“Hello?, ahm is this the aircon repair center? I did call yesterday for today is the schedule, what time youll probably be here?” Heechul said to the other line.


“Alright please be here as fast as you can, thank you” Heechul ended the call with a big sigh and looked at her daughters pitifully who are battling from heat wave, that they couldnt say it on words they just cried instead.


“Aigoo gwenchana Hyo Hee yah, Ha Yeon nah just a little more sacrifice they will be here, stop crying you both making daddy worried” Heechul said while carrying the two then placing them in their mat, Heechul decided to took off their clothes the kids only wearing diapers now and then he place a baby cool powder at their back at least this could help them ease on what they are feeling, luckily the two stop crying.


“There you go at least this temporarily ease thy heat wave, I sometimes hate summer the heat is just no joke, plus it made my two princesses cried” Heechul said while pouting and continuely patting their back with powder, the twins just giggled in replied.


“I can see you two are giggling now” Heechul said in relief.


“Okay, maybe youtube can help us some cooling tips in summer” Heechul smiled and pull off the ipad then starting to scroll arround youtube.


“Oh right cool wipes can help” Heechul murmur while his daughters besides him watching also the video like they understand it.


“Beach? Yes it could be but the beach is far away from here” Heechul said.


“Sobak?” Ha Yeon pointed the ipad as the little girl pointed the picture in the video that catches her attention.


“Oh maja maja watermelon it is!” Heechul said and he press paused, he decided to do something today.


“Alright girls we will do something for mommy today” Heechul chuckled, well he wanted also to do something to cool off Hani from work.See how sweet Heechul is.


A sudden ring of the doorbell coming from the front door.Heechul leaves the twin in the mat for a minute.


“Oh thank God you are here already” Heechul said as the aircon repair guy between his 50’s already arrived.


“Where is it sir?” the guy asked politely.


“Oh this way” Heechul smiled.


“Tssk its just the filter sir its something off from the dust and candy?” the guy curiously pull one of the candies have been stuck from the aircon filter seems like Heechul knows who is the culprit or maybe are the culprit.


“Tsk my girls again” Heechul said as he sighed and look at the twins, the twins just giggled in reply.


“Its fine this can be fix” the guy chuckled and looked at Heechul then he got his bag full of tools then start repairing it.While Heechul decided to stay nearby to see how it goes.


“Are they your daughters?” The guy asked Heechul.


“Oh?” Heechul was startled to sudden question, although Heechul known to be talkative on camera but off camera its different especially to the person he first time to met with.


“Oh yesyes they are” Heechul said as he came back to his senses.


“They are wonderful, in their age they are still like that, exploring things and love to stick some candies in the aircon filters” the guy said and giggled.


“Oh haha yesyes they are, ahm if you wouldn’t mind how did you know? Seems like looking at you, you have experienced dont you?” Heechul smiled and ask politely.


“I did, Iam also a father of twin daughters” the guy smiled and said while he was focused on his work.


“Daebak really? How old are they?” Heechul asked curiously.


“17, theyll graduate next year in high school” the guy respond with a smile.


“Woah they are teenagers already” Heechul chuckled.


“Well time flies, I miss them being like that but they are still my babies even to the time they will also have their own family” the guy smiled at Heechul.


“Wah I wish my twins will grow up good as them” Heechul smiled.


“Of course they will more kind than mine” the guy chuckled.


“But now you need to be more patience with them, especially when they start to walk and talk, been there” the guy chuckled while finishing up the aircon filter.


“Well I guess, Ill loose weight again” Heechul said and they both laugh.


“Iam a fan of EXID before, your wife is my bias” the guy confessed.


“Oh really Iam honored behalf of Hani” Heechul chuckled.


“Well my wife too, me and my wife met each other at KCON because shes a big fan of yours, she’ll definitely freak out if she’ll know I met you, but dont worry ill keep it from her” the guy laugh.


“Well we are honoured to be the match makers” Heechul laugh the thought of him and Hani let the two found their true love. 


“All done sir” the guy smile and said.


“Oh thank you so much” Heechul smiled in reply.


“Its my honor to repair the aircon of universe big star” the guy chuckled.


“Oh that was a long time ago” Heechul said shyly as its been a long time to called him by his nickname and that legendary name given to him.


“Whats your name?” Heechul asked.


“Heri” the guy smiled.


“Oh its also start with letter H” Heechul said.


“Well my wife’s name is also Honey but as in the literal honey” the guy laugh and Heechul laugh as a respond he knew what the guy meant.


“Ill go now sir, Thank you” the guy said politely through the front door.


“I should thank you, thank you Heri” Heechul said.


“My job sir” Heri smiled and left.




“Alright girls lets go see your mom and your aunties today” Heechul carried the twins to dress them up some summer clothes, Heechul let the twins wear black and white stripe dress.


“Lets see where we can buy some fresh watermelon” Heechul said while holding the steering wheel along the wide highway road of Seoul the twins are comfortably sitting at their baby sit at the back good thing the car aircon is functioning well.


When they finally arrived at the Hanok Street Market near where the EXID fansigning event happening, the said street were full of memories this is where they shoot a style for you where Hani mention its good to go there when your at a date, well Heechul didnt failed to make it come true they went on their first date on that street and he did also propose to Hani.Heechul parked the car and pull of a twin stroller this to put Ha Yeon and Hyo Hee for him not have a hard time keeping them both at his side.


“There you go, kaja!” Heechul push the stroller going to the fruit stand.


“Ahm can I buy 2 kilos of Watermelon is it enough for 30 people?” Heechul ask the vendor.


“Yes sir of course 2 kilos much more— hyung?” The guy was startled whom he lately recognized.


“Oh Taejin-a! Long time no see! You are a grown up now!” Heechul happily said and manly hug the kid.Heechul met Taejin in the market to the time he asked help to help him surprise Hani on the night of proposal.


“Hyung! Long time no see too! What brings you here? Oh are these the twins?” Taejin excitedly asked Heechul.


“Yes they are! Oh Iam here to buy some watermelon for Hani, probably for the whole team and Exid” Heechul smiled and replied.


“Oh perfect! The watermelon freshly arrived early morning plus let us be the one to put it on special container for them” Taejin offered gratefully.


“Really thank you! If thats the case let me buy some milk something to put on that watermelon salad” Heechul replied gratefully.


“Of course! This may take a while hyung, you guys can roam around the street, Ill just call you hyung if its already done” Taejin explained Happily to Heechul.


“Of course of course, take your time Taejin-a” Heechul smile then turn arround pushing the stroller.


“Now this could be something you girls should give to your mom and your aunties” Heechul chuckled as well as the twins giggled, a store catches his attention that is more like full of girl headdresses that are displayed. 


“Ahm excuse me? Can I have 6 of those?” Heechul asked the vendor while pointing a really wonderful daisy clip.


“Okay, choose the colors sir and place it here” the vendor said handing Heechul a paperbag.


“Thank you” Heechul smiled.




“Oh anneyeonghaseyo” Heechul greeted with a bow to the people whom familiar with him the production team down to exid team at the dressing room.


“Oh!? Heechulsshi!” exid’s long time manager greeted back as well heechul earning different greetings by the staff.


“Omona! Its the twins! Kyowo!” exid’s personal hairsylist went closer to the twins.


“Heechulshhi, wah daebak the twins resemble to the both of you and Hani” the hairstylist giggled.


“Well noona the perks of having a wife that look alike her husband” exid manager laughed.


“Haha oh before I forgot, we have a delivery for you guys” Heechul bent down to pull of some watermelon salad that are pack in small plastic cups that were place inside an icebox and tied below the twins stroller the compartment below the stroller kinda big in order to carry the icebox all the way from the market down to where the fansigning event is.


“Something refreshing for you guys to fight the heat” Heechul said while handing the staff one by one with a cold watermelon salad.


“Wah! Heechul kamsahamnida!” One of the PD’s said.


“Mmm this is good! Thank you Heechulsshi!” One of the staff said giving Heechul a thumbs up.


“You guys are always welcome, you took care of my Hani for a long time you deserve a watermelon salad” Heechul laugh as well as the whole crew.


“They laugh easily Heechulsshi” exid make up artist said as she held Ha Yeon giggling on her arms.


“I sometimes get confused which of which, if those weren’t the baby bracelet they are wearing” exid’s hairstylist chuckled and said as she is holding Hyo Hee on her arms looking at the baby bracelet where the twin name written.


“Well they easily laugh and cry at the sametime just like their mom, so kinda scary what emotion would be next” Heechul laughed.


“Oh and I let them wear the bracelet so you guys dont get confuse” Heechul replied and smiled.


“Thank you again to this refreshing watermelon Heechulshhi!, oh speaking of Hani, the rest of EXID still on the stage having their fansigning event, mmm you want me to gave these watermelon to them?” Exid’s manager offered.


“Oh thank you thank you but hyung dont tell them that we are here and Iam the one who gave that watermelon salad, I would like to fall in line to the event the twins also love to see their mom and aunties, I want to surprise them” Heechul said with his signature smile.


“That would be great!, if thats the case let me lead you guys to the event” Exid manager said with excitement.


“See how lucky Hani to have a husband like you Heechulsshi” one of the staff said.Heechul just shyly smiled in respond.


“Alright lets go now my little munchskins, say goodbye at the meantime to them” Heechul said as he put back the twins in the stroller as the twins wave their cute little hands to the staff.


“Awee kyowo! Anneyeong!” The one of the PD said.


Meanwhile at the frontstage EXID where so busy interacting with their fans despite from the summer heat wave they felt.For exid this way a memorable event for them because its one of the way they can be with their fans who love them from the very beginning up til now.


“Unnie, I have gifts for the twins” the fan said as its her turn to interact with Hani.


“Omona! This is so cute! You knitted it?” Hani said amusingly why holding pairs of knitted sweaters that the fan gave.The fan nod shyly in reply.


“Thank you so much! Ill let them wear that on winter” Hani smiled and give a fan a high five and a signature of the album she had.


“Wah unnie bunch of presents for the twins huh I guess Hyo Hee and Ha Yeon should have fansigning event” Jungwha chuckled while signing autographs.


“Haha the twins much more famous than their parents” Hyerin laugh beside Hani she earned a playful slap on her arm. Hyerin pouted.


“Well I guess 50% of the presents are for the twins 25% are mine” Hani chuckled.


“Huh? Where is the other 25%?” Solji curiously asked.


“On Heechul” Hani giggled.


“Well maybe its like that if you have already your own family” LE replied.


“Oh when will LeeTeuk oppa will propose unnie?” Hyerin teasingly asked LE while she sip some water.


“When that straw will choke you Hyerin-a, Dont me” LE sassily replied.This earned a laugh from the rest of the members.


“Hahaha Iam just asking! Hani unnie is much younger 1 year than you and she already have two kids” Hyerin teased again.


“You really want me to spill into them the song whom you wrote for?”  LE found something to blockmail Hyerin.


“Arraso, arraso Ill zip my mouth” Hyerin trying to keep herself from laughing after hearing the blockmail LE said.The rest of the members still couldnt contain their laugh on how playful the two are.


“Haha you guys behave many fans are coming” Solji scolded like shes scolding her kids.


“Ne Eommanim” Jung wha replied.This earned another laugh from the rest of the members.


“Seriously stop” Solji said while giggling.No one can stop exid playfulness.


On the other side of the stadium at the middle line fans got curious to the man said to be exid fan as you can see he is also falling in line to get in touch with exid, many fans found it suspicious and weird because the man was wearing a blackmask and a black cap as well he is pushing with him a twin stroller that is close so the babies cant be seen from the outside.


“Ahm is this the line?” the guy with a twin stroller asked.


“Oh yes” the young girl in front of him also falling her line answered as she’s staring and analyzing who is behind the mask as soon as she realized she suppose to say something.


“Sungmal!” The girl cover and made her eyes wider as she realized who it is.


“Shh” Heechul said signaling to keep it a secret.The girl nod excitedly as she got to see upclose the universe big star.


“Keep it a secret I promise to give you autograph later” Heechul whispered to the fangirl infront of him.Well its best day ever.The girl nodded excitedly.


As soon as Heechul gotten closer to the fansigning table he place the stroller at the side then he carried the twins by his both arms while the twins holding some daisy clips on their small hands.Now they are earning the crowds attention as the fans now taking a picture of them with the idea of a guy huge fan of exid with his adorable twins manage to go to the fansigning event as you can hear people found it too cute.Also Exid members turned their heads where is the noise coming out.As soon as they realized who it is the members let a small gasp and stand up from their sit excitedly.


“Omo hahaha” Hani stand up from her seat as shes covering by her both hands and she step out from the fansigning table and immediately run to Heechul as she hugged the three, she just couldnt believe who surprise visit her.The crowd are now cheering.


“Yah! You surprise me, I didnt know youll come” Hani said to Heechul.


“Well its not a surprise anymore if Ill tell you” Heechul chuckled.


“Look at that, my little angels” Hani said while giving the twins some her motherly kisses the twins giggled in response.


“Hani yah you go back to your seat, Iam a fan falling in line so we will start from LE down to yours, i dont want my meet and greet ticket will be nothing” Heechul teasingly said.


“Alright” Hani giggled then she comeback to her seat.


“Omona the twins have grown up already!” LE said cheerfully.


“Its aunt Hyojin kids” Heechul smiled.Then the twins handed LE a daisy clip that is color white.


“Wah this is so cute! Gumawo” LE said then she put it on her hair.The twins smiled a familiar smile that they know for years that dimple smile who resemble Hani so much.


“Alright next up aunt Solji” Heechul said while letting the twins gave her a pink daisy clip.


“Hahaha kyowo! Heechulsshi they know our taste huh” Solji replied and chuckled.


“Well the twins are psychics” Heechul said as the whole members laughed.


“Wah! Its a yellow daisy! Thank you so much to my favorite neices!” Jung Hwa cheerfully said while hugging side by side the twins seated on top of the table clapping their hands.


“Alright lets go for Aunt Hyerin” Heechul said while placing the twins into Hyerin’s lap and gave her a blue daisy clip, the twins hugged her back.


“Awee they really look like the mini version of the both of you” Hyerin said happily while having some poses with the twins asking the fans to take her some photos.


“Yes it suits you Hyerina, well if someone who’s good at photoshop you guys should insert—-“ LE said teasing Hyerin the out of it.


“Yah! Unnie!” Hyerin said and widen her eyes to LE.


“Arraso arraso chill” LE laugh as the whole members laugh again.


“Alright lets go home kids” Heechul carried the twins back by his both arms, pretending to walk out from the venue but he stopped by Hani’s whined.


“Ehh” Hani whined.


“Oh we have to still see mommy” Heechul laughed and went back to where Hani is.


“I miss my angels” Hani gesture her hand to give her twins to her.The twins excitedly wanted to be with their mother’s grip.


“Hahahaha you even made them wear same outfit as mine” Hani laughed.As the twins clothes blends on the top she is wearing right now an elegant white and black stripe blouse.


“Awe that is so cute!” Jung Hwa said.


“Opps first help me to take off my mask hon, my two hands are occupied” Heechul said even he had a mask on him, his signature smirk is visible from the outside looking into his eyes.Heechul leaned closer.


“Your mask is useless I can eve—“ Hani stopped from the middle as Heechul gave her a peck on her lips. The crowd cheered again, even the ants cant handle the couple’s affection.


“Yay PDA” Hyerin pretending to cover her eyes.The rest of the members teasing and howling.


“Yah! Kamjagi” Hani said while giggling and Heechul earned a slight slap on his arm.


“You love it” Heechul whispered while putting the twins on Hani’s both arms, alright Hani is red as a tomato now.


“Yah! Just seat down” Hani said while the staff place another chair beside Hani before Heechul seated he greeted the fans.


“Oh anneyeonghaseyo leggos” Heechul greeted as he happily wave his hands to the fans cheered.Then he settled on his chair.


“This will be all over social media I can feel it” Solji said.


“Yohoo I can smell dispatch cars” Hyerin said and the whole family laughed.


“Well legendary viral queen Hee Yeon is back” Heechul laugh.As Hani known to be the one who made them to be known to be more famous first to her legendary up and down fancam down to right now.


“Aigoo its a pair of blue green daisy clip, is it for me?” Hani smiled at her twins, the twins handed the clips and giggled.


“Eomma!” The twins said in unison then hide their faces sweetly on their mother’s neck as they hugged her tightly. The crowd found it too cute.


“Aw gumawo” Hani hugged and gave her daughter some kisses.


“Awee they are lovable Hee Yeon nah” Solji said.


“The fans are seriously arriving” Jung Hwa said as she noticed many fans have come.


“Wah you guys should have another own fansigning event” Hyerin said amusingly.


“Well this is the time, maybe someday” Heechul and Hani laughed at the production team expecting that Return of Superman should also have fansigning event.


“Well Hyerina, the fans will freak out if you call and bring hi—-“ LE this time couldnt contain her laugh as she love to tease Hyerin.


“Yah! Unnie! Why do you love to tease me huh?” Hyerin whined one again.


“I told you Hyerin unnie dont start with LE unnie she wont let it pass” Jung Hwa said as the whole team laughing out loud.


“Alright, announcement Kim Heechul of Super Junior is here so if you guys come to this fansigning event its a win win” Hani said to the fans.


“Wah so youre selling me now?” Heechul chuckled.


“No, I was promoting” Hani chuckled.


“Alright Ill let this pass, cause youre just good at sales talking” Heechul said and laughed.


The day continued full of fan interaction crying, laughing and giggling.Despite from the heat wave the fansigning event ended successfully.Hani couldnt be more thankful that she have supportive family of her own.An annoying and loving husband that he could be her bestfriend,lover,mother,unnie,oppa and father of her children at the same time.Also the loving and crackhead members she truly cherished as her sisters, Hani couldnt ask for more.




























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In line with au I made on twitter (@heenichild) & my lil gift to all HeeNi’s!🎉A whole new Heeni FMV! While reading d au you can watch d vid it will definitely give u d feels! Check it out! Link below👇🏻💕‬

‪Hani x Heechul - Best Friend (Jason Chen) via @YouTube‬


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Chapter 8: Oh... Will we have a real tros episode with this couple? I hope so..
:))) thank you for giving us a new chap author-nim
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Chapter 7: Thanks for updating..they’re so cute ?
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Thanks for updating!!! Continue to write ;)) can’t wait for the next episode! Fighting!
Chapter 3: Really love it !! ??
Can't wait for more !! ?
Thank you for this ??
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Chapter 1: ????