A Few Hours Before the 'D-day'





It was my debut stage that I met you. After I did the final pose to finish my performance, here on the stage, I saw you on the audience's seats, looking emotionless even though you have that smile on your face. It's hard to tell r rather, read your emotions by your face. The crowd is all screaming hard—cheering hard, including my name. But you stood the most. Maybe I wasn’t good enough that I didn’t make you impressed.


It was my first interview that I bumped on you, you bowed endlessly, and I didn’t even expect myself to recognize your face. Yes, I have met you before, back then I didn't really pay attention onto your face. And I think, there is something I forget because It felt like I met you before already.


I held onto your shoulders to stop you from apologizing. I was about to ask your name but you ran away immediately, and I never had the chance to ask it.


It was more than a year that I am holding a fan meeting again, and then I saw you again. You are smiling as you sat in front of me. Our hands touched as you hand me the album, and I felt something unusual, something unfamiliar. As I started to sign the album you handed me, I asked your name, the thing that I should’ve asked back then. I waited for an answer until I finished signing the album, and decided to look at you instead, but then I saw you, smiling whilst just looking at me. And I was again, hoping that you will say your name this time.














[August 3 - 4:30 PM]





There is no one else in this room, the lights are on, and I am in front of the mirror, watching my every move, watching as sweats splash all over the floor, working hard on every move I make.


1, 2, right hand, 1, 2 left hands! And turn. 1, 2 and---



I stopped dancing as I heard the music stopped. Then I diverted my gaze into my left side through the mirror, and then I saw the culprit, I saw my Senior who is holding the volume of the speaker. There she was, standing straight, and there's a smile on her face--a proud smile on that matter.


So I smiled and turned around to greet her.




Taeyeon-sunbaenim” I greeted, did the best smile I could--showing my teeth and bowed to her politely.


Actually, I feel embarrassed because beads of sweats are falling off of that are running off my face. As I stood there and saw her looking at me, I quickly wiped off the beads of sweat with my bare hands, forgetting the towel onto the table nearside the radio, thinking that it is more important to look presentable (well a little bit) and since I am in front of my senior. But before I could finish doing so, my hands are forced to go down. My senior's hand gripping my wrist lightly to guide them down. And on my face, I felt a hand with a towel wiping off those sweats that are flowing nonstop. Then I saw her smiling while wiping my sweat off.


I stood there, frozen on the spot while she was there like my sister who is wiping my sweat off. I wonder if all those in this industry are this kind, or perhaps, it's just Taeyeon-sunbaenim.



But hey! This is not sweet! It's embarrassing that she is wiping that. Knowing that sweat is the excesses of dirt in our body!


So I quickly held her hand to stop her. And she looked at my eyes directly,  I shifted my hands into the towel and pulled it out of her hand.



"Let me do it, It's embarrassing for you to see me like this," I said and wiped my face and to my neck.


She then smiled, nodded and walked to the table. She went back in front of me and shook her hand a little to indicate what was on her hand--when I saw the bottled water on it. I automatically gulped at the look of the water. And yep, I am quite tired, that's why I find this very helpful.


"Thanks, Sunbae"


"No, Problem" she grinned and I stopped wiping my sweat to get the bottled water from her hand, this time I smiled as I opened it, I drank on the water and continued wiping off my sweat after I recall the bottled water.



My eyes then start to follow her while she was walking at the center of the dance practice room, and then she laid down on the bare floor.


She looked at the ceiling, where lights are flashed down below. "I use to lay down here when I was a trainee. Care to join me?" She then looked at me while asking me her question and I nodded while smiling. I laid down beside her. Considering that I needed a break.


Talking here seems nice since the echoes of our voices will be heard, plus, the quiet atmosphere. 


"I see you're really working hard," she said while fixing her gaze on the ceiling. 


I chuckled at her words. I don't know why, I just, did.




"How many hours have you been practicing for today?" She asked and this time she looked at me.


"I Uhh--" I looked at the wall clock in the practice room, my mind recalling what time it is before I practicing in and I was shocked to say that it was already 4:35 PM. Time sure flies fast. I was here practicing for almost 5 hours. I

Considering it's really a long time to practice with those hours, 5 hours of dancing is no joke, also, knowing my body is just adjusting by this all, of course, I trained, but I will perform for my best later on for my debut and I need a little rest, so I decided to lie about this situation.



"About 2 hours," I said without making, eye contact to her.




She looked at me blankly like she was studying numbers and formulas in a math equation and I find myself in an awkward situation because she was looking at me like that.



"Really? Then why did your eyes widen when you saw what time it is at the wall click and why did you hesitate afterward? I know you're here for long hours" she said and her eyes, are complaining, like she doesn't want me to be exhausted and be consumed in this particular kind of work, like she cared too much about the small things in the world. 



"You saw me" I chuckled by my embarrassment. My eyes still not making eye contact. I don't know if fear is prominent in that sentence as I said it. And yes, I am a little scared as to being taken care of by someone except my family members. 



She giggled and looked at the ceiling. Probably finding the fear that goes with the tone I made.


"I was also like that on my debut day" she started and I looked at her whilst she was there, looking peacefully at the ceiling like she was remembering many sorts of memories.



"Practiced and practiced until I see my performance worthy to see. Seungwan, I see myself a lot in you. And I knew you'll be working hard when you debut. And you will be successful in this kind of dream "



It's nice to hear my senior saying these things, but I still fear. "I don’t know what to do, Sunbae. I like to see people like me. And it's just scary because I know I am not good at dancing myself, what if people won't like me because I am not good at dancing" I asked her. 


"Seems like you are scared Wendy" then she took a glance at me and brought her gaze back to the ceiling. "I think worrying over it will not going to help. Just do your best on stage. And most importantly, enjoy it" Taeyeon said and stated the last two words like it was obvious.


Her words comforted me, a lot. I mean I was very nervous right now. Because tonight. It will be my debut. My first stage performance, my first performance in front of the public, in front of many eyes. 



"Thanks, Sunbae. But what if people don't like me?" I asked her again



"Don't think negatively. You know what? You're kinda lucky. And I know you'll be a famous singer someday" 


Her words are still dissolving into my mind. And few questions start to flood my mind. 'Be famous? Because of my voice? Nope, I am not good enough, and lucky? How is it that I am lucky?'



"Why did you think that way?" I asked her instead, not being able to say those questions floating into my mind, etching to be answered.


"Because you're the first one to debut on an outside stage, an open-view stage from our company"


Hearing her say that made me more curious about a lot of things. Like my mind is thinking how an answer in a math equation got solved by those process.


"And what does it mean?"


She scoffs and looked at me.


"It means a lot of people will get to see your performance. Compared to a performance inside a building, the people that can be accommodated are only limited. Unlike in a free area, a lot of people can watch you. And maybe there are people who are traveling. That means, you can also be known in other countries and I am sure that the performance will be amazing, you’ll do just fine, plus. You have an amazing voice" she then smiled genuinely.


Everything she said makes sense. All her words die in the missing puzzle piece. but,  I really do hope that I will do great on stage.


She starts to sit up and smiled at me.


"Take a rest okay? After a few hours and you’ll going to debut. So I will be going to have to go first, I have something to prepare for performance later" she said while standing up and smiling at me.



I stood up and bowed to her again and again.



"Thank you Sunbae, see you later," I said and while grinning while bowing my head repeatedly.



"See you later, Wendy," she said and pat my shoulders, and after that, I stopped bowing and gave her the most thankful smile I could master.



She then walked out of the dance practice room, leaving me with more fired desire to capture the hearts of many people. 


I looked at the clock and saw that there is still 4 hours before my performance. And My body is starting to feel sore so I think I can now take a little break and practice my voice instead in the recording room.



I woke up as the sun s hit my face; I opened an eye to peek at the surroundings, then slowly opened my other eye. I rubbed the sleep off my eyes. Adjusting at the bright vision,



 It's morning again, and I don't know why I feel so happy today that the feeling is strange--like I can't really describe it in words. Maybe I slept too much and had my rest, or  maybe it's a just good day, after all, so just enjoy--



The smile on my lips had slowly washed away as I saw the calendar on my wall. My jaw dropped as I saw the column on the calendar with the date today had been marked 'School trip!'




I hastily woke up and ran to the bathroom to freshen up. Heck, I am so damn late. Why do I have to wake up late today? Yep, I guess, my first reason was right, I slept too much.


I am so dead; I am late for our trip today. Gosh! Joohyun! 




After I washed, I dressed up and after that, I fixed my hair quickly. When I am ready to go, I grabbed my luggage which had been packed last night and hastily ran out of my apartment after locking the door.




I grabbed a taxi which I told to go to the nearest bus station. The taxi was fast enough, luckily. but that can't change the fact that I am already late. 



 I quickly went out of the taxi when it reached the destination and once I paid for the fare. Then ran to the bus which will go to our destination, in Seoul. Living in Daegu is sure enjoying, but what I don't like is the need for this school organization to go into trips like this. I mean, I understand that we have to do things like this every once in a while, but it's just that, I am a homebody person.




I find the chores inside of a house really very enjoying. I like to cook, I like to clean the house, wash clothes and do laundry, and even ironing those clothes. So going on trips left me a question in my mind--that why does it need to happen? 




Feeling the cold breeze, I closed my eyes and many thoughts had run into my mind.




What if I get lost?

What if I get scammed?

What if I am kidnapped? How, How can I shout for help?




Those thoughts on my mind sound crazy, yes, maybe since it is my first time traveling alone. After a few minutes, I decided to ask if there is anyone else who got left and well, late like me.



So I opened my eyes and took a deep breath, then, I fished my phone on my pocket and asked in our group chat if there was someone else being left behind--Typing the letters carefully.





[Sent: 10:47 AM]


Hey guys, it's Bae. Is there someone late? Well besides me, I am sorry If I am late, I kind of, uhm, overslept.




I waited for a reply but all of the members in the group chat had only ‘seen’ the message, lots of them are well, snubbing my message.




Yes, my reputation is not that good, and I don't have many friends. I don't know why though that there are people who don't want me.




I pouted and put my hands that are grabbing my phone on top of my lap.




Thankfully, after a few seconds, a pop sound had made my eyes widen. Maybe because of full anticipation that there is someone else late rather than me. Hoping that there is someone that I can be with this travel.  And a smile escaped my lips.



[Received: 10:50 AM]

It's Yerim, I am on my way senior Bae. On my way to the bus station.





After I read the message, I smiled—and considered myself lucky amidst the situation. I waited for my junior to enter the bus. I plugged the chord of my earphone into my phone and put it on my ear. Listening to my playlist. Classical kinds of music make my thought relax. And waiting like this makes me feel at ease. I looked at the door of the bus to wait for the girl who just sent her message.



After a few minutes, a cheerful figure made her way inside the bus. I took a glance at her and then I saw her, she was the girl that had sent a message earlier as I compare her face into her profile picture. So I raised my left hand up to signal her that I am here and smiled as the younger girl paid attention to me, the younger girl smiled and bowed her head after stopping in front of me.




After a few seconds, I pat the seat beside me and she smiled and bowed her head. She understood what I meant and so, she obeyed and sat down beside me. she mouthed a 'thank you' as she sat down.



We talked about certain kinds of stuff after getting her name--which is Yerim and I feel like I am a stupid girl who happens to forget her name on the message which she used in the group chat.



 Talking about this and that makes the travel livelier. The bus then started rolling its way to Seoul as we diverted into more topics on our own style of conversing.





When we arrived in the city of Seoul, it was cold. But the feeling is different, nope, I am not talking about the weather. Yes, the weather can be a factor to change the feeling after we arrived but there is something more, you see? And it is not just the breeze of Seoul. It's harder for me to explain. And I feel like. I am destined to go here, today, the 3rd of July.




We walked a little to arrive at our assigned dorm. And we both smiled as we both put our hand on the doorknob. Wishing for the welcome of our fellow schoolmates. 




We are also thankful that no bad events had happened as we travel. 




We took a deep breath and twisted it, and pushed the door open. The living room was revealed after the door had been fully opened, but in the living room, there are the other students who are sitting on the floor and well, their eyes are all looking at me, and Yerim whom are both late. Their eyes are not so welcoming, and It is quite embarrassing to be tardy in your class's trip, I just realized that now, when all eyes are on us. And here I am wishing that the earth would swallow me up to run away from embarrassment, but I know that cant happens, so here I am, standing in front of many eyes, and some of those eyes are rolling, so I can't change this. The teachers and the coordinators are in front of the students and well, they are also looking at both me and Yerim. We are like stars that are being followed by paparazzi but this time, it was more like a negative view. The fact that they are looking at me and Yerim because of being late—like being late was some sort of crime.






The atmosphere had been dyed down when one of the teachers had clapped her hand and gestured us to sit down. She was kind despite her cold looking face--Miss Jessica Jung was very kind and very helpful towards me, so I am quite thankful that she came with this trip.




The students diverted their attention back to the teachers and continued to talk about the room assigning with gestures as they release information for the students which both Yerim and I had also started to listen to since we both took the chance to place our luggage and find our seat to listen and watch the teachers and administrators discuss further all about this trip.




After practicing my vocals, I changed quickly with my fitted and tattered jeans with a loose black shirt that had tucked inside my jeans. Why do change into these comfortable clothes? To enjoy some leisure time, to spend some time for me before becoming a busy person, before packing my schedule every day. Well, that if I became successful in becoming an idol just like what Taeyeon Sunbae said a few minutes ago. I just hope that it will happen.


So after I looked at myself in the mirror, I fixed my hair. I didn't bother to take a bath, because I am tired of practicing, and I might get sick from it. So I just changed into comfortable clothes and head out.


Why did I sneak out? Well because I want to do something, What do I want to do? Well, I walked to the convenience store and walked straight to the ramyun section, went to the kimchi section and paid on the cashier, then I head into the corner to put some hot water on the kimchi. I sat outside the corner of the convenience store where the tables are placed with the umbrella that is covering the table and the seats. While waiting for my noodles to be cooked, I look around me felt the silent atmosphere and smiled by how the serenity looks. Empty streets are not so appealing in others eyes, but I don't know why I found them appealing so I fished my phone in my pocket. I unlocked it and opened the camera on my phone; I lifted it and took several photos around me. To save memories of this leisure time of mine if that is how you can still call this. Taking a shot from here to there, until, I accidentally took a picture of a girl, a girl who happens to pass by, a girl with a raven hair. And a pretty girl she was. I just noticed after I previewed the pictures I took, but the camera is still flashing and shutting to capture images, even after she looked at my side, the camera still captures because I took it in shutter shot,  I realized that after she looked at my side and, she was so surprised, maybe because thought that I took a picture if her and so then, she covered her face. I stood up to apologize at the girl but she just covered her face more and hastily walked away. So I didn't even bother to apologize. I sat back and waited for my noodles to be cooked and trying to forget the picture I took--or rather, the girl in the picture.





After Miss Jung and the other teachers had finished their speeches, they asked who will be going into the Mart to buy some food and other necessities in the market that is needed for our dorm. When they asked who would like to volunteer no one raised their hand. I look around from my left to my right, but it is clear that there is no one who would like to volunteer. So I slowly raised my right hand and Miss Jung smiled and nodded her head.




When I was asked why I want to volunteer, I said the truth, that I want to repay my mistake for being late earlier, and then, Yerim also raised her hand and volunteered too. I tried to tell her that I can handle it, but she is stubborn, not in a bad way, but in a good way, telling me that she really wants to come with me because she doesn't want me to be tired. And that is touching. Like she was my little sister. 





So here we are now, walking on our way to the mart. And when Yerim and I had reached it, we both get the trolley to shop without losing too much energy. We took whatever we need while shopping--looking at the list Miss Jung gave us earlier.





So after we picked the items that we needed. , a problem had floated, we searched all over the mall to find the ATM. Yes, we found it, but the problem is, unfortunately, the ATM is broken.





Yerim volunteered that she can go to the nearest convenience store to get some money to use the ATM card that Miss Jung had given me. But I volunteered to go instead. Besides, I am older than her so it means that I need to protect her in case a danger might come. and I need to be responsible so I told her that she can wait for me here while I go to get some money.




I successfully withdraw some money and I am on my way back to Mart, when I heard the camera sounds coming from somewhere, so I looked around and I saw the convenience store with a girl who is holding her phone and there it is, as I see the flashes coming from that phone along with the camera shutter, I knew that that girl was the one taking the pictures. Honestly, she clicked the camera when I looked at her side, but I didn't complain because what if she found out.




And another thing is that I am too scared to talk to someone I don't know. So I just covered my face and started to run away from the girl even though I am hearing her shout my name.




After I ate my hot noodles and the kimchi, I decided to go to the Mart, I don’t know why my feet brought me here on the Mart, it’s not like I need something I can't buy in the convenience store earlier, It's just, I really don't know the reason why my feet had taken me here. I am outside the Mart, in the door, just a few steps and I am ready to open the door and go inside when I felt my phone vibrated inside my pocket. So I stopped at my tracks and fished my phone inside my pocket. I unlocked it and saw an unread message. It was my manager Unnie and she is telling me that I only have 40 minutes to prepare and well, asking me where I am. So I typed the letters on my phone and tapped the send button. I was about to walk inside the Mart when I accidentally bumped into someone and...




And the things that she bought have been dropped into the floor. Because we bumped our heads together, she dropped the things which she is carrying on her paper bag to touch her head because of the pain. I also felt it after our head bumped. I didn't look into the person I bumped my head with yet, but I assume that she is a girl, because well, her hair is flowing down and covering her face. She has raven hair, akin to what I have seen earlier.  Her hair is dancing with the wind that is slapping her. She had porcelain skin and she has a strawberry scent. I immediately bowed my head when I saw that she starts to pick up the things which had been dropped earlier, causing a real mess all over the floor.





"I am sorry, I really am, I am so sorry, miss," I said and helped her to pick up the things.





I waited for her response whether she will be angry at me or whether she will say that 'it’s okay', but I received none.




Okay not to assume, but maybe she's just scared to communicate with strangers. I also realized that she has someone with her, a girl who is younger than her and also picking up the things, and she is pretty; she had her hair tied up so I can clearly see her face, and she is cute, well, maybe they are sisters? I didn't get to see the face of the girl that I bumped with because of her hair but I guess, they are sisters. 




I couldn't help but to eye at them while picking up the things they have bought in the Mart.




And after we finished picking up those things on the floor, I bowed again and apologize at her.




"I am sorry to miss, I really am, I just, I didn't see the way because I just texted my mana-- uhm.. my-my friend"




Oops, crap, that was close, I was about to say, manager. Luckily, I didn't.





She lifted her head to look at me and my jaw dropped as I saw her face, it was the same girl that I saw earlier, the same girl that I took a photo of earlier—the same pretty girl. It explained why they shared both hair color because they are one all along.





"You're the gi--" I was cut off by my talking when I heard my manager's voice, calling my name behind me. And so, I looked behind me and saw my manager.





"U-unnie, you're here?" I asked my manager.





"Yes Wendy, and you need to get ready, you need to prepare, So come on!" She said and was dragging me by my arm.





I shook my arm so she could let go of it. "Wait a minute, let me just apologize to someone," I said to my manager.






"Who?" My manager asked, there is something on her eyes like she is telling me that there is no own else with me at that moment.






"Uhm, the girl on my back, and her sister, I guess," I told my manager





"What? Look behind you, there is no one in there"



So I did, I looked behind me and turn to see, no one but the entrance of the Mart.




She’s gone. Maybe ran off somewhere, What a bummer! I didn't even get to apologize to her properly.





Before I can say something, I was being dragged into the car. And when I entered it, a lot of things had flooded my mind.





'Why is she so quiet?'





'Why didn't she say something even just a single word?'






After my manager had entered the car, I pat my pocket, my eyes widen at that moment.





The car had started to move fast on the way to the venue where I can perform.






But then I panicked because I lost something. 






"Unnie, my phone is missing," I said to my manager while continuing to pat my pocket. 














Hey guys! I am back! My love for WenRene is quite strong, that I came back! After all that SeulRene stuffs that made me depressed. I am very very sorry for the long wait. And since it's our vacation already, I am looking forward to continuing all my unfinished stories and I do hope that I improved despite that long time of you guys waiting for an update. Also, I need prayers for me to pass all my subjects. And I am asking for your help to pray for my grades. Thank you for those who can pray along with me. 


Back to our story, it seems like something is going on into Joohyun, yeah? Can anyone of you guess it In the first chapter? Or not? Well if not, wait for updates.Since it's our vacation, maybe I can update weekly, depends on my mood. So I need you all to write what you think about this first chapter because It helps me a lot to write. comment all your thoughts on the comment section! Also, how do you find the length of each chapter that i write?


 I love you all guys, especially those who are helping me when I get depressed in SeulRene stuffs. Thank you guys and Love you! thank you for the support and I hope you enjoy reading. 


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Chapter 2: Still here 💙💙💙
nim #2
Chapter 2: Woaahhh this is so good! Fighting author nim!
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 1: Hello
Chapter 2: Please come backkk
-WenRene15- #5
Chapter 2: WenRene love =)
Chapter 2: Joo huyn will always be a mystery girl . Well hope she's not mute.. or is she?
Looking forward to it~~
❤️❤️ wenrene❤️❤️
Chapter 2: I hope she's not mute. ^^ Joohyun is really that shy eh? I need to thank Yerim and Jessi for helping Joohyun tho at least she can feel a lil bit welcome and like someone appriciate her precense.
tintirintintin14 #8
Chapter 2: what seulrene stuff? is joohyun mute here?
tintirintintin14 #9
Chapter 2: what seulrene stuff? is joohyun mute here?
Chapter 2: This is really good, I'm excited for the next chapter!