Chapter 21

Mated to a Dork [Kryber]



Jessica woke up immediately hearing her ringtone. 

“Hello?” she asked groggily

“Honey! Wake Krystal up, we got a call last night that Jaehyun is doing so much better, we’ll see you both here”

“Wait, what-”

Jessica’s parents hung up before she could process anything, once she did her eyes widened, Jumped out of her bed, quickly changed and ran to Krystal’s room.

“Soojung! Wake up!” Jessica grabbed a nearby stuffed animal and threw it at her sister who only groaned. “Krystal!, Mom called me and said Jaehyun has improved a lot,” Jessica said.

This made Krystal shoot up. 

“What? Why didn’t they tell us?” Krystal asked, rushing to her closet to get changed.

“That’s what I want to know! I think cause of the rough day we had yesterday that they let us sleep in” Jessica said, sitting down on Krystal’s bed. Taking a deep breath Jessica said, “we need to apologize to the boys, what we did yesterday was so uncalled for”

Yesterday was definitely a low point. They were angry, and emotional. The boys just happened to be in their path. They felt like s.

Aiden, Krystal thought. She waited for a reply.

Aiden, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it

Aiden never responded. Krystal felt defeated.





Jaehyun’s eyes lit up when he saw his sisters.

“Jessica-Noona! SooJung-Noona! Hey, what’s up?” Jaehyun smiled, waving.

“The doctor said not to move too much!” Mrs. Jung scolded, stopping his arms.

“Whoops, sorry” Jaehyun said, unapologetically.

“Hey kid” Jessica said, confused. “You feeling alright?”

“I feel great!” Jaehyun beamed. “Like, stronger. I’m in no pain at all”

“Wait what?” Krystal asked. She turned to her dad. “How is this possible?”

Mr. Jung shrugged. “Nobody has an explanation”

“Can I leave today?” Jaehyun asked. “I want to go home”

“The doctors still need to check you out” Mrs. Jung said. “Since you only woke up a couple hours ago”

Something seemed different about Jaehyun, to the twins. It was like his aura had shifted, or something. It was weird.

Jaehyun scratched his arm, the one with the IV in it. Krystal’s eyes widened and signaled for Jessica to look at his arm, Jessica saw and gasped. They saw the bite marks on his arm. They looked fresh.


“Oh, Noona’s, the craziest thing happened” Jaehyun said. “I had this dream, your boyfriend was in it, Soojung-noona”

Krystal nodded for him to continue.

“I was walking through the woods, it was pitch dark, but the moon was so bright” Jaehyun explained. “Aiden hyung was there, and so was this other woman. They both wore these like, greek flowy outfits, and the woman’s hair was the color of the moon. There was a dog next to hyung, I think it was a husky or something, and his eyes were like, golden”

Krystal pressed her lips into a thing line, nodding. “So, uh, did Aiden do anything else?”

“Yeah! I asked him what was going on, and he smiled at me. I don’t know why but his smile made me feel safe and reassured” Jaehyun said

“Get to the point”

“Right. So I asked hyung what was going on, and he smiled at me, before looking up at the moon. I looked at it, it was really shiny, and when I looked back, Aiden hyung and the woman were gone. Just the dog stayed”

“And then what?” Jessica asked

“Then I woke up” Jaehyun sighed. “But it was a pretty awesome dream. What do you think it means?”




“They’re gone” Yuri exclaimed, walking through Yunho’s empty house.


Irene paced through the house, trying to get a connection with something… anything.

“Flying the coop like this makes me think something’s up with wolfy Jung” Jimin tapped his chin. “I don’t like it”

Yuri stared at the vampire.

“Why did we invite him again?” he asked Irene.

“He’s harmless” Irene assured. “I checked”

“You got nothing to worry about bud” Jimin said to Yuri. “we’re all friends here”

“But why would they just leave?” Changmin asked, leaning on the door frame. “Like, they knew what we’re up against and they just… leave?”

“It was weird for me too” said a voice, coming behind Changmin. Changmin jumped.

“Lisa?” Changmin asked. “What are you doing here?”

“I live here”

“Well, obviously” Changmin rolled his eyes. “I mean why aren’t you with the others? Where are they?”

“Dunno. They just left” Lisa shrugged. “Except Yunho. He went to Daegu. His parents live there. He said he needed to get away from all the stress”

Irene stared at the werewolf, then back at the ancient silver haired vampire. “Oh”

“Huh?” Yuri asked.

“Nothing. I just saw something” Irene said. “Interesting”

“Okay, quit being the cliche mysterious witch. Spill” 

Irene pursed her lips. “I’ve never seen a werewolf be mates with a vampire before”

“What?” Yuri asked, mouth dropping open


“Oh god” Changmin said. “Are you serious?”

Irene nodded.

“Wow” Lisa said, slowly. She studied the vampire. “Then how come my eyes didn’t turn blue when I saw him? How come I didn’t get the feeling?”

“Because he’s undead. I don’t really know. I’ve never seen something like this” Irene said.

“Yikes!” Jimin exclaimed. He ran a hand through his hair. “Well, this is awkward”

Lisa just smirked at the vampire.




“Girls, can you bring this up to Jaehyun?” Mrs. Jung asked, handing Jessica a sandwich on a tray with an apple. “The doctors should be done with him by now”

They were in the hospital cafeteria, eating lunch. Jaehyun was currently getting checked out by the doctors.

“Sure” Krystal mumbled. The twins were wallowing in their dumbness, wondering how they were going to make this up to Yuri and Aiden.

“Thanks, and we’ll be up in a little” Mrs. Jung said as the twins got up.

The twins slowly made their way up to Jaehyun’s hospital room, the nurses rushing past them. Making their way in the room, they shut the door behind them. There were two guys standing next to Jaehyun’s bed, their back facing the twins.

“And the eclipse, that’s-”

“In two weeks, yes”

“A-Aiden?” Krystal stuttered.

The boys turned around, nervousness flashing across Aiden’s face.

“Hey” Yuri said quietly

“Hi” Jessica breathed out. “H-how are you guys?”

“We’ve been better” Aiden shrugged

“Oh, um, about the other da-”

“Did you know I’m a werewolf?” Jaehyun smiled happily. “I mean, Aiden and Yuri hyungs are too, did you know that?”

The twins looked at their brother, so happy, so aloof. They wondered what the boys and him were talking about.

“T-thank you” Jessica stuttered. “F-for saving him” Krystal finished also stuttering

“You’re welcome” Aiden nodded timidly. “It was the least I could do, considering…”

Yuri cleared his throat. “Considering, we dragged you into this”

The twins nodded dully. An awkward silence fell upon the five of them.

Krystal and Jessica heard noises coming from outside the hall. Mr and Mrs. Jung walked in seconds later.

“Oh, Aiden, Yuri, how nice to see you again” Mrs. Jung smiled.

“You as well, Mrs. Jung. But we were just leaving” Aiden said, signaling to Yuri that it’s time to go. “We need to go to work”

“Okay, well, thanks for stopping by” Mr. Jung said, patting both of the boys shoulders. “See you around, boys”

The boys nodded, Yuri going to open the door. “It was nice seeing you guys again, and Jaehyun” Aiden said, looking at him in the eyes. He had yet to explain the telepathy link. He’ll find out soon enough. “If you need anything, you know where to find us”

He shut the door behind him.

“That was nice of them” Mrs. Jung smiled. “Such sweet boys”

“I like them” Mr. Jung agreed, the twins pushing past him to go after the werewolves.

“Aiden!” “Yuri!” the twins called.

Aiden and Yuri turned around, Yuri shoving his hands in his pocket.

“Hey” Jessica started

“Hi” the boys said in unison

“Um” Krystal scratched the back of her head. “We really appreciate what you did for him”

“For you” Aiden corrected. “We’re sorry for getting you girls tangled up into our mess”

“Yes, our mess, we are just as much involved as you are” Jessica admitted. “That didn’t make it right for us to lash out at you guys. We’re really sorry”

“It’s okay” Yuri said quietly. “We’re sorry, too”

“But you shouldn’t be” Krystal argued. “None of this was your fault”

The boys shrugged. “We’re still sorry”

The twins sighed, looking at the boys. They didn’t know what to say next.

“Yuri.. I l-”

Aiden’s phone went off. It was Taeyeon.

“Yes?” Aiden answered

BRO, LISA-NOONA FOUND HER MATE” the twins heard Taeyeon yell through the phone

“What?” Aiden asked again.


Aiden stared at his phone then looked up to Yuri who was smiling widely. “Well let’s go see who the lucky bastard is that took the heart of our Lisa-noona”

Then they turned to the twins. “Uh, we’ll see you girls tomorrow?” Aiden said

The twins nodded, watching their… boyfriends? Ex boyfriends? Soulmates? Whatever. Watching Aiden and Yuri leave. They pulled out their phones, opening the cheerleader group chat.

Jessica [1:43]: need help

Jieun [1:43]: what’s up

Nicole [1:43]: what is it

Krystal [1:44]: we need a promposal Idea




Aiden, Lun, and Yuri dragged Sooyoung across the courtyard.

“I don’t wanna” Sooyoung complained. “I’m tired”

“It’s not our fault you decided to re-watch Empire last night” Yuri said, tugging at Sooyoung’s arms.

“Sleep is important for a growing guy like you” Lun chastised. “You should be getting at least eight hours of sleep every night”

“I would if school started at 10 rather than 7” Sooyoung groaned

Someone tapped Aiden and Yuri’s shoulder

“Tiffany?” the Alpha asked. “What’s up?”

“You boys come with me” the cheerleader said, taking both Yuri and Aiden by their arms.

“Guys!” Lun called. “I can’t carry Sooyoung by myself! I’m small!” 

“They’ll be right back!” Tiffany reassured, taking Aiden and Yuri across the field. They stopped in the middle.

“What?” Yuri asked Tiffany. The girl just winked.

“Just wait”  she said

“Hey Yuri!” someone called. “Catch!” 

Yuri’s head whipped to the sound of the voice. A white disk came flying at him. He jumped up.

The disk got caught in between his teeth, Yuri dropping it in his hands when he landed.

“Heads up, Liu!” someone else called. Aiden grabbed the disk with his hands.

“Watch out!” Yuri handed the disk to Tiffany, before grabbing the one that came at him. The boys taking turns on catching the disks.

“Huh?” Yuri asked the girl, taking all five disks in his hand.

“Spell them out” Tiffany explained. Aiden saw there was a letter on each of them.

P R O M ?

“I know this isn’t much,” said a voice. Yuri’s head snapped up.

“But we remember you said you wanted to catch a frisbee in California. Sorry this is so late” Krystal ran a hand through her messy hair. She cleared . “And, um, we’re really sorry about what we said the other day”

“It’s okay-”

“No, it’s really not. We shouldn’t have said that, and we’re so sorry” Jessica sighed. “But, um, we do want to make it up to you guys. Do you guys want to go to the winter formal with us?”

The boy’s faces broke into huge grins. They nodded. “Of course we will, it’d be our honor to two beautiful princesses” Aiden said with Yuri agreeing

The cheerleaders that helped the twins clapped, and Jessica and Krystal smiled widely.

“OH , Yulsic and Kryden” Sooyoung said, stumbling into the group meeting. “I would definitely go to school for this”

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So after awhile of finishing this story I decided to kind of update some things, which is most likely just Victoria's son, his name is still going to be SungWoo but he will be portrayed as Asahi from treasure. Also i'm thinking of making a sequel but in their kid's POV idk yet. Stay safe!


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Chapter 17: Nice
1139 streak #2
Chapter 26: 😍😍
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Chapter 2: Kenapa sih si Amber selalu dikasih nama Aiden kalo jadi cowo? Sering deh bukan selalu. Gak ngerti deh
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Chapter 26: Thank you for sharing this fiction. Me love reading it.
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Chapter 26: Boystory!!!
Chapter 26: completed already :(( but nice one author nim!!
nancylau0301 #7
Chapter 25: Thanks for the updates. Take care.
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Chapter 22: ?
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Chapter 22: :'(