The Plan

Behind the Smile

You covered your face with your hands and kept laughing.   Finally you were winding down, gulping air in and hiccupping a little in the aftermath of all that hilarity.  Onew held out a hand to help you up off the floor.

“Thanks, Onew-ssi,” you chuckled as he assisted you to your feet, “ Don’t know if I could have made it through today without you.”  You impulsively hugged him.  Feeling him stiffen up, your cheeks heated (for like the billionth time that day) and you quickly let go.   You glanced up at his face, and blew out your breath in relief as you saw he was still smiling at you. 


Aish- how is that any different than holding me in his lap earlier?  I was much closer then- guess he was just being polite to a grieving girl.  I hope I didn’t make him too uncomfortable. Aigoo, could I BE any more awkward? Quick-say something casual.  Change the subject.  Do something already, you coached yourself.


So, do you need to head on back to the dorm?  I know the guys are probably waiting on you for dinner, and I know you’re supposed to be back in the studio prepping the next album right?  What was that title again? Super-something,” you questioned.   God, you felt so nervous (and refused to think about why), so you started glancing around looking for something to do with your hands.  Spying the cups in the sink, you headed over to wash them.

 “You should be careful.  I know you really respect your SuJu hyungs, but naming a whole album, or even just a song after them might get confusing for the fans…,” you teased over your shoulder. 

“Hey, ______.  We can talk about what SHINee is doing later.  What I want to know is what your plans are…are you going to stay in Korea, sell the house, try to contact your grandparents, what?”



Onew POV

You really hoped that she’d say that she was planning on staying and continuing her emerging fashion career here in Seoul.  But her life wasn’t that cut and dried.  She had studied fashion in abroad in Paris, gotten internships with a new up and coming design house in Milan, then had managed to start an independent label.   It was strictly boutique work only, but she had real talent and her parent’s determination to succeed. 


What if she decided to sell the house in order to fund her business?  She had told you before about her dreams.  Long chats over coffee late at night when she would weave these amazing hopes of showing her collections in New York and Tokyo.   In the past few years, she had traveled to various corners of the world looking for inspiration and suppliers.  Now that you stopped to think about it, she had been out of the country longer than you had.   It was an intoxicating kind of life, you thought dispirited, who would give that up?

Anio! You wouldn’t let her go that easily.  It was time to decide whether or not you were ready to grab onto her heart.  Naturally, your own song “Ready or Not” started running through your head, the chorus repeating over and over.  You hoped your plan worked- if it were even to have a chance at success, you needed to say something now.



That silly girl stomped off down the hall, probably going to change into her usual “homewear” of sweats.  And they in no way stop her from being ridiculously cute and twice as y.   Even though this was at the front of your mind, another more ominous thought was bouncing around like a demented rabbit inside your skull. 

Now that her parents were taken care of, would she leave? Go back to America to launch her clothes label?  Keep traveling?  What if she sold the house? What if you never saw her again?  Could you be content just to contact her through email or Skype?  With both their schedules being so packed, chances were that they would never get to see each other, even in passing. 



There had to be some way to convince her.  There had to be some way you could make her stay. The plan came to you, a brilliant bolt of genius, the perfect job offer- there was no way she could say no.  A little worm of doubt tried to wriggle its way into your mind, but you mentally conjured up a giant chicken to peck that worm to bits.  Ah, a great bird, the chicken- so noble, and so tasty too.  Gah- what am I thinking!?!  Get back to the game plan, Jinki! 


You stepped out the back door and started making the first of several phone calls. Calls which you hoped would change her future, and if you had your way, yours too.



You reentered the house, excited to get your plan in motion.  Then you heard _________ calling out for you in a strange, scared sounding voice.  “Onew-ssi, Anneyong?

Wondering what could have caused her to be frightened, you hurried toward the kitchen.  You tried to be quiet, hoping that you could take an intruder (if there was one) by surprise.  _____ was standing muttering to herself in the middle of the kitchen.  Smiling in relief, you padded up behind her.  Just as you were about to say something, she suddenly turned and bumped into your chest, then screamed fit to tear the roof down!

-End Flashback-



I’m serious, ______.   Do you know yet what your plans are,” you asked.  There was no response, and her back was turned to you, so you couldn’t watch her face.  You had no clue what she was thinking (for about the billionth time that day).   You waited, a bit impatiently, for her to finish up with the cups.  If there was one thing you did understand, it was a stalling tactic when you saw it. 


Even though you knew your plan could definitely work, somehow your heart sank a little as the silence stretched out….





A/N: Onew has a plan!  Gotta admire the leader- always trying to problem-solve :D  Almost to 20 subbers -WOOT! (yes I am a bit of a gamer, though not StarCraft, which I know would make Kyu said if he only knew I existed-lol) Present for you:

Taemin transforms into Onew (all by the amazing miracle of the epic hair flip- lol)


A/N #2: Hey if anyone out there is interested in making me a poster or background, let me know. Or if you would recommend someone you think is brilliant, thx.  I don't have the time at the moment to make a good one myself... and I'm a bit jealous of all the other authors with cool ones.  You know who you are. :D

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In the middle of the next chapter right now. This story has become my achilles heel people.


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Chapter 46: oh my . .
it's must be hard for her and jinki

update soon please^^
Chapter 46: Oh Em Gee!!! I've missed a lot and only mananged to finish reading uptodate today.

I feel sorry for myself. How much more pain can she bear? :'(
Shineegirl101 #3
Chapter 45: Cute a/n ;D glad to finally get an update! :D I'm really hoping for some happy Onew/you times soon! I miss those :(.... ;P jk. Any update is a great update! <3333
aegyoJellyprincess #4
Chapter 45: ah~ another nice update~ although depressing, it's getting better~ will be waiting for your next update~
VerOnew #5
Chapter 45: I hope we sort things out and end Happily Ever After soon.
Great to see you writing again, I really love this story, and it was worth waiting for an update. :) <3
Chapter 45: yayyyy an update^^
Chapter 45: It's heartbreaking to see them suffering. Please make them together again. Thanks for update <3<3
Shineegirl101 #9
Chapter 44: Holy crap I can't even.... But I'm so glad you updated! Definatly worth the wait! <3333
Chapter 44: this is so sad, hope that Onew can know the truth soon TT