Sungie's Family

Our Little Sungie



Kyuhyun who was still in his shock state keep spacing out after his fiance brought him back to the living room.

“Ky--kyu?” said Sungmin, poking the shocked fiance on the waist.

Kyuhyun turns towards the scared looking fiance and gripping tight on the small shoulder.

“That was Jongwoon hyung!” shouts Kyuhyun after he manage to slip out form his shocked state.

“Yah yah! Stop shouting!” Sungmin whisper as he tried to shut the younger from waking up the sleeping baby.

“Why the heck he look more cuter now! Cute onesie!” shouts Kyuhyun again.

Only after Sungmin done a headlock move on the younger, Kyuhyun begin to stop and grimacing in pain.

“Mi.. minnie.. sorry.. air…” said Kyuhyun in stuttering, gasping for an oxygen due to the arm around his neck.

“You are so waking him up! Stupid Kyu!” said Sungmin in anger.

True to his word, the door to Yesung’s bedroom opens up. Revealing a tired looking baby with a pink bunny plushie that Sungmin had bring back home in his hand.

“Mommy… what happen?” said Yesung as he wiping the tears in his eyes. The shout had wake him up in a jolt and scared him a little bit.

In the midst of panicking from the waking up baby boy, Sungmin shove Kyuhyun to lay down in front of the couch from been seeing by his little.

“Nothing. Ahaha… nothing to be worried about, baby. Just a loud neighbour. You should go back to sleep.” said Sungmin nervously as he fight with the squirmin fiance who become eager to meet his childhood friend slash soon to be his baby.

“But… my neighbour never loud… mommy, I’m scare…” said Yesung with a tear glistening eyes as he keep walking towards Sungmin.

Not having much time to react and hide the other, Sungmin keep shoving Kyuhyun away from being see by the sniffling baby.

“But mommy..” said Yesung as he keep walking forward.

And there he saw it. A crouching Kyuhyun who smiles sheepishly towards him. With eyes went wide, Yesung begin to turn pale and shuddered from what he had come to.

“Ky--kyu…. kyuhyun?” said Yesung stuttering. Fears and nervous begin to take over his system as he Kyuhyun stands up from crouching position.

“ Hi Sungie!” said Kyuhyun with a sheepish smile.

Taking the things negatively, Yesung begin to run into his room and close it with a loud slam.

“Yah! He scared of you!” shouts Sungmin.

The worried caregiver make a run towards the room only to find out it has been locked form the inside.

“Baby? Sungie baby, please open the door for mommy?” said Sungmin in pleading voice.

A muffle sobbing begin to emit from the room, making the caregiver to turn more into his panic state.

“Baby ah, Kyuhyun is here because he want to meet you.” said Sungmin again as he heard the sobbing louder this time.

“No! Kyu will hates me! He will disgusted by me!” shouts Yesung with quivering voice.

Sungmin turn towards Kyuhyun with a sad face. Questioning his fiance acceptance.

Knowing the looks in his fiance face, Kyuhyun smile with a sigh. Not once he thought any of the thing Yesung had sputtered about.

“Jongwoon hyung. I’m not mad at all. I’m not gonna hate you at all. You’re my precious childhood friend and I always sees you as someone who I need to care for. I don’t mind you being my little kid. Being our cute little baby. Now please open the door.”

The sobbing begin to soften from the plead. But a faint voice of the sobbing one asking for truth had the two chuckling from the outside.

“Of course I won’t lie. I never lie to you before. Now open the door and we can talk. You don’t want to make your mommy sad now, aren’t you?” said Kyuhyun again. He knows how the older could be stubborn with his own way sometimes.

Few more minutes then the door were open slowly. Revealing a crying mess who avoiding his caregivers look. He let the two in as he keep scooting away from them and clutching on to his onesie.

“Baby, come here. Mommy are so worried.” said Sungmin, waiting for the little one to come towards him at the bed.

Yesung shakes his head while biting his lower lip. Seeing the bad habit of the older, Kyuhyun quickly went towards him.

“Hey, don’t bite your lip. It’s not good.” Kyuhyun caressing his head in loving manner. He pull the older towards Sungmin who gladly takes him to seat between them.

“What makes you think Kyuhyun gonna reject you? You are too precious to be hated for.” said Sungmin. The former keep wiping away the tears from Yesung’s chubby cheeks.

“I don’t know…”

The sobbing little had them coos and keep patting his shaking body to sooth him down. The sobbing suddenly turn into a hiccups from all the crying and fits.

“Aigooo, dada’s baby are getting hiccups from this crying eoh?” said Kyuhyun with a big smiles.

Yesung turns towards Kyuhyun and tilting his head in confusion.

“Da--hicc-da?” said Yesung with a hiccup.

Kyuhyun chuckles before continuing. “Yes, dada. It sounds cuter than daddy. Now, our baby need some drink to shoo away the hiccup, right mommy?” said Kyuhyun as he glance towards the cooing mommy.

“Eh? Ah yes. I’ll go make some drink for Sungie.” Sungmin take as a cue for him to leave the two to have some talk. He knows too well the look on his fiance.

Once the said mommy left them, Kyuhyun begin to turn the now calmed down little towards him. Caressing his hair lovingly as he took in the crying red face. It was the same face that he had too face in highschool every time the older been bullied for having a little too petite face for a boy.

Chuckling as Yesung keep having the hiccups episode throughout his sniffling. One thing he love about the older was the hands fiddling and clenching onto anything he grasp. Shirt, pants, if he were to close with any item, he will grab it. as for this moment, he was holding onto the pink bunny that seems familiar in Kyuhyun’s eyes.

“Sungie. Can I ask you something?” said Kyuhyun as he keep eyeing the soft toy.

“Emm..” hummed Yesung while nodding. His small hand still wipes away all the tears from blurring is sight.

“Did you buy this bunny?”

Yesung lowered his head towards the pink bunny in his hand. “ No. Mommy -hicc- gave it to me.”

If Kyuhyun could squeal the same way Sungmin always done every time the latter saw any cute animal, he would’ve done that. Something inside him flustered hearing the way the older say what he said.

‘Is this what Sungmin had been talking about? Parental instinct? My God he’s so precious!’

“Oh really? Can I ask another question?”

This Yeusng only nod while staring at Kyuhyun with full anticipating. Hiccup once in awhile. He tried to stop the hiccup with cupping his own hand to his mouth but it was useless.

Kyuhyun chuckles as he pull away his hand. “Don’t do that.”

“Emm… Jongwoon hyung… since when did you.. become little?”

Upon hearing the question, Yesung stare falls on his own hand as he begin to fiddle it in anxiety.

“You hate me now?” said him still with the hiccups that begin to annoy him.

“No! I wouldn’t do that! Just answer me please?”

Yesung sigh before letting go of the bunny, taking a deep breath before his look turn into a serious one. But the hiccup ruin his seriousness.

“Aahhh this is frustrating! I -hicc- hate hic--hicc- ccup!” whine him as he throwing his head back and rocking his body back and forth.

‘Oh no… he’s throwing tantrum!’ Kyuhyun frantically trying to search for his fiance but relief once Sungmin came with the warm drink.

“Aigoo Sungie. Calm down and drink this.” said Sungmin as he take a hold of his little’s shoulder. He had been waiting outside the room for precaution and heard the whining.

Yesung drank it slowly and finish it with one sip. They wait till the hiccup gone for real and true enough, it stop after few minutes.

“Now, I leave you too to sort it out. Sungie, be a big for dada okay? You need to sort this like a man” said Sungmin in a little bit strained voice. He hates it to see his little baby being big while he was in his regression but he need his family to be understanding with each other.

Yesung nod as he watch Sungmin left them for the second time. He cough few time before finally look at his childhood friend with all his courage.

“I.. I found about littlespace when I was in quite.. depressing situation. It 2 years ago. My friend suggest to me to go see any therapist out there but I was too scare to meet anyone at that time. So he resorted with trying to make me a little and even willing to come visit me after telling me to do so. At that time it was so weird for me but I went through it well. He took care of me for a few weeks before he had to move away from Korea and I was left alone again…”

“2 years ago? When you already work at Shin company? Why you didn’t call me? I could have fly over just to see you…”

“We lost contact, remember? I only had that one online friend and he was the reason I got through my darkest time. Besides… I don’t want to burden you with stuff like this…” Yesung begin to avoid the younger’s stares after he sense the anger within him.

“Yeah, that. But still, you should have have contact Kibum or any of our old friend. I’m sure Kibum would come to help you.”

“Kibum huh… t-to be honest, I lost contact with him too… I cut everyone from my life.”

Kyuhyun sigh. Rubbing his temple due to the headache he got form worrying the older too much. “Mind telling me what got you depressed at that time? You can’t keep all the stress to yourself, you know that?”

Kyuhyun had to ask. He knows well the older will only shakes his head while biting his lips from spitting his worries. He had always hate how the older keep putting others feeling than his own.

“Fine. Maybe when the time come, you’ll tell me. But next time, if you were in difficult situation, please come to me. Or Sungmin because I know you more comfortable with him now. Promise me?”

Kyuhyun waits for the older to reply but the only things he got was the older averting his gaze somewhere else. He tried to make the older to face again but Yesung keep turning his head away every time he tried to do so. But only then his eyes caught Sungmin creeping his hand through the crack of the open door.

‘Why did he keep showing me his pinky?’ thought Kyuhyun as Sungmin keep shaking his finger secretly towards him.

Sungmin had the feeling his clueless fiance still didn’t get his message. He walks in with a glare at the confused lanky male. Kyuhyun only throw his ‘what’ face towards him as he kneel in front of Yesung.

“Yesung hyung had to promise to us. We won’t leave you alone anymore so you have nothing to worry about. Now promise to me and Kyuhyun, eoh?” said Sungmin as he held up his pinky in front of Yesung.

‘Oh! That’s what he meant by the pinky!’ thought Kyuhyun and follow suit what Sungmin did.

“Come on. Dada’s finger getting cramped from this.” said Kyuhyun jokingly as he twitching his fingers into Yesung’s face.

From there Sungmin knows Yesung almost regressing once again. The older take each of the pinky and latched onto his as he swing it around.

“Okay.” said Yesung with a small smiles.

Both Yesung and Kyuhyun heard a loud sigh before Yesung been tackled by Sungmin into the bed.

“Aigooo! Finally you are my baby!” said Sungmin as he keep rubbing his cheeks towards Yesung’s chubby one. Hugging the latter as he leash out all his relief and frustration.

“Yah Minnie, don’t take him all to yourself!” said Kyuhyun as he launch at Yesung and hugging the latter from the other side.

Both of them taking in the surprise look the smaller who trapped in between them had. Yesung was baffled by the way those two. 

Sungmin was nuzzling into his little baby’s hair when a soft sniffles were heard coming from the said baby.

“Eoh? Sungie? Why are you crying?” said Sungmin as he sit himself to take a better look at the crying smaller.

Kyuhyun was taken aback when he felt their baby shaking body.

“I.. I..” Yesung keep stuttering as he hide his face behind his hand. “Thank you… thank you so much…” said Yesung as he begin to sob louder.

The two caregiver who are now proud parent only chuckles. No words needed to understand their little’s appreciation. Sungmin getting off from the bed and walks towards the light to turn it off. He then walks back to the bed and lay right next to Yesung.

“It’s okay, baby. We’re here now. You will never be alone from now on.” said Sungmin as he keep patting Yesung’s leg softly, lulling the crying one slowly.

“Mommy’s right. Dada and mommy won’t leave you so you have to remember to come to us when you feel distress or troubled by something. You promise already, right?” said Kyuhyun as he pulls Yesung and Sungmin close to him.

Both of them feels the small nod coming from between them. Both had smiles in their face as felt achieved by the promise the made.

Engulfing their body from the warmth of the hug, they didn’t realize the baby in the middle had been snoring softly. Sleeping with his heart at ease after the big acceptance in his life. Relief as he finally had the family he had been wanting all this time.

“Oh? He’s sleeping.” said Kyuhyun in whisper.

“Let him be. He had been exhausted by works today. You have to sleep too, you got work tomorrow.” said Sungmin with closed eyelid.

“Fine. Thank God this bed fit us three.”

“Yeah… Goodnight Kyu. Goodnight baby Sungie…” Sungmin was already half asleep when he heard Kyuhyun reply to him too. And the faint small voice that had both Sungmin and Kyuhyun fall asleep with a smiles.

“Goodnight… Dada… Mommy..”




A/N: ayyy i pass out again last night so only now i can post this~~~ after this, we can get to the real fluff right away~~~

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I'm back!!! And I'll be gone again lol!!!!


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390 streak #1
Chapter 33: I miss little Sungie, that's why I'm here again, rereading 😚
Chapter 32: I'm disappointed towards Sungmin and Kyuhyun here. They want Yesung to br completely honest with him yet they don't do the same, tsk!
Chapter 25: It's Yesung's words though... That 'groping' thing did came from him
Ms_koala #4
Chapter 6: Again... This is so cute!!!!!!
Ms_koala #5
Chapter 10: I'm back again..... 😂😂😂
N reread it again
Can't resist the fluffiness of Seungi😂😂😂😂😂
Ms_koala #6
Chapter 13: Mmm.. and here I'm come back again coz missing lil Seungi... He.... he..
Ms_koala #7
Chapter 33: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1392639/33'>Lost Chapter: Peekabo</a></span>
Thanks a lot for the story authornim ❤️

This is so cute...

Mmmm.... Idk am I have the right to make demand but I hope there would be season 2 *seungietalkmode 😁
Ms_koala #8
Chapter 9: Even though I'm not finished yet but Yeye on this story is an awesome kids, he had a lot of considers towards others....
I like how his character in this story.....
He don't want dragged others into his problems.... Thanks for the story...
Chapter 33: Arrrgh how long is it? I'm just glad you're still active TT...TT I'm sorry!. From now on I'll active as much as I can. I feel guilty TT..TT . THIS is so cute >.....<. I still remember , your first story I've read is when I'm still in high school :v. OMG
Cute Aesongie~~<3