

VII. Conversations


       “Who are you?”

       It was the next morning when Joonmyun decided it appropriate to skip class and visit the mother of his mate for some questions. If he was going to get Sihyeon to fully accept him as her mate, he would have to know of the alpha that hurt her. But of course, this was going to be the first time that he would be meeting his future mother-in-law, and so he couldn’t come empty handed. He held a bouquet of daffodils, in hopes that his future mother-in-law would enjoy them.

       The confused older version of Sihyeon stood at the front door steps when the male pressed the bell. She was quite confused, especially with the flowers in his hands. She wasn’t expecting any visitors. Maybe he was lost.

       “I’m Sihyeon’s mate.”

       Sihyeon’s mother stared at Joonmyun blankly, not quite processing his words quickly enough.

       “Come again?” she let out a small laugh as though she thought her ears were playing a joke on her.

       “I’m your daughter’s mate. Kang Sihyeon’s mate,” Joonmyun offered her a small smile.

       “S-Sihyeon?” Sihyeon’s mother questioned, not quite believing the male before her. “Sihyeon hasn’t told me about you.”

       “I’m,” Joonmyun paused, wondering if he should tell her. But, it was no good to keep it a secret as he would have to tell her anyway. “I’m an alpha.”

       That one phrase seemed to explain everything.

       Sihyeon’s mother’s jaw slightly dropped. She seemed uncomfortable for a short second before composing herself. She nodded with a small smile in understanding. She stepped aside.

       “Come in.”


       “You must have questions for me,” Sihyeon’s mother sat on the couch opposite Joonmyun with a cup of tea in her hands.

       “Yes,” Joonmyun still held the flowers in his hands. Suddenly realizing that he still held them, he handed them to Sihyeon’s mother. “This is for you.”

       Taken aback, Sihyeon’s mother laughed and set her cup down before taking the flowers into her hands.

       “Well, thank you, young man.”

       “Please, Joonmyun is fine. Kim Joonmyun.”

       Sihyeon’s mother smiled and nodded. She set the flowers down on the coffee table.

       “Well, Joonmyun, I suggest that you want to know about Sihyeon’s father?”

       “Yes,” Joonmyun looked at his hands, knowing that this was a touchy subject not only for Sihyeon, but also her mother. It felt wrong to do this. “If you would like to talk about it.”

       “Yes, of course,” Sihyeon’s mother was elegant and well spoken.

       Joonmyun wondered what man in his right mind would hurt her.

       “Jinhyuk,” Sihyeon’s mother sighed. “I first met him when I was sixteen. He was already nineteen. I didn’t learn that he was my mate until I became of age, meaning he knew for three years and didn’t bother to tell me. During those three years, he slept with other women purposely. He became an alpha at age twenty-three. We were together for two years. Despite him being with other women continuously, I still decided to be with him. As you know, an alpha and luna have an unbreakable bond. I thought that would change his behavior, but I was wrong.

       “The bond was the very thing causing him to treat me badly. He was an alpha, and so he hated it when he didn’t have control of things. With the bond, we were forced to be together, and so he did everything in his power to make sure I didn’t live a good life because at least he had power over that.

       “I became pregnant with Sihyeon three years after getting married with him. We only had her because his parents threatened to take away his title if we did not conceive a child. He actually doted on her for a while, until Heekyoung moved back into town—Jinhyuk’s first love. Two mates to one werewolf is not common, but it was in Jinhyuk’s blood to go against everything. He mated with Heekyoung. They had a boy shortly after named Joonjae. Sihyeon was five.

       “After that, Jinhyuk treated Sihyeon and I less than trash. We were nothing more than slaves to him. He wouldn’t even let Sihyeon go to school or have friends. Sihyeon was to tend her little brother Joonjae at all times. Joonjae didn’t even know that Sihyeon was his older sister. He thought she was his maid, and so he treated her badly too. I wanted to leave, but I didn’t have the money. But, when I witnessed Jinhyuk physically assaulting Sihyeon for something she didn’t even do, I knew we had to leave.

       “The Hera Pack here was nice enough to take us in. That was eight years ago.”

       Joonmyun felt like he had swallowed his heart.

       He was angry. He was horrified. And most of all, he was in shock.

       That man was no father. Everything in him wanted to go and find Jinhyuk and tear him to shreds.

       Joonmyun sat silently, trying to think of something to say.


       What would you like me to do?

       Exactly what?

       Joonmyun was an alpha, the very kind of werewolf that tore Sihyeon and her mother apart. Joonmyun felt responsible. Shamefully, he looked down at his hands with tears b in his eyes.

       “Sihyeon’s mother,” Joonmyun paused, his heart yelling at him to stop. He took in a shaky breath. “I understand if you would like for me to stay away from your daugh—”

       “Oh, good heavens, no!” Sihyeon’s mother shook her head profusely. “I didn’t tell you my life story to threaten you to stay away. I only told you, so you would not make the same mistakes—”

       “Never!” Joonmyun fell to his knees and held Sihyeon’s mother’s hands in his. “I would never hurt your daughter. Ever. I promise with my life that I would never ever hurt Sihyeon. Your daughter means the world to me. The bond between us is so powerful that I’m already falling in love. Everything she does makes my world shine brighter. I just,” Joonmyun’s jaw quivered. He was an alpha. He wasn’t one to cry, but when it involved his mate, his alpha walls fell down. “I fear that if I stay with her, that very thing will hurt her. She won’t accept me because I am an alpha.”

       “You’re willing to not be with her to make her happy?” Sihyeon’s mother was appalled.

       “Yes,” Joonmyun nodded, though it tore his heart to pieces.

       Sihyeon’s mother chuckled.

       “Oh, you silly youngsters. Don’t worry. I’ll talk to Sihyeon about it. You seem like a very trusting young man, Joonmyun. I’ll be more than happy to hand my daughter to you,” her smile was warm, not what Joonmyun had expected.

       If Joonmyun was Sihyeon’s mother, he would have kicked himself out long ago.

       “D-Do you mean that?” Joonmyun was unsure.

       “Of course. I want my daughter to be happy. It’ll take time, but I’m sure she’ll accept you. I can already tell, you’re different, Kim Joonmyun. Sooner or later, she will see that too. I’m happy to welcome you to the family.”


No Sihyeon in this chapter, but it was a needed chapter.

- nubci4


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0 points #1
they are so cute together ;-; im glad she finally had the closure she needed with her father in the end
Chapter 9: This story is great and the short chapters don't make it any less enjoyable to read! Chanyeol only had a short snippet at the end there but he won my heart instantly! As did Suho and his assertiveness
Chapter 14: You have always written good stories and,I even labelled your stories as favourite but its,a pity I could not read it anymore...All the best keep writing if you have ideas I will be waiting to read it.
Chapter 14: It's beautiful
KeemNoona #5
Chapter 14: Finished this in one sitting! I love how realistic this story is. Sure there are some fluffy moments, but it’s not always rainbows and butterflies. I love how suho supported her and how her character developed from a hating person to a forgiving one. Thank you for this story.
Chapter 13: This is one of my best reads. This story made me cry towards the end.
Lemonboyandme #7
Great story and writing! :)
abcd20 #8
Chapter 14: It was a really good story and a realistic one. Thanks for sharing!!!
Chapter 14: That was so cute! I loved the ending ❤