My Annoying Sister

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Wonyoung always hate her sister, Sakura that she decided to transfer to the school in Korea. She thought everything would be fine if she moved to Korea. However, Sakura followed her to Korea and transferred to the same school as her. The worst is when Sakura continued to interrupt her life and caused trouble. Will Wonyoung survived high school with troublesome Sakura? Find out more through "My Annoying Sister"!




"Wonyoung!" Sakura greeted.


This is the end. Thank you everyone.


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Chapter 2: I'm reading this again
icekkuchaen #2
Chapter 21: I love how authornim run this story. This is my fave wonyoung kkura ff so far
TyasIrmaYulianty #3
Chapter 21: Ah a very nice happy ending..thank you for a very good story' authir-nim.
TyasIrmaYulianty #4
Chapter 20: Accident?!
TyasIrmaYulianty #5
Chapter 19: The custody fight ia over..all of a does break ones heart though..
TyasIrmaYulianty #6
Chapter 18: the struggle for custody began
TyasIrmaYulianty #7
Chapter 17: Finally the KISS is happened ƪ(‾.‾“)┐ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ(「`・ω・)「(ノ^_^)ノヽ(*゚ー゚*)ノヾ(・ω・*)ノ
TyasIrmaYulianty #8
Chapter 16: Career makes you loose everything and everyone you love...
TyasIrmaYulianty #9
Chapter 15: Mom?? I thought her mother were passed away??
TyasIrmaYulianty #10
Chapter 14: Geez chaeyeonthat ia just too much you know..too much