

It's already the sixth day since Yoongi finally decided to end his four-year relationship with Chaeyoung. At first, he had a hard time getting used to how quiet his apartment had become, how he wakes up in the middle of the night only to realize that Chaeyoung wasn't beside him,

In short, he was starting to regret it.

The breakup was short but it surely struck Chaeyoung's heart and broke it into tiny pieces. Yoongi was tired from school works and the pressure was getting into his head. Studying to be a doctor surely is stressful, but Yoongi was oblivious that it would cause him to lose Chaeyoung.

After their breakup, Yoongi started shutting everyone out of his life. His friends tried reaching out to him, Taehyung even tried breaking inside his home only to get kicked out by Yoongi himself. Today, his phone got seventy-six missed calls from his friends but he didn't even budge. He badly needed Chaeyoung but his pride was holding him down.

What if she rejects me? What if she already has someone else?

His heart sunk at the thought. Chaeyoung was his everything. She helped him turn himself into a better person. She taught him how to love. 

And now she's gone.

Seventh day and Yoongi was still the same. Except that today he has to go out since his fridge is all out of food. The gray-haired boy grunts as he put on a hoodie and went down, grabbing the doorknob and looking back.

"Chaeng, I'm going out to get some—" Yoongi pauses. "."

He swings the door open, sighing and ruffling his hair. He was on a vacation but it felt like hell. Maybe he should've just studied and worked instead of lying on his bed all day and thinking about how stupid his whole being is for letting Chaeyoung go.

What was Chaeyoung doing now? Is she gushing about a new book that she bought? Is she crying while watching a sad movie with Lisa?

Yoongi sighed and shook his head to remove the thoughts clouding his mind. The last time he checked Chaeyoung's social media accounts, she was happy with her friends. She went out with Jisoo yesterday and is probably taking a break today.

"Oh, what do we have here? If it isn't Min Yoongi," Yoongi stops checking out cereals as he heard a familiar voice.

He whips his head to his left side and finds Jennie who was holding a box of fruit loops. Her voice sounded bitter even if she wasn't looking at him. Yoongi sighed.

"What do you want now?" He replies nonchalantly.

Jennie an eyebrow at his reply, dropping the box of cereal in her cart. She finally looks at him. "I keep seeing your tweets."

"So what?" Yoongi snaps.

Jennie was known to be protective around Chaeyoung, so he's surprised she still didn't jump on him and punched his face. Yoongi's throat went dry. He wanted to ask her how was Chaeyoung, where she is right now—

"If you're thinking of getting Chaeng back, I'm afraid you're already too late." Yoongi froze at Jennie's statement.

"What do you mean?" He replies with his brows knitted together.

"You know that Chanyeol guy who plays a guitar like a ing pro?" Jennie pauses. "He's already trying to get Chaeng, and it's effective."

Yoongi wanted to tell Jennie to off and stick her nose in other people's business, but the thought of Chaeyoung being happy with someone else pierced through him. He couldn't even move.

"I'm not trying to make you cry and stuff, Yoongs," Jennie probably noticed the change in his emotions. "What I'm trying to say is, if you're just gonna' go and hurt Chaeng's feelings again, you should just mind your own business. Like—I don't know, maybe focus on your studies?"

I still love her, Yoongi thinks to himself as he let out a shaky breath.

Yoongi broke down as he took a step back inside his apartment, not giving a if the two paper bags he was carrying got ripped in half and his groceries were on the floor. He fished his phone out of his pocket, vision still blurry from the tears in his eyes as he searched Chaeyoung's Twitter account.

Her tweets were obviously hinting about someone, and that someone wasn't him. He never told her that he can play the guitar—He didn't own a black hoodie that said "Bang".

Yoongi shakily went to go and dial Chaeyoung's number. The latter answered after three rings, "Hello?"

"Chaeng," Yoongi sniffs as he wipes the tears that threatened to fall from his eyes.

"Hey," She replies.

Yoongi couldn't be happier right now. She was talking to him. She didn't end the call. Tears kept rolling down his cheeks and he desperately tried to wipe them down, a whimper slipping from his lips.

"C-Chaeng," Yoongi says in a shaky voice. "Come home?"

The call ends and all Yoongi could do was cry and scream how stupid he was. Maybe Jennie was right, maybe he should just leave Chaeyoung alone. He proceeds to put the five bottles of soju on his dinner table, opening them and drowning his thoughts with it.

Yoongi's house was a mess and his head was booming when he stirred from his sleep, abruptly raising his head. He thought he heard footsteps. Was he that careless he forgot to lock the door? Yoongi wanted to bang his head against the table when a hand was suddenly on top of it.

"You're so careless, I hate you." Chaeyoung's sighs.

And suddenly, tears started streaming down to Yoongi's cheeks. He looked up at Chaeyoung and hugged her tight, burying his face on her stomach. Chaeyoung chuckles at the action, her hand moving to comb Yoongi's messy hair.

"I-I'm sorry," Yoongi says through his hiccups. "Please don't leave..."

Chaeyoung bit her lip. Seeing Yoongi like this hurt her. He was known to lack emotions but now that he's being an emotional wreck because of her, she suddenly feels guilty. Chaeyoung thought that Jennie's plan to make Yoongi jealous with the help of her cousin Chanyeol was a good idea to find out if he still loves her, but now that she saw the outcome, she's not really sure anymore.

"Yoongi," She continues combing his hair. "Yoongi, baby, stand up."

He follows her and stands up, gripping on her cardigan to prevent her from leaving. Chaeyoung cupped his cheeks and took a closer look at him. His eyes were red and puffy, the result of crying a lot while drinking.

"I'm not gonna' leave you again, okay?" She rests her forehead against his, smiling.

Yoongi goes in for a kiss, and Chaeyoung could taste the alcohol in his mouth. He pulls away and buries his face on her shoulder, his arms wrapped tight around her waist.

"Eleven-eleven?" Chaeyoung hums as she caught a glance at his clock.

"You're still my eleven-eleven wish," Yoongi mumbles. "It never changed."

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Chapter 1: I have read all your Yoonrose books and I love them so much!
Chapter 1: am i too late to say thank you?? btw i liked this so much, it's definitely one of my favorite yoonrosé fics! and you're such a good writer, i loved reading all your works!
Tessss #3
Chapter 1: Awww the ending is so sweet (┯_┯) This is so good! thank you for writing about YoonRosé! They are so underrated. Please write more about them & thank u again