Pills To Kill

A Moment To Remember
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They arrived at Yoongi’s penthouse. “….Yoongi …open up!....” Namjoon knocked on the door several times. There’s no respond at all. “….!..we have to break down the door…” Namjoon muttered. Namjoon tried to kick the door open but the door is too solid just to be kicked. “….this wont do…”. Taehyung came with a hammer and held it in the air. “..give me that…damn you Yoongi!...”. Namjoon banged the door with the hammer. Once, twice the hammer banged on the door several times. The door is broken in the end. The four members entered his room. There are some bottles of alcohol on the floor and his room is in a mess. They saw Yoongi lying flat on his bed. He looks so weak. Namjoon walked towards his bed. He shake his body a little but no respond. Then he saw there’s an empty plastic tube with some sleeping pills scattered on the bed. “…oh my god!....Yoongi!...wake up!...” still no respond from the sleeping man. “…Jimin call 119 now!...” Namjoon laid Yoongi flat on the bed and trying to listen to his heart beat. “..he’s not breathing well…oh god!….dont you dare Min Yoongi!...breathe now…!..” Namjoon kept on pumping his chest trying to perform cpr. With tears in his eyes . “…c’mon Yoongi!..Agust!....” the best friend calls his names. The man let out a weak cough and to Namjoon’s relief he stop from what he is doing. “….Yoongi!...breath slowly….” As he wiped away his tears. Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung release a heavy sigh at the same time.


Yoongi was brought to the hospital and was admitted immediately for further treatment. He’s equipped with oxygen mask on his mouth and was also on dripped. The VIP room is located far from the rest of the normal wards. Mr Min wanted to make sure there is no media or paparazzi around near the area. It’s like a bomb been dropped if ever the news leaked out. Namjoon been around the hospital almost everyday. He just didn’t want to leave Yoongi on his own until Kim Jennie came for a visit. “….why was I not been told of what happened to him?...” Jennie felt annoyed. “…we are just too busy…and you are here now…”. Namjoon answered back carelessly. “…I should leave now…” Namjoon added as he walked to the door. The door suddenly opened and Mrs Min enters with her husband. Namjoon bowed his head “….good morning samcheon, Mrs Min …I’m just on my way out…Ms Kim is here…”. “…thank you dear…for looking after Yoongi…” the elegant woman praised the silver haired boy as she touched his arm. Both older couples walked to their son’s hospital bed. Jennie bowed her head and greeted them “….good morning Mr and Mrs Min…”. Mr Min didn’t say a word only Mrs Min “…thank you Jennie for coming here….”. “ ..I’m so worried about Yoongi…they didn’t tell me until I found out yesterday evening from Jungkook….”” ..you mean Mr Jeon…” Mrs Min corrected her because she dislike the way she is so casual with Jungkook. “…yes I mean Mr Jeon…” she clears . “..Jennie at some stage I need to talk to you…very soon..” Mr Min said to the model as he took his seat in one of the sofa in the ward.


that afternoon at the Min’s mansion Kim Jennie walked in and was led by the maid to Mr Min’s office. “…come in and have a seat….”. The model sat gracefully infront of the older man. “…do you know why I called you today?...” Mr Min started off with the conversation. “….I guess it’s about the wedding….” The model answered abruptly. “..well…part of it yes….” The older man looked straight at her. The older man passed her the folder and Jennie took it with trembling hand. She scanned through the content of the folder and her eyes widened with embarrassment. “..there’s nothing to be embarrassed about it….it’s not your fault….” The older man said calmly. “….Yoongi has been generously kind to you to bail you out…..it was unfortunate that the media was so fast in spreading the news….and it brought an impact to the company’s and family’s reputation….I ended asking him to marry you….” Mr Min said in a steady tone of voice. He continues with his words “…Ms Kim Jennie…please forgive Yoongi for whatever he did to you….sometimes he is oblivious with everything he does to people….he can be so selfish only to think about himself….but he does have a gentle heart….I’m his father and I want to make sure that Yoongi has good and happy life ahead of him… He is my only son and the heir of the Min Corp…therefore I’m letting you know now that there’ll be no wedding and you can forget everything and leave Yoongi alone…as my gratitude and for the mistakes that my son did to you I’m rewarding you
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"...Hello...my beloved readers....the story is completed now....please enjoy it.....and read my note at the end of the Epilogue....have a good day!..sarabghaeyo!....."


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Chapter 32: I really love this, and cry so hard in the end! Please continue your good job! ^-^
Thank you shujin3008 for supporting my story....
Shujin3008 #3
Chapter 10: I was hoping that Wheeinie (old) picture was in the exhibition..hoping that Mr Min would see and recognize her... :)
Shujin3008 #4
Chapter 7: the plots are very interesting. Please continue the story quickly...