Chapter 27 - Next page

Second Chance
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They ended up watching a movie in the cinema, in which chosen by Joohyun.


Because Son Seung Wan literally rejected most of the science fiction blockbuster.


But, she couldn't object her girlfriend's choice, a love comedy.


She wouldn't dare to.


So, off they went.


First movie date when Wendy's mind was only on the caramel popcorn.


They settled down on their seats, and Wendy already finished off the half of the popcorn, Joohyun quickly snatched the bucket away from her girlfriend, glaring at the munching hamster.


"The movie hasn't started yet, you already finish half of it."


A pout was formed on the hamster's face immediately when the bucket on her hand was snatched away from the bunny, starting to whine.


"One more, just one more." Leaning her head on the bunny's shoulder, flashing her puppy eyes, hoping it would do the trick.


Joohyun sighed, moving the bucket to the hamster to take a handful of popcorn from the bucket.


This made the hamster to brighten up, gladly shoving the popcorn into . 


She whispered her thanks to the bunny's ear.


Glancing around to see no one was sitting behind them, the hamster lunged forward to peck the bunny in the face.


"My Joohyun is the best."


Joohyun tried hard to hide the smile that slowly crafting on her face, ushering her source of distraction to watch the movie.


They were leaving the cinema after the movie. Wendy quickly helped Joohyun with the bag, as she stood up from the seat, reminded her girlfriend. "Have you got everything?"


Joohyun turned around to look at their seats, ensuring they didn't leave anything behind.


When Joohyun turned back to face Seungwan, she saw Seungwan's hand being held out, waiting for Joohyun's hand.


Joohyun quickly took Seungwan's hand, a warm smile was crafted on her face as their hand molded together.


Before they walked up to the car, they needed to pay the parking ticket, and the clumsy Wendy couldn't recall where she put the ticket. She had been digging her pockets yet found nothing. She thought of she must had been left it in the car.


Joohyun noticed the unusual silence from her girlfriend, glancing toward Seungwan. She knew Seungwan was finding the parking ticket when Seungwan was paying the bill in the cashier, Joohyun was sitting on their table. She saw Seungwan patting her pockets to feel the parking ticket and searched the pocket.


Actually, it was with Joohyun. Joohyun knew her girlfriend would just simply leave it in the car. Hence, before Joohyun left the car, she put the ticket in her wallet.


Joohyun fished out the parking ticket from her wallet, waving it in front of her girlfriend.


"Are you finding this?"


"It's with you? I thought I left it the car."


"I took it before we left the car."


The small gesture reminded Wendy something Joohyun did for Seungwan.


"Wait for me." Seungwan quickly stood up from the sofa as the other three were already fully prepared to go out after they rested from the outing in the morning.


They were heading out for dinner as they got the recommendation from the homestay's owner.


"Are you taking your wallet? It's with me, you left it on the table." Joohyun stopped Seungwan from going back to their room.


Seungwan, then, only nodded, replying nothing.


Maybe Seungwan was overthinking.


But, Seungwan thought it was weird to just help friends to take their wallets.


Especially when Seungwan didn't ask Joohyun to.


Joohyun was always attentive.


Overly attentive in Seungwan's opinion.


"You help me to keep my wallet before? When we go to JeonJu?"


Wendy questioned Joohyun while receiving the parking ticket from her girlfriend.


Joohyun was startled at the unexpected recall from Seungwan, she nodded.


"You are always clumsy, always forgot where you put your item." Joohyun reasoned her ambiguous action.


"But, I didn't ask you to help me to keep that." Wendy smirked at the reason. "And, don't you think it's too initimate that you help me to keep my wallet?"


Joohyun wanted to say something to defend herself, she was just being a nice friend.


But, now thinking it back, all made sense now.


The unexplained reason of her being overly fond toward Seungwan.


Always wanted to spend time with Seungwan.


Feeling at ease when Seungwan was around.


Seeing Joohyun's face turning red and stammering, Wendy cackled with laughter.


"I'm clumsy and you're dense. We are perfect for each other." Wendy affectionately poked her girlfriend's forehead, and walked toward the parking machine to pay the ticket.


A smile was immediately formed on Joohyun's face.


Clumsy hamster and dense bunny.


Their nickname.


"Do you want to eat ice cream?" Joohyun buckled her seatbelt while suggesting.


"Hell yes!" The driver enthusiastically complied.


Joohyun laughed along her girlfriend who got so excited over these trivial things.


"Let's go for a walk." Joohyun nudged their holding hand, while her other hand was holding the cone.


Despite it was almost near midnight, Wendy was surprised her girlfriend still wanted to go for a walk. She looked over to her girlfriend, figured the bunny must not want the night to end.


She nodded with a smile.


They finished the ice cream within minutes and they were now walking in a park. Luckily there wasn't crowded with people as it was late in the night. The couple could be themselves, at least not being thrown with judgemental gaze from strangers.


Not that Wendy cared.


But, Wendy thought Joohyun might feel uncomfortable because of that.


The least thing Wendy wanted was Joohyun being uncomfortable.


Though, Joohyun seemed to be completely opposite. The bunny's excitement never once faltered from her face. Whenever she saw something 'special', she would nudge Wendy to take a look, or dragging Wendy along with her to inspect it closer. It was either a just flower that blossomed beautifully in the middle of the bushes or a cute toddler sleeping soundly on the parent's shoulder.


"Why are you so excited?" Wendy chuckled at the bunny's enthusiasm.


"It's a good day, don't you think?" The bunny beamed to her girlfriend.


"Yes, it is." Wendy laughed while shaking her head affectionately. "And, it's late. I should send you back to your dorm." She patted the bunny's head.


The pout almost formed immediately at the suggestion. "The night is still young, Seungwan."


"I don't know whether Yeri is back home already. I am worried to leave her alone in the house." Wendy reasoned.


Joohyun nodded her head reluctantly, though she thought of staying overnight in Seungwan's house again. But, she didn't want to come off to be too clingy.


Wendy saw the disappointment showing on the bunny's face, nudging their linking hand, quirking up her eyebrows to suggest, wanting to make the pout disappeared. "How about we go to your dorm and chill out, and then if Yeri calls, then I'll leave."


Joohyun instantly brightened up at the suggestion, nodding her head excitedly.


Wendy ushered Joohyun to take a bath once they arrived at Joohyun's dorm, teasing that the bunny stank, leaving Wendy alone in the room.


Wendy wasn't sure if she could lie on the bed, since they were out there all day, and preferred not to test her girlfriend.


Joohyun was hard to guess, sometimes.


So, she started another treasure hunt in her girlfriend's dorm.


There were mountains of paper piling up on the desk, Wendy figured it must be the coursework over the years. She, then, picked up one file, saw a title letter saying.


"Congratulations to Bae Joo Hyun for winning the Best Short Story of 2015."


She widened her eyes at the title, smiling proudly at her girlfriend's works, realizing it had been one year since Joohyun arrived in Japan.


When she flipped it through, firstly came to her sight was the comments of the judge.


"Despite the sad ending of the story, it was beautifully written. It moved me into tears with such exceptional portraying of the characters."


Wendy's smile widened after seeing the comments from the judge. Then, she took another file, titled with "Second place for fiction writing contest."


Wendy nodded her head with a proud smile as an approvement at her girlfriend, though she was more proud of herself, dating a talented writer.


"Are you trying to steal from me?" The bunny who just finished bathing teased while she saw her girlfriend was standing on the desk.


"Yes, I wanna steal these." Wendy turned around with her hand holding the works. "I'm dating a talented writer." Then, she turned back and settled it on the desk, asking. "How many award did you win?"


Joohyun felt shy at the question, slowly walked toward her girlfriend, standing beside the hamster whose hands didn't stop fumbling through the mountain of paper, briefly screening through the letter attached with it.


"Just a few." Joohyun mumbled.


"You are just being humble." Wendy teased.


Joohyun stopped her girlfriend from messing up her desk again as she just finished arranging it few days ago.


"Can I take few of it? I wanna read it." Wendy beamed to her girlfriend while hugging the first few files on her hand.


Seeing Seungwan being this enthusiastic over her works, Joohyun's heart soared, nodding her head without a word.


"You look cute when you are shy." Wendy saw the dusty pink on Joohyun's cheek, finding it alluring. Wendy leaned forward to give a peck on Joohyun's lips.


Before Wendy wanted to retreat back, Joohyun already encircled her hand behind Wendy's neck, pulling Wendy closer to her.


Wendy widened her eyes at her girlfriend, as Joohyun's hair was still damp, she felt the water dripping from Joohyun's hair to her shirt. Though, she couldn't care less, Joohyun's lips was more distracting.


Joohyun started to brush her lips against Wendy's lips, stucking out her tongue to Wendy's lips. Wendy quickly parted her lips as requested.


Joohyun started to drag Seungwan backward to her bed, as their lips were still engaged with each other. Joohyun threw herself on the bed by dragging Seungwan along with her.


They crushed onto the bed and bumped each other on the head. They winced at the impact, finally remembered to detach the two pairs of glued lips of theirs. They laughed out loud, and rubbing each other's forehead affectionately.


Their lips were swollen, both of them were blushing furiously. But, neither one of them tore the gaze away, they just stayed there and got lost in each other's eyes. Their smile never faded.


Have you all, at some points, ever felt this before?


Like the time stopped when you look into your crush?


And, Joohyun wished they could stay like that.


Just two of them, in this room, away from the world.


They were just two people in love.


Wendy wanted to stand up but Joohyun held Seungwan's wrist.


"Stay for tonight." Joohyun asked.


Though, it sounded like a statement.


Wendy saw the beam reflecting in the pair of Joohyun's beautiful orbs, the smile on Joohyun's face was stunning.


Wendy knew she wouldn't and couldn't say no to Joohyun.


And, the universe, once again, listened to Joohyun's wishes.


Wendy's phone started ringing and quickly picked up the call.

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wishwishwish #1
Chapter 41: yo, i'm so frustrated with joohyun. seungwan gave her chance to acknowledge her wrongdoing yet she let the chance slip, she could have at least try to talk but no, hays. i know she really regret it and really love seungwan now but seh shoul try harder. seungwan always do all the work
11 streak #2
Chapter 21: Irene is determined this time.
Chapter 7: Pasangan joygi terlalu manis dan pasangan wenrene masih abu-abu hubungan mereka
Chapter 6: Alasan seulgi menghindari wendy itu kenapa sih tapi agak lucu juga sih, dan ya interaksi wendy dan irene disini kurang
Chapter 46: loved every single chapter and how you conveyed joohyun and seungwan! need someone as devoted as her:) thanks author!
Chapter 5: Hem ya mereka semakin dekat satu sama lain
Chapter 4: Oke sedikit demi sedikit masa lalu Wendy terungkap
Chapter 3: Surat itu sepertinya dari irene deh
Chapter 2: Intinya mereka kembali bersama ya aku juga penasaran dengan masa lalu mereka