
Making Change

"I can't believe you," Krystal snarled into the phone, her eyes glued to her lap top. Her older sister, Jessica's, crystaline laugh tinkled in her ears. 

"What?" the had the nerve to ask innocently. 

"Was there really a need to make a music video for this?!" She watched Amber and her sister dance together in the performance video Jessica had released for one of her b-sides. Jessica's petite form looked gorgeous next to Amber's and it pissed her off. It had been a year since they last spoke to each other and she knew Jessica and Amber had a lot of activities in China. Of course they would collaborate eventually. Did it have to look so...so...

"She looks good doesn't she?" Jessica laughed, her arrogant tones clear through the phone. 

"You know we're fighting!" 

"What does that have to do with anything?" 

"You're not allowed to talk to her when we're fighting!" 

She could hear Jessica's eye muscles strain as she struggled not to roll her eyes. "You two are always fighting and making up and fighting again. And most of those fights are your fault, you know?"

"You're supposed to be my sister!" 

Jessica sighed. "All Amber does is pine for you and give in to you and appologize to you for your childishness." 

"I'm not-" 

Jessica bulldozed over her. "She's even set up a house for you here if you ever get your head out of your ." 

"I don't speak Chinese," Krystal pouted. 

"She'd move to Korea for you too if you'd just agree." 

Krystal knew Jessica was right but she didn't want to admit it. She also didn't want to admit Jessica was correct about their last fight being Krystal's fault as well. She'd just gotten so jealous seeing Amber perform and train every other week with all those girls on her latest variety show. And they seemed so flirty. She'd completely flown off the handle and messed everything up. 

"I don't know what it is about her," Krystal said quietly. 

"You love her," Jessica told her, following her tone. "And it's about time you told her that. Stop jerking her around. She's not going to wait forever. She's getting tired, Krystal." 

"She is?" 

"She told me she doesn't know how much longer she can do this with you. She loves you, but this...not so much." 

"Why did she tell you that and not me?" Krystal couldn't mask the hurt in her tone but Jessica didn't have the patience for it. 

"Just call her. She's always been the one to reach out to you first even when you were the one in the wrong. It's about time you started reaching back." Jessica ended the call. 

Krystal stared at Amber on her laptop screen for a few more seconds, her skin trembling as if it longed for the last touch Amber had danced across her arms, her back, her legs. They'd been living fairly seperate lives for five years. Krystal had a few dramas under her belt, Amber had a few tours. Maybe now...maybe now it was finally time to see who they could be, what they could be, spending time together on the same continent. If they could condense and solidify and become...

She wanted that, Krystal realized. Part of why she was always starting fights was because she wanted more and didn't know how to articulate it. She'd felt they absolutey couldn't be commited to each other while they tried to build their seperate carreers but they could. Amber was willing. She proved that by buying that stupid house for them in China. Krystal felt justified in her anger because Amber hadn't discussed it with her, but it was a gesture she realized. They could talk about things now if Amber was still willing. 

She in a breath and pressed Amber's contact, her heart trembling while it rang and rang. "Answer you idiot!" she snapped. 

"You know-" 

"Ahhhh!" Krystal leapt up from her seat, her phone falling from her hand as she turned to face the intruder. "What the ?!"

Amber smirked at her and dangled keys in her hand. "Jessica gave me these." 

"I hate her! I hate you!" She clasped at her chest then took a running leap across the room right into Amber's arms. "Sell that ugly apartment."

"Already done." 

"Move here with me." 

"No, this apartment belongs to you and your sister. Let's find something of our own in a place we both like." 

"Why the hell did you not call me before showing up?!" Krystal demanded, smacking Amber across the chest. 

"Seemed like a good idea at the time," Amber murmured a bit regretfully. "Sorry for scaring you." 

"You better be glad I hadn't really broken up with you," Krystal grumbled, tears clinging to her pretty lashes. "I could have had you arrested." 

"You tossed your phone across the room. It's in like two pieces." 


Amber grabbed her tight before she could turn and check. "No more breaking up, Krys." 

She was helpless in her arms. "No more breaking up," Krystal agreed.

"I love you," Amber whispered. 

Krystal's heart thudded in her chest and for the first time since their first kiss she said it back. "I love you, too."


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Sorry for the long wait. Every time I update I have to read through most of them again so I don’t get the stories mixed up or forget information or which characters go where XD I used to try to keep outlines, but I at that T.T


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leslay #1
Chapter 9: Cute
2072 streak #2
Chapter 8: Awwwww
2072 streak #3
I like this story
2072 streak #4
Chapter 5: That’s so homo
2072 streak #5
Chapter 4: Krystal is straight?
2072 streak #6
Welcome back authornim!
Itsob_session #7
Chapter 9: Yoooooooo thank you very much author! Loved it
Chapter 9: More I want moaaaaar!!!! Thanks for the update😍
Appledots5 #9
Chapter 9: Waaaah thank youuu 🙌🏻
Welcome back!
Chapter 9: Finally.. please keep the ship sailing :')