Chapter 23 (Obsecration)

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Today is still Wonyoung's birthday in my time zone but it’s already Yujin's birthday in KST..

Happy birthday, Maknaes.. Hope you're still together, forever.. I lob you..

Happy reading..

I'm not good with words but thanks for the comments and mentions on twt.. I love it!! >o<

Peace... Love... and... Kewl !!! ^^



Choi’s Residence, Seoul

Friday, October 24th, 2025

“Yujin Noona, what is it like to be the Sapphire Troika’s favourite little sister? Who is your favourite Sapphire Troika? Do you get royalties from Sapphire Corp?”

Yuri turned up the volume of her laptop that was playing Yujin’s last week radio broadcast. She didn’t get to listen to it when it’s aired, so she played it now. Someone suddenly plopped down on her lap, startling Yuri but she immediately smiled seeing it was Minjoo who was busy playing with her phone. Minjoo and Chaewon arrived at her apartment 2 hours ago, because Minjoo has a training schedule with Yuri at the dojo today.

In contrast to Yena and Chaewon who were busy with Sapphire Tier preparations and immediately left the apartment as soon as they finished breakfast, Minjoo chose to be stay at the apartment and waited for Yujin to pick up Wonyoung before going to the dojo. Meanwhile, Wonyoung, who has been staying overnight, was busy drawing with her tablet not too far from them.

“Yah! You’re asking three questions at once? Do I have to answer all of them?” Yujin protested, but Yuri knew she was just teasing. She could imagine the younger girl smiling mischievously as she listeners - or the questioners to be precise.

“First of all, I don’t think I’m the darling of the Sapphire Troika.” Yujin giggled for a moment after saying that. “All they did is bothering me the whole time and asking me about Sapphire Crown. I’m not their favourite so stop thinking about that.”

“And they are bothering you because you’re bothering them too, Stupid!”

Wonyoung laughed at Yuri’s comment. She shook her head before returning to focus on her tablet, continuing her work.

“Second, they are all my favourites, depending on what I need at the time.” Yujin’s laughter sounded so loose. “When it comes to basic needs and traveling, I’ll go to Hellena Kang. Work made her frequent visits to other countries, so she knows where student-friendly places to stay and where interesting cafés to visit. If I need help for all the trouble I did or a safe place, Clara Kim is the best. She will protect me from anything that will make me feel uncomfortable. If I want to have fun and get affection, I choose Candy Choi. You will always laugh when you are with her. They are the best, my support system. They are mine.”

“And for the third question,” Yujin cleared before continuing her sentence, “yes, Sapphire Corp. gave royalties to me even though I didn’t ask for it. I don’t really like games and I just accidentally gave them the idea that started the Sapphire Crown. The Sapphire Troika still the key of all Sapphire Crown series. They built the Sapphire Empire with their hard work and intelligence. But Sunny Lee, the Sapphire owner, said that business is business, so I got royalties from the Sapphire Crown. Honestly, I don’t feel comfortable to talk about this. I just don’t want anyone to misunderstand my relationship with Sapphire Troika. But more than the royalties, they are great people and important to me. I already knew them before they worked on the Sapphire Series and although they always bother me, they also always give the best for me. In the future too, I’ll always need them. It may sound cheesy but their existence in my life is enough for me.” Yujin’s intonation sounded serious when she said that.

“Sapphire Troika gave her a luxury car as a birthday present last year,” Yuri muttered, making Wonyoung stopped her drawing as she looked at Yuri in shock.

“Wait, that blue Cooper Countryman she used to pick me up was a birthday present from the Unnies?” Wonyoung asked.

Minjoo shook her head and got up from her position, choosing to sit and lean on the couch. “Not that one. The Mini Cooper was a birthday gift from Jaehyo Oppa and Heeyeon Unnie when she turned 20. Yujin has another car that she rarely uses. Sapphire Troika bought Yujin the same car you asked your father for your last birthday.”

“Oh my God!! They really like to spoil Yujin Unnie, don’t they? Daddy gave me the car only because I bothered him with it for months.” Wonyoung shook her head, amazed by what she heard.

“Dear Yujin, I’ve been following your channel since the first time you released your video a few years ago. As a content creator, which one is your favourite video and why did you choose that video?”

“I like all of my videos because each of my videos has a story, but I will choose the most memorable ones.” Yujin was silent for a moment. “First, I liked last year’s vlog when I was on vacation with my friends around exotic places on Java Island. I feel happy because it’s our first time on vacation together. I also like my last vlog which I dedicated to someone. After finishing that video, it feels like I paid off all my debt to that person” Yujin chuckled.

“Then the most memorable cover song was when I covered ‘Right Here Waiting’ by Richard Max. It’s probably not my best video – the recording process is actually the fastest one I’ve ever done – but the song itself has a special meaning for me. Honestly, I wasn’t in a good mood when I did the recording. I went into the studio in my apartment, I played my piano, and recorded it. Sorry for the low quality of that video.” Yujin finished her answer with another laugh.

“So, she just did it spontaneously, as if it’s just a simple thing, eh? She seemed didn’t like the quality, but it’s actually one of my favourite videos of her. ‘Right Here Waiting’ is my favourite song.” Wonyoung muttered softly while still working on her tablet, not realizing that Yuri and Minjoo were stunned to hear her.

“For the dance cover, there are two memorable videos for me. First, the cover dance that I did with Yuna and Doah. It was a punishment because we made a mess on our first day at college, but I liked it because we only prepared it in three days and the result was like what you see. We did it!” The three of them could imagine Yujin’s proud smile when she said that. “Then I also liked the first dance cover on my channel, which is ‘Eclipse behind the Curtain’. I recorded it six years ago with someone very important to me. She helped a lot with my contents and one of them is that Eclipse cover.”

“Unnie, do you know the girl that Yujin Unnie mentioned in the other video?” Wonyoung asked Minjoo and Yuri.

“Which girl? Jiheon? Yuna? Doah?” Yuri asked.

“She didn’t say the name, but I think the girl isn’t the part of her squad.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen Yujin mention someone’s name besides her squad or Sapphire Troika in her videos.” Minjoo looked at Yuri. “What about you?”

Yuri shook her head. “Yujin rarely communicates in her videos. Even in her vlogs, she only talks about the places she went to.”

“Wait, Unnies… When was the last time you watched her videos?” Wonyoung straightened up with narrowed eyes.

Minjoo frowned, tried to remember. “Err... Valentine’s Day? I watched it with Chaewon Unnie.”

“Yah! We watched it together. Did you forget you guys were staying here because at that time you and I were busy completing our final project?”


Minjoo did not continue her sentence realizing that she and Yuri had not watched Yujin’s video for a long time. Both Minjoo and Yuri smiled awkwardly, making Wonyoung shook her head at the response.

“I guess we’ve been too busy with works. Besides, Yujin never asks us to watch her video,” Yuri defended herself.

“True, Yujin doesn’t like us watching it.” Minjoo nodded in agreement.

Wonyoung frowned at Minjoo’s words, but before she could ask, Yujin’s voice on the video took over her attention again.

“Does the number 1732 that was written on your sketchbook have any meaning?”

Wonyoung’s eyebrows rose at the question. Yeah, she also questioned the same thing when she saw that number on the cover of Yujin’s sketchbook.

“Nope, it’s just random numbers and doesn’t has any meaning for me. I accidentally drew it and–”

“That’s Yujin’s apartment password.” Minjoo cut in with a mischievous grin.

“That kid...” Yuri shook her head. “She lied too much on her broadcast.”

“Huh?” Wonyoung turned her head to look at Yuri. “Then what about the other videos? She made such a deep confession about someone who left her. Did she lied to get more viewer?”

“No, no, she never lied about the video content. She only lied when she had to answer questions that were too private for her. Such as, Yujin never admitted if I was her cousin or that she and Yuri is really close.” Minjoo tried to explain so that Wonyoung doesn’t misunderstand.

“Oh, right, she did not acknowledge her relationship with you in the video.” Wonyoung returned to focus on her tablet. Not realizing the awkwardness between Minjoo and Yuri.

The last question ended Yujin’s radio broadcast and switched into music. Yuri grabbed the laptop and put it on her lap. She stared at Minjoo with one eyebrow raise while her lips moving without sound to suggest Minjoo tell Wonyoung what they have talked about before. Minjoo narrowed her eyes in disapproval. She shook her head and made Yuri’s legs move to kick her.

“Oww! Yah! Jo Yuri!!” Minjoo rubbed the part where Yuri kicked her. Her annoyed expression quickly changed into smile when Wonyoung looked up at them again.

“When will Yujin pick you up?” Yuri quickly changed the subject.

“I do not know.” Wonyoung grinned. “I don’t have class, so I’m going to follow Yujin Unnie’s schedule. I just need to meet Jiheon Unnie to show her the poster design I made.”

Minjoo and Yuri just nodded their heads and silence returned between them, while Wonyoung returned to her drawings again.

Actually, Wonyoung tried to fi

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1754 streak #1
Didn’t have a chance to read much yet but wanted to let you know that you’re doing a great job! Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing with us!
Pholux #2
Chapter 69: i'm still visiting this website because of your story, authornim. Thank you for writing this wonderful story, happy fifth anniv to Violet I guess haha. See you on the next update :)
1754 streak #3
Chapter 30: Saw the warning but got through it! Hope your day or night is going well!
1754 streak #4
Chapter 29: oh my gosh, now i have to go back and reread with the songs playing in the background!!
1754 streak #5
Chapter 28: wait a minute! wait a minute!!! i need to reread that again!
1754 streak #6
Chapter 27: Thanks for the comments response! I hope our comments encourage you!
1754 streak #7
Chapter 25: i almost forgot loona was in this fic!!! until i saw your note and of course the tags lol!
wonyoandyuj #8
Chapter 68: I hope they have a happy ending they are miserable enough in real life😮‍💨
1754 streak #9
Chapter 23: ugh just reading an izone fanfic after along time gets me in the feels!!!