chapter 10

Here We Go Again


There was a saying that some people tend to get really silly and reckless when they grow up. But in Sana’s case, she is a natural which is probably the reason why Dahyun find it challenging. Sana live her life through adventures, taking endless risk just to fulfill her ambitious desire. Dahyun- on the other side- is very cautious and always think twice before she throw her shot. So she had never ditch her practice for an escape before and she never really need to ditch because she knew it was her responsibility to carry out the session. But right now, she couldn’t care less about the practice anymore because at this moment, she can finally feel like a young teenage should feel; wild and free.

Sana drove her Honda away from the school, taking off to the main road heading to south. She played several musics in her car to accompany their long ride- at least it was longer than Dahyun thought. They had small talks but it didn’t last because Sana seem to enjoy driving on the road. As soon as they reached the highway that goes to the outside of the town, Dahyun grabbed her own seat belt with an alert look on her face because Sana started to accelerate the speed of the car. 


“Don’t worry, no one ever dies when I drive.” Sana laughed.


“Not even almost?” Dahyun asked with a scared face.


“Not that I know of.” Sana chuckled, finally slowing down to take a U-turn.


“Where are you taking me? Why are we outside of town? What’s going on?” Dahyun asked simultaneously in curiosity.


“Will you relax? We’re going to have so much fun, and you will thank me by the end of it.” Sana reassured her with her unfaded smile.


“It’s just, I never took a trip without my parents’ approval.” Dahyun told.


“I’ll talk to them through phone-call if that makes you feel any better.” Sana offered.


“Um- okay but what are you going to say?” Dahyun asked again.


“I’ll know what to say when I talk to them.” Sana said.


All the worrying made Dahyun unaware of the place that they have arrived to. It is an old small village, a very crowded place with a vintage theme. Sana parked her car next to a white caravan- in a parking area where most vehicles were caravan and small buses. Dahyun figured that this must be a place for traveller or backpackers. When they got out from the car, Sana inhale the earthy ground smell of the place to freshen up herself. 


“We’re here!” Sana exclaimed as she grabbed the latter’s hand to take her inside from the entrance where there are big wooden planks with banner at the top that says ‘Welcome to The Oldville.


“Wow.” Dahyun was astonished by the lively environment that welcomed her as soon as she stepped inside the vintage village. People were scattering, adults were conversing while children were playing.


“I know. It’s amazing, isn’t it?” Sana smiled so big, bigger than she had ever display- in which Dahyun had never seen. She was so happy, Dahyun begin to wonder what makes the college girl to be this happy to come here?


“Look! It’s Sana.” A chirpy voice called from the front. Then all of a sudden, a group of children ran towards them with smiley faces. They begin to throw hugs at Sana and she embrace each of them. They were range from five to eight years old. Dahyun felt a little left out when the kids started to talk to Sana and taking her away from her to show her stuff like their drawings and crafting. Dahyun followed behind them and smile with her awkwardness.


“Kids, hold on. I need to introduce you to someone.” Sana giggled when she noticed that Dahyun is tailing behind them like a lost duck.


“You never bring your friends here before. Who is this?” A little girl who seem to be in her eight years asked while tugging the hem of Dahyun’s shirt.


“Hi, I’m Kim Dahyun.” Dahyun finally spoke to them with a little wave. They responded warmly with smiles and hugs.


“Are you Sana’s special friend?” The little girl asked again.


“Hmm?” Dahyun is confused.


“What makes you said so, Ahri?” Sana asked the little girl back.


“Because the way Sana look at Dahyun is just like the way dad looks at mom.” Ahri stated. “And dad really loves mom.” She added on.


The two ladies begin to blushed at the girl’s remark. They smiled at each other and started laughing. 


“Well, Sana is my special friend because she is very fun to be with.” Dahyun answered for them.


Sana smiled again, but this time her smile is sweet and innocent that made Dahyun flustered as she had never seen this one before too because Sana is always smirky and playful.


“Alright kids, we have to go now. I have a lot of things to show my special friend.” Sana told them. And so they leave to continue playing and running around the village.


When there were only the two of them left, Sana begin to flirt with her usual smirk- there it is, that’s the one, Dahyun thought as she rolled her eyes.


“So I’m your special friend now huh?” She smirked with an eye raising.


“I-I only said that because of the kids.” Dahyun stuttered.


“Are you sure?” Sana stopped right in front of Dahyun, making the latter to flustered by the sudden halt. 


“I-I don’t know. Stop asking.” Dahyun brushed her off- literally brushing her shoulder off and continue walking forward. Sana smiled while biting her lower lip before she catch up with the latter.


Honestly, Dahyun almost thought that Sana is a different person when she was with the kids but now she is just the same girl who played tricks on her mind again. So she felt a little annoyed by the change of behavior.


“Anyway, I’m hungry so let’s go get some food!” Sana is clearly excited when she see the massive amount of food stalls right in front of them, just waiting for them to explore.


So again, Dahyun let Sana dragged her around for food hunting. Not wanting to ruin the fun, Dahyun push her uneasy feelings aside while they started roaming around each stalls to try different types of food. There isn’t one time where they let go of each others’ hand even when the strong heat from the smokes of cooking and grilling made their hands sweat but their hands are still held tight together like it’s glued. Maybe it’s because of the crowded place that made them glued as they don’t want to abandoned one another- or maybe they just secretly want to hold hands together just because it’s convenient for them.


Sana gasped exhilarating. “It’s the spiciest rice cake on Earth. Oh god, we should definitely try this one!” Sana’s eyes beamed looking at the food like it’s a prey.


“Oh but I’m not very good with spicy foods.” Dahyun told.


“Seriously?” Sana is taken aback of the news.


“Yeah...” Dahyun nodded awkwardly as the college girl’s stared at her with a laser eyes.


“What kind of Asian are you?” Sana mocked but of course she didn’t meant it, although there is a slight tone of disappointment. At least, I learn a new thing about her, she thought.


“Um- an Asian who don’t prefer spicy food?” Dahyun answered in a questioning tone which only made Sana sighed and nodded.


“Okay, you are forgiven because you are cute.” Sana stated.


“T-thanks.” Dahyun’s face flushed a little. She is still not used to her compliment because she doesn’t know if Sana is being flirty again or if she is just simply being nice- Sana confused her a lot even from the day they first met so sometimes Dahyun don’t know how to react or respond to her.


“Well, I actually want to get that ice cream instead.” Dahyun said as she point at the ice cream stall that is just ten steps away from them. “And I think I should get one now because they look like they are about to close soon.” 


Truthfully, Dahyun just wanted an air to breathe for a second because she has been with Sana the whole evening which took a toll on her. She might have had so much fun with her but she couldn’t seem to ignore her feelings about her- for instant, she couldn’t even tell what kind of feelings she had but she knew she felt something when she is with Sana.


“Wait, does that mean we’re going to separate?” This time, Sana’s eyes widened dramatically.


“Well yeah. Just for a while.” Dahyun told.


“But I don’t want to. And I really want to get one of these.” Sana pouted.


“Then go get your food while I go get mine.” Dahyun chuckled because she personally find pouty Sana to be adorable. She can’t help it, Sana can be very adorable once she get to know her.


“But-” Sana trailed off when Dahyun begin to clasped their hands together.


“Don’t worry, I’m not going to lose you.” Dahyun reassured her.“You can let me go now because I will come back to you.” 


For a moment, Dahyun actually felt like she belong to her- like she had her. She felt this strong commitment and obligatory to come back to her. For Sana, somewhere along Dahyun’s sentences made her feel anxious that she begin to hear a loud pound on her chest. Sana swear she thought she had a heart attack because her heartbeat was faster. Maybe this is how it feels like to be really in love with someone- something that they never felt, and something that they have in common.


“Okay.” Sana finally let go of their sweaty hands. 


As promised, Dahyun came back to Sana minutes after they let go of their hands. With a proud look on Sana’s face after getting her food, Dahyun smiled joyfully at her. Then, they decided to find a place to sit so they can eat their foods together. They found a table at the small park near the water fountain where light stands lit up as soon as they enter. 


“That look really spicy.” Dahyun said, looking at Sana whose face is turning red.


Sana only nodded as she engulf her food. Dahyun is concerned about her now that she stopped eating her ice cream. She waited for Sana to finish her rice cake so she can offer her the ice cream to cool down the steam. At this point, Dahyun is just trying not to melt the ice cream with her tongue as she waited for Sana.


“Why aren’t you eating your ice cream?” Sana asked when she caught a stare from Dahyun.


“Because you need it than I do.” Dahyun told.


Sana giggled, “It’s okay, silly. Just finish your ice cream before it melt.”


“What if you need something to cool off with?” Dahyun cannot even hide her worries anymore.


“Then I will just kiss your mouth.” Sana said it so casually. It made Dahyun’s heart dropped to the ground- to be fair, she did dropped her ice cream because she was in real shock. 


“You dropped your ice cream!” Sana is the one who panicked instead.


“Huh? Yeah, it’s okay.” Dahyun blurted out while she temporarily started to lose her mind.


“Dahyun, you dropped it on your skirt.” Sana told her again.


“What?” Dahyun is slowly getting her mind straight again, “Oh crap! No wonder it’s cold.” She stood up immediately to brush the ice cream off of her thigh. 


Of course this made Sana laughed so hard that she don’t even remember the spicy taste in anymore. Dahyun giggled in embarrassment as she try to clean her skirt. 


“You are so clumsy!” Sana laughed again. 


Dahyun only grinned as a respond. She had to admit that she like pouty Sana because she is adorable, but she definitely love this Sana who laughed hysterically because she find it heart-warming.

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wow look at all these dust! it's been sooooo long, phew. but guess what? CHAPTER 10 IS UPDATED!! thank you for the wait!! I owe you guys big apologies for not updating for the couple of months TwT ❤️


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Chapter 11: still waiting for you to come back (ಡ᎔ಡ)
Mineminer92 #2
Chapter 11: These rascals! Playing with their own hearts 😅💞 Can’t wait to see what will happen close to the party and how Nayeon and Sana’s talk will turn out!
Wolfdemongod8 #3
Chapter 11: Just found this and I'm loving it please update soon
Chapter 11: Niceeee!! Can't wait to you're next update... i hopefully you will update soon Author-nim. ?
Chapter 11: Dun dun duuuuunnn.... :)))
Chapter 9: I can see why most people get attracted to the "bad boy/girl" type. They make you do things you're not supposed to do, they take you out of your comfort zone and it is wonderfully exhilarating. Don't play too rough though Sana-chan. You already got our little Dubu wrapped. :D
Dannahlyn #7
Chapter 11: ❤️
Asianfanficreader1 #8
Chapter 11: D:
11 streak #9
Chapter 10: Cute
Asianfanficreader1 #10
Chapter 10: awwwww soft