Don't Look Back

Fate in The Papers

"Great job, Taehyung," congratulated Seokjin, who had changed back to a regular white t-shirt and blue jeans. The model smiles and thanks his brother. "You did well, too, Jungkook." Taehyung turns to the side and spots the younger. Jungkook chuckles shyly at the compliment. "It was a small role. Not much," The younger blushes. "Plus, I'm more of a photographer."

They walk out of the building and head to the parking lot. Taehyung honestly wanted to punch Jungkook right there and then. It was his show, yet Seokjin and Jimin was more interested in what the younger did. It ticks the model off even more when they replied in awe at everything Jungkook said (though, Taehyung himself was secretly amazed as well).

"Let's go out for some korean barbecue." he interrupts. Jimin nods. "Yeah, we still got a few minutes left before we leave." he nods his head towards Seokjin. They all then got into Seokjin's car and drove to the nearest barbecue place.

As they enter the shop, Jimin pauses in his footsteps and reaches down to his ringing phone. "What? 'Now' you said?....We're on our way then," the actor sighs. "Sorry, Tae, but looks like Seokjin and I have to head back." Taehyung pouts. "Here's money for a taxi." the actors hands him some money before reaching over to grab Seokjin's hand.

He watches as the couple walk through the door. Taehyung sighs and looks back over at Jungkook. The younger awkwardly shifts his gaze,, fiddling with his finger. "What do you wanna do?"


"Jimin!" Seokjin gasps when he looks over at the other. The younger laughs as he falls fowards in his seat. "That was mean of you. Faking that call." said the older, shifting his eyes back onto the road. Jimin shrugs. "It's probably best to let them find their way of getting close. Plus, Taehyung looks like he was gonna send Jungkook to hell earlier." Seokjin rolls his eyes with a scoff.

"Since we still have time, what do you wanna do?" asked the older. Jimin shrugs. "We can go somewhere for a bit, if you don't mind." Seokjin shakes his head. "I don't mind." he hands his phone over to Jimin to type in the address.

They arrived in front of a small shop in the next five minutes. "Shaved ice?" asked Seokjin with a surprised smile. Jimin hits the older. "Yes. They have the best shaved ice and I've always come here with my friends as a child,"  He opens the door and holds it out for the older. "Ladies first." Seokjin smiles at the younger. "So you are saying that I'm good looking to confuse you of gender?"

Jimin chuckles. "I never said you weren't." he said back and enters after the older. It wasn't as small as it seemed from the outside and Seokjin feel stumped by the many different kinds on the menu above. "What would you suggest?" asked the older when he looks over the menu.

Jimin, already pulling out his cash, nods up to left. "Probably the strawberry one. It's a comman regular flavor." They quickly bought the shaved ice in containers and head back to the beach, where the filming was taken.

"Man, it's hot." comment Seokjin. He digs into the shaved ice with his spoon and shoves it into his mouth. Jimin, who had already finished his on the ride, chuckles. "Hyung, give me some," the younger whines when Seokjin shakes his head. "Please~?" Jimin pouts, reminding Seokjin of a small chick. He actually had to hold the urge to smile. Instead, the older pretends to leans back with disgust, and ends up giving Jimin a few bites.

"Wow, so now you're feeding each other, too?" asked Namjoon, causing them to look up. Seokjin rolls his eyes. "It's not like we're dating." he says casually. Though, it really does look like they are a couple (a fake one, too) and he really did hope no one else thought much of it more than them being friends.

Namjoon brings his attention back to his topic. "Hurry then. We have to finish up episode seven quickly."


Jimin covers his upper body on self consciousness. He always like to stop by the gym a few times during his free time and keeping his body slim and abs defined. The actor's never really a fan of showing his body though, not in a way of hating himself, but just having other people look at him. Especially the tattoo he had done on the side of his stomach. He zips open the small tent and steps out.

"I-Is this really necessary?" asked Jimin, walking towards Namjoon. "Shouldn't we be doing it more related to the drama?" The manager shakes his head. "This is just extra. We've already prepared another shoot later on for the drama." The younger sighs. He blushes as he seats himself down and hears the staffs whispering about him.

"Can you hand me a water bottle, Namjoon-hyung? It's hot out here." The manager nods and walks over to the cooler set aside under the shade. He throws it to the actor, who successfully catches it.  Jimin thanks the older as he opens the bottle and brings it up to his lips.

"Hand me one, too, Joon." The younger turns at hearing the voice of the older, about to greet the other. He pauses when he sees the sight in front of him.

Jimin seen Seokjin half a few times already, mostly his back, yet he didn't know why he was so shock to see him in swimming trunks and topless. The older is slim with his small tummy sticking out a little. He has a softer body shape with slight defined abs, unlike Jimin's, and his broad shoulders stands out more with no shirt on.

Seokjin thanks Namjoon when he receives the bottle, immediately opening it and gulping it down. Jimin watches as the older tilts the bottle a little too much, causing a small drop to flow down his chest. The younger's eyes follows it as the drop slids further down to Seokjin's abs.

"You okay, Jimin?" the older looks over at him. The younger nods, bringing himself out of daze. "Y..Yeah. I'm fine." replied Jimin with a smile. What was I thinking?! He turns to the side and drinks his water silently.

"You look good, Seokjin-oppa." he hears Sunhee. Jimin silenlty listens when the older chuckles and compliments the actress, too. He glances over when Seokjin walks away for something. Sunhee had put on a blue one piece that shows her back, which left the actor confused if he should be jealous of little skin showing or glad that she didn't look as good as Seokjin said. For some reason....

They are quickly called over to the director and given directions of what they should do. "It's so cold." Seokjin smiles in delight. He dips his feet in lightly before walking further into the water. Jimin follows and waits with Seokjin, as Sunhee is getting a quick touch up. "Wow! It's a beautiful view when you're up to here." comments Seokjin.

Jimin nods, smiling when he remembers all his good times he spent as child at the beach. "I usually calm myself down here when I stop by Busan," said the younger. He looks at the other. "You should see it at night, too." Seokjin smiles. "Really?" Jimin nods.

Befor they can say more, Sunhee comes into the water and stands between them. The younger unconsciously distance himself from her. "Okay. Let's get starting!" The first few shots were just them all standing next to each other with Seokjin and Jimin holding or wrapping themselves with Sunhee.

"Okay. Sunhee, face Seokjin and kinda bring your faces close. And you, Jimin, wrap your arms around Sunhee from behind." Seokjin wraps his arm around Sunhee as she brought her hand up to caress his face. Jimin has already wrapped his arms around the actress like said.

He doesn't know why....but it feel odd to see Seokjin with someone else acting all lovey. It didn't look like right to him and he didn't like it either, beginning to feel annoyed. "Jimin, I need you to relax and not frown!" called out the director.

The younger blushes. He relaxes and follows the director's orders.


Taehyung sighs and looks up. "Well, since you apologized, I forgive you," said the model as he took a sip of his drink. "Let's eat before the food gets cold." Jungkook smiles and nods his head.

It's quite interesting to Taehyung that he's actually get along quite well with Jungkook when he hated the other so much before. They're both quite different, yet he found himself interested in the younger and lean in unintentionally at their conversation.

The fact that they both knew and kinda grew up with Jimin made it more comfortable and less tension in the air. Sure, Taehyung still feel a little unknowing to the younger, but he definitely was calmer.

"Pft, really? Jimin dancing?" asked Taehyung with an amused smile at the thought of his best friend. Jungkook nods. "Yeah. Me and Jimin used to dance together until he had to focus more on acting." The younger brings a piece of beef to his mouth. Taehyung also does the same, too, looking down at his phone. 

Two hours had already passed. "When you're done," said Taehyung. "Do you wanna go somewhere else for a while?" Jungkook looks up in interest. "Sure. That sounds great."


Seokjin takes another look at the text.  A text from Sunhee. The actress had offered him to come over. Sure, she's quite pretty, but Seokjin's into guys. Yet, there's that need in him of what it'll feel like to be in love again.

Seokjin sighs and kindly reject the offer. What is he thinking? Being in love with a woman when he's gay? Plus, he's sure Namjoon wouldn't be so happy if he finds out about it. He stares at his phone, scrolling through the contacts. Taehyung. Hmm, something tells him he shouldn't bother the younger.

He scrolls down again and halts when he comes across someone reaching his preferences. Jimin. Seokjin looks at it, unsure if he should. It has already been a few weeks into their fake marriage (*yes, I made a mistake and they actually came to Busan a while after their wedding so just say it's been a few weeks*). They're not as awkward either and haven't really spend any actual time together (where it's just the two of them being able to relax).

The drama, being a short one, is almost ending soon as well. There's only three more episodes to shoot and it's all over. Maybe he should spend his time with the younger. It'll probably be their last time to work together and physically talk, before it's just living together and helping the other out.

Seokjin texts the younger he's coming over to Jimin's room. He stuffs his wallet into his pocket and heads out the room. The older turns to Jimin's room, which was only a little ahead of his, and knocks. It opens and reveals Jimin in a white t-shirt and jean shorts. He sends a smile at the older.

"If you don't mind," said the younger. "Can we go somewhere?" Seokjin knows he's suppose to not go out so much when working on a drama in case of it causing some trouble to the drama. Yet, he nods his head. "Sure. Where do you wanna go?"

Jimin shrugs. "Let's stroll around the main town and see if there's anything interesting." Seokjin heads back to his hotel room and quickly puts on a jacket. He reaches into his drawer and pulls out a white surgical mask, paring it off with his black cap. When he walks out to the hallway, he sees Jimin already waiting for him.

"Got everything?" asked the younger through his black mask as he adjusts his black bowl hat. Seokjin nods. They go down the elevator and out into the parking lot. "Be careful," said the older. He unlocks his car. "Try not to be too close to me. Photographers are gonna try to make it look like some trouble no matter what."

Jimin nods and seats himself in the shotgun seat. They came upon a small town full with shops and people. Seokjin founded calm and beautiful with all the lights lit up through the town, emphasizing the night sky. "Let's go get some food first." said Jimin.

Seokjin follows the younger to a small cafe. They ordered some bread and juice before continuing on with the night. "Where should we go?" asked Seokjin, biting down onto his piece of bread. Jimin thinks as he sips on his drink. "There's a music shop around the corner." Seokjin lits up at the thought. "Let's go then!"

The shop was smaller than the older expected, but that didn't stop his excitement. He rushes over when he sees a specific instrument. "What are you doing?" asked Jimin as he walks over and sees Seokjin holding a guitar.

Seokjin always had a passion for the guitar and it was of his many hobbies. The older begins to pluck away at the strings, feeling himself relax, recalling the movements and rhythms to the song. He hums softly before letting the lyrics out.

"Hope your heart is relieved after leaving me

Just forget me and live on


Those tears will all dry up, yeah


As day by day passes,


If we never met each other then it would have hurt less, mm~


The promise of us staying together is now a memory baby


I’ll pray for you,


Don’t look back and leave


Don’t find me again and just live on


Because I have no regrets from loving you, so only take the good memories


I can bear it in some way


I can stand it in some way


You should be happy if you are like this


Day by day, it fades away..."

Jimin applauses with a warm smile on his face. "That was so cool, hyung!" Seokjin blushes and scratches the back of his head shyly. "R-Really? You think so?" The younger nods. They stroll around the shop for a while, Seokjin testing out different guitars with mini songs, moving their hands along the keys on the pianos, and so on.

Afterwards, they were roaming all around, going to all type of stores and enjoying each other's company. They didn't really buy much beside food since they did not have much money with them either. Seokjin chuckles as he watches Jimin clumsily drop his cash on the floor before picking it up. Although his face is covered up by the black mask, the older can see Jimin blushing behind it, ears red as well.

"Don't drop my food." said Seokjin teasingly. Jimin sends him a small glare and hands over the container. He seats himself across the older. "Save me some, too, hyung." said the younger, breaking apart his chopsticks. They silently dig into the food, trying their best to hurry for it was already almost dark.

"Wow," Seokjin hears Jimin. He glances at the younger. "The beach is pretty at night, too." The older slows down his driving, looking over at the beach. Indeed, it was very pretty. Seokjin pulls up to the side and parks the car.  "Move aside, I can't see." said the older, unbuckling his seatbelt and shuffling towards the younger's window.

He stares out the window with awe. It was indeed pretty; the sand illuminating a dark blue light from the night stars skys, the waves moving quieter than the it did in the day. "It's pretty." said Seokjin. He moves backwards, realizing how close he is to the younger.

Jimin stares back at him with the same expression. Seokjin gulps nervously as his hearts begins to thump faster. Slowly, they lean in and press their lips together.


I'm truly sorry if there's any grammar mistakes or misspellings. I'm honestly so tired rn while editing this. Thanks for reading this chapter!

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