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Mark Her Red
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THE Shaman Princess could feel how much her heart was pounding due to her nerves. This is what she and Irene wanted but she still couldn’t calm herself. She asked her wife about it and she agreed and now, she has to do this in order to get what she really wants.

Irene wants the best for her, for the both of them. Even if sometimes she thinks of her wife as a blood-thirsty klutz, she is actually a thoughtful vampire who just really loves herself so much. But with that love to herself, Seulgi could also feel that her wife is slowly falling for her as well. She isn’t just after her blood, there’s more to it.

If all the other girl wants is just her blood then she can grab her anytime for a sip but Irene isn’t like that. She makes sure that she has Seulgi’s permission with every bite. There are times that she will even ask Seulgi if she can kiss her whenever she gets a taste of her blood. The other princess, of course, even though she is a bit of a tsundere at first, she would be the one to pull Irene for a kiss after the girl asks for her consent.


“Mark me, Joohyun…”


And there she said it. She asked her wife to completely make her hers. They’ve been married for months but they have never done it even once. It is just recently that their hearts have completely opened up for each other.

Seulgi knows about the real pain of marking. When she visited the Vampire mansion after their honeymoon, she tried to fool the Vampire King about Irene already marking her but the King just laughed at her.

“You must be a girl of incredible strength, Seulgi. How come you managed to come here if Irene has already marked you? It would take a week for a mark to completely settle into your system. Shortest would be three days.”

She just asked the King to keep it a secret from Irene and even convinced him to act with her. The Vampire King was happy nevertheless because he could smell the faint scent of Seulgi’s blood. It means that Irene managed to get her first sip of blood straight from her wife during that awkward honeymoon.

Just like what the King said, the mark will sting like hell as if it is burning, as if the skin is kissed by a flaming rod just like what is done to stallion horses. It will make your arm immobile for some time because of what the vampires call ambrosia, a substance that is being secreted to the partner’s skin, piercing to the flesh and travelling to the veins.

The body is hostile to foreign ambrosia for some time but the body will soon realise that it is there as a sign of love, a gift from the partner. After the ambrosia settles, the wound of the bite will soon turn into a shape that signifies the completion of the mark and the complete bonding of two bodies into one which means the other feels what the other feels. Both will get an understanding of each other’s emotions, of each other’s feelings, making them move immediately if they can feel that their partner is in an emotional instability.

And Seulgi, despite all the pain she knows she is going to endure, is willing to undergo all of it just to be properly known as Irene’s wife. For now, this is the identity that she is only sure of. She is neither a zero nor a normal shaman at the very least. She is a Princess but she wasn’t brought up to be one. She is the King’s daughter but she couldn’t even call the King her father. But Irene… She knows well what she can call her. Her heart has a name for her and she wants that identity to be sealed with authority.

So, she has to do this. Seulgi has to do this…


Even if she hates it.


“You’re late.”

Seulgi had to roll her eyes right after hearing the greeting of the man who was wearing his favourite baseball team’s jersey. The guys beside him, who seemed to be all his bodyguards, stood up and made way for Seulgi to get through the benches. She then threw herself to the seat where the man was sitting.

“You don’t make a King wait, Seulgi.” Jaewook said before munching his popcorn.

Seulgi just gave out a sigh. “Give me a break.”

The Shaman Princess then sulked. Now she is stuck with this awkward situation but she has to report something good to Irene or else the latter will not proceed with the marking.

She can clearly remember how Irene stopped halfway with their flaming kisses when she remembered that she set an appointment with the Shaman King during the weekend show. Irene immediately parted from her and sat there wearing an expression like she had left something burning in the kitchen.

“If I mark you today then you won’t be able to attend the baseball match!”

The vampire squealed. Seulgi, who was not aware of what Irene was talking about, looked at her with a very surprised yet disappointed face. “Is that more important than now?”

“You won’t be able to fix everything with your father if I mark you now! I’ve set up a date for the two of you so you can bond as father and child. If you can’t walk that day then my setup will be ruined!”

Seulgi tried to salvage the atmosphere by crawling towards Irene and giving her soft kisses on her shoulders. “Who cares about the old man? If he wants to do something with our relationship then he shouldn’t have destroyed it in the first place. I am fine not—”

“It’s not fine!” Irene shoved her face away which really took her off guard. “I believe that the only way to calm your heart now is having reconciliation with your father. He is the only family you have left. I know there’s still Aunt Sunmi but your father is your father! No one can change that!”

“But Joohyun—”

This time, Irene cupped her face to the extent of almost squeezing her lips with her cheeks. “You have to listen to me, Seulgi. I can feel that doing this won’t resolve what your heart is really yearning for. I believe having you and your father reconciled might actually help with your powers. So, no. I won’t be marking you until that day.”

“But I don’t really want to talk to him. I think I already found out what I really need to know.” Seulgi started feeling helpless and Irene could feel it. But she just can’t give up her perfect plan.

“The both of you need to talk. Stop having your egos on your noses and reconcile.”

Seulgi stayed silent. She brushed her hair backwards before blowing her fringe up. Irene then suddenly felt sorry after she felt a strong surge of emotion coming from Seulgi.

“You talk like it is easy.” She then got out of the bed. Pulling out her favourite hoodie and comfy jogger pants, she immediately dressed up.

“S-Seulgi-ya…” Irene called while watching her clothe herself.

“Just tell me if you don’t want to mark me. You don’t have to make excuses.”

Irene’s eyes widened with what she heard. She felt her heart clenched and she knows she has to clear the misunderstanding or else it will just get worse.

“Seulgi!” She called out as she jumped out of bed to stop her from walking out of the room. Seulgi has a habit of just walking out when things don’t get her way.

“What is it this time?” Seulgi sighed. “Ah~ You want blood, right?”

“It’s not like that, silly!” Irene lifted up her arms and Seulgi thought that she was going to get smacked. She then closed her eyes and waited for the hit but then what she felt was the tight hug of Irene.


“I might not be marking you for now but I will really do once you get your relationship with your father restored.” Irene started, now with a calm voice. “I have this desire to make you mine but I also care about your family… Since I can’t mark you for now…”

The girl then looked up to Seulgi and with a face that was a mixture of determination and embarrassment, she said, “You… can do anything with me.”


“What are you spacing out for?”


Seulgi snapped back to the present time when her father suddenly spoke. She just looked at him with a set of disappointed eyes. The King lifted a brow. “What’s wrong with you?”

“TCH.” Seulgi looked in another direction, her lips pouting. “What’s wrong with you?” She repeated what her father said while making faces. “Am I even allowed to sit here beside you?”

Knowing that he loses if he gets angry, Jaewook took a deep breath. Seulgi was then surprised when the popcorn bucket was shoved to her side. She looked at her father and felt goosebumps when he saw him smiling.

“So,” Jaewook started, hoping that he wouldn't look awkward at all. “Which team are you rooting for?”





ROSÉ almost spit out her tomato juice when she saw Irene taking selcas while actually feeling the mood. She’s really into it. Lisa and Jennie immediately noticed Rosé’s reaction after she entered the waiting area after receiving makeup.

It’s the first time they saw Irene after that short break. They all went to the arena from their homes accompanied by a manager. When they arrived, they were told to get make up and change and they were surprised to hear that Irene was the first one to arrive. Normally, the Princess would be the last one to arrive whenever they go to work from home. And now that they see her in the waiting room, they kind of understand what’s going on.

“She probably got a good meal.” Jennie said.

“I agree.” Lisa nodded. “She’s always blooming whenever she gets a good drink.”

“It must be good to have a human wife.” Rosé sighed while looking at her tomato juice. For some reason, she’s now curious of how it would taste if she got a partner like Irene.

The three jerked on their places when Irene suddenly laughed haughtily.

“What are you guys whispering there as if I can’t hear you?” Irene placed her phone on the table before crossing her legs. “But you are all correct, I had a very nice meal.”

“We were on break for some days, I am glad you didn’t get obese.” Rosé smirked.

“Is your wife still alive though?” Jennie asked. Looking at how stunning and shining Irene is now, they are sure that she did enjoy the company of her wife but they are also worried about Seulgi’s wellness.

“Of course, Seulgi is still alive! I will never kill her!” Irene then tucked her hair behind her ear before biting her lower lip. The trio who were looking at her suddenly felt goosebumps at the sight of giddy Irene. “I am happy… I am just really happy.”

The three looked at each other and smiled. If Irene is happy then they are all happy as well.

“So, being honest to your feelings really paid off, right?” Rosé said before moving her chair closer to Irene. The other two followed.

The Princess gave Rosé a nod. “I am happy… Just being with Seulgi makes me happy. I didn’t know that I would find such comfort and happiness with someone just like when I am with her. I just feel… so safe…”

“Even if she’s powerless?” Lisa asked which made Irene flinch. Right, her friends don’t know about Seulgi’s power yet.

“Yes, I feel safe just by being with her.” She then looked in another direction to hide her blushing face. “Although she attacks a lot.”

“S-She what!?” Jennie gulped.

Irene then looked around before moving closer to the three. “This is just a secret. Don’t tell anyone.” She then took off her bolero jacket and showed her shoulders to the three and all of them dropped their jaws.

“Irene!” Rosé called out, still couldn’t believe what she had seen. “You have to be thankful that Seulgi wasn’t a vampire or else—”

“She’s a monster!” Jennie hugged herself because of the uncontrollable goosebumps while Lisa covered her eyes, trying to perform a memory erasure magic.

Irene just laughed at their reactions. “Don’t over react. Seulgi is just really fond of my shoulders. The stylist-unnie thought I was bitten by some bug and told me to cover them with makeup but I can’t just do that. It won’t be seen anyway.”

“You’re crazy.” Rosé scoffed. “What kind of bug will do that!?”

Lisa then removed the cover of her eyes and then asked with her usual poker face. “So, have you marked her?”

The other two were silenced. As expected, they are all excited to know about the marking as well. It’s not just a normal marking but a non-vampire getting marked. They wonder if it is really possible for a human to receive a mark from a vampire, from a royal one.

“I haven’t…” The answer that kind of disappointed the three. “But I am planning to since Seulgi has asked for it from me.”

“She asked you?” Jennie repeated. “She really is a monster.”

“Stop calling her a monster, Jennie.” Irene chuckled. “She asked me to mark her but I have a plan for today that’s why I couldn’t do it. But I believe I might be able to mark her right after this event… if she managed to get along with her father…”

Irene didn’t really say the last phrase but that’s what they have agreed upon. Seulgi has to give her a good report of her meeting with her father or else there will be no marking that’s going to happen.

“She asked you to mark her but you didn’t do it. She must be really disappointed.” Rosé crossed her arms before leaning back to her chair.

Irene blushed once more, trying not to let the sneer escape from her lips. “Well… She got really disappointed… But I told her that she could do anything to me while she waits.”

Lisa and Jennie gulped while Rosé started clapping. “That was really bold of you, Irene-unnie!” she cheered.

The Princess couldn’t fight the urge to smile anymore and let go of those muscles. “I didn’t know that it would be that fun to have someone just pull you out of nowhere and kiss you. The feeling of drama leads, I can understand them now! Sometimes she’ll just call me, “Joohyun-ah.” and then when I turn to her she will just pull me into a kiss and then yeah… we kiss and then she will ask me “Still won’t mark me?” Oh my gosh! You guys don’t know how much I fought with my nature so that I won’t mark her. She turns me on almost all of the time!”

Rosé nodded. “You were together for days. I am kinda proud you survived that temptation.”

“Right~?” Irene also nodded. “Seulgi likes to cuddle. There are times she’ll just hug me and it’s really comforting. I j

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Chapter 32: the incredible story implies representation and detail, thank u for sharing this masterpiece authornim🫶🏻
Chapter 32: I was just bored and out of seulrene reading when I typed 'arrangedmarriage' and 'seulrene'. Then this story came up. I'm not the type who likes unique themes especially royalty. I prefer the lives of normal people with simple yet romantic love stories. Therefore, I had no expectations. But hey, I guess not having expectations made me really enjoy this story! You wrote all the plot twists quite neatly. It left me confused but excited. The love story is also very tragic and romantic. However, now I'm very confused about their genealogy. But I don't care, the point is that seulrene is united and they are adorable!
Chapter 30: Oh gosh, this is so complicated 🥲
Chapter 29: :)
Chapter 28: 🖕🖕🖕 Matthew
Chapter 20: What the heck happened with their brother 😃 like, everything fine if they don't exist 🥲🥲🥲
Chapter 15: What happened here 😭😭😭😭 I was so confusedd
Chapter 14: What the fox????
Chapter 12: Oh my god, there's a lot of entity 🥲
Chapter 11: Their love story are all complicated