Chapter 10

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Blue eyes, black jeans

Lighters and candy, I've been a fool

Strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you.


Things changed after that. It was quite a shock how things could change only after one day. But life is full of surprises, just like she said.

Seulgi acted like nothing was wrong but it was still hard to be alone with Joohyun by her side.

It saddened her a lot since she enjoyed being alone with the junior a lot, but she just couldn't.

Not when she realized she had unrequited feelings for the older girl.

She kept herself away from Joohyun the next day, texting her she had an early meeting about library volunteer so she wouldn't have to walk with her to school.

And she didn't even visit her classroom at break time with an excuse that she was too swamped with studies, which was kind of true.

Joohyun didn't seem to mind anyway. She was too busy doing her own things to realize her friend was keeping her distance. And that made Seulgi relieved and depressed at the same time.

Her heart thumped madly when the clocked ticked, almost reaching 12 pm, the time when lunch starts.

Joohyun will definitely know something was wrong if she makes an excuse again so she had no choice. She decided to talk more with the other two seniors or Yerim and that worked. Joohyun seemed too tired to join their conversation and Seulgi just pretended to listen. But she couldn't stop glancing in concern at the tired bunny. She had to restrain herself from asking if she was okay. She was afraid what might happen if Joohyun looks at her with those eyes that always take her breath away.

"We're going to the mall today for Joohyun." Joy announced, slinging an arm around the smaller girl who made a face.

"I love mall!" Yerim squealed. Then she frowned a little. "Don't tell me you guys are going to the mall for detergents or something that 'smells divine'."

"Nope." Wendy shook her head. "We're going to find Joohyun a perfect dress for her date." 

Seulgi choked on her apple juice and coughed madly, she swore she almost had juice coming out of her nose.

Yerim patted behind her back and Wendy handed her a cup of water. "Easy there, bear." Yerim said.

"I guess it could be a shock that Joohyun has a date." Joy giggled. "We thought all her romance cells were dead!"

Actually, Joy misunderstood. She wasn't shocked that Joohyun has a date. Joohyun told her before anyway.

But she never expected her to go to the mall to get a dress. Was she that serious about her date?

Meanwhile, Joohyun was having trouble glaring at her two senior friends and looking at the coughing freshman in concern at the same time.

"I'm not getting a dress."

"Nonsense!" Wendy's voice boomed and Joohyun want to crawl into a hole to hide from all this humiliation.

"This is your first date with Bogum and it's our responsibility to make it perfect!"

"Yay!" Yerim chimed in and they all started to discuss about what kind of dress Joohyun should wear.

"Pink is in this season." Joy suggested. "But I want her to wear something y." Yerim said and the two juniors nodded in agreement. They all looked at Joohyun and the irritated girl emphasized her words, glaring hard at them.


"Maybe red?" Wendy suggested, obviously ignoring her. "Or maybe even a wedding dress." She said teasingly as she wiggled her eyebrows. "Bogum will definitely thank me"

"What do you think, Seul?"

Three excited girls and one concerned girl looked at the bear and Seulgi pondered if she should pretend to choke again.

She wanted to suggest a terrible dress she had ever seen. She didn't want Bogum to fall in love with Joohyun all over again. She almost laughed at her selfishness. This was wrong. Joohyun deserves the best that happens in life and for that,

maybe she needs to let go.


She managed an awkward smile, making her eyes crescent but only Joohyun noticed her smile wasn't reaching her eyes.

"Red." Seulgi imagined the older girl walking along the park in her red dress, her hair tired up into a bun and marveling how beautiful the stars looked.

"Red is perfect."

Behind the three seniors, she saw Bogum looking back. His eyes were fixed on only one girl and Seulgi felt like she was stabbed hard on the chest. The most wonderful picture should be Joohyun in her red dress and Bogum with his dashing suit.

They managed to narrow their choices to red and white, and now they were discussing about what kind of earrings Joohyun should wear. Seulgi almost rolled her eyes but figured that's what teenage girls who don't have a crush on their best friend did.

Time seem to go slower and so, Seulgi excused herself first and hurried to the library. She just couldn't sit there and watch Bogum staring at Joohyun while Joohyun tried to make an eye contact with her. This was all so messed up.

Thankfully, books helped. The quiet atmosphere with scribbling notes and turning pages being the only source of sound, it helped her a lot.

She couldn't help but scoff those who borrowed sappy romance novels but decided not to judge them anymore.

Because Joohyun believes and loves that kind of things. And she now respected love because she was apparently, in love. She had to admit, it changed her a lot.

She tried to remember when she started to feel that way toward the older girl. Before, Seulgi thought being in love was a kind of emotion that overwhelms you, but takes time to develop because love is much more than 'like'. Compared to that hers were too sudden. She had known Joohyun for only 4 months now.

She wanted to do more than anything to get over this feelings. The least she could do was not trying to think about it. 

She wondered what would happen if their life was a story. Then maybe Joohyun will feel the same way. Maybe they would be together and overcome the boundaries ahead of them.

She would often fantasize about her and Joohyun together but all that ended with a bitter taste in , knowing she was living in real life, not a novel.

While organizing the books, she recognized a familiar book with a blue cover.

She stared at Joohyun's favorite book.

'I wish I could get over my emotions for you just once.

But I want to fall in love again. And I hope it was you.'

She wondered if her father felt this way. Wishing to get over and yet still helpless when it comes to his ex-wife.

"Good afternoon!"

The dazed girl looked up and saw Jisoo smiling. Her hair was a little messy as if she ran all the way to the library. Seulgi looked up at the clock and realized there were only 10 minutes left for lunch time.

She managed an awkward smile.

"Do you need some help to find your book?"

"No. Actually, I'm here to find you."


"Joohyun told me you would be here." The junior explained. "And I wanted to properly get to know you so I raced all the way here to talk to you."

Seulgi didn't know what to say. She never met someone this straight-forward before. Instead of Jisoo, she was the one who was blushing in embarrassment.

"Um... Thank you?"

"You're welcome." Jisoo giggled. "Will you please tell me about yourself? Joohyun said she had things to do so I guess I have to ask you myself."

Seulgi found this situation very weird and funny at the same time. It was a relief there were only a few students here but whispered as she noticed the librarian teacher looking at them suspiciously.

"My name is Kang Seulgi."

"Seulgi Kang!"

Seulgi flinched. "You can just call me Seulgi."

Oblivious Jisoo nodded. "Yeah. I guess that sounds more friendly."

"So.. Anything else you want to know?"

"Judging by your necktie, you're in first grade."


"Hmm..." Jisoo rolled her eyes up to the ceiling to think of a nice question to ask the junior.

"What is your favorite drink?"


"I promised you I'll take you to the cafe as a sign of apology so why not today?"

"I..." Seulgi paused. "I actually have a part time job that starts in 5 pm."

"The school ends at 3:30 pm so I think we can at least get a drink."

So persistent yet Seulgi didn't find her annoying. Maybe that was her charm.

Before Seulgi could answer, the library door opened revealing a girl with gold rimmed glasses walking past.

Seulgi's eyes widened when she recognized the girl. Lunch time was almost over.

What was Joohyun doing here?

Seulgi couldn't help but gawk at how beautiful Joohyun looked with her round specs. Her hair was tied into a bun which was the style she started to imitate after meeting Seulgi. The senior sat on one of the chairs and opened her book as if she didn't find it strange she went to the library 5 minutes before class.


God she had better stop getting distracted. She was doing that a lot these days.

"Um.. Sure. I'll wait for you after class."

Jisoo smiled. "Great! And here's a little something for you." She pulled out a candy from her pocket and handed it to the surprised bear. "You're sweet enough but I think a little more won't hurt." She said with a wink and Seulgi blushed again.

She waved goodbye and Seulgi shyly waved back.

What a day.

Then she averted her gaze to the bunny who was still reading her book. Was she here because of her? By the looks of it, she seemed to be here to read her book.

Seulgi figured their three friends kept pestering her about her date so Joohyun had to go to the library where no one was allowed to talk loudly.

Should she talk to her? Maybe not. Joohyun liked being alone and red her book in peace so she figured she shouldn't bother her.

Even though she wanted to talk, she was afraid Joohyun might be thinking about her date too. What if she asks her what kind of lipstick she should wear? Or worse, what if she asks if she should kiss Bogum on their first date?

Seulgi was sure that would literally kill her.

While holding the chocolate candy Jisoo gave her, she bowed at the librarian teacher who seemed a little pleased by her politeness, and just when she was about to open the door, she heard the librarian teacher talking to Joohyun.

"Joohyun, class is about to start. You should hurry along."

"I wasn't feeling well so I told my teacher I will be late."

"Then you should be at the health room, not a library."

"I was waiting for someone." The junior explained as she stood up. "Sorry to bother you, Miss. Hwang."

"That's okay. Get well soon, Joohyun."

Seulgi turned and saw Joohyun with an unreadable expression.

"You have at least 10 minutes free time before class, right?" She asked and Seulgi wondered how did she know.

Since she had to work at lunch time, her homeroom teacher allowed her to be at class 10 minutes after lunch time which Yerim envied very much.


The older girl grabbed her hand as she dragged her out the library. "I want to show you somewhere."


"This school had a garden?" Seulgi opened in awe and Joohyun sat on the bench and gestured her to sit beside her. "Yeah. But no one ever really comes here. It's a small garden and most of the students think it's dirty or doesn't know about it at all."

"That's a shame."

"Well, I don't think so because it became a nice place where we could talk alone."

Seulgi felt nervous as she cracked her knuckles which was a habit Joohyun hated very much.

Again, a warm hand wrapped around hers as Joohyun said firmly, "Don't."

Seulgi cleared , feeling the awkwardness seeping inside her.

"So... What did you want to talk about?"

"Should I not go on a date with Bogum?"

The bear swore she was going to die if she kept on choking like this.

"Wha.. What?"

The junior shrugged. "I agreed to go on a date with him because I thought it wasn't a big deal. But everyone seems to think it should be on the world news."

Seulgi nodded. Even she herself, who was famous for being dense,  sensed that everyone was talking about the new about-to-be couple. She wasn't surprised because Bogum was this handsome, perfct guy everyone would drool over and Joohyun was well.. Joohyun. How could she describe Joohyun Bae into words?

Boy, she was whipped. For sure.

"You should do what you want." The bear soothed the older girl. "Don't be discouraged by the others' gossip."

"Still. It feels wrong." She looked at Seulgi with troubled eyes and Seulgi was having trouble looking back.

Joohyun was always beautiful but it was hard not to look at her without an upset look on her face right now.

"I actually feel sorry for him." Joohyun confessed. "I just thought it would be a good thing to go out on a date since I haven't for 3 years."

"And why do you think it would be a good thing?'

Because I'm scared about having feelings for you. But Joohyun swallowed the truth and decided to give her another reason.

"Because in our age it's normal for us to go on dates and such."

"You don't have to be like anyone else." Seulgi gently said. "There're always exceptions and whether they're good or bad, it's you who decides that. Nobody else."

The bear took a deep breath, inhaling the refreshing afternoon air.

"But still. I don't think it's bad that you go on a date. Who knows. Maybe he could be your exception."

Seulgi sure had a thing to say the words that made Joohyun feel that weird feelings again. She wondered if anyone else could make her feel like that.


The answer was no.

And she realized, Seulgi was an exception to her. In a good way.


"This white dress is perfect for you!" Joy exclaimed and even Wendy nodded approvingly. Yerim gave her a thumbs-up. "Bogum will literally drool in front of you."

After arguing that she was never going to the mall for 'a stupid dress', the two juniors managed to persuade her by promising they will take a look at the detergent section which was a big fat lie.

And she felt depressed because Seulgi was busy hanging out with Jisoo right now.

Going to their favorite cafe, talking. Joohyun should be the one who's with her now. Not Jisoo.

Yet Seulgi told her not to worry. So she shouldn't be so stressed about it. She trusted that bear after all.

She sighed for a tenth time and didn't even look at the white dress they were proudly showing her.

"Yeah.." Joohyun felt as if this was all her imagination. She actually felt miserable, looking for a dress to go on a date with Bogum who Joohyun doesn't actually have feelings for. 

Could her feelings possibly change? Will they change? Does she want them to change?

All her thoughts swallowed her and she wanted to just forget everything and go to bed and sleep the entire weekend.

"Joohyun." Wendy said with worriesome eyes. "You tired?"

"Seulgi likes red." She mumbled unconsciously.


"Huh? I mean.. I want a red one."

"Why didn't you tell us that earlier!" Joy complained but Wendy and Joohyun both knew she was more than happy to see more dresses. While Joy kept herself busy looking at the rest of the dresses with Yerim wearing heart-shaped sunglasses, Wendy sat beside Joohyun who was rubbing her eyes.

"Is that how you look when you're nervous?"

"Actually. I'm not." Joohyun said and sighed when Joy looked at herself in the mirror holding up a blue dress while Yerim held a yellow one with a scowl on her face, not happy with her role as 'Joy's maid'. "I d

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I don't have a twitter account anymore but thankfully I saw a pleasant surprise today when I went back to my account for the last time :)
Thank you @dinniebur for liking this fic so much! I'm very happy&grateful that you enjoyed it :) your reactions about each chapter made my day haha


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One of the best.. Thank you very much 💕
Kylie_123 #2
Rereading !!! Kasi gusto ko kiligin ulit 💗💗💗
Jensoo4everlove #3
Chapter 59: I LOVED THIS SO SO MUCH 😭❤ And thankyou so so much Author for taking out time to write such a masterpiece!!! I really appreciate it!! But why can't I see the sequel? 🥺
I just want to ask if this is the original version because I read this but it's the Ryeji version on wattpad huhuhu.
AnneTokki #5
Chapter 59: 💓💓💓💛💛💛🫶
Reading this masterpiece for the third time, is my comfort fic, let’s goo!
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #7
Chapter 49: reread❤❤
Chapter 20: this chapter made me cry. the angst!!!
Seul_rene14 #9
Chapter 59: Am I the only one who won't get to read the sequel?🥺😭
gcpt21 #10
Chapter 49: This fic is so beautiful thank you so much author ily