Can we skip to the good part?

More Than Words
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Can we skip to the good part?

Half of the city was just waking up, The city was so quiet. Only the pair of feet dancing in sync was heard in a certain building.

There were lots of swaying, two bodies giving to the beat as one.

The scene was familiar... It took them back to their junior days where they would spend time creating random dance routines.

Initially they always clash, due to the opposite personality. But time passed by and they learned to love each other's differences.

This was not the first time they danced together, ofcourse being the member of the same group means totally dancing together. With dance routines forming a little unit that fans never seem to escape from the supporter's eyes.

They were always been a set.

Practice room had been always a special spot for them. Where Bomi first envisioned her routine... Which Chorong heartily followed.

What happens if two totally different people bound to pursue their dreams together.

This was not the first time.

Years ago... They danced together in an Idol Olympic... They were rookies back then, not minding who's watching... Then only intention is to enjoy what they have.

Years ago... They danced together with Hayoung, slaying the Partition dance, far from the cute girly concept they were doing as a group. Which immediately followed with a KBS Song Festival Performance adding their co member Namjoo to sum up the performance.

It was back then Chorong realized that Bomi can slay a y concept... Far from what their image has...

Chuckling on the thought, she accidentally ste

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Chapter 6: cuuuute!!!! I didn't know what to expect, and it turns out this one's a short reality bender :> and with our chobom practicing~ ahhh~ love all the callbacks you gave to their previous experiences, this is really chobom's journey as a (performance) unit! We indeed skipped to the good part.. Speaking of skipping to the good part, I don't remember what angsty ones was in this short story collection, but here I am, skipped to the good part hehe >.<
Chapter 4: I was prepared to read some angsty chapter, never been this glad that I was wrong
Chapter 3: Wait a minute.. heol. I- I didn’t realise I sign up for these angsts! T.T
Chapter 3: 10/10 recommend you to change the title to 'a series of heartbreaks' eye-
Chapter 1: you really went there and put 8.13 as her TOD, idk what to feel sjsksjsksjsk
Chapter 2: Welp these pieces of yours got me broken again mmm.. The first one would be more emotional with their backstory and how they met.. Heartbreaking potential. And the second one..ack... I can’t. Nope. You already succeed with flying colours when it comes to that angst ;A; it’s the one that ruins me. hurts in a gut feeling kinda way.
Angst- 2
Me- 0