Paper Seven

Paper Rings
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Jennie smiled at her self as she drive back towards Jisoo's apartment.

To be honest she dont exactly know what's happening to her or what she feels for the older girl, its weird and new it became frustating as it goes on.

It started when Jisoo should get mad, snap at her spat mean and hurtfull words but she didnt  instead she ask for her to used the other way around because she might get hurt. It pisses her off at first like how can someone be nice at someone who got you kicked out from your job. It pisses her off because she cant seems to get Jisoo out of her mind. 

It pisses her off why would she get mad at Jinhwan when he kissed Jisoo's head. 

It pisses her off why she cant get her self talk to Jisoo and ask to be her friend directly.

It pisses her off why cant she figure out what was she feeling.

It takes all of her courage to talk to Jisoo in her work place. She was shaking nervously inside when she handed her the chocolates while seulgi was there. She wasnt able to talk to Jisoo after the hospital incident because she got scared for some reason, it was nerve recking.

And it takes all the scolding from Chaeyoung and Joy for her to approach Jisoo again.

Her legs was shaking when she saw Jisoo's sister because she looks scary but nice at the same time.
Now she's going back on Jisoo's appartment to have tea with Jisoo's sister: Joohyun or Irene. She knock on the door fixing herself, the door openned.


"What are you doing here?" She frown looking at Seulgi then Irene appeared behind her.

"Jennie-ah, you came back! come in. Seulgi-ah let her in she's Jisoo's friend" Irene happyly said Seulgi reluctantly let her through looking at her sharply.

"I know her"

"That's great then. I made the tea, please sit down and made your self comfortable ill bring it here" Irene said before disappearing to the kitchen. 

Seulgi cleared "So? why are you here?" 
Jennie bowed at her politely, suprising seulgi but didnt let it show.

"I..Irene unnie invited for the tea?" Seulgi raised her brow at her, Jennie is shy it was pretty obvious.

It wasnt that long when Irene came back happyly serving Jennie making Seulgi smile from the distant.
Jennie stayed there for a while she help cooked their dinner, Seulgi watch her in amusement the younger girl wasnt that bad she is polite and would get shy all of the sudden but it still bothered her why would she act contumacious in school.

"What time Jisoo will be out?" Seulgi ask in the middle of eating she look at Jennie who look at her blinking her eyes 

"Around 2am" She answer

"Are you going to pick her up" Jennie swallow hard before nodding

"So you will be staying here until 2?" 

"If..if its okay..but its really fine if its not ill go home and --"

"I didnt say anything and its not really for me do decide" Seulgi look at Irene who look at them with wide eyes 

"Me? ofcourse Jennie can stay" 

Jennie tried to hide the smile "Infact she stay here as long as she wants i can used a little help cooking meals" She chuckled making Seulgi whine 

"Im a good help" 

"Nuh uh, you always burn my meats and chicken you know Jisoo is very sensitive when it comes to her chickens" 

Jennie watch them argue, it was clear what's going on between the two, how Seulgi would talk to Irene softly while arguing , how her eyes glow everytime Irene pinch her cheeks or touch it, she smiled at them. Seulgi isnt mean she just want to protect Jisoo and Jennie knows shes sometimes being a bad mean girl--okay not sometimes but she really like being around Jisoo this days and no one can stop her.

"Wait here ill get your meds" Seulgi said standing up from her sit, Jennie snap out of her trance when Seulgi rush to get water. She worriedly look at Irene when she start gripping on her chest tightly holding on the table, she stand up

"Unnie are you alright?" Irene manage to give her a little smile, but its pretty obvious how hurt she is, quick enough Seulgi was already beside Irene handling her the water and the medicine for her to drink. She dont know whats going on.

Jennie watch Seulgi calm Irene down rubbing her back gently. Irene smiled at her and she turn to Jennie.

"I think you should rest"Seulgi said as she slowly lift Irene up carrying her to her room.

2am went pretty fast Jennie waits outside Jisoo's work place leaning on her car waiting for her, the scene awhile ago still bothers her.

"Hi" The familiar voice snapped her out she look up to see Jisoo standing infront of her. She look beautiful when in fact Jisoo looks tired and only half of her face can be seen she hide her face on her scarf.

"Hi. Did you eat ?" 

"Ill eat at home. Did you went back there?" Jisoo ask shyly 

"I did. Irene unnie cook chicken noodle soup" Jisoo beam brightly her scarf wasnt able to cover her wide smile. 

But Jennie didnt, shes thinking what would Jisoo feel if she knows about what happened earlier. She dont really know anything but she got the feeling Jisoo should know

"Oh my, i cant wait to go home" Jisoo said happily

"Uh" Jennie doesnt want to see that smile on Jisoo's face disappear  "Something came up" 

Jisoo tilted her head "Do you need to go somewhere? my place isnt far from here ill wa--"

"No, im not going anywhere" Jennie took a deep breath

"Its about Irene unnie" 

Jisoo's smile falls "Wa-what happend?"

"She suddenly felt unwell while were having dinner but Seulgi was there and she gave her medicines" Jennie bite her lips Jisoo didnt said a thing instead she turn around and was about to run but Jennie grab her hand

"Ill drive you there" 

Jennie speed up and it wasnt long when they arrive, Jisoo immediately run out leaving Jennie. The younger girl watch her enter the building, she sigh.

Shes not planning on following Jisoo inside. She got the feeling that she shouldnt so she stay there for another hour until she saw Seulgi went out, until her phone start ringing mostly it was from Lisa, Chaeyoung and the boys she dont feel like answer them so she just texted them.

It didnt take a while when her phone start ringing again she read the contact name, quickly picking up


"Honey, baby im sorry i think me and your dad couldnt go back home yet, i--"

"Its okay mom, i need to hung up now. Bye" She end the call tossing her phone on the back sit she slump her head on the stirring wheel closing her eyes. 

They were never there for her.


Jisoo walks towards her classroom tiredly she wasnt able to sleep well for the last two nights partly because of Jennie but mostly because of Irene and how would she earn enough to support both of them.

"Jisoo unnie!" She turn around only to see lisa running towards her

"Hi" Lisa chuckled making Jisoo smiled at her "I wasnt able to say thank you for what you did in the hospital" Lisa bowed at her 

"Thank you for taking care of Jennie unnie, it means alot" She said 

"Its nothing really, im glad i was able to help"  Lisa nod

"If your available we would like to treat you a meal unnie" 

"You dont have to Li--"

"Please?" Lisa pout cutely making Jisoo groan she tightly close her eyes 

"Yah thats annoying" She chuckled 

"Unnie!" Lisa whined

"Fine ill have a meal with you guys" Lisa cheered happyly "We'll wait outside the school"



Some of he

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On the follwing chapters please expect alot of fastforwards because its.. hahahah necessary


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1130 streak #1
Chapter 26: I'm glad they are gonna start again as friends then soon into lovers 😉😉😉
bp_blunt #2
Chapter 26: wonder how the friends thing gonna go 😂
madamjennie #3
Chapter 26: Omg 😭💙
Chapter 26: My heart is full again
bp_blunt #5
Chapter 25: OMG an update 😭😭
Jensoo4everlove #6
Wow an update !?!
Chapter 25: Otornim update soon.. baka after 2 years ulit update mo 😅
ennjoo #8
Chapter 25: an update 😭😭😍😍😍
bp_blunt #9
Chapter 24: waiting 🥲🙏🏼