
Blue Lilacs and Purple Skies

Irene opened the apartment door and hurried her way in.


She was almost caught in the storming rain outside. Wendy had reminded her earlier in the morning that it would shower. Still, her forgetful , of course, left the umbrella back in the living room. Luckily for her, she had gotten in the apartment’s building by three steps when the rain started to pour.


It was not that Irene would mind that much to get wet. Well, it would be a bother, yes, but Wendy, her girlfriend, would find it another level of unsettling. Wendy would flip their place upside down to do what she would say “counter-measuring” if her girlfriend were to found that a drop of rain had fallen on the older’s body.


Speaking of her girlfriend.


The lights inside the living room were off, as well as the kitchens. That is weird, Irene thought. She checked the key holder, and Wendy’s car keys were hanging there, so it was almost definitive that the younger was home.




There was no answer.


Irene took off and hung her coat. She put all her stuff on the sofa, not bothering with the papers that fell of the stacks. She opened their bedroom door, then walked to checked their bathroom. They had no sign of Wendy. She then walked to the furthermost room in the apartment. It was supposed to be an additional bedroom, but since they didn’t need one, she and Wendy decided to transform it into a study.


Irene turned the door’s knob. “Seungwan?”


There was her girlfriend, both legs crossed sitting on the sofa with headphones on her ears and laptop on her lap. Her eyes were looking at the screen, but the blank expression she wore made Irene felt that Wendy wasn’t focusing on whatever showing on it.


Irene approached her slowly. She sat next to the girl, tapping the later on her shoulder. Wendy flinched, quickly turning her head. Her eyes that were widened out of surprise calmed once she saw that it was Irene by her side.


“Hey,” Irene smiled, “I’m home.”


Wendy took off her headphones. “Sorry. I didn’t hear you came in.”


“It’s okay,” She squeezed the younger shoulder, “have you eaten dinner yet?”


Wendy shook her head. “I haven’t. Have you?” After Irene muttered a soft no, Wendy closed the laptop on her lap. “What do you want for dinner? Let me check the fridge and knock up something real quick.”


Irene quickly grabbed her girlfriend’s arm, stopping the younger from running to the kitchen and cook her something. “I bought some food on the way home. We can just eat, Wan-ah.”


Irene smiled as Wendy let her hold the younger’s arm and strolled her along to the living room. She looked around for a while. “Where did I put… ah,” she took the paper bag that was on the sofa.


Wendy went to the kitchen, took out the plate and utensils, setting up the dining table while Irene took the food out of the containers. They were seated on the dining table when Irene realised that she was the only one with the plate. “You’re not eating?”


“I’m a bit full, actually. Sorry. I probably ate too much during lunch.” Wendy put down the glasses on the table, only to go back to the kitchen to take the water jug.


They ate the dinner in silence (Irene ate the dinner. Wendy just sat on the opposite side watching her while occasionally drinking the water in the glass). She took a peek on her girlfriend. The younger had her chin rested on her palm, staring blankly on the table. Her eyes seemed tired, but there were no traces of tears or sign that she cried whatsoever (Wendy rarely cries, but she was checking, just in case).


Irene took a spoonful of the soup, lifting it towards Wendy’s mouth. The act made her girlfriend got out of her thoughts. After getting the clue that Irene wanted to feed her, Wendy chuckled and opened , playing along. “How is it? It’s from a new diner near my office,” Irene asked after Wendy gulped the mouthful in.


“It’s good,” Wendy said while nodding, shooting Irene a small smile.


“Do you want more?” Irene asked, but Wendy shook her head. “My colleagues all gushed about this place that they went at lunchtime. I got curious, that’s why I bought the food home for dinner.”


“Why did you not go during lunch?” Wendy questioned, looking at Irene for a moment before her eyebrows furrowed deeply in thought of something. “Did you even have lunch?”


“I did!” Irene quickly assured, “I was in a meeting with new prospective sponsors, so I had to eat something else.”


(Which was a cold lunchbox two hours past her break that she had to eat in a hurry, but Wendy did not need to know this small detail, especially when the younger was not in a great mood.)


Wendy stared at her for a little longer before giving in. She hummed and nodded, resting her head again on her palm, back to staring at the table.


After Irene finished her dinner, the other girl insisted on doing the dishes. “You can go shower instead,” Wendy said. If it were their typical day, Irene would probably refute. Then they would battle, both of them trying to do the dishes and ended up messing the kitchen and taking longer than what it would if only one person was doing the chores.


Today, however, was probably not the best day to do all of those.


“Okay,” Irene quickly gave in. She gave Wendy’s arm a small squeeze. “Thank you, Seungwan.”


The younger hummed and nodded, continue washing the dishes.


Irene walked out of their kitchen, going inside their bedroom. She almost reached out her phone and scrolled the contact list to call Chanyeol, to ask if something bad happened today in Wendy’s office before she dropped the idea and headed into the bathroom.


Wendy would tell her if something was wrong, right?


She took off her clothes, then walked into the shower. Her mind was busy trying to remember every little detail that happened this morning. Did she do something, say something that could dampen Wendy’s mood?


Their talk this morning was nothing out of the ordinary. It was about the weather, Tiffany, Chanyeol, and a new restaurant near Wendy’s office-


“Does your mother like Chinese food?”


Wendy’s question this morning rang in her head. The younger was driving her to work. Her eyes were on the road, her hand turned the steering wheels with ease.


“There’s a good restaurant five minutes from my workplace. Do you think we should book a place there this weekend?”


Wendy had been so caring and supportive throughout her matter with her mom. She remembered sprinting out of her office after that call, running to the street side to stop a taxi. Before she could proceed with everything, she was already standing in her girlfriend’s lobby. Wendy welcomed her with opened arms, of course, all ready with the right words to say and a safe haven Irene to turn to.


But what if Wendy realised one day that Irene came with baggage that was heavier than the younger ever thought before? That Irene had too many problems, too much mess that people just couldn’t help it but ask her to leave?


Just like what her ex decided to do.


“I don’t think we should be together anymore, unnie.” 


Irene turned the bathroom handle, wanting the sound of the pouring water from her shower to chase away the noise ringing in her head.


No. Wendy would never do that to her. Wendy actually wanted to stay. Her girlfriend was not tired of their- Seungwan is different.


Seungwan is not her.


And Irene was determined not to repeat what she did back then. This time, she will not drive her girlfriend away.




When Irene went out of the bathroom, she found Wendy sitting on the sofa staring at their television. The screen was showing some random quiz show. She doubted her girlfriend could actually know what it’s about as the tv was on mute and Irene was sure Wendy was not an expert in mouth reading. She walked towards Wendy, settling herself down on the sofa next to the younger woman.


“What do you want to watch?” Wendy asked, right hand grabbing the remote on the coffee table. She ran through the channels, not staying for more than three seconds on each. After going through all of them twice, and mumbling about not having anything interesting, Wendy finally settled with a cooking show.


“It looks tasty,” Irene mumbled mindlessly when the screen showed the carrot cake as it was sliced.


Wendy turned her head towards her. “It’s pretty simple, actually. I think we can make it here at home.”




“Yeah. We have all the ingredients lying here. There’s nothing too complicated in the process too.”


“Ah. Then we can make one here some other time,” Irene said, smiling happily. Her younger girlfriend stared at her for a moment. Wrinkles formed between her eyebrows, her mind running a thought.


“We can try it now.”


Irene turned her head from the television. “Like now now?”


Wendy hummed. “It’s nothing complicated, really. And, I, uh…” she paused for a bit, “… I feel like baking now. If you don’t mind the noise and ruckus it’ll cause.”


Irene chuckled. “Are you kidding? I don’t mind a lot of things if I can get your homemade carrot cake.” She leaned on Wendy’s shoulder. “Will you really make one for me now?”


Her girlfriend laughed lightly. “Of course-” she kissed the top of Irene’s head, “-I’ll show you how easy it is to make one.”


Irene followed closely behind as Wendy walked to their kitchen. The latter, now wearing an apron, easily moved around the space as she took the tools and ingredients from the pantry. The older sat on the kitchen stool, resting her head on her palm as she watched her girlfriend focusing on the kitchen scale. She smiled as she noticed the girl’s features had definitely softened. Baking for Wendy was what laundry was for Irene.


“You can wait in the living room if you want,” Wendy said while whisking the bowl. “All this can take a while, and I don’t want to bore you.”


“There’s nothing good playing on TV,” Irene watched as some of the batters got on Wendy’s face. Cute.


Her girlfriend opened , muttering an Ahh, right while nodding. Her hand was still busy, mixing all the ingredients inside the bowl.


“And you don’t bore me. Never have.”


Irene noticed Wendy paused what she was doing for a moment. The wrinkles on her forehead ceased as a small curve formed on her lips. “I won’t take too long,” she said as she mixed the batter from two bowls into one.


After Wendy put the tray into the oven, Irene got up to wash the utensils on the countertop. She felt a grip on her shoulder when she the water in the sink.


“Why are you washing these?” “Wendy’s eyes shifted between the bowls in the sink and Irene. Her eyebrows furrowed and frowned. “It’s my mess, I am the one baking-”


“And I’m the one who will eat them.” Irene stood still in front of the sink as she kept washing the dishes. “If I get to have the cake, then it’s my mess too.”


She could hear Wendy sighed. The younger walked away from her to the kitchen counter, wiping the mess on the worktop. Irene noticed the change of mood of the other girl. She quickly rinsed her hands and went after her girlfriend, looping one arm around the younger’s stomach once she’s behind her.


“I’m sorry. I don’t want to trouble you with all those stuff,” Wendy murmured. Her voice low and tired. “Going home to a moping girlfriend , even more if you have to clean up after her.”


Irene pressed her nose on the back of Wendy’s neck. “You’re making me a cake. Washing the dishes compared to that was nothing. And you washed my plates after dinner.”


“I know you ask me to bake only to cheer me up.”


Irene raised her eyebrows.


Wendy continued. “You were watching me the whole time. Never once you look at the batter or anything I was making.”


“You’re just far more attractive and interesting than those.”


Wendy snorted at her words. “Do you even like carrot cake?”


Irene tightened her hold of her girlfriend. “I like everything that you make for me.” She rested her head against Wendy’s back, feeling the rise and fall as the younger breathed. Being near Wendy was always calming. And warm. “I love you,” Irene muttered against Wendy’s back. “Do you know that?”


She felt Wendy’s hand on top of her hold. “Of course,” Wendy murmured softly, her hand squeezing Irene’s arm. “And I love you. Sorry that I’m such a downer today.” Before Irene could refute, the younger continued. “It’s just work. The board have just decided over today’s meeting to completely change the direction of the new product. Now we have to scrap all those research done and restart from zero.”


Irene scoffed. “Devils.”


“I know, right?” Wendy sighed, leaning her head to Irene’s shoulder. “They don’t even care for our opinions on the matter, even if we’re the one who’s actually doing all the work. I might even have to go to Japan again to redo everything” she continued, with a dejected voice.


“If you do have to go back there, I can come and join you,” Irene suggested. “The PR team have set us a meeting with one of those social media influencers tomorrow. I can try and suggest Japan as one of the destinations of our shoot to Tiffany.”


Wendy raised her eyebrows, mouth forming a perfect circle. “You can do that?”


Irene laughed. “Well, if I can’t, then I’ll just take some days off and go with you.” She ruffled Wendy’s head with her free hand. “We can take a stroll around the park- they have beautiful ones there- and eat our convenience-store brought lunch under the trees. Then after your work, we can eat at one of the izakayas. You can have a glass of beer with your dinner. Or we can go to one of those jazz bars in Tokyo. What if you discover a new favourite artist there?”


Wendy hummed at those ideas. “You make going on a business trip there sounds less dreadful.”


Irene let go of her hold, taking Wendy’s hand into hers. “Come on. I’ll show you the places I went to when I did an article about Tokyo.”


She then showed Wendy the pictures she took during her visit there. Her girlfriend leaned on her shoulder, listening through all her anecdotes. She laughed when Irene told her funny stories and widened her eyes when she was told something fascinating. They stopped when the oven made a ring, letting them know the baking was done.


Wendy carefully placed the tray out of the oven. She then moved the cake to a wire rack to cool it down. “It’ll take about another half an hour,” she explained to Irene while mixing the cream cheese to make a frosting. The younger pouted in concentration towards the task in front of her.


Irene moved next to Wendy, the smell of the freshly baked cake hit her stronger. Along aside with the smell of Wendy. It was not the younger’s perfume though, it was something a faint scent the pillow was missing when Wendy went to Japan.


It was a hard night for Irene. And Wendy knew that she hated being left alone. That must’ve been why her girlfriend was so down about what happened today. Irene sighed, a part of herself was frustrated that she was so weak that all she did was adding more troubles to her girlfriend.


“What are you thinking about?”


Wendy’s voice brought her out of her thoughts. She smiled, hoping that it would ease the worry painted on the younger’s face. “Ways to convince Tiffany to do the shoot in Japan,” she murmured, leaning her head towards her girlfriend’s shoulder. “I’m sorry that you have to do all those work again.”


“You don’t have to be sorry,” Wendy leaned her head on top of Irene’s. “My bosses should be.” She paused for a moment before adding, “and I should, too, for ruining tonight by bringing work problems home.”


“You’re not ruining anything except for my diet program,” Irene said, taking a glance of the dessert in front of her. “That cake must be high in calories.”


Wendy chuckled, “Don’t worry. I’ll get fat with you.”


A big wave of relief washed over Irene after she heard her girlfriend’s light-hearted giggle. But there was still a part of her that had to make sure. “Do you feel better now?”


The younger hummed. “Much better.”


“I’m glad baking helped.”


“No, you did.” Wendy shifted so she could look into the older’s eyes. She raised a hand, slowly and gently to move a fringe of Irene’s hair behind the latter’s ear. “How can I thank you? Can I take you on a date? Tomorrow lunch? I’ll pick you up at your office.”


Irene hummed in agreement. “Your treat?”


Her question earned her a peck. “Of course. We will get anything you want.”


The two of them went back to the living room and browsed the internet to find a nice place for their date. After a deliberate discussion and a long list of possible choices of restaurants, they finally decided on a kiosk near Irene’s office that sold great tteokbokki. Which what Irene ate most of the time. Then again, a plate of delicious tteokbokki could never go wrong.


Wendy followed what she had said earlier and agreed to Irene’s choice. The only thing she said to that was “I should’ve known.” Not long after, they are back into the kitchen to finish the dessert.


“It looks just like the one on tv,” Irene said as her girlfriend had finished assembling the cake She looked at Wendy who was carefully cutting a piece of it, a wide grin plastered on her face. “You should just quit that job of yours and open a cake shop, Wan-ah.”


Wendy laughed at the suggestion. “You haven’t even tried it.”


The older hurry her way to the counters, taking a spoon to take a taste. “Amazing!” she exclaimed as soon as she took a bite, but with the cake inside make it sound like gibberish. But Wendy understood her. The younger girl grinned and nodded at her statement.


“Let me cut the cake and pack them for you to bring to your office tomorrow,” Wendy said, her right hand lifting the knife. Irene held her wrist to stop her, muffling something incorrigible as a protest. “I can always make you another one. Probably this could bribe Tiffany’s and your colleague’s hearts that she’ll allow you to join me in Tokyo.”


Irene pouted but let the younger’s wrist go and took another bite of her share. She watched as Wendy neatly pack the slices of cake into plastic containers. The younger smiled, in appreciation of the work she had just finished. “This should do,” Wendy murmured to herself, “I just need to take them out of the fridge tomorrow morning and-oh,” she paused, her entire focus was now on Irene’s face. “You got a little something-“


Wendy leaned in closer to her, her hand gently wiping the corner of . Her girlfriend’s face was very near to hers, the younger’s eyes on her lips. And that made Irene’s heart jumped a little. It was fascinating that even two years into their relationship, small gestures and close proximity with Wendy still made the thumps in her chest beat a little faster. She hoped that it stayed that way.


“…there, all done. Now you-“


All the words that the younger wanted to say were gone once Irene closed the gap between them. Clashing their lips, she took advantage of Wendy’s gaping mouth, slipping her tongue inside, one hand tugging Wendy’s shirt to press their bodies together. She could hear Wendy’s small groan as the younger’s back hit the counter. Their kiss was sloppy, messy, At first, Wendy tried to return the kiss, but it wasn’t long until she gave up and let the older took control. Irene was kissing Wendy like she was a hormonal teenager, but she didn’t care. It was hard to care, not when there was this irrational want, need to get impossibly close to Wendy. Like she needed to take a part of Wendy with her, just as Wendy had snatched a piece of herself with the younger. As if that would make the younger not want to leave.


Irene then pulled away, nuzzling her face to Wendy’s neck to hide the tears that started to well up in her eyes.” …what was that for?” Wendy asked after she was less out of breath. Irene could hear the younger’s smile from the question.


Irene took in a deep breath, hoping that her voice wouldn’t break.” For the cake,” she murmured,” It was compliments for the cake. To let you know how much I-”


How much I need you to stay. With me.


”- am thankful for it.”


Wendy hummed.” Well, that definitely worth more than one cake. That should get you two, or even three whole cakes.”


 “Then I should kiss you more often.”


She felt Wendy’s arm to wrap her in a tight hug. The younger chest was shaking a bit as she laughed. “You’re the best girlfriend ever. I’m so glad you’re stuck with me. Forever.”


If only she weren’t on the brink of tears, Irene would argue that Wendy was the best girlfriend ever and that Wendy was the one who was stuck with her. But the last bit? Irene loved the sound of it, so the forever stays.




Tiffany’s megawatt smile greeted her as she walked into the meeting room.


“I reached my office this morning and found a lovely surprise on my table,” she said, wide grin still plastered on her face. Irene took a seat next to her boss. “Please send Wendy my gratitude. Or never mind. I’ll call her myself after this meeting.”


Irene scoffed. “I am the one who brought and put that cake on your table.”


“And that’s all you do, isn’t it? Your girlfriend must be the one who baked, packed and made you give it to me,” Tiffany shot a smug smile towards her. “Wendy has always been the sweetest. You are so lucky. The woman I lived with only dozes off in random places and get constantly surprised by our automatic toilet.”


Irene laughed at that. She had to agree, though. Wendy was the sweetest, and she was the luckiest person in the world. She couldn’t wait for noon to come so she could go to her promised date with her girlfriend. If only this social media influencer could come already. Which reminded her.


“Have we decided on the location of the shooting?” she turned to Tiffany.


“No, not really. Just a few ideas, but nothing set yet. Why? Do you have any suggestion?”


“Well, I am thinking about Tokyo.” Irene tried to put her most neutral face.




“Yes. It is close by, and one of the most common travel destinations. I guess it’s a great place to visit for first-time young travellers. We can show a new side and hidden gems of the city too so that we also attract people who had travel there before.”


Tiffany hummed and nodded along to her explanation. “That has some good points. You should propose that idea at this meeting. I’ll back you up.”


Irene couldn’t help but smile at the approval. But she clearly underestimated Tiffany. “So, when is Wendy going to Tokyo?”


Her boss laughed at Irene’s gaping mouth. “You were so serious about it! The meeting hasn’t even started but you already got this I-must-not-fail look painted all over your face. It is definitely about Wendy.”


Irene groaned. “Do you only agree to back it up because of Wendy?”


“No. Wendy or not, it is a sound idea. But I am a little hurt now that I know that the cake is apparently only a bribe.”


The younger woman didn’t have any time to retort (or confirm) as the door of their meeting room was opened. Irene stood up to bow at the people who just entered. She shot a polite smile at a middle-aged man styled neatly in a suit, and then turned a woman beside him when Irene saw a familiar face.


Her smile instantly dropped, replaced by sudden dryness on . The surprise she wore mirrored what was on the other woman’s face. The face that appeared so many times lately in her dreams since her call with her mother.




“…Joohyun Unnie.”


How long had it been since Irene heard the Soojung called her that?


“You two know each other?” The surprised in Tiffany’s voice was apparent.


Soojung recovered from her shock first. “It’s been a while, unnie.”


Irene cleared . “Yes. It’s been a while.”


Tiffany definitely noticed the uneasiness of her subordinate. “It might not be necessary anymore, but this is Irene, the managing editor of our magazine and the best travel columnist there is in South Korea. And I’m Tiffany, the editor-in-chief and the person who talked on the phone with you last week. It’s nice to finally meet you, Krystal.”


Soojung grabbed Tiffany’s hand and shook it. Her composed smile was back on her lips. “The feelings mutual, Tiffany. I am so glad for this opportunity.”


They started their discussion, Tiffany explaining the concept and purpose of the monthly travel vlog, but Irene could barely hear anything. She took glances at Soojung who sat on her opposite side. There were times where she could see the same eighteen-year-old Soojung she met in her university days. But the way her ex-girlfriend spoke and acted all professional, Irene mostly saw someone else entirely in that seat.


Soojung seemed to get life together, finding something she liked to do and working hard for great opportunities for her career. Way better than when she was dating Joohyun.


Probably her mother was right.




What if it is better for Seungwan too to be without her?




She turned to Tiffany. “Do you have something to add?” Her boss might mask it, but it was clear that she was worried about Irene by the creases between her eyebrows.


“No. Nothing at all.” Irene replied, putting on the best smile she could.


“Right,” her boss continued, “Krystal? Anything to ask?” Krystal shook her head as her response. “Okay, I guess we are all done here. Can I expect an answer by the end of next week?”


“Of course. I’ll let you know as soon as I decide,” Krystal replied.


“Perfect,” Tiffany stood up, “perhaps we can get lunch together. We can discuss and talk more in a less formal setting.” 


That offer got Soojung to turn to Irene. “I’m so sorry but I can’t,” Irene said, “I already have other plans.”


Tiffany was about to say something, but all her demeanour changed once the older woman looked past the glass of the meeting room. “That’s alright. Krystal? Can you join me for lunch?”


“I would love to,” Krystal smiled, standing up from her chair.


Irene turned her head to check what Tiffany saw. It was her girlfriend, leaning against the wall outside in the hall with two cups of bubble tea in a plastic bag. Even with a glance, Irene could easily recognise that they were hers and Wendy’s favourite. Wendy was talking with Tiffany’s secretary, laughing at what the guy was telling her.


Tiffany and Krystal head to the door. “I’ll see you after lunch,” her boss whispered to her, shooting her a quick wink afterwards. She could hear Tiffany thanking Wendy for the cake as she reached the younger girl.


Irene walked out of the meeting room. She watched Wendy turned to look at her and gave the brightest smile. If Wendy had recognised Soojung, the younger didn’t let any indication showed. Instead, Wendy offered Irene her hand.


“Ready for our date?”



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And I'm sorry for being late, again. I hope you are all well. (2/2)


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Chapter 7: i still come back to this story once in a while when i need some fluff 💖💙 hope all is well with you author! 🫶
ShinHye24 1340 streak #2
Chapter 3: Coming back to this one!!
Chapter 7: i really loved this ending. hope we could get more chapters for this story. pls continue it, authornim.🙏🥰
Chapter 6: a bit angsty but what is a wenrene fic without it, right?🤪😂
Chapter 5: oh, wow! can't believe krystal is irene's ex. this is probably the first time i encountered irene x krystal in a fic. i am now intrigued with how the next chapter will go.
Chapter 4: joohyun's mum having a change of heart~ so glad to see that happen. can't wait 'til seungwan finally meets joohyun's mum.
Chapter 3: i want a seungwan in my life as well.😭🤍🤍
Chapter 2: i want a love like theirs.🥹💙💗
Chapter 1: why did i discover this fic just now?! it's so soft and fluff.☺️
Chapter 1: reading this again for needing something fluff