7 Rings (Dance with me?)

7 Rings (Dance with me?)
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"Yu Bomi?"

"Yoon Bomi, Professor Jae” Bomi corrected as she roll her eyes at her professor's mistake in calling her name. It may be a little disrespectful as it is her professor she’s talking to but Bomi have always hated it when people mispronounce her name.

“Sorry about that, Bomi. Here are your quiz results, I’m pretty sure I reminded you to take this seriously.” Professor Jae handed over the results to Bomi and the student didn’t bother looking at in knowing that she surely have failed it again. “Please Yoon Bomi, study hard for this. The real test would be next week, you still have plenty of days to focus on this one.”

Bomi didn’t say a word but the last phrase said by the professor was stuck in her head, “If you fail once again, maybe this isn’t the course for you.”


She walked out of the classroom, feeling the tears making an attempt to rush out and escape. But no, Bomi is a strong woman. She’s not gonna go around the campus crying over a test paper,

“Another F, I knew it.” She said after having the courage to look at the marks she got.

Her parents will definitely kill her once they knew about this, she’s been failing college for almost a year now. 2 semesters are nothing but failures. It’s her first year in college but to her it already feels like forever.

Expectations, that’s what her parents have of her. They’ve been wanting their 2nd child to do well in business college for the future they have drafted for her. And it’s for Bomi to take over their business once she gets a degree.


Yoon Bomi used to be a very cheerful kid back in the days when she enjoys what she’s doing. Dancing. That’s the only thing that she knew she do best and the only thing she loves to do. It is her dream to be a professional dancer, choreographer, need not to be famous, just anything that involves her passion. 

When she told her parents that she wanted to take a dancing major, they strongly disagree with it. Saying that it’s better off to be just a hobby and not something you do for a living.

“You’re not going to make money out of it.” her father’s exact words.

After those words, bright Bomi instantly disappeared. Now there’s nothing but a miserable Bomi. 

Bomi’s been thinking about how one thing changed her so much. It’s a must that she go to the same alma mater her father went to. Never again in her life that she felt free, it seems like her life is already planned out. Bomi’s being controlled by her parents like a puppet.


Being away from her friends didn’t help at all. It’s lonely to be alone. Bomi’s been a loner in this place, not that she’s hard to befriend with. In fact Bomi’s good at making friends, people loved to be friends with her. She’s a very comfortable person to be with. But the real reason that she’s not making any friends in her college is because she thinks that she’ll never get along with them. Business is not something she wanted in the first place in this case.

Meanwhile Bomi’s two best friends, the ones she closest to among her other friends, both managed to get into the courses they wanted. Eunji is now a music major while Namjoo is a dance major. 

She remember the days when Eunji would randomly hum a tone and the two would casually dance along with the rhythm. The good old days, days when Bomi’s the president of the dance club, days when Bomi’s still the captain of her soul.

“If only they allowed me to take what I wanted to pursue, I would’ve been with Eunji and Namjoo right now.” Bomi said to herself as she walk towards the school parking lot.


Bomi then engined her white Hyundai Elantra and started driving back home. The silence along the drive doesn’t help her at all. She can’t stop feeling stressed over her grades, over the reaction her parents will have after knowing about it.

“Why can’t Jeongjin be the one studying business instead? I’m a much better dancer than he is of a theatre actor.” Bomi talked to herself feeling the unfair treatment of her parents. They sure showed favouritism over this as her brother managed to get what he wanted, he managed to pick a path where he wanted to be in. Their parents even let him take extra theatre lessons. Unfair.

Bomi also have an older sister, Sunmi. Her sister is so much braver than she is. Sunmi managed to decline, rebel you can say, the non-stop pursuant of their parents one of them to study business. Now look at where she is, she’s now in the fashion industry. Working happily, working passionately.




Trying her best to study her lessons, one ring of her phone can easily take that focus away from her “Hello?” She picked up the phone call immediately without even looking the name of the person calling.

“Picking up on the first ring.. you must be really bored, Bomi.” Namjoo said on the other line.

“Ey~ You know I’m always bored, there’s literally nothing in what I do is fun.” Bomi said talking about her studies, on how ed up her situation is right now.

“Well you seriously need a breather! Let’s go dance tonight!”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, I had an F mark on my quizzes. I have to study tonight Namjoo. Don’t worry too much, I’m fine.” But Namjoo knows better, Bomi is not fine so she tried to invite her a little harder.

“Come on! F is not as bad as you think it is.”

“What do you mean it’s not bad?! It’s a failing mark, Namjoo!” Bomi laughed at Namjoo’s remarks. Her friend would always say crazy things without thinking normally when she wanted something so bad.

“Ahh. It’ll be always hard to meet your parents standard. But I promise after tonight you’ll feel lighter and studying would come easy.” Namjoo said and immediately ended the call without waiting for Bomi’s response as she knew that the girl is stubborn as .


From: Namjoo

I’ll meet you at this open bar near the Han River, the usual place. They have a freestyle dance battle going, we should join! See you in an hour.


“Namjoo is right, I need a breather so badly.” Bomi thought as she started changing to her sweatpants and her oversized shirt, her usual attire when she wanted to dance.




Bomi soon reached the place and it’s not hard to see where Namjoo is as she surely is standing out of all the people here. How can one not be seen when she’s wearing a neon pink attire.

“You came!” Namjoo welcomed her delightedly as Bomi tapped her from behind.

“Where’s Eunji?” She asked, it’s been a while since the three of them hangout together and Bomi was honestly hoping her other best friend would be here too.

“Nah. She took a rain check.”

“And you didn’t let me take one?!” Bomi said thinking about how hard Namjoo pushed her to come.

“Hey, I wanted to see you dance! You know Eunji’s not a dancer. Plus she needs to work hard for the scholarship she have.” Namjoo explained and Bomi understand it fully. Eunji is a scholar, she really need to do well in college. 


A little later people are starting to come and the host started making a circle of the crowd.

“It’s dance time.” Bomi said as she smiles, feeling all the excitement at the moment that the loud music started to play.

“This is Mia, you’re emcee for the night. The rules are simple, if you wanted to show off just go in the middle.” The mc said and the crowd cheered, it seems like everyone have something to give. “There’s no prize in this one so please respect other dancers.” The last reminder she said before a girl in black tank top jumps in the middle and started dancing to the rhythm of the song.

“What kind of genre you want to dance to?” Namjoo asked Bomi and the girl just smirked.

“I can dance to anything.” That’s Yoon Bomi, a confident woman in her own stage.



Chorong who’s casually walking at the Han River saw the commotion near the place. Curiosity and the loud music got her attention so she decided to go and see what exactly is happening.

Everyone is crowding in circle and just by that, Chorong already knew what’s up. “A dance battle.”

Chorong didn’t mean to make her way inside the circle as she already knew that it’s just a simple dance show off, but when the crowd cheered a little louder, there’s no way that she’ll go without seeing who this crowd favourite is.

“Isn’t she- Yoon Bomi?” Chorong was really surprised to see one of her classmates in this kind of place, and also the fact that the girl is dancing really good. 

Her moves are very distinct, very original, and the way that she can dance freely to whatever song they put up made Chorong admire this girl.

“I’m glad that I squirm my way in the crowd.” She thought as what she’s seeing right now is worth so much.

No one dared to come and dance after Bomi, she literally ended them all.

“I guess we have our winner right there!” the host said and before everyone leave and go back to what they’re doing, she announced, “To those who came and danced their hearts out tonight, there will be an open dance competition held next week! Exact time, exact place. I’m really looking forward to see you guys again!”



“So?” Namjoo started the conversation as they walk to Bomi’s car.

“You’re right I feel so much better. Thank you, Namjoo.” Bomi said remembering how she felt when she’s in the middle dancing to her heart’s content.

The base of the music beating along with her heart, the scream and cheer of the crowd, it all feels so great.

“I guess I’ll see you in that dance competition.” What Namjoo said surprised Bomi. She didn’t sign up for this. Bomi never intended to join a competition when she have so much on her hands right now.

“Yah, you told me we’d just get a breather and not another meal on my plate.”

“But don’t you think it’s time to show up again? To show to your parents about your true passion instead of fulfilling their dreams of you being a business woman?”

“What are you trying to say?” Bomi asked.

“Think about this, isn’t it better to just give up than to continue and keep trying with a half heart?” But instead of answering her, Namjoo just gave another one of her meaningful thoughts.

Bomi started thinking hard about it. Is it really a good thing? Is it really time to stand up for what she wanted like her older sister, Sunmi?




The following day, early in the morning, Bomi decided to stay in the library. To get a good kickass start in studying for the upcoming exams.

“She looks so stressed again.” Chorong said as she silently watch Bomi from afar. It’s so different from the Bomi she saw in that dance battle.

Chorong is just one of the other students that is a major in business the same with Bomi. She’s been following the girl for a while now and what she saw last night just fired up her curiosity over Bomi.

“She’s always alone yet why is it so hard to reached out to her?” Chorong thought as it is true, whenever she sees Bomi along the corridors, inside their classroom, or here in the library, the girl would always sit by herself. Ears occupied by her airpods, eyes occupied by the towering books they have in their class, and hands occupied by a laptop. Bomi simply just made a barrier for anyone who wanted to be her friend, making it hard for Chorong to approach her.

The first time Chorong met (or noticed), Bomi was when they’re in the same class of Professor Bon. The subject back then was Passion for Marketing yet all throughout the semester, Chorong never saw that passion in Bomi. Very far from the passion she released when she was dancing and that bothers Chorong a lot.

“Maybe she never wanted this course in the first place.” she thought thinking about how Bomi failed most of their classes together. Chorong also have the question of why Bomi is so eager in staying if she didn’t like it. And Chorong told herself that she’ll find a way to Bomi’s mind to answer her questions.


The longer she looks at Bomi, the more Chorong notice every simple thing about her. Bomi’s side profile is an art. The way she dress, wearing this long sleeve checkered polo covering a plain white shirt underneath it and paired up with her usual ripped jeans is so cool. And Chorong would lie if she says that she didn’t find the girl’s tied up hair attractive.

“Chorong?” Somebody tapped her shoulders making her jump from her seat.

“Oh it’s you. What’s up, Naeun-ah?” Trying her best not to look so suspicious she goes back to study her papers.

“Nothing new about me. But you.. how’s your secret crush on that girl doing?” Naeun , she totally saw Chorong looking (no staring) at Bomi. And the latter have no way to deny her actions.

“What do you mean by secret crush? I’m just looking.”

“And you want me to believe that? Come on, you’re drooling over..” Naeun pause trying to catch Chorong and she actually managed to do so.

“Bomi. She’s Yoon Bomi.”

“See? You even know her name. Look at you finally having someone you like!” 

Chorong can’t help but feel shy, she knows her face must be steaming red from Naeun’s teasing. “It’s just that we share the same, well some classes, that’s why I know her name.”

“Fine, I’ll leave you be. But I just wanted to say, I’ve never seen you this whipped over someone. Maybe you should go talk to her.” Naeun said before leaving for her said photoshoot. 

Naeun is one of Chorong’s friends, she didn’t bother attending college but instead pursue a career of being a model. Now she’s earning money and also one of the popular model here in Korea.

“Why do that kid still go to this place when she’s not even studying?” Chorong  will forever wonder over the mysterious actions of her friend.


“Oh she’s leaving.” Chorong panicked as she saw Bomi started fixing her things and ready to go. 

Rushing to clean up her own stuff, Chorong accidentally pushed her pencil case off the table, creating so much mess and noise.

“Shh!” The librarian scolded her right when Bomi is passing at her back. Maybe she really do have a crush on Bomi, she’s never the clumsy one but look at what the dancer just made her do.

“This is embarrassing.” She whispered.

“I’m sorry, it’s my fault I accidentally hit it with my bag.” Bomi said to the librarian. There’s really nothing to cover Chorong up as it’s a normal thing to happen but Bomi still did. “Here. Be careful next time. That librarian is a .”

Chorong surely have a crush on Bomi as she finds her tongue tied and never managed to say something to her. 

And she’s left there standing like a cemented statue.

“I guess I really don’t have the courage to talk to her.” Chorong thought as she goes back to arrange her books. “I should try harder.”




The first class is over and it's stressful for Bomi as always. Not just the subject itself but as well as expressing herself in public using words. She always have hated it when talking to a big crowd. As her own way of communication is by her dance, her moves, her choreography, and not some kind of reporting that they have to do in class.

“Oh god, I feel like giving up. How should I tell my dad that I really want to stop doing this?” She said to herself taking a deep and heavy breath.

Bomi never wanted to be a bad daughter, she always follow what her parents wants her to do. She even helps out in their business after class before. But all this now is taking her soul away, every second she spends in this college is killing her.

“Think about this, isn’t it better to just give up than to continue and keep trying with a half heart?” Namjoo’s words came to mind as she looks at her current situation.

“Damn, I might as well go crazy.” Bomi said as she walk lifelessly out of the classroom. 


Bomi still have an hour before her other class starts, it’s supposed to be her lunch break but she doesn’t feel like eating. She have no one to share a table with after all. 

One year of staying in this place yet she doesn’t have anyone to talk to, or even discuss anything with her classmates. She wanted to talk about dancing, they wanted to talk about business. Those were two totally different topics. 

So at the end of the day, her classmates always ended up talking to themselves. One of the many reasons why Bomi is not making any friends. Everyone is focused on studying. She just doesn’t fit in here.


Instead of going to the cafeteria, Bomi made her way to the backyard of the building which is quiet enough for her to escape the real world.


From: Eunji

You should listen to 7 Rings, it’s a good pick for the competition. By the way I’m sorry for not being there yesterday. We should hang out soon!


Bomi read the text and it draw her back to the idea of joining the competition. It seems like Namjoo already told Eunji about what happened yesterday. 

She then look around the place to see if there’s any students hanging around, “This is such a great spot.” 

No one is there to see what she’s about to do and that comforts her a bit knowing that the people here will probably just judge her for dancing and not studying or even eating during breaks. 

Bomi then laid down her stuff in the grounds, dig for the airpods in her pocket and immediately wear them left and right. 

Searched for the song and started listening to it. 7 Rings is indeed a good pick. It’s y which is not her forte like hip hop but she can always make a choreography out of any kind of music

Bomi then closed her eyes and started doing waves that matches the rhythm to the song, her dance moves are always on freestyle. Her hands are like a part of her body that moves exactly how she wanted it to. This feeling of being the master of yourself is something that Bomi have always wanted to do. 

There may be no mirrors in front of her but she can totally see herself dancing in her mind. The feeling of the wind embracing her with every steps she make is just calming and Bomi can’t ask for more than this.

Sweats are starting to form from her whole body and this is what she wanted, to be one with dancing, to escape the reality she never wanted to be in. 

As the song ended she felt so light again. 

“I still got it.” Bomi assured herself and smiled before putting it on repeat. “Maybe I should work on this song just in case Namjoo forced me to join.” And so she did come up with a choreography, memorised it.


Little did she know that there’s actually one person watching her.

“How can she keep this talent.” Chorong said as she watch Bomi from afar. She saw how y and sharp the moves are. She studies them and figured out that Bomi’s been playing the same song over and over again, making a choreography out of it.

Being so focused on Bomi’s dance, Chorong didn’t notice that the girl is already looking right at her. 

“Oh god.” Chorong said the moment she realised that Bomi’s already in front of her, dancing for her.

She knows it’s too late to hide but she still did, “Thank you, tree.” Chorong said her gratefulness to the perennial plant where she decided to run to.

“You’re the one in the library right? And you do know that I saw you run towards this tree. So you might as well show yourself.” Bomi said as she stand on the other side of the innocent tree.

“Hi.” Finally, Chorong’s talking to Bomi. But her awkward self is not helping her in any way possible to this situation.

“You’re watching me.” Bomi reminded Chorong of what she was doing and right now the latter just wanted to disappear and be one with the tree.

“I am. And I just wanted to say that your moves are great and awesome.” She complimented Bomi and the dancer surely appreciated the response she got. 

“You really think so?” Bomi didn’t know what else exactly she wanted to hear from Chorong but it seems like the girl have so much to say to her so she roasted her with more questions.

“You’re really good. I actually admire you a lot.” What Chorong said caught the two off guard, Bomi had her eyes wide, And Chorong.. she’s back hiding behind the tree. “HOW CAN SOMEONE CONFESS ON THEIR FIRST MEETING?!” Chorong scolded herself and wanted to just disappear instantly.

“Thanks.. I guess?” Bomi said. She didn’t want to force Chorong in talking to her, Bomi never intended to be friends with anyone after all.

So even after the confession she got. Bomi decided to pick her stuff and leave.

“Park Chorong.” Chorong shouted when she saw Bomi leaving the vacant lot. She have missed so many opportunities to introduce herself and she’s not wasting this one again.

“What?” Bomi stopped and looked back to where Chorong is standing at.

“My name is Park Chorong.”

“I know.” Bomi said and that surprises Chorong a lot, “We’re classmates for the next class. You wouldn’t want to be late for that.”

Chorong then rushed to Bomi’s side and walk together with the dancer. Bomi didn’t mind Chorong in joining her at all. She actually appreciates this a lot, at least now she’s not walking alone in these corridors.

When Bomi said that she know Chorong, she really do know the girl. Chorong always aces their classes making her the teacher’s favourite. It’s not hard to remember the name and the pretty face.

“Have you eaten? I believe I saw you walk towards the backyard when the class ended. So that means you haven’t eaten anything yet. I have another sandwich with me, you should have it. Say that this is for you saving my in the library earlier.” Chorong started babbling things and Bomi find it amusing.

“Thanks.” Bomi said as she received the sandwich and chuckled, it seems like not everyone here is a bad person.

“Is there anything funny to what I said?” Chorong asked as it is undeniably obvious that she said something weird to make Bomi smile like that. 

Bomi have been keeping a very cold face whenever Chorong sees her. And it’s new to her to see Bomi this happy.

“Yes there is actually.” Bomi said and stopped from walking. “If you saw me walk to the backyard that must also mean that you’ve been following me there.”

Bomi is not wrong, Chorong did follow her. The latter is just so curious about Bomi that she can’t seem to settle just by meeting the girl in class.

“I’m sorry.” Chorong apologised as she realised that she may have invaded Bomi’s privacy.

“It’s okay. Thank you for the compliments and the sandwich.” The last phrase Bomi said before she made her way to the back most side of the room where she decided to sit.




The college parking lot is always crowded, especially after class where everyone is looking for their car to go home or continue their activities outside the campus. 

Bomi being herself, she forgot where she parked her car and started walking in frustration. She wanted to go home badly but now her stupid forgetful mind is being a pain.

“Can’t find your car?” Bomi heard the only voice she’s familiar with in this place. Chorong.

“Chorong-ssi.” Bomi greeted her with such formality.

“Please drop the formalities. I wanted to be friends with you.” Chorong said. So forward.

“We can be friends.” Bomi said as she conti

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Hello, I'm back for bringing this special story and one shot. And I made a collaboration this time with my fellow awesome author pandanonymous. It's great to work with her.
I hope you enjoy our story this time. Please give us lots of support
Thank you


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Chapter 1: Great story! I loved how everyone (especially Naeun) kept teasing Chorong about her crush on Bomi. XD
Chobom dancing to 7 rings was epic and that performance really deserved it's own fic! So thank you for writing this. :D
Chapter 1: Awww sweet! Thanks for this great story!!
coolfriend #3
Chapter 1: This is a really good fic?Luv it.
coolfriend #4
Chapter 1: This is a really good fic?Luv it.
coolfriend #5
Chapter 1: This is a really good fic?Luv it.
Chapter 1: Letgerrriiit fluff hahahahah~~~ I don't know what to say I forget everything after I read the last part. All I know is that my heart is well fed with fluff. (In real life Chobom and in fanfics Chobom) so it's a win for me hahahaha.

Is this some kind of 7 rings post effect? Hahaha it's funny that we both used 7 rings rings but in a totally different way. :P it's really fluffy to see a whipped Rong in fics. "not a stalker." really. I'm laughing endlessly with that line. Plus the teasing from Naeun hahaha. The plot is set up beautifully on how it will end in a beautiful dance number. Really love it. It's like a movie, with those fluffy moments in the library and during practice. The slow dance... made me teary eyed. Thank you for this reminder that Chobom is fluffy.

And ofcourse, it's a wonderful collab. I love seeing my family like this... It reminds me of how grateful I am that I decided to try to interact with you guysss. Thank you, thank you lets be like this in the future too with Chobom... <3
Chapter 1: MY MIND IS SCREAMING RIGHT NOW OH MYGOD YOU GUYSSS. Pabbochomi x Pandanonymous collab, what magic have we here!! It came out of nowhere as the collab of the year- Two brilliant minds for one awesome story. This is THE dancer au, like fck I have SO many things to say and herein begins by yabbering. oh my lord-

I snorted every time someone’s name was mentioned skskks so cute and wholesome, I hope I got them all! Jae, Mia, Bon, Tee.. “*tea” lmao I recognised 4, did I miss any?? Yes I know these names hahaha

I have too much to say and not enough memory space to comment on everything oh ma gah. Like, Bomi’s experience hating her course really squeezes my heart because I understand that, but the fact that everyone around her -Eunji, Namjoo, Sunmi, Jeongjin- are all doing what they want to do (and they’re all creative arts-related) gives it a mixture of being better and worse! Anyway, her friends knowing her true passion is really the best ever support and I love it. All the side characters are so funny, Namjoo pushing Bomi to get out there, Eunji’s driving lmao, Hayoung and Naeun teasing Chorong forever is the absolute best and I’M LIVING FOR IT. Like seriously, I love Hayoung so much here HAHA. And all the teasing about chobom filled me up in so much fluff, besides chobom being fluffy themselves of course! Ahh!!

Chobom’s first interactions afasdsasd Chorong following her arounddd, I was just waiting for that moment when Bomi would notice a certain someone watching her dance, but then she freaking danced towards her- I can’t, my heart, ah. And Chorong hiding behind the tree and again wanting to hide behind perennial plants skskssk

When it revealed Chorong had some backstory in dance OH SHI- Their reactions were the funniest ahahaha, and I was amazed too, just so much fluff! But the way you describe their dance movements and things, it really shows how they have some amazing chemistry. OH and I CAN’T forget to mention that studying and dance practice montage. Especially, that adorable post-it note on the forehead and them slow-dancing in the LIBRARYYYYY WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME. My heart is flooded with glee, that is the softest thing I’ve ever read. Did I just read that? Yes I just did. Oh my god. That happened. That just screams in romance and feels I-I-I-I-I.. AM SPEECHLESS

7 rings ugughugug just putting that dance performance in is enough to make me melt to the floor but abadfsafjeezus Bomi’s family was there, that’s like the happiest thing. And gawd Bomi’s baggy shirt covering up those abs- CHORONG WAS SO CUTE. But wait, first, the way she mistook Bomi’s “stop right there” and then ayyyyy~ but then in the dark after the stageeee AFJDKSLA;FEWAFEWA TOO.. HOT…. AHHHHHH I’m gonna cry with how good this is and how happy I am to read it. And also Chorong was updating the chobom luvstagram while I had been reading this and that always makes the feels skyrocket hehe. Pabbochomi-nim, Pandanonymous-nim, you two have smushed my heart real good. Thank you so much for writing this, I see you really put your heart and soul into it haha, and the result is staggering! You deserve all my love in this comment. I’m gonna go retire now- jks ^^

Anna ou- I just noticed, it’s been changed to M and TW? Trigger warning because I’d have a heart attack? Because if that’s the case, then YES I guess I would’ve needed it. Hahahaha~
Awaiting for an awesome story!