
Between Us : The Month of September
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Soyeon continues editing the song that haunted her mind throughout (G)i-dle debut promotions in Japan for the finale of Queendom


After dropping position to the bottom in two episodes, Soyeon swore to herself she’ll work hard creating a masterpiece to rise them back up to the top 3 again


Miyeon, Soojin, Minnie, Yuqi and Shuhua prodded permission to get a sneak peek, but got denied because the song still hasn’t reach it’s perfect mixing yet


They question the time and day they’re allowed to and Soyeon mention the finale behind the scenes filming, “I want them to capture the honesty on your faces”, she smiles


The temptation of wanting to know before the decided time gets pushed by their curious side of nature. They effortly try to persuade Bick Sancho, who is known by Yummy Tone, one of Cube’s music producer, behind Soyeon’s back to get a quick listen with what he participated so far producing the song with her


Variety attempts they offer falls flat on the floor. Even the offer to treat Bick Sancho’s favorite meal for a month wasn’t enough to defeat the oath he has taken for Soyeon


“It’s going to knock your socks off—”, the only spoiler he’s willing to give, “The song is one of Soyeon’s golden masterpiece i’ve heard so far”


+ + + +


Like it’s been said and promised, the girls patiently awaits for Soyeon to join them in one of Cube’s meeting room to start the bts filming


Soyeon is running late because she had to check if she uploaded the correct sample on her phone for them to listen to


While the girls wait for her arrival, Miyeon came across a random idea of wanting to pull a prank on Soyeon, “Let’s pretend we don’t have that much interest later on”, she suggested and the girls agreed to it, asking the mnet staff to participate in the play also by not saying a word about it


Seeing Soyeon tiny figure coming closer towards their way, Shuhua echoes, “There she is”, as a code to stop the discussion and act back to normal


Soyeon takes a deep breath entering the room unable to predict the girls reaction when they’re done listening to the song she entitles, Lion. Her only hope they’ll enjoy it as much as she did when creating it


+ + + +


Miyeon, Soojin, Minnie, Yuqi and Shuhua’s eyes can’t help themselves glancing over to each other while tuning into Lion. They’re trying hard to not show any visible fascination for it before the song reaches the end of it’s duration


Yuqi puts on a poker face as soon as the lyric, no one could tame me in not even love, hits and the music stops leading the role play saying it sounds, “Nice”


Soyeon didn’t expect much but kind of expects more than a one word of expression, “That’s it?”, her eyes scans over to the others waiting for their turn of opinion and reaction


The girls sits in silence with a thin smile deciding when to synchronize hopping out of their seats to celebrate their socks getting knocked off by Lion, just like Bick Sancho said it would


“WOW!”, they finally did cheering and continuously chanted, “JEON SOYEON! JEON SOYEON!”, forgetting the condition of the other ear drums that’s in the meeting room with them


The camera zooms in at Soyeon’s bright smile of relieved and satisfied with the girls energy approving Lion, “I’m glad you all like it—”, she said and make a sudden confession turning the room back to silence, “and I just want to say thank you. Without you guys, I wouldn’t have been so confident. You guys already know this. I’m not a very confident person. But you guys always compliment me and my work”


Miyeon and Minnie’s auto hugs Soyeon being moved by her touchy words


“But you’re good at what you do”, Soojin having no doubt saying it


Yuqi who is known to be a quite sensitive person cried, “Stopppp”, didn’t want the light tears floating up her eyes to drop


From the bottom of her heart, Soyeon genuinely thanks the girls, “I’m really grateful. For everything”, cherishing every blood sweat and tears they went through together so far


+ + + +


Yuqi POV’s


The deadline to hand over the final editing of Lion to the Mnet team is only a couple days away


Mnet will release the songs from each group and solo contestant as one of the voting systems. The total of downloads and streams will be counted and added in the results to announce the winner of Queendom


So yeah


Soyeon unnie been quite investing her time in her studio and wondering around the building to check everything related for the performance while there’s still time to fix anything that’s lacking


Me and the girls divide task to ease unnie’s burden off her back, organizing and helping with the concept we have discussed and agree to do


But at the end of the day, it remains unnie that’s loses the most sleep


Because one


Unnie is a leader


The subconscious of a leader usually refuses to rest if the screws isn’t at the right places to drill yet




The song Lion is like unnie’s own baby and like any mother out, they know their babies best. Meaning she understands the depth of the lyrics that’s being visualize in the powerpoint essay we all contributed our minds and idea into more than us or the team that will be assisting us


And when people gets their hand full of work, they tend to forget the time also


Not wanting unnie to get sick and more petite, me and the girls is the stint on telling her to rest and eat when it’s time


We prefer to come by to her studio to do so because text messages and miss calls aren’t effective. Her screen phone seems to be less attractive and unimportant to pay attention comparing to the gadget and computer screen in front of her


Unnie is in luck because it’ll be my turn to bug her today


I already reach the corridors where most the studio rooms is at


I hear no indistinct sound of music as I continue my steps to Soyeon unnie’s door


I speculate unnie might have on her headset like she often does, but even though i’m confident about kt, I still knock first before making my way inside


And I was right


My gentle tapping on unnie’s back caught her off guard a little, she kind of gibber one to two curse words


Woogie, I hear unnie sigh in relief seeing my presence showing up instead of a ghost


I playfully joke then apologize for emerging in her studio all of a sudden disturbing her concentration. I told her my purpose coming is to remind her it’s dinner time and I insist she joins me, “Pizza?”, I asked


+ + + +


As an apology for prohibiting any rejection to occur and bribing with the word pizza, a food Soyeon loves to order and eat nowadays, Yuqi gives full authority to Soyeon calling the shots in choosing the place they’ll dine in at


It took a while for Soyeon to decide because there wasn’t much to choose from


One of the best slices of pizza she have tasted so far in the neighborhood isn’t even a pizzeria, it a café 5 minutes away by walk from where they’re at now and it’s listed in her favorite place to chill list


The same waiter that catered to Soyeon on her last visit greets the two upon their arrival, “Welcome. Table for two?”


Soyeon nodded, “Yes please” and requested for her usual spot if it’s available


“Yes, mam”, the waiter smiles showing them the way to the table Soyeon mentioned about. The table Soyeon prefers sitting in the most every time she visits there, located behind a medium size artificial tree decoration, able to block people’s view to see who is currently occupying the space


Yuqi and Soyeon sitted down, “Thank you”, accepting the menu book from the waiter


The waiter takes out his note and pencil, ready to write down both of their orders, “What will it be?”


Soyeon is in a mood for margherita pizza without any greens or veggies on the sides and a glass of sprite, “Ice”, she answered when the waiter asked with or without it


Yuqi, who is told to watch what she eats by Cube, orders chicken salad with no dressing and watermelon juice, “Cold, but no ice. If that’s possible”, she chortles


“One slice. They won’t notice and I won’t tell”, Soyeon insisted as the waiter left their table to process the orders


“Just one”, Yuqi yields before the fight, explaining the reality show she’s going to be filming on the 26th in China will have extreme games that advises her to be in a good condition


Soyeon browses some clips of Chase Me on Youtube and is concerned knowing Yuqi signed for two episodes of it. Yuqi convinces her as long as there's no health complications, she’s going to be fine


“Your health better be in perfect condition”, said Soyeon firmly


Yuqi reassures Soyeon she has taken a health test like the other cast as a requirement before agreeing to go and signing the contract, “I’ve checked everything. all my results are healthy and normal”


“Including you know who?”, Soyeon referring to Lucas


“Including you know who”, replied Yuqi and mentions about how Lucas even showed her some of his test results


+ + + +


Lucas POV’s


I got contacted by my dad one day asking if i’m able to come home to Hong kong on the 21st for my grandfather’s birthday. 

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Chapter 21 :) enjoy


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JiLin1998 #1
Chapter 1: He gives her a peck on her forehead? He should do that to me....and Maybe Kiss
K_shyun #2
Chapter 13: im having goosebumps rn I am so inloved with them both huehuee
scy_sry #3
Chapter 20: I know it’s the same update but i read both here and on wattpad
queeniesky #4
Chapter 19: Thanks heap for this quick update
queeniesky #5
Chapter 18: thanks for the update, love this story
queeniesky #6
Chapter 18: thanks for the update, love this story
angrypig #7
Chapter 18: omg yeseo is really ticked bomb...
lisaowusu98 #8
Chapter 17: I swear they are too cute!!
Ccxtieluum #9
Chapter 17: also maybe include something spicy hheehe
Ccxtieluum #10
Chapter 17: can you make more fanfics when you finish i love your writing style