S1 | The Underground.

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Mina POV


"Holly Mother of Hell," Sana said beside me. "Is this what I think it is?"

"If you think this is the entry to the Underground then yes, it is," I said.

The Underground was a city built centuries ago for people to sell and buy secretly from their King who had banned all merkets. Over the years, it became the city where criminals lived and where the black market evolved into something bigger.

We walked to the portal where two bodyguards were located. Both of them were almost seven feet tall and five feet wide. Once of them I recognised since he was always here. Right now, he was checking some guy who wanted to enter in the Underground. The other bodyguard was probably in training because he was watching the line.

"Hey, Zoren," I said as we got closer to them. The big man looked down at us once he was finished verifying the guy. His dark eyes shined from the light over our heads.

"Witch?" He asked in his deep voice, "Well, it has been a long time." 

"Indeed, how are you?"

"I'm doing fine," He said, "Are you coming to see your sister fight?"

"I am." I said.

"Who is this beside you?"

"This is my friend. She is with me today," I answered. He nodded and did his usual checkup. He put his hands over my head and slowly brought them down my body but never once touching. His ability was to see through glamour, magic and lies. Zoren was a very good bodyguard because he could tell if people were bringing trouble his way. He proceeded with Sana who was fidgeting nervously beside me. I took her hand in mine and Zoren was done with the checkup.

"Oh, I almost forgot, Chaeyoung's here and she will be looking for you. And don't try to hide from her this time. She already knows you're here," He smiled at me before turning back to the next clients.

"." I swore.

"Chaeyoung? The Chaeyoung?" Sana said in shock.

"You know her?" I asked.

"Of course I know her. She is one of the most respected woman in the world. The one who control most of the black market and is the head of the Phenix mafia."

"Yup, that's her," I said innocently.

"I can't believe this. This is too much. First were going to the Underground city where murderers live and then you tell me we are going to see a powerful head of mafia," She started panicking.

"Relax, Sana, stop." I grabbed her hands and held her still. "Everything is going to be fine. Nobody is going to us tonight, if you want I can send you back home." She took a deep breath and held it before slowly exhaling.

"Let's do this," Together we went through the portal.

"Anytime you want to go back, you tell me, is that okay?" I said and she nodded.

"By the way, why did he call you Witch?"

"Here, you never tell your real name. My sister is known as the Blood Kid and I am known as Witch, her sister."

"Noted." She said.



There were different parts of the cities. Some neighborhoods were cleaner than others, and some were more dangerous. There was even newer buildings and some still had the old architecture of medieval times. It all depended on the hierarchy of this city. The part of the city we were in was a more common area. There were different creatures walking down the streets. There were bars, restaurants and clothes stores.

This place was more civilised than others because it did not have the major trafficking intersections. Deeper into the city was where the human/creature, weapons and magic were based. This reminded me of the first time Tzuyu and I came here;

"Are you sure this is it," My sister asked me.

"No, I'm not," I said. "But we have to do this."

Together we made our way to the giant men. According to my findings, this was the entrance of the Underground. As we came closer, one of the men stopped us.

"State your business," He said.

"We want to join a fight club. One where killing is allowed," I told him nervously.

"Go home kids, this is not a place for you."

"Please, we need to join," I said desperately.

"Let the kids in Zoren, it's none of our concern why they've come here." A man said.

"But they are only children," Zoren said.

"I said, let them in." Zoren bowed his head and told us to follow him.

"The least I could do is to show you where it is," Zoren said, "How old are you?"

"14, sir." I answered. He scoffed and started mumbling under his breath.

My sister and I followed him and were astonished by what we saw. This city was everything they said it was and more. I was too busy looking around the buildings and the streets that I did not noticed we arrived. We stopped in front a building but what captured my eye was the sign on top of the door, it read; 'Golden Fist'.

"State your business, Zoren," The man in front said.

"These girls wish to fight," Zoren told him. The man started to laugh loudly.

"That's a good one Zoren. What does your wife say about you and young children?" He said. "But I must say that you have good taste. Can I have them when you're done?" He reached a hand out and brushed my hair out of my face. By then I was really scared, my face was white and I was shaking like a leaf. "I'll be gentle."

"Don't touch her," My sister growled beside me pulling me behind her.

"What are you going to do, kid? Huh?" He smirked and grabbed my sister forcefully by the arm. "How about I start with you?"

Zoren stepped forward to stop the man but I held his arm and shook my head. This giant man had been very nice so far and my sister had to prove that she was admissible to fight. Tzuyu grasped the man's forearm and with a rapid movement snapped it upward. We heard the crack and we saw the bone coming out of his elbow. The man screamed in pain as he fell to his knees.

"You ," He spat and lunged himself at my sister but he never made it. Zoren caught the guy by the waist and held him tight as he struggled to get out.

"Enough," A voice boomed. "Let him go, Zoren," A woman said as she came into view. She snapped her fingers and three men dragged the screaming guy inside the building.

"Sorry about that, children. He will be good entertainment for the guest tonight. I am sorry but I was curious about the commotion outside my bar that I had to come and see. And let me tell you I was very impressed in this fabulous encounter," She said to us. "Why don't you both come in and explain to me why you are on my doorstep." She motioned us go inside.

"You may call me Chaeyoung."




We stopped in front of a brick building, where tables were set out and people were drinking. Over the wooden door was a metal fist with an arrow and was written, 'Golden Fist'.

"This is one of the best fighting bars in the world. Only the most skilled and ruthless fighters can fight here. Or whoever that pays a fortune," I said. I showed my ID to the bouncer in front of the door and went in. We made our way to the bar and ordered us some drinks.

"This is totally illegal," Sana mumbled.

"Not really," She looked at me like I grew a second head on my shoulders, "Technically it's an illegal fight club, but because of its rates the government turns his eyes away from here. When the outside world becomes too easy or boring for murderers and what not, they come here. This place provides entertainment, drinks and fights, so what is not to like?"

"Tzuyu fights here? With those people?" Sana asked in disbelief.

"She does. She learned to fight here. She had a few trainers over the years but fighting for your life is the easiest way to get better."

"Well, well, well, isn't it my favorite customer." A voice spoke behind me. I cursed under my breath before facing the short girl.

"Chaeyoung," I said dryly.

"Now, now, what have I ever done to earn such a curt response?" She asked with a smile on her face. Chaeyoung was a charmer. Her small body curves was perfect and she was not ashamed to show it. She was wearing a black blouse shirt with black pants. You could see on her neck the beginning of a tattoo that went further down her body. That tattoo was a symbol of her power. Her followers had the same, but in smaller versions. 

Chaeyoung's tattoo covered her entire right arm and the right half of her body, down to the waist. In the Underground, this woman held a great amount of power and was feared and loved by many people.

"It has been a long time since you last came to see your sister play, little Witch. I was beginning to think that you had given up on her and you would renounce her as yours,"

"You know I wouldn't do such a thing, Chaeyoung," I told her. Showing her dimples, she smiled at me again before turning her attention to Sana who was standing beside me, trying to look small.

"And who is this?"

"She is my plus one tonight,"

"I see. Has your sister finally lost it and you had to ask for help to control her?" She asked curiously but

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Cake_By_The_Ocean45 #1
This will forever be one of the best stories I’ve read. Excellent author!
Starienayls #2
Chapter 53: Oh my, great story as always
Starienayls #3
Chapter 37: what.
"Too bad we would lose it all" EXCUSE ME???!!?
Starienayls #4
Chapter 14: Poor Tzuyu.. );
Starienayls #5
Chapter 8: Did Sana just holding her by the neck midair??? What 💀
Starienayls #6
Chapter 7: Their dynamic is so interesting. Ngl I’m glad Mina threatened Jeongyeon there. I would understand if it’s Nayeon who act like that, yes i know that Nayeon is her mate but she has no right to treat Tzuyu who is basically also Nayeon’s sister like that.
Chapter 69: Just reread this after so long, and now I'm greedy for a season 3...
Chapter 69: This is a ing masterpiece. It surely deserve season 3.
NotsosweetEvey #9
I love this story so much! I hope one day the author does a season 3 because so many lose ends were left here.
Chapter 10: Im so sorry but I just can't help laughing every time JYP showed up XD